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November 18th, 2017 at 1:08:55 PM permalink
You would be amazed at how many times the field loses 10,11,12,13,14,15... times in a row, In just 200, 300, 400 rolls. Good Idea does not work consistently. I did develop two field betting strategies, Thanks to Binary Options. Looking for what they are really worth if any thing. If so how can it be sold?
Last edited by: mikegaurdwizard on Nov 18, 2017
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November 18th, 2017 at 1:47:41 PM permalink
Quote: mikegaurdwizard

I did develop two field betting strategies, Thanks to Binary Options. Looking for what they are really worth if any thing. If so how can it be sold?

They are really worth nothing. The best way of selling these strategies is to lie and advertise falsely. . . and not here matey.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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November 18th, 2017 at 1:59:58 PM permalink
Quote: OnceDear

They are really worth nothing. The best way of selling these strategies is to lie and advertise falsely. . . and not here matey.

:isten, he is trying to sell a fridge to Eskimos.....
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November 18th, 2017 at 2:07:35 PM permalink
Quote: speedycrap

:isten, he is trying to sell a fridge to Eskimos.....

A broken fridge.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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November 18th, 2017 at 2:28:42 PM permalink
FYI Eskimos do have and use fridge's
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November 18th, 2017 at 3:41:53 PM permalink
one time I was playing blackjack against a multi-deck shoe and I won every bet in the shoe - maybe 22 or 23 hands in a row.

I didn't increase my bets because I was counting and the true count never went up enough to do that.

at the end of the shoe I looked at my chips and thought to myself "what an idiot I am."

if I had been pressing my bets up even a little by the end of the shoe I would have been betting maybe $500 per hand.

but then I realized that if I did that then I would have been doing it all the other hundreds of hours I played blackjack and I would have greatly reduced my overall win because I would have been betting more with a disadvantage and the majority of the time it would have meant that I would have lost more during the disadvantageous times than if I had not done that.
the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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November 19th, 2017 at 9:54:53 AM permalink
Quote: mikegaurdwizard

I did develop two field betting strategies, ... so how can it be sold?

The statistical experts at WoV will delight in showing there is no "strategy" that yields a positive expectation with bets that have a negative expectation. Mathematically, you cannot get there from here.

If you really, Really, REALLY have a betting strategy -- whatever it might be -- that consistently wins, keep it a secret. Share it with no one. Go to the casino and play, Play, PLAY! Turn the casino into your own personal ATM, and win, Win, WIN!

Why would you want to sell your strategy to the multitudes who have little understanding of statistics? If they buy it and clean the casinos time after time using your strategy, you will ultimately force the casinos to modify the game so as to counter your positive expectation winning strategy. Then, you will have nothing. Nothing of value to sell. And, no winning strategy you can use to win at the casinos. If your strategy really works, don't try to sell it.

My 2 cents.
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November 19th, 2017 at 9:58:35 AM permalink
The racist and narcissistic term Esk*** triggers me. No need to turn to racism and hatred.
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November 19th, 2017 at 10:05:29 AM permalink
Quote: RS

The racist and narcissistic term Esk*** triggers me. No need to turn to racism and hatred.

I dont quite get what u mean. Please explain. May the MOD step in please?
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November 19th, 2017 at 10:06:31 AM permalink
Quote: speedycrap

I dont quite get what u mean. Please explain. May the MOB step in please?

I believe he is being sardonic. Although, I believe, "Inuits," is technically the most proper term.
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November 19th, 2017 at 10:12:11 AM permalink
OK then.
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November 20th, 2017 at 12:31:29 PM permalink
The statistical experts at WoV Who?

My math professor in college put a formula on the board, That showed there was no way to ever win at gambling. I can still see him standing there. Unfortunately the formula and the explanation are gone. No cell phone video back then. Would appreciate seeing it again. That day in class prevented me from ever making a bad habit of gambling, Thank God! It did not prevent me from trying, Only on paper, especially with the Craps Field Bets having a reputation of being unbeatable. Believe me if it were not for trying useless gambling strategies, in an attempt to make money with Binary Options, I would never have discovered the solution/solution's to beating the field.

With the exception of the lottery, I have seriously wondered why any-one gambles at all.

Anyway Think of this play on words:
If you want to gamble and win consistently
you need to do the math right. But!
You also need the right math.

I have looked at and bought & programed several... gambling strategies.
None of which worked.
That was back in the early 90,s
I gave up. Then along came Binary Options.
While using the useless gambling strategies on
Binary Options, I eventually tossed them all out again,
and came up with my own.

I wish I was a real mathematician. Or new one I could trust.
To help me convert my Ideas to a paper, that could be published.

I could Give them away for Free. By using them at a casino.
I could also Just take my Ideas to the grave.

Whats the odds of a Casino paying me a couple million to keep it a secret?
Whats the odds of a couple thousand people paying me a $1000 to have it?
Whats the odds of finding some one to help me do either one?

People do a lot of senseless things.
Trying to improve their lives.
Hoping & Dreaming, seem to cause a lot of trouble.
I was taught to never give up. I am sure you also
know people who did.

Thanks for your response.
Last edited by: mikegaurdwizard on Nov 20, 2017
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November 20th, 2017 at 1:19:50 PM permalink
Hi Mike,
Yes, There are stats and maths experts here, of the highest calibre. Each is generally able to point out your mistake when you assert that 1+1=3, or any other theory that you come up with. You might want to pay them cash to prove you wrong, or you might not. What you cannot do is pay them to prove you right, because you are not right. And I don't need to examine your maths to know that is true.!
It's that simple. Your system is flawed and worthless, except in as much as it might make playing and gambling more fun than other strategies. You can mention binary options or quantum physics or telekinesis. And I don't have any interest in knowing any details about your strategy. I still say it's wrong and flawed and useless.
The onus is on you to prove it has value. But why bother. You have the Holy Grail. Sip from it and keep your mouth shut, lest it is stolen and ruined.

Now, Let us set aside any mathematical argument. Let's be practical.
Whether your stategy is bullshit or genius, you might be able to find some morons folks to pay you for it. So, you might make a few dollars. That's fact. You would not find many suckers here and the site admins would tear you a new one for trying.
But lets say your system/strategy is brilliant and a true money maker. That makes it the Philosophers stone that is immensely valuable. Casinos might buy out your secret and make you rich, but ultimately they would NEED to make counter measures to render it worthless. You profit is limited to what they would pay to shut you down pending counter measures.
Or you could sell your system to a few hundreds or thousands of investors for a few hundred each. WhoopiDo. They would attack the casinos and the strategy would get detected and shut down. Or leaked and ruined. Game over.
Or you could exploit your own knowledge. Mortgage your home, borrow a few million and go and take all the casinos for all they are worth. A sure fire winner and no chance of the secret leaking out. JFDI.
I suggest that you put up a bounty. Contract someone here to prove how stupidly worthless your system is. Pay them $5,000 for the work involved in pointing out the flaw in your maths. Lick your wounds and be grateful that you were stopped from mortgaging that home.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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November 20th, 2017 at 1:35:56 PM permalink
00111100101100001011011100110101101100101011001010010000001101111011100110110001101100001011100100010000001101100011010010110110101100001001000000110111101110011011000110110000101110010=+44 I was hoping for +42
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November 20th, 2017 at 1:41:30 PM permalink
Quote: mikegaurdwizard

00111100101100001011011100110101101100101011001010010000001101111011100110110001101100001011100100010000001101100011010010110110101100001001000000110111101110011011000110110000101110010=+44 I was hoping for +42

Unlucky. Keep trying. Maybe double your stake next time and the time after and...
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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November 20th, 2017 at 1:49:29 PM permalink
A lot of unimaginable stuff from the fifty's and sixty's actually exists today. Ever watch Star Trek? Matter Anti-Matter. Who's to say there is no such thing as Anti-Gravity.
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November 20th, 2017 at 1:56:42 PM permalink
Quote: mikegaurdwizard

A lot of unimaginable stuff from the fifty's and sixty's actually exists today. Ever watch Star Trek? Matter Anti-Matter. Who's to say there is no such thing as Anti-Gravity.

So what. You either have a winning strategy/system or you don't. No need to gild the lily. Use it, share it, sell it, don't sell it. Keep on topic.
You came up with it. It should be a cinch to prove to yourself that it is valid. Everything else is moot. Put up a wager or bounty that none here cannot find the flaw, or maybe wager here that you can demonstrate its winning potential in real live play. Plenty will take your action.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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November 20th, 2017 at 2:04:10 PM permalink
Quote: mikegaurdwizard

A lot of unimaginable stuff from the fifty's and sixty's actually exists today. Ever watch Star Trek? Matter Anti-Matter. Who's to say there is no such thing as Anti-Gravity.

I heard someone just tried to prove the world is flat. About a month ago. Ai.........
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November 20th, 2017 at 2:46:39 PM permalink
The only reason I really joined this Forum was to see if any of the gambling talk had changed in the last twenty years. It Has not. I am still waiting for some one to post a Billion Craps dice rolls. Real would be nice. There are some mention of people testing 1000, 10,000 one million... Another thing I am curios about is. How many rolls would represent an average visit at a casino? (I am thinking 300 to 400. How close is that?) My last visit to a casino was in 1997. I am a problem solver. The problem with gambling is: How to make money/Get your money back. How many Billion people are working on this? When enough people think about, and dream of things. Those things get invented/made/done. Flying, space travel, self driving cars... Some how the World becoming round.
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March 8th, 2018 at 7:43:50 PM permalink
mikeguardwizard has been banned for system selling under a dupe id, spamming members in PM, and making a dupe id.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:12:59 AM permalink
Quote: troopscott

so I went in and played my "system" a little last night at the casino. after about an hour of play I was up about $40. During that time I should have just been betting the field every number with some parlays lol, There was a streak of 16 straight field numbers including 3 "12's and 2 "2's" My betting chances were few and far between with what seemed to be field numbers every couple rolls which led me to fooling around with the hardways. The "organic" craps machine keeps track of how many rolls a number has been rolled without a hardway. My little system I played decided to wait 100 rolls for a number to not be thrown hard and then put $10 on it. That number became the 10. , 7 came, went to 15, 7 came, went to 30 number made easy and in an final act of defiance and stupidity (around 130 rolls now) I went to $60 first roll hard 10 take the money and leave that little jewel alone for $10 hardways.

The other thing I noted while I was there it seemed to be every 7-8 rolls a 2,3,11,12 was rolled. My math says that is about right(should be every 6 I believe). I began tinkering with quite a bit of success waiting 8 rolls for no horn bet numbers and then putting $4 out. at 11 rolls(3 since the betting start) I went to $2 each and the longest it got was to 13 at which point I had $3 per number ($12 total) when the 12 came which was a nice payday. Generally I would hit it in the first couple rolls.

The machines are $10-10k and $25-10k the 25 machine is usually pretty empty or 1-2 people most at it

Anyway I know these are long term losers just looking at them checking out the potential for a short term score here and there

Don't get hooked on the field betting. I see many players lose their entire bank roll both martingale and progressive betting.
Sorry for my many daily posts. I am a retired professional and I love to chat about gambling. I also enjoy reading and can't help but to reply to some fantastic articles.
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