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September 5th, 2010 at 4:45:20 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: thecesspit

I don't know, where did I say he won big at all once?

When someone 'wins big' at gambling, its always all at once. Like a jackpot or a lucky run at dice. Nobody 'wins big' over a period of years, that called just plain winning. Like having a job. The impression MLK gives is that he won it all at once and will lose it all at once. I don't think so.

He will lose it all because of human nature, and his own faulty perception that he has a "winning system".

Visualize this scenario: he takes one of his frequent gambling trips, and this time, he gets his clock cleaned. This is inevitable if he keeps playing; it would be inevitable even if he had the advantage that he thinks he has, rather than the house having it. He then tells himself that the loss was due to random bad luck, and gathers more cash to go back to the casino. In the past, this has "worked". However, this time, it doesn't: he loses again. At some point, he starts doubling his bets to get even. However, he doesn't get even. He eventually loses all his ready cash. Then he borrows money against his restaurant, because his roulette system is a sure-fire winner and all he needs to do is keep "investing" in it. After a while, he loses his restaurant, his house, his car, and his friends and family.

The above will happen surely as the night doth follow the day.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 5th, 2010 at 5:27:59 PM permalink
If there was a system that beat 00 Roulette, would you bring that to this board? Would you show up at different boards with different handles? The gain would be to STF up and go out and take down the casinos! Me and MKL agreeing on something...who wouda thunk it???
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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September 5th, 2010 at 5:43:15 PM permalink
Quote: DeMango

If there was a system that beat 00 Roulette, would you bring that to this board? Would you show up at different boards with different handles? The gain would be to STF up and go out and take down the casinos! Me and MKL agreeing on something...who wouda thunk it???


Did he agree with you, or did you agree with him? I'm thinking the latter.
Why bet at all, if you can be sure? Anyway, what constitutes a "good bet"? - The best slots-game in town; a sucker's edge; or some gray-area blackjack-stunts? (P.S. God doesn't even have to exist to be God.)
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September 5th, 2010 at 7:11:55 PM permalink
@DeMango >> I dont use DIFFERENT handles, everyone on every board knows me. I know a few guys like mkl. Bitter, jealous and pissed at the world. You can attack me all you want. You're no match for me (mkl), trust me on that hotshot. I'll wear you out bro. The only thing I can maybe agree on is the poor choice of a restaurant. Perhaps I should of chose a different business but a good friend of mine really talked me into it.

@thecesspit >> I did not say YOU in regards to playing it or ANY method but I am sticking to my belief. Some will play it and not post about it, no question. SAME question for mkl, DeMango and thecesspit >> How do you play roulette? If you dont play, what game do you play? Roulette might have a high HA but every game has a HA, I dont care if its playing perfect strategy on blackjack. Sooo, what games do you play? Ken
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September 5th, 2010 at 7:33:28 PM permalink
"He will lose it all because of human nature" >>> I'm gonna lose my half of the business because of human nature? Reaching for straws, are we? lol Ken
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September 5th, 2010 at 7:41:42 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

@DeMango >> I dont use DIFFERENT handles, everyone on every board knows me. I know a few guys like mkl. Bitter, jealous and pissed at the world. You can attack me all you want. You're no match for me (mkl), trust me on that hotshot. I'll wear you out bro. The only thing I can maybe agree on is the poor choice of a restaurant. Perhaps I should of chose a different business but a good friend of mine really talked me into it.

Bluster. Bluff. Bravado. And my name isn't "Ken". Just another wrong idea you had that isn't any less wrong when you shout it out over and over.

I actually hope you don't piss all your money away on your roulette "system", because if it's true that you own a restaurant, people have jobs there, and they would lose them if you stopped being lucky.

And your system is horsecrap whether or not I and others who dare to criticize it ARE "bitter, jealous, and pissed at the world". It's true that I'm no match for you---you're a bigger fool AND a bigger jerk than I could ever be.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 5th, 2010 at 7:48:40 PM permalink
"Bluster. Bluff. Bravado. And my name isn't "Ken". Just another wrong idea you had that isn't any less wrong when you shout it out over and over" >>> ? English please. Its not a system, its a method and I have quite a few. Listen up coolbreeze, EVERY roulette method has or should have a grade, a grade from the author. NOT EVERY method is the same, most will agree. Only REAL players know this. IMO, methods that have a B+ or higher, most likely will not be posted. I have two GREAT methods not posted and never will be (I think). No sales here so dont go that route. I would say the method on this thread is a C+ (IMO). You NEVER answered my question coolbreeze....your way of playing roulette is what? I have all night for this. Ken
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September 5th, 2010 at 7:58:15 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

"Bluster. Bluff. Bravado. And my name isn't "Ken". Just another wrong idea you had that isn't any less wrong when you shout it out over and over" >>> ? English please. Its not a system, its a method and I have quite a few. Listen up coolbreeze, EVERY roulette method has or should have a grade, a grade from the author. NOT EVERY method is the same, most will agree. Only REAL players know this. IMO, methods that have a B+ or higher, most likely will not be posted. I have two GREAT methods not posted and never will be (I think). No sales here so dont go that route. I would say the method on this thread is a C+ (IMO). You NEVER answered my question coolbreeze....your way of playing roulette is what? I have all night for this. Ken

With every post you make, the likelihood of anyone ponying up $99.95 for the EZ-Win Surefire Get Rich Roulette System diminishes. You should have just said, "This system always wins!", posted a URL, and waited for the money to roll in.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 5th, 2010 at 8:02:24 PM permalink
Well "Ken", you have come to a board that does not accept voodoo. You can try voodoo on say "Gamblers Glenn" or John Patricks boards. Maybe you have another board you can point us to. Maybe you are here to trade systems. No harm in that I suppose. But it is a little strong to have us accept that you play roulette systems, bucking the -5.56% ev, and use profits to help open up a restaurant.

I don't have a way of playing roulette, I'm thinking a vast majority of posters do not either. I don't think it fits in with the Wizards' idea of "a good bet".

What exactly do you have all night for?????
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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September 5th, 2010 at 8:02:29 PM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

With every post you make, the likelihood of anyone ponying up $99.95 for the EZ-Win Surefire Get Rich Roulette System diminishes. You should have just said, "This system always wins!", posted a URL, and waited for the money to roll in.

Ken is a not system seller, why do you keep saying that? I've seen thousands of his posts over the years, he never sells anything.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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September 5th, 2010 at 8:16:19 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Ken is a not system seller, why do you keep saying that? I've seen thousands of his posts over the years, he never sells anything.

Then what was the point of posting his Super Infallible Roulette System, and making indefensible claims and brags about it? Isn't this audience the single LEAST likely one to believe him? And if his system, in defiance of four hundred years of mathematics, actually worked, why on earth would he post it on a public forum?

I am SURE that he will copy and paste many of the posts from this site to some other and blare "GAMBLING EXPERTS CANNOT REFUTE MY SYSTEM" or some other such tommyrot. He has some ulterior motive, and I doubt that he will tell us what it is.

I only think that, by the way, because he's exerting far too much effort to be the other possibility, i.e., just a garden-variety idiot. Why you're taking his side is beyond me--the nonsense he's posting is at the very least a waste of time, and it could be misleading to someone who doesn't know any better, and will lose money because of him.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 5th, 2010 at 8:21:13 PM permalink
If Ken can explain his system a little better to me, I still don't quite understand it I will give it a try on a dollar roulette wheel, I dont mind losing a few bucks to see if it works or not, better than watching my money vanish playing perfect strategy with the kind of luck I tend to have!
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September 5th, 2010 at 8:27:20 PM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

Why you're taking his side is beyond me--

I'm not taking his side as much as saying that you don't know him and I do. Or at least I'm familiar with his posts over the years. He's never hints at selling anything, he just enjoys posting about what he does. You people complain about no gambling posts, so somebody posts what he does and you climb all over him. Nice job.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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September 5th, 2010 at 9:17:58 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Its not a system, its a method and I have quite a few. Listen up coolbreeze, EVERY roulette method has or should have a grade, a grade from the author. NOT EVERY method is the same, most will agree. Only REAL players know this. IMO, methods that have a B+ or higher, most likely will not be posted.

I have two GREAT methods not posted and never will be (I think). No sales here so dont go that route. I would say the method on this thread is a C+ (IMO).

A rating system for systems, strategies and methods... Now that is a novel idea.

I ran 10,000 sims of the "street last 12 spins" C+ system in Roulette Xtreme software and showed a 37.43% win rate of making a $1000 win goal.
A 62.57% bust rate of $3K start bankroll.
The longest win streak was 32 sessions. The second longest was 18 and the median was only 3.

AS a comparison: (the site only explains the system, I have the system in PDF form)
The Ludica Roulette systems EPOS street system that only makes a street bet, showed a 46.18% win rate over the same games and spins.

Standard Deviation of the C+ system is very high. No wonder with A straight up bet has a 5.76 SD
The average spins to achieve the $1000 win goal was over 250 spins. That is about 6 to 7 hours at a B&M roulette table. SD was 85 spins.

The system when it wins, wins fast. It needs 1 number to hit over the 12 spin cycle, and at most times there are at least 2 bets being made.

I did not learn much by doing this exercise, I thought I would, so I post no data tables.

An adjustment to the C+ system made the win rate up to 42.93% by betting the 2 street numbers that have already hit in the last 12 spins. But that creates a totally different animal all together.
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September 6th, 2010 at 9:34:15 AM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

Quote: EvenBob

Quote: thecesspit

I don't know, where did I say he won big at all once?

When someone 'wins big' at gambling, its always all at once. Like a jackpot or a lucky run at dice. Nobody 'wins big' over a period of years, that called just plain winning. Like having a job. The impression MLK gives is that he won it all at once and will lose it all at once. I don't think so.

He will lose it all because of human nature, and his own faulty perception that he has a "winning system".

Visualize this scenario: he takes one of his frequent gambling trips, and this time, he gets his clock cleaned. This is inevitable if he keeps playing; it would be inevitable even if he had the advantage that he thinks he has, rather than the house having it. He then tells himself that the loss was due to random bad luck, and gathers more cash to go back to the casino. In the past, this has "worked". However, this time, it doesn't: he loses again. At some point, he starts doubling his bets to get even. However, he doesn't get even. He eventually loses all his ready cash. Then he borrows money against his restaurant, because his roulette system is a sure-fire winner and all he needs to do is keep "investing" in it. After a while, he loses his restaurant, his house, his car, and his friends and family.

The above will happen surely as the night doth follow the day.


I know you seem to think that everyone has a gambling issue who gambles, but it's a total no-sequitur to go from losing money in one session (which could happen) to Ken gambling it all away and losing his shirt, house, car and business.

Just because it happens in some cases, it does not follow it happens in all cases. I have a feeling that you've either seen it or hand it happen to you or a close associate.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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September 6th, 2010 at 10:12:51 AM permalink
Quote: nope27

A rating system for systems, strategies and methods... Now that is a novel idea.

I ran 10,000 sims of the "street last 12 spins" C+ system in Roulette Xtreme software and showed a 37.43% win rate of making a $1000 win goal.
A 62.57% bust rate of $3K start bankroll.
The longest win streak was 32 sessions. The second longest was 18 and the median was only 3.

Last update:

I lowered the win goal to $100. Bankroll same $3000
Win percentage now 88.41%. Nice increase numerically.
Bust rate 11.59%
But this causes larger bankroll total losses as one can clearly calculate.
I can increase the bankroll gains by increasing the average size bet. That becomes more work.

The relationship between bet size, bankroll and win goal is a fine one. A bet size or win goal that is too low or high in relation to the bankroll will cause risk of ruin to increase.

And we all know what fighting a 5.26% house edge can do to ones probability of winning.

Again, any betting system can win at any time, but more times it will lose because when it does lose the losses are much larger than the wins.
The Wizard has spoken about that fact many times over.
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September 6th, 2010 at 11:45:29 AM permalink
I have a little rule. lol You have THREE posts (not a big deal) AND all three where straight to my thread ripping me. Which probably means.....hang are one of 'the crew'. Too many of you goofs try and PRETEND to be someone else, I never really understood the concept of that?? A fresh start? If you dont like this method, dont play it. At least I had the NUTS to post. :) Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 11:48:54 AM permalink
"A rating system for systems, strategies and methods... Now that is a novel idea" >>> I thought everybody did that or should? I had D and F methods...I play them no more. I currently have methods from C+ up to A-. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 11:53:20 AM permalink
"Why you're taking his side is beyond me" >>> Couldn't I ask you the opposite question mkl? Why bust my balls? I 'do well' and will NOT apologize for it. How do you play roulette mkl? At least I had the NUTS to post. I enjoy every conversation regarding roulette, I always have. Even a few AP (cough) conversations are educational. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:14:42 PM permalink
If Ken can explain his system a little better to me, I still don't quite understand it I will give it a try on a dollar roulette wheel, I dont mind losing a few bucks to see if it works or not, better than watching my money vanish playing perfect strategy with the kind of luck I tend to have! >>> You hit the nail on the head. I'm not saying bring 3K with you. Use dollar chips, if you start to tank, quit. Seems fair.

In terms of explaining it better? Its kinda easy, not sure what else to say. Even the 'slammers' get it. Track the last 12 numbers hit. Not 11, not 13. As each new number hits, cross off the latest number, always have 12. Look within the 12 to find TWO numbers in a street hit....a 2 and 3 as example. We flat bet the 1 until either the 2 or 3 are out of the 12 recorded, ok no win on that 1. It seems that betting on two different numbers per spin is the average. There are times you'll only bet on one number or betting on NO numbers or betting on 3 numbers.

If you have all 3 numbers within the street, no betting on any of those until its back down to TWO. EXAMPLE: Lets say the 34 35 36 are all within the 12 recorded. Well, we'll have a win on one of those, correct? Lets say a few spins later, the 35 DROPS from the 12 recorded. We now bet on the 35 UNTIL either the 34 OR the 36 drops from the 12 (or a win). Its very easy. If you have a more detailed question, fire away and I'll help out. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:23:20 PM permalink

I'm amazed that you can find time to gamble at all.

It appears that you spend all of your time posting on here. Four posts in a row, and 45 posts since registering on Sept 4. Wow!
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:25:17 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

"Why you're taking his side is beyond me" >>> Couldn't I ask you the opposite question mkl? Why bust my balls? I 'do well' and will NOT apologize for it. How do you play roulette mkl? At least I had the NUTS to post. I enjoy every conversation regarding roulette, I always have. Even a few AP (cough) conversations are educational. Ken

No, you don't "do well", you HAVE DONE well. You are engaging in the mistaken belief that past good results somehow imply future good results. It don't work that way--sorry.

How do I play roulette? Not at all, because I'm not a moron: I don't think that I (or anyone else) can do the impossible, i.e., win at roulette in the long run. I DO play other games where I, not the house, have the advantage. NOT because I brag on some internet forum that I do, but because the mathematics work in my favor.

And yes yes yes, you have IMMENSE testicles for coming right out and making a fool of yourself, and spewing nonsense as if it was fact. Yes, HUGE sperm storage receptacles, indeed. Only real MEN with GIGANTIC BALLS can post moronic things on the internet with, metaphorically, a straight face.

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:28:16 PM permalink
Quote: Keyser


I'm amazed that you can find time to gamble at all.

It appears that you spend all of your time posting on here. Four posts in a row, and 45 posts since registering on Sept 4. Wow!

That's because his Surefire No-Lose Guaranteed Winning Roulette System sells for $99.95 (autographed copy!), and THAT'S how he makes his money---he doesn't go near a roulette table. Frequent internet diarrhea increases his chances that some sucker will eventually believe him, and send him $129.95 (including $30 shipping and handling) via PayPal.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:30:27 PM permalink
"I'm amazed that you can find time to gamble at all" >>> Umm, excuse me keyser. Your way of playing roulette is what again? Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:32:51 PM permalink
"No, you don't "do well", you HAVE DONE well. You are engaging in the mistaken belief that past good results somehow imply future good results. It don't work that way--sorry" >>> Where did I say, in the FUTURE, I will STILL be kicking a** and winning tons? Where did I say that hotshot? I win and you dont, sorry bro. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:35:17 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit


I know you seem to think that everyone has a gambling issue who gambles, but it's a total no-sequitur to go from losing money in one session (which could happen) to Ken gambling it all away and losing his shirt, house, car and business.

Just because it happens in some cases, it does not follow it happens in all cases. I have a feeling that you've either seen it or hand it happen to you or a close associate.

Let's take everything he says as if it were true, for the purposes of discussion:

1. He won a lot of money playing roulette. Unlikely, but possible.
2. He then invested that money in a business. Also possible.
3. He thinks that he won due to his "system".
4. Therefore, in his mind, anytime he needs more money, he can just go back to the casino and play roulette.

Anybody who is not a fool knows that this is not, to put it mildly, a sustainable strategy. If he truly thinks that he can just march down to the casino anytime he needs more money, well...I don't have to elaborate on how disastrous that will eventually be.

Obviously disaster does not happen in all cases, but small business owners who gamble VERY often wind up ruined, because keeping a small business alive is difficult under the best of circumstances, and if the owner has an expensive addiction like drugs or gambling, then the business has no chance at all.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:37:56 PM permalink
"How do I play roulette? Not at all, because I'm not a moron: I don't think that I (or anyone else) can do the impossible, i.e., win at roulette in the long run. I DO play other games where I, not the house, have the advantage. NOT because I brag on some internet forum that I do, but because the mathematics work in my favor" >>> ROFL, Wait, hang on! You mean to tell me (us) that you will SLAM a roulette method BUT you dont ACTUALLY play the game? Now THAT, takes balls. You have zero right to slam if you dont post how YOU play the game. Even the biggest idiots follow this RULE of courtesy. Sooo, you play other games (or a game) where you have an advantage? What would that be? (I already know where this is going. Hook, line and sinker. lol) Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:39:36 PM permalink
You NEVER answered this mkl >> No, you don't "do well", you HAVE DONE well. You are engaging in the mistaken belief that past good results somehow imply future good results. It don't work that way--sorry" >>> Where did I say, in the FUTURE, I will STILL be kicking a** and winning tons? Where did I say that hotshot? I win and you dont, sorry bro. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:42:15 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

"No, you don't "do well", you HAVE DONE well. You are engaging in the mistaken belief that past good results somehow imply future good results. It don't work that way--sorry" >>> Where did I say, in the FUTURE, I will STILL be kicking a** and winning tons? Where did I say that hotshot? I win and you dont, sorry bro. Ken

You have said that your good results were due to your "system", not just from getting lucky. That, in turn, implies that you can repeat those good results, using that system. Otherwise, wouldn't you be posting something like, "I got lucky and won a bunch of money at roulette", if you posted at all?

In any case, I'm not interested in engaging in, let alone "winning" an argument with you. It's evident that you are a liar, a fraud, a con man, a bullshitter, completely full of crap, and what's more, a total jerk. You are selling snake oil. You are touting dotcom stock and bank derivatives. You are the huckster standing in the wagon selling Dr. Feelgood's Magic Elixir. You are the three card monte dealer, the cheat, the pickpocket, and the swindler. No one here is going to buy your magic system. Take your bullshit elsewhere.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:42:33 PM permalink
"Just because it happens in some cases, it does not follow it happens in all cases. I have a feeling that you've either seen it or hand it happen to you or a close associate." >>> That was my guess but I wasn't gonna say anything. You can usually SPOT posters that are bitter or have regrets. They dont do well so nobody else can OR should. ROFL Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 12:56:05 PM permalink
"It appears that you spend all of your time posting on here. Four posts in a row, and 45 posts since registering on Sept 4" >>> Isn't that self explanatory? If there are a ton of questions or slamming me, I will of course politely respond. I'm not one of those guys that 'goes away', get use to me. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 1:01:37 PM permalink
Hey DeMango, AZDuffman and mkl >>> You guys NEVER answered me. How do you play roulette? I assume you kick a** playing?

@mkl >> Also, what game do you play with your 'advantage'? Can you explain it to all of us? Thanks buddy, Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 1:09:51 PM permalink
ROFL, nice try mkl, I read your last post. Listen up Mary, we can spot a bitter guy a mile out and YOU fit the bill. You troll around on boards looking for trouble and then pat yourself on the back afterwards. Your ONLY ammo is to LIE to fellow posters. What a shame, you need help. Walk it like you talk it, thats all WE ask from you bro. I spent around 20 minutes reading some of your past posts from other threads.

I see the SAME hostility in most of your posts. If you cant win, so what, move on. You have too much shame built up for being a loser in the gambling world. I have posted MANY times regarding losing ALOT of money playing roulette. Trust me, it does suck. The difference between you and I? I admit to my losses, you dont. Work on that and come back to the forum when and only when you feel you can cope. As a matter of fact, email me first, I'll give you the 'ok' if I think you should come back. Ken
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September 6th, 2010 at 3:56:28 PM permalink
We need some baccarat systems.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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September 6th, 2010 at 3:57:44 PM permalink
From who, me? lol I never played the game, never will. Its roulette or NOTHING. Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:37:49 AM permalink
I read through to page 4 and got bored, but figured I would jump in here.

The main difference that I see is this:
The Proponent/Author - Belief that future events relate to past events on the roulette wheel
The Dissentors - Belief that events are stochastic and independent

So, who cares what his system does or what the simulations say...the real question is are roulette wheels innately biased in some way and if you record enough numbers over time could you empirically determine his "X" value for betting a "hot" street.
So, mr. system how many numbers have you recorded to develop this trend and for which wheel in which casino?
To me it is entirely plausible that all wheels have a bias but the bias is not cosmic (ala gamblers fallacy), it is equipment related.
Recall also, humans have evolved to see is in our genetics, and in general we will see patterns even where they don't exist...math, statistics and simulation can all help prove or disprove what we think we see.
So, to the author, please post your raw data on spins and your raw data on performance...
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September 7th, 2010 at 8:22:47 AM permalink
Quote: rtpud

So, who cares what his system does or what the simulations say...the real question is are roulette wheels innately biased in some way and if you record enough numbers over time could you empirically determine his "X" value for betting a "hot" street.
So, mr. system how many numbers have you recorded to develop this trend and for which wheel in which casino?
To me it is entirely plausible that all wheels have a bias but the bias is not cosmic (ala gamblers fallacy), it is equipment related.

All roulette wheels *do* have bias. There's no such thing as a mechanical device for generating a perfect uniform distribution. The problem is that you (the player) can't detect it or exploit it prior to the casino finding out about it, unless they're really falling asleep at the switch. Many roulette tables have bias-tracking software running which does an ongoing statistical analysis of the outcome distribution and will signal when/if a wheel becomes questionably-balanced. That software is programmed to raise red flags before the bias becomes exploitable. For example, if the 00 spot happened 1% more often than it should, with the rest of the spots decreasing slightly to compensate, you still don't have the edge betting on 00.

The point is that if you think charting numbers at a roulette wheel is going to help you beat the wheel, don't bother. The casino gets to use a computer and you don't:
Quote: Nevada Revised Statutes

NRS 465.075 Use of device for calculating probabilities. It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assist:
3. In analyzing the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to the game;

"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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September 7th, 2010 at 9:15:59 AM permalink
how does this thread have this many posts?
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September 7th, 2010 at 10:38:20 AM permalink
LOL!! It's another "system" vs. "math" thread! Always entertaining...and will always get high traffic around here for some reason.....
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September 7th, 2010 at 10:47:37 AM permalink
Quote: Ericayne

LOL!! It's another "system" vs. "math" thread! Always entertaining...and will always get high traffic around here for some reason.....

It's more like stupidity vs. rationality. However, the world DOES need stupid people--to play the lottery, to pack the stadiums at monster truck rallies, to stop bullets, to buy Budweiser--so perhaps we shouldn't be so hard on people like jjj. After all, if not for him and his ilk, casino games would be even worse than they are now.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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September 7th, 2010 at 11:36:41 AM permalink
Oh, MAN! I take one long weekend away from the internet, and I miss alllll this fun? Goddamnit.

Let's try this:

1. Assume that the roulette wheel has no memory of the last numbers hit. It doesn't, so this shouldn't be too hard.
2. Assume that the edge in double 0 roulette is 5.26% on each and every bet made. it is, so this shouldn't be to hard.
3. Assume that adding any combination of negative numbers will result in a larger negative number. It does, so this also shouldn't be hard.

Given that all of the above are true, how can your roulette betting system possibly work?
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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September 7th, 2010 at 1:10:56 PM permalink
Quote: mkl654321 buy Budweiser....

You got something against Budweiser??
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September 7th, 2010 at 5:45:31 PM permalink
"So, mr. system how many numbers have you recorded to develop this trend and for which wheel in which casino?" >>> First, its not a system, its a method. Second, I dont know where you are getting a 'pattern' or 'trend' out of this? Third, I ALREADY posted, its only looking at 12 numbers back. Casino? Potawatomi, Milwaukee. Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 5:47:57 PM permalink
Hey mkl....I thought I told you, go lay next to your dish! lol You never answered me (same question for you rdw4potus)....What is your method of play in terms of roulette? Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 5:55:40 PM permalink
Let me ask this. Do the numbers come out like this? >>>

24.....If not, why?? lol Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:03:56 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Hey mkl....I thought I told you, go lay next to your dish! lol You never answered me (same question for you rdw4potus)....What is your method of play in terms of roulette? Ken

The house edge in roulette is about 10 times as high as it is in my favorite game (blackjack), so I don't play much roulette. When I do play, I bet my birthdate 10-17-8-single 0.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:09:28 PM permalink
It's another "system" vs. "math" thread! Always entertaining...and will always get high traffic around here for some reason" >>> Not correct, thats NOT why it has so many posts. It has many posts because some members like to TROLL around and slam others, kind of like a hobby I guess? Its takes 'balls' to post a method, it takes a coward to rip on it. Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:11:13 PM permalink
"The house edge in roulette is about 10 times as high as it is in my favorite game (blackjack), so I don't play much roulette. When I do play, I bet my birthdate 10-17-8-single 0" >>> I'm confused man, help me out here. How well do you do in the long term, playing your way? Ken
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:24:59 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

"The house edge in roulette is about 10 times as high as it is in my favorite game (blackjack), so I don't play much roulette. When I do play, I bet my birthdate 10-17-8-single 0" >>> I'm confused man, help me out here. How well do you do in the long term, playing your way? Ken

In the long term at Roulette? Well, since the house edge is 5.26% no matter how I bet, I lose 5.26% of every bet on average. So over the long term, my losses tend to eat into my bankroll pretty badly. That's why I don't play much:-)

I agree that what you have is a method and not a system. But roulette is a very regimented game. You get short-paid by the same % on every bet on the board, so any method that is used is for entertainment purposes only - no alteration of the house advantage is possible in the long run.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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September 7th, 2010 at 6:41:23 PM permalink
"no alteration of the house advantage is possible in the long run" >>> Sooo, you're here to save me? If you dont post a WINNING method, you have ZERO right to slam others. You dont get to have it both ways, not on my watch. I do 'quite well' playing roulette. Actually to the point of me being 'cocky' while playing. I unfortunately got into that habit a couple years ago. This game has little to do with being positive.

F**k being positive, it does not help a person win, nor will it hurt you. The *ONLY* people who say that you can not do 'well' (I did not say great) are the SAME people that lose at this game or GAVE UP long ago because they did not have the longevity to hang in there. Because someone else is LAZY, is not my concern. Ok you dont play roulette alot, thats cool. What game do you play where you have the advantage over the house? Let me guess...either AP (cough) or card counting? Ken
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