- - - -
Marcus Clark: "Good morning. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Hi. Nice weather, huh? tuttigym."
Marcus Clark: "Indeed. But a Professional Casino Security Expert™ has more important things to worry about than the weather. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Like what? tuttigym"
Marcus Clark: "It would take too long to explain. Google it. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "What's a Google? How do I do that? tuttigym."
Quote: MichaelBluejayLive, in-person conversation between Marcus Clark and tuttigym:
- - - -
Marcus Clark: "Good morning. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Hi. Nice weather, huh? tuttigym."
Marcus Clark: "Indeed. But a Professional Casino Security Expert™ has more important things to worry about than the weather. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Like what? tuttigym"
Marcus Clark: "It would take too long to explain. Google it. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "What's a Google? How do I do that? tuttigym."
Funny enough, Michael. But this could be considered as misquoting or even an attack on tuttigym.
No Penalty from me. Just sayin'
Quote: MichaelBluejayImagined live, in-person conversation between Marcus Clark and tuttigym:
- - - -
Marcus Clark: "Good morning. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Hi. Nice weather, huh? tuttigym."
Marcus Clark: "Indeed. But a Professional Casino Security Expert™ has more important things to worry about than the weather. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "Like what? tuttigym"
Marcus Clark: "It would take too long to explain. Google it. Marcus Clark."
tuttigym: "What's a Google? How do I do that? tuttigym."
For the record, I never said anything that was quoted.
Anyone who claims that they are inaccurate or may be "easily" manipulated doesn't play much tables games.
Casino WIN statements or records are in fact quite accurate and, to stave off another ridiculous conspiracy theory: casino hosts have no access to them other than to view them, and casino hosts have no way to alter the records.
Get a player card, play table games at some casinos, and you'll realize that those records are VERY accurate for many reasons. One, is that no casino in Vegas will issue a winning check (will give cash only) for anything other than a verified win. So, if some guy wins and requests a check there will be quite an uproar if the pit bosses failed to record the exact win, because absent a verified win - no check. At the same time, if a player bought in for cash and did not win anything, and the pit bosses inaccurately recorded a win, the player could in that situation get a check against unplayed chips and potentially put the casino on the hook for money laundering.
In fact, try to cash any significant number or denomination of chips absent the table having recorded a win. You must explain where all those chips came from at the cage. No win recorded, and you are not going to have much success cashing out your big win chips.
Secondly, when a player loses enough and has a loss rebate or airfare reimbursement in place, he is either given a concession (discount) against credit line markers owed, or straight out handed cash or casino check against the loss as a rebate. Again, for this reason that MONEY is it stake for the casinos the win/loss must be recorded very accurately. The casinos have absolutely no incentive to record a loss when there was none, just partly because they may be on the hook for potentially more comps against the loss, as well as loss rebates.
Here's another situation where a player's recorded loss comes into play: a player who has a credit line and has blown it may obtain a TTO - a temporary for that trip only credit line increase. But to get that increase, the player must have been documented to have lost his entire line. The casinos don't want to increase credit until someone needs it by losing, and have regulations against increasing credit lines permanently while a player is on property, so again - the accurate recording of the action - the win or loss - at the tables by the pit bosses becomes relevant in an important way to a casino operation.
The other day when I was playing the pit boss knew EXACTLY what I had in front of me, not even by counting my massive stack of yellow chips, but by simply looking in the tray and calculating what I must have based on what the pit boss knew should be in the tray. The pit bosses and dealers are being watched so closely that at a recent session surveillance phoned down and asked that the dealer stop turning the Baccarat deck towards me at an angle when I was allowed to cut, because surveillance was worried that I might be able to see some of the cards. Given that degree of scrutiny no pit boss or anyone else in the casino business is going to do anything other than record the action at the tables as accurately as possible. And at some casinos, such as Resorts World Vegas, the action is recorded / tracked automatically and electronically through RFID embedded chips.
Come on, I was making fun of *both* of them.Quote: OnceDearFunny enough, Michael. But this could be considered as misquoting or even an attack on tuttigym.
No Penalty from me. Just sayin'
I wouldn't argue with a penalty. It was worth it.
Duh.Quote: Marcusclark66, Professional Casino Security ExpertFor the record, I never said anything that was quoted.
Quote: MDawgThere is a little talk about casino WIN LOSS statements. Whether the IRS accepts them or not simply has to do with that they are not attested to under penalty of perjury the same as W2-Gs, it does not mean that WIN LOSS statements are inaccurate.
The links provided by the OP directly contradict his assertion below...
Quote: redietzI can tell you that casino win/loss statements are NOT considered evidence
of much of anything by either the IRS or U.S. tax courts.
The IRS and Tax Courts seem willing to accept the accuracy of the W/L statements.
According to the information in the linked articles, it's clear that they are considered
to be reliable evidence.
Hardwick v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Judge Wherry relied upon casino win/loss statements to
impeach the credibility of the taxpayers’ other evidence.
Instead of using the casino win/loss statement as a shield for the taxpayers,
the IRS and the Court used it as a sword against the taxpayers.
Merkin v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Judge Goldberg then went on to use the information contained
in the casino win/loss statements against the taxpayer.
Short session; just two shoes, max bet 3000.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgThere is a little talk about casino WIN LOSS statements. Whether the IRS accepts them or not simply has to do with that they are not attested to under penalty of perjury the same as W2-Gs, it does not mean that WIN LOSS statements are inaccurate.
Anyone who claims that they are inaccurate or may be "easily" manipulated doesn't play much tables games.
Casino WIN statements or records are in fact quite accurate and, to stave off another ridiculous conspiracy theory: casino hosts have no access to them other than to view them, and casino hosts have no way to alter the records.
Get a player card, play table games at some casinos, and you'll realize that those records are VERY accurate for many reasons. One, is that no casino in Vegas will issue a winning check (will give cash only) for anything other than a verified win. So, if some guy wins and requests a check there will be quite an uproar if the pit bosses failed to record the exact win, because absent a verified win - no check. At the same time, if a player bought in for cash and did not win anything, and the pit bosses inaccurately recorded a win, the player could in that situation get a check against unplayed chips and potentially put the casino on the hook for money laundering.
In fact, try to cash any significant number or denomination of chips absent the table having recorded a win. You must explain where all those chips came from at the cage. No win recorded, and you are not going to have much success cashing out your big win chips.
Secondly, when a player loses enough and has a loss rebate or airfare reimbursement in place, he is either given a concession (discount) against credit line markers owed, or straight out handed cash or casino check against the loss as a rebate. Again, for this reason that MONEY is it stake for the casinos the win/loss must be recorded very accurately. The casinos have absolutely no incentive to record a loss when there was none, just partly because they may be on the hook for potentially more comps against the loss, as well as loss rebates.
Here's another situation where a player's recorded loss comes into play: a player who has a credit line and has blown it may obtain a TTO - a temporary for that trip only credit line increase. But to get that increase, the player must have been documented to have lost his entire line. The casinos don't want to increase credit until someone needs it by losing, and have regulations against increasing credit lines permanently while a player is on property, so again - the accurate recording of the action - the win or loss - at the tables by the pit bosses becomes relevant in an important way to a casino operation.
The other day when I was playing the pit boss knew EXACTLY what I had in front of me, not even by counting my massive stack of yellow chips, but by simply looking in the tray and calculating what I must have based on what the pit boss knew should be in the tray. The pit bosses and dealers are being watched so closely that at a recent session surveillance phoned down and asked that the dealer stop turning the Baccarat deck towards me at an angle when I was allowed to cut, because surveillance was worried that I might be able to see some of the cards. Given that degree of scrutiny no pit boss or anyone else in the casino business is going to do anything other than record the action at the tables as accurately as possible. And at some casinos, such as Resorts World Vegas, the action is recorded / tracked automatically and electronically through RFID embedded chips.
You are pretty much spot on, on all aspects.
W/L records are accepted and adding receipts for expenses adds huge credence and advantage to the person at tax or audit time, losses and wins can be supplemented with additional proof. At least from my understanding and casino (experienced patron) talk.
The other day our camera operator saw 2 black chips fall onto the floor from a bac player standing and back wagering. We called a floor security officer who walked over, picked up the chips and gave them back to the patron. The level of observation is let's say, pretty darn close.
I will see we are constantly called by the cage for questions regarding unrated players cashing chips.
Quote: MDawgAnyone who claims that WIN LOSS statements are inaccurate or may be "easily" manipulated doesn't play much table games.
That's pretty much what it comes down to.
Just one shoe - highest bet, 2500. Won over ten K. It was funny because every time I placed a side bet for the dealer, we won. I mean every time, without fail. The only hands I lost were ones with no side bet. Not saying that I lost every hand with no side tip - I won a lot of those too, but I won every single bet where I placed money for the dealer.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: WizardI did not want to post this before the challenge, but here is how I would have played it.
- Make 56 $200 bets on the Banker and one $205 bet on the Player. The one $205 on Player to comply with the rule against flat betting and not always betting the same way.
- If I'm up after step 1, quit.
- If I'm not up after step 1, go into a Martingale until I'm up or lose the full $8,000.
I estimate my probability of success at 98%.
Typical AP move.

Quote: MDawgAgreed.
That's pretty much what it comes down to.
Win loss statements are so easily manipulated that it doesn’t even take half a brain to be able to do it if you choose.
Quote: Marcusclark66But why did those members change their opinion of you? Really. Seriously.
The thing is, every one will never like every one.
Honestly, some people dont believe MDawg and never will.
Some people believe him, but dont like the way he goes about it, and wonder why a guy like him needs to brag on a forum.
Some people here like you. Some don't. Same goes for me.
Read the threads. Everyone here has fans and people who call them out at every chance they get.
If you want to make everyone believe or like you, youll fail. Thats the lowest -EV game there is!
I will attest this. Ive talked to MDawg a couple times threw DM since we called the truce with each other, and hes not as bad as some people make it seem. Some stuff he says, I agree with and Im sure hed say the same about me.
I doubt we'll ever go out to dinner or drinks. He'll stay in suites, Ill stay Downtown. He'll take vitamins, Ill smoke cigarettes. Yet, we will coexist on this forum and this planet.
Its what good humans do!
I played 2 1/2 shoes. The half shoe was the second one and I had to stop playing it because the cards jammed and they couldn't reset the shoe. I actually had to just pull my bet with four cards out on a mandatory two card draw, and wait for the next shoe.
I got several runs and ended up nicely ahead.
After I was done I asked what my average bet was - pit boss said, more than once, that was putting down a little more for my average bet because "you take care of my dealers." Also mentioned something about 8 out of 9, or some such, I actually wasn't sure what was talking about - assumed that meant that put me down for having played 8 out of 9 hands average, again, repeated that this was based on "because you take care of my dealers"- assume this was something about what percentage of hands I play in the shoe?
I always understood it that where someone like me, who doesn't free hand the shoe to death, plays most every hand they just give full time credit, but perhaps some pit bosses are watching more closely than that, and deduct from time played for every free hand in some way.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: Marcusclark66But why did those members change their opinion of you? Really. Seriously.
I wouldn't say that Mission146 changed his opinion of me.
Mission146’s post about MDawg is too long to quote in its entirety here.
Quote: Mission146If you start getting rid of people like MDawg just for existing, then what are you left with after that? "Oh, I played Video Poker 9/6 Jacks or Better at $1.25/hand for about an hour and lost fifty bucks." Riveting stuff.
Hell, even legitimate APs (not saying that anyone in particular is not legitimate) wouldn't want to have proof strictly demanded of them every ten seconds. You certainly don't. In fairness to MDawg, he has definitely proven more about himself than I understand you to have done. I believe your Blackjack tales, of course, but has anyone from the forum ever even seen you? What standard of proof should MDawg be held to when no standard of proof is required of anyone else? Seems a little unfair.
Quote: gordonm888I also strongly agree with Mission's post.
In any case, none of the above (being lucky, using an AP play and not disclosing it, having unreliable memory, lying, or writing fiction) is against the forum's rules. And it is not against the forum rules for members to express skepticism and make statistical arguments about the improbability of those claims.
Overplayed a bit, I was ahead as much as +6500 but I got on a bad run and gave it all back was actually down about -6000 at one point after being up. What a dump! It didn't take too long though I was back in the green and stopped.
Just goes to show though - shouldn't look at what was ahead at the peak, but just the fact that I walked ahead.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
"You seem like a very patient type I was surprised to see you chase like that. I almost never see you do that."
Looking back, the big losing sessions I have had were all a result of overbetting when the time was not right. I have never lost big when I've maintained control. And it really does get back to that mechanical betting systems don't work - betting more simply because you just lost a hand or two is not the way to go.
Played just one shoe - don't think my average bet was much over 600. Ended ahead nicely, considering that average bet, and stopped.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Ask any pit boss, and the majority of Baccarat wins come not from the slow grind of the house edge but from players dumping every penny in a small number of hands towards the end of their sessions as they lose control and chase.
And with many of them it's not even that they are chasing losses per say, many were up a good amount of money and then panic as soon as that profit stops dropping instead of just calling it a day and leaving with some profits they want to go back immediately to as high ahead as they were and end up dumping everything in front of them in the process.
Play consistently and if anything, lower don't increase your bet when you start winning less hands, and you should do well. Also, know when to get up after a good run and don't just keep playing all day expecting the going to be good indefinitely. Do not expect to always leave the table at the peak of whatever you were ahead - leaving ahead anything is always a good thing.
Over time you should be able to find out if you are cut out for casino table game play. If you are disciplined and capable of playing not based on emotion, not chasing and can get up and leave after a good run even if it comes after just a short time of play, you should do fine.
If you're the type who just keeps playing always hoping for some massive win, and panics when the chip count in front of you starts dropping, chasing with ever larger bets, and then runs off to get more money to dump while on a bad run, then casino play simply may not be for you and you should quit while behind.

Right in your suite.
I believe that if the game of baccarat is played astutely and analytically without the encumbrance of the ill defined and misapplied concept of EV , empirical observation would reveal exactly what you exemplify in a grand way.
That food looks delicious.
Just two shoes - highest bet was, I think - 3500?
Ended at just under ten grand ahead at the end of the second shoe and called it a day.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Finally got around to it. Yes, several days had passed. The guy was looking at me as if I were going to back down. Does this guy know me? I'd trudge through Valley Forge in winter for an eighty five cent missing item. Of course I got what was due.
Wasn't one of the casino's restaurants - just a take out specialty food place. Casino restaurants are usually more customer service oriented and do not question past slip ups attested to by a customer.
It's actually astonishing how lacking even the highest end casino restaurants are occasionally with take out food - missing items are a more than rare occurrence. I generally order directly with the managers of each restaurant these days, as I have gotten to know almost all of them, and then the screw ups become rare, and the order actually tends to be filled with extra zeal, extra portions and above and beyond precision.
Not a bad crowd actually, as the higher room rates seem to have filtered out anyone who doesn't really want to be here.
I was on a tight schedule today as I had a few appointments in town, so I was grateful to get back to even on the third shoe just as I had to take off after being down as much as -20K. The turnaround came on a 10K Player hand where I drew an initial 0, Bank 4, and I got the 9 to stop the action and win the hand. From there, it was pretty smooth sailing back to even.
The dealers actually ended up winning more than I did.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.

but also probably a fair bet that no one has more fresh fruit, too.

Note: Lately, for security reasons, pictures are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day they were taken.
Do you change bet-size gears if you find yourself in a lengthy losing state? By that I mean, do you initially try pulling out of a slump by betting with much larger amounts? E.g. you may use a progressive strategy, starting out by betting in the $00s. If you find yourself in a slump, you might revert to $000s or $0,000s?
I do tend to increase my bets after a win, however.
Quote: MDawgLabor Day Weekend afoot, and the tight skirted and high heeled girls are coming in already in droves.
link to original post
Not a bad crowd actually, as the higher room rates seem to have filtered out anyone who doesn't really want to be here.

Interesting... I've been kind of assuming you're doing a negative progression betting scheme based on Wizards observations and other people picking the amounts you report apart.Quote: MDawgI don't vary my bet based on any mechanical progression, up or down. I am just as likely to lower my bet after a losing hand, as increase, or stay the same.
link to original post
I do tend to increase my bets after a win, however.
Quote: MDawg
After two banks, I declared that the Bank ran only two, and that a Player was absolutely certain, dropped 1000 on Player, and won. I then pressed to 1500, won again. I then pressed to 2000, won again, and then pressed pretty much every hand, by a unit of 500. My highest bet in this run, which I lost, was 3500, although I kept this up winning each hand prior to the final 3500 one, on an 8 player run, all the way down the line. While in the salon prior to playing I had mentioned to Wizard that I always always caught runs or patterns and always pressed into them. As this Player run was happening, just a few hands into it, I pointed out that this is exactly what I was doing now, and that it was not as hard as it sounded to detect a run and press into that.
I didn’t just catch some of the winning hands in that 8 Player run – I caught every single one, losing only on the 9th bet, when it switched to Bank. I do this all the time, catch runs, and press into them.
I caught another sequence in the shoe when I followed another series of side by side runs, pressing into them again.
During this latter part of the shoe, there was one hand where I mentioned to the Wizard that the sequence of cards that had landed prior plus some other factors led me to believe that the next hand would be a Player, and I increased my bet and won on Player that hand. However, in general I simply played, rather quickly, and did not comment on how or why I was betting the way I did.
To summarize: there were no long periods of flat betting. If anything, I pressed into runs quite successfully time and again, and my bets ranged from 200 – 3500. There was no Martingale betting; in fact, I would tend to lower my bet after losing a hand versus increasing.
End win: +6915 for the MDawg Challenge.link to original post

Quote: WellbushIt's amazing you win with this sort of eye candy going on!
link to original post
There was SO much of that going on last night especially. I mean everywhere you looked droves of tight miniskirted girls with whatever they had in the way of chest and legs out for all to see.
It was pathetic though in a funny way this one girl not ultra cute but sexy with boobs very heavily on display was at the next door table with some guy and the guy kept losing and then finally started yelling - I mean pretty loud yelling - at her calling her bad luck and then finally just bolted from the table. She was left alone just sitting there silently and she got up and left.
She was trying to help him picking hands and I observed that she was right for two hands then wrong for one then silent and then the guy ended up losing everything, not even due to her input, just his own.
I mean what a Joey, to make a public display like that, but in general Saturdays are not the best days to play at the tables. Fridays are good, as people arrive fresh and tend to win but by Saturday evening there is sometimes a lot of frustration and desperation in the wind.
The player who bets multiple tables at once was around again. Must be near the end of rope though, as ended up losing everything - which, seemed to me wasn't even that much must not have been extended so much credit this time around (maybe a half million, not more) compared to the last time was in Vegas, and on a case bet all in had something like 1700 in commission in the tray and they wouldn't let bet last 10K until paid it off. For a really big player, that's not a good sign, it indicates TAPPED OUT and that they are worried about getting paid. I mean, they'll let me go all in with money due in the commission tray they know I am good for it.
I played at two separate casinos, both times I got to right around +31K and then ending up dumping it all. Just miserably bad playing. I should have just taken the profit. There were a lot of distractions and drunkenly desperate players around, although, at least at the one casino, not at my private table (played at a public table at the other casino - that was a mistake). But mostly, I lost because I kept pushing it and trying to get to over fifty K ahead and it did not happen.
I actually ended up losing! which after being ahead twice, is weak.
Time to take another long break. Not playing right, means, player fatigue has set in.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
I wandered into Circus Circus. Yes Circus Circus. Notice how the new Resorts World towers over the Circus, and it's not like Circus Circus is a low building - at least not low for the old days of Vegas.

The hot dog concession in Slots a Fun inside the Circus seems permanently closed.

Pretty busy in Circus Circus actually especially on the upstairs kiddie carnival games level.

The rotating bar of Fear and Loathing fame is no longer rotating, but it is serving a function these days - not closed.

Paid $4. for a 20 oz. bottle of water.

Those veterans selling bottled water for $1. on the Strip pedestrian bridge don't seem so bad now.
Casino floor fairly busy too - table games not open 7/24.

Kept wandering on down the strip. Up and down actually. I wasn't going to play at all this day, but...Hit and ran a casino for quick 5 spot at a public table. First shoe I think I might’ve gotten ahead a couple K at one point but ended dead even.
Second shoe - 9 Player run right out the gate. Even betting small, and even though I stupidly cut my bet in half at about the 6 mark (but resumed pressing from there), I still cleared 5K. Just goes to show that should never second guess on a run - just press and don’t even think about it. Some other player showed up right at the end and said “You gotta take advantage of that” and pulled a 10K marker. I left though, so I’m not sure if the shoe continued in that inestimable run like fashion or just went average.
Enjoyed a comp’ed meal on the way out too. Nothing like leaving a casino you stopped into on an afterthought with five large and belly full of good (free) food.

Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.

While these pictures are almost optical illusion-esque by the way they are staged and the camera angle, the height difference is in fact there.
Resorts World: 673 feet
Circus Circus: 305
by comparison....
Palazzo: 642
Wynn/Encore: 614 / 631
Cosmopolitan: 610
New York/NewYork: 529
Bellagio: 508
Venetian: 475
Caesar's Palace: 435
International/Hilton/Westgate: 375
Treasure Island: 368
Mirage: 335
MGM Grand: 293
the old Landmark: 356

the Stardust: 356
the old Sands: 273
the old Desert Inn: 176
JW Marriott: 735
And of course...The Strat, 1473 feet.
When I mentioned this idea to my wife, she said, Yes! and why do you think Rocky always ran outside?
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
From portions of my pre- and post-gaming Strip stroll, not in any particular order.
Mirage fountains. Don't really look at these when driving the Strip, have to walk right in front daytime to take them in properly.

And he walked on down the hallll...I mean Strip.

and he came to a Door...which took him into the Bellagio. Which incidentally has a new carpet motif, different from a year or two ago anyway.

The Petrossian Caviar bar was redone a couple of years ago too.

Here is something from Caesar's you definitely cannot see from the street, not that you'd be missing much, with all the trash strewn about the statute and empty fountain.

Inside Caesar's, not sure if all that blocked off area is intentional or permanent (I doubt it), because it makes for a very narrow Casino entrance

and, what someone else posted here recently is true...the Grand Baccarat table where players may handle the shoe is gone, probably for good is what one dealer I know told me.
While at Caesar's don't forget the world's largest watch store.

And while strolling through these casinos in general, at the various watch shops, be mindful of the fact that it is the 220th Year of the Tourbillon,

and how about these Jumpin' Jaegers? (Split second wristwatches.)
At Cosmo, I took a face from the ancient gallery and walked on down this hall, examining some images of old Vegas. I've seen this hallway and these images dozens of times, but why not pause to take a look again now.


Britt Ekland

Vikki "The Back" Dougan (I know her actually, she went to a party a few years back with us in Beverly Hills - she's about 90 years old but still looks all right. I had to help her walk but, why not, she's an old school celebrity, and she still goes out to social functions).

Vampira (of Ed Wood fame, although actually, Lisa Marie was much hotter, but evidently not hot enough as Tim Burton dumped her for Helena Bonham Carter).

Robby the Robot

Harry BelaFonte

And this is the demonstration you may hear regularly at Cosmo from the Boulevard Tower, even from the 70th floor, some guy trying to tell everyone what's what through a megaphone.

Remnants of the pre-gaming meal.

And...down to business. I ended up playing just two shoes. I wasn't playing very hard, was too relaxed. I should have been playing much harder, and even the pit boss was exhorting me to bet more, as I got a 13 Bank run on my second shoe (the one I cut).
Still, barely betting and actually down before the run started, I managed to win about 6K.
And picked up some souvenirs and other consumer goods on the way back, my pockets bulging with pretty polly. In all, a relaxing, successful venture, on the Las Vegas Strip.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
This was a bad one. I failed to press when I should, and laid it out there when I should not have. I was up and down some, but never actually in the positive.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
The other side, especially between Venetian and Paris,

is where the homeless hold court. I saw this one poor misfortunate girl crawling on her hands and knees and pressing her face into a rectangular vent blowing up hot air. I resisted the impulse to take a picture, was just too sad. Even the downtrodden homeless were feeling sorry for her. "Ohhh, my lorrrd."
The more typical homeless looked something like the guy on the side by the road.

The Flamingo may be the original,

but it certainly no longer is the best.

probably would not be proud of his bar in this joint.

Once you get to Paris though

the real estate and environment turns upscale.
Quote: MDawgIn any case, on the books or not, that rule is luckily for us not enforced.
link to original post
And 30% of theo is what they give, up to 40% of theo at some casinos.
If you think about it, trying to minimize the comps of a credit line player to 10% of his line doesn't make a lot of sense anyway. They have no way of knowing if a credit line player won't just pay off his line immediately in the event of a loss and keep playing. That's exactly what I did here (and to a certain extent, also here), and as far as the first casino was concerned, I had just played to well over my line. I came back during the course of the trip to beat the h. out of them and wind up ahead all the way around, but still, I gave them the action by way of a theoretical loss.
I have had some follow up conversations with various hosts about this.
35% of theo seems standard for the Strip. And up to 40% does happen sometimes.
10 - 15% of actual loss also seems standard.
So - yes - in other words, dump 50K, and you'll be comp'ed only about five grand at many Strip resorts. Figure, staying in a 600 - 1000 dollar a night suite, that doesn't cover much. However, put in say, 30 hours of play at an average 1000 bet and you should accumulate about 27K in theo loss, which translates to over ten grand in comps, without losing a nickel. (I know on one winning trip I WON about +55K, played seventy some hours at an average 1200 bet, and accumulated just under -80K in theo loss - which translated to about thirty grand in comps!)
So yes, the guy who plays and wins or at least breaks even is going to accumulate in general a lot more comps than the straight loser. Just the way it works.
Quote: MDawgQuote: MDawgIn any case, on the books or not, that rule is luckily for us not enforced.
link to original post
And 30% of theo is what they give, up to 40% of theo at some casinos.
If you think about it, trying to minimize the comps of a credit line player to 10% of his line doesn't make a lot of sense anyway. They have no way of knowing if a credit line player won't just pay off his line immediately in the event of a loss and keep playing. That's exactly what I did here (and to a certain extent, also here), and as far as the first casino was concerned, I had just played to well over my line. I came back during the course of the trip to beat the h. out of them and wind up ahead all the way around, but still, I gave them the action by way of a theoretical loss.
I have had some follow up conversations with various hosts about this.
35% of theo seems standard for the Strip. And up to 40% does happen sometimes.
10 - 15% of actual loss also seems standard.
So - yes - in other words, dump 50K, and you'll be comp'ed only about five grand at many Strip resorts. Figure, staying in a 600 - 1000 dollar a night suite, that doesn't cover much. However, put in say, 30 hours of play at an average 1000 bet and you should accumulate about 27K in theo loss, which translates to over ten grand in comps, without losing a nickel. (I know on one winning trip I WON about +55K, played seventy some hours at an average 1200 bet, and accumulated just under -80K in theo loss - which translated to about thirty grand in comps!)
So yes, the guy who plays and wins or at least breaks even is going to accumulate in general a lot more comps than the straight loser. Just the way it works.link to original post
You are 100% correct which so many do not understand, it is the theo loss that actually racks up comp level and tier. Theo is derived from time played, average bets, and game. It does not have anything to do with win or loss. Those 2 only come into play in special circumstances.
Of course there are exceptions with regular players losing or winning large in a short order, having no available comp, etc, then a host or above will just generally comp whatever in reason is desired by the player.
Also the situation where a higher level host is bringing in a new player and he has no record of play at the property, etc.