If you want to see simulation results I suggest you summon the goddess of craps sims: MustangSally.
Your personal success stems from using a negative progression in your bet amout. The idea behind a negative progression is that you will trade many small wins for a few extreme losses. You probably have not hit any such losses yet, but when you do it will erase all your profit and probably more. It is not in your best long term interest to use this system. If you want more details, keep posting and we can walk you through it.
The systems do not work so as to make money for the bettor, but the purpose of the OP's system is to make money for his particular casino.Quote: RonCThere is a ton of material about how betting systems don't work ....
Generally it's known as the Doey-Don't. I can sympathize if it looks good to you, when I first saw it a light bulb came on ... "hey that's ingenious!"
Alas, instead it was counter-intuitively stupid for me and I couldn't see it. Seems obvious now.
That the line bets cancelling each other is obviously profoundly stupid. You'd never place a Pass and Don't Pass at the same time without thinking about the odds, right?
Somehow you start to think, hey, I can play the odds for "nearly free" by just playing them darkside or rightside, but not both. Unfortunately this has you forgetting that the odds have all the variance anyway and you are just paying more to get there. For the line bets, you have to bet twice as much each hand, in a manner that guarantees a loss on the line.
The idea for this is very old and it is established fact that it is worthless. So worthless that maybe you could download the whole thing for free it seems.
Shame on you for thinking that!

This is a quote from the website. Another hack dice controller who thinks that he can not only beat the odds but sell the way to beat the odds to others.
If you go out on a limb far enough to believe dice control is possible, what are the odds of actually being good at it? It is almost a professional athlete's level of skill from what I have read of those who claim it possible. Most of us here have never played in NBA, NHL, NFL, or MLB but we do, or did, participate in sports at some level. Realists among us know you can't give someone with high school level talent a professional player's ability.
Quote: RonCAnother hack dice controller who thinks that he can not only beat the odds but sell the way to beat the odds to others.
This betting system does not mention Dice Control.
He starts off with a bet that doubles the HE.
After that, it's all downhill.
yes. I personally have programmed this in WinCraps to run simulations against actual casino dice rolls and computer dice rolls and do have quite a few files of data.Quote: Blackli0nXXHas anyone here had any experience with the Knockout Craps betting system?
I hope you are aware that KO Craps is an old system from 2012 and there is another one published from 2013
The Hunter System for Craps
COPYRIGHT © 2013 Silverthorne Publications, Inc.
it uses the Fibonacci, the Marty and a positive progression.
many just LOVE progressions!
sounds like fun! Are you following the exact procedures and win goal restart points in the pdf?Quote: Blackli0nXXI've been playing it using bitcoin on online casinos every day for the past few days and haven't lost a session yet.
If so you should win (turn $600 into $700, $5 level I tested) about 80 out of 100 attempts on average before the "Strong Bet" progression hits a BIG loss and you stop playing that session.
I "played" over 100,000 sessions
are your sessions ready to be shown?Quote: Blackli0nXXIt basically consists of you placing equal bets on the DP and P, then placing odds against the point after it is established while also playing the come and dont come bets. I have only recorded the past few sessions and I will upload the spreadsheet after I fill in more games over the next couple days.
I will then show my data.
Because of the many different variations of how to actually play Ko Craps, I only programmed the first two.
here is the WinCraps code.
Both for Classic and Pro
'600 session bankroll
When . . .
Initializing Auto-Bet
then . . .
Set Auto-Lay Full Odds to False
Set Auto-Handle Winning Bets to "Take Bet and Winnings"
Name Chip-Stack # 0 as "pointer for line bets"
Name Chip-Stack # 1 as "line level1"
Name Chip-Stack # 2 as "line level2"
Name Chip-Stack # 3 as "line level3"
Name Chip-Stack # 4 as "line level4"
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 1
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 2
Bet $ 6 on Chip-Stack # 3
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 4
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Name Chip-Stack # 5 as "# of level 4 bets lost"
Name Chip-Stack # 6 as "highest bankroll"
Name Chip-Stack # 7 as "# of come out roll 12"
Name Chip-Stack # 8 as "$ LOST to come out roll 12"
Name Chip-Stack # 9 as "4,10 pointer for line bet odds"
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 9
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 10
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 11
Bet $ 60 on Chip-Stack # 12
Bet $ 150 on Chip-Stack # 13
Name Chip-Stack # 14 as "5,9 pointer for line bet odds"
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack # 14
Bet $ 9 on Chip-Stack # 15
Bet $ 18 on Chip-Stack # 16
Bet $ 45 on Chip-Stack # 17
Bet $ 120 on Chip-Stack # 18
Name Chip-Stack # 19 as "68 pointer for line bet odds"
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 19
Bet $ 6 on Chip-Stack # 20
Bet $ 12 on Chip-Stack # 21
Bet $ 36 on Chip-Stack # 22
Bet $ 90 on Chip-Stack # 23
Name Chip-Stack # 30 as "pointer for Strong Bets"
Bet $ 31 on Chip-Stack # 30
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 31
Bet $ 16 on Chip-Stack # 32
Bet $ 26 on Chip-Stack # 33
Bet $ 42 on Chip-Stack # 34
Bet $ 78 on Chip-Stack # 35
Bet $ 110 on Chip-Stack # 36
Bet $ 178 on Chip-Stack # 37
Name Chip-Stack # 40 as "last results"
Name Chip-Stack # 45 as "trend - COME/DONT COME"
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 45
Name Chip-Stack # 46 as "strong bet lost this point round"
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 46
Go to "end"
'============strong betting==================
'track last WIN or LOSS
While . . .
Any Come bet has won each time
or while . . .
Come has won each time
or while . . .
Any Don't Come bet has won each time
or while . . .
Don't Come has won each time
then . . .
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 40
While . . .
Any Come bet has lost each time
or while . . .
Come has lost each time
or while . . .
Any Don't Come bet has lost each time
or while . . .
Don't Come has lost each time
then . . .
Bet $ -1 on Chip-Stack # 40
'list last 3 WIN or LOSS
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 40 is not equal to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack # 42 on Chip-Stack # 43
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack # 41 on Chip-Stack # 42
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack # 40 on Chip-Stack # 41
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 40
'check to reset back to Level 1 after 2 or 2/3 wins
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 41 is equal to $ 1
Chip-Stack # 42 is equal to $ 1
or while . . .
Chip-Stack # 41 is equal to $ 1
Chip-Stack # 42 is equal to $ -1
Chip-Stack # 43 is equal to $ 1
then . . .
Bet $ 31 on Chip-Stack # 30
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 41
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 42
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 43
go DOWN one Level after a win
While . . .
Any Come bet has won each time
Chip-Stack # 30 is not less than $ 32
or while . . .
Come has won each time
Chip-Stack # 30 is not less than $ 32
or while . . .
Any Don't Come bet has won each time
Chip-Stack # 30 is not less than $ 32
or while . . .
Don't Come has won each time
Chip-Stack # 30 is not less than $ 32
then . . .
Subtract $ 1 from Chip-Stack # 30
'bet LOST
While . . .
Any Come bet has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
or while . . .
Come has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
then . . .
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 30
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 45
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 46
While . . .
Any Don't Come bet has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
or while . . .
Don't Come has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
then . . .
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 30
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 46
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 45
While . . .
A point is decided "for" or "against" any number
then . . .
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 46
Go to "advantage betting"
make new strong bet
While . . .
Total Come bets number 0
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
Chip-Stack # 45 is equal to $ 1
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 30 on Come
While . . .
Total Don't Come bets number 0
Chip-Stack # 46 is equal to $ 0
Chip-Stack # 45 is equal to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 30 on Don't Come
advantage betting
While . . .
Don't Pass Odds is greater than $ 0
then . . .
Go to "end"
While . . .
Last roll was a come-out roll
Number 12 (6-6) has rolled each time
then . . .
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 7
Add 100 % of the last Pass Line to Chip-Stack # 8
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Go to "status"
While . . .
Last roll was a come-out roll
A point is established on any number
then . . .
Go to "make dont odds bet 4"
While . . .
A point is decided "for" any number
Chip-Stack # 0 is less than $ 4
then . . .
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 0
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 9
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 14
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 19
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Go to "status"
While . . .
A point is decided "for" any number
Chip-Stack # 0 is equal to $ 4
then . . .
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 5
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 9
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack # 14
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 19
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Go to "status"
While . . .
A point is decided "against" any number
then . . .
Bet 100 % of highest bankroll on Chip-Stack # 6
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 9
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack # 14
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 19
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Go to "status"
While . . .
Next roll is a come-out roll
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
Go to "status"
make dont odds bet 4
While . . .
Don't Pass Odds is equal to $ 0
A point is established on the number 4 or 10
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 9 on Don't Pass Odds
Go to "status"
'make dont odds bet 5
While . . .
Don't Pass Odds is equal to $ 0
A point is established on the number 5 or 9
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 14 on Don't Pass Odds
Go to "status"
'make dont odds bet 6
While . . .
Don't Pass Odds is equal to $ 0
A point is established on the number 6 or 8
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 19 on Don't Pass Odds
While . . .
Bankroll is not less than $ 700
or while . . .
Chip-Stack # 30 is equal to $ 38
or while . . .
Pass Line is equal to $ 0
or while . . .
Don't Pass is equal to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 100 % of highest bankroll on Chip-Stack # 6
Add $ 1 to Chip-Stack # 99
Bet $ 31 on Chip-Stack # 30
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 41
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 42
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 43
Reset table (preserve Chip-Stacks)
Bet $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack # 9
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack # 14
Bet $ 20 on Chip-Stack # 19
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 5
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 6
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 7
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 8
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Pass Line
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack ref # 0 on Don't Pass
When . . .
Chip-Stack # 99 is equal to $ 10000
then . . .
Stop Auto-Rolling / Hyper-Drive
Pro version
'600 session bankroll
Initializing script
AutoLay full odds = false :
AutoHandle Winning bets = 2 :
Name cs0 as "pointer for line bets" :
Name cs1 as "line level 1" :
Name cs2 as "line level 2" :
Name cs3 as "line level 3" :
Name cs4 as "line level 4" :
Bet $1 on cs0 :
Bet $5 on cs1 :
Bet $5 on cs2 :
Bet $6 on cs3 :
Bet $20 on cs4 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
Name cs5 as "#of level 4 bets lost" :
Name cs6 as "highest bankroll" :
Name cs7 as "#of come out roll 12" :
Name cs8 as "$ LOST to come out roll 12" :
Name cs9 as "4,10 pointer for line bet odds" :
Bet $10 on cs9 :
Bet $10 on cs10 :
Bet $20 on cs11 :
Bet $60 on cs12 :
Bet $150 on cs13 :
Name cs14 as "5,9 pointer for line bet odds" :
Bet $15 on cs14 :
Bet $9 on cs15 :
Bet $18 on cs16 :
Bet $45 on cs17 :
Bet $120 on cs18 :
Name cs19 as "68 pointer for line bet odds" :
Bet $20 on cs19 :
Bet $6 on cs20 :
Bet $12 on cs21 :
Bet $36 on cs22 :
Bet $90 on cs23 :
Name cs30 as "pointer for Strong Bets" :
Bet $31 on cs30 :
Bet $10 on cs31 :
Bet $16 on cs32 :
Bet $26 on cs33 :
Bet $42 on cs34 :
Bet $78 on cs35 :
Bet $110 on cs36 :
Bet $178 on cs37 :
Name cs40 as "last results" :
Name cs45.trend as "trend - COME/DONT COME" :
Bet $1 on cs45.trend :
Name cs46.strong as "strong bet lost this point round" :
Bet $0 on cs46.strong :
GoTo "end"
Beginning new session And Initializing script = false
Bet $1 on cs0 :
Bet $10 on cs9 :
Bet $15 on cs14 :
Bet $20 on cs19 :
Bet $0 on cs5, cs6, cs7, cs8 :
cs45.trend = 1 :
cs46.strong = 0 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass
'============strong betting==================
'track last WIN or LOSS
any(Come bets win)
Come wins
any(DontCome bets win)
DontCome wins
Bet $1 on cs40
any(Come bets lose)
Come loses
any(DontCome bets lose)
DontCome loses
Bet $ - 1 on cs40
'list last 3 WIN or LOSS
cs40 is not equal to $0
Bet 100% of cs42 on cs43 :
Bet 100% of cs41 on cs42 :
Bet 100% of cs40 on cs41 :
Bet $0 on cs40
'check to reset back to Level 1 after 2 or 2/3 wins
cs41 = $1 And
cs42 = $1
cs41 = $1 And
cs42 = $ - 1 And
cs43 = $1
Bet $31 on cs30 :
Bet $0 on cs41 :
Bet $0 on cs42 :
Bet $0 on cs43 :
: "go DOWN one Level after a win" :
any(Come bets win) And
cs30 >= $32
Come wins And
cs30 >= $32
any(DontCome bets win) And
cs30 >= $32
DontCome wins And
cs30 >= $32
Subtract $1 from cs30 :
'bet LOST
any(Come bets lose) And
cs46.strong = $0
Come loses And
cs46.strong = $0
Add $1 to cs30 :
Bet $0 on cs45.trend :
Bet $1 on cs46.strong
any(DontCome bets lose) And
cs46.strong = $0
DontCome loses And
cs46.strong = $0
Add $1 to cs30 :
Bet $1 on cs46.strong :
Bet $1 on cs45.trend
A point is decided FOR Or AGAINST any(4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)
Bet $0 on cs46.strong :
GoTo "advantage betting"
: "make new strong bet" :
Count(Come bets) = 0 And
cs46.strong = $0 And
cs45.trend = $1
Bet 100% of cs(cs30) on Come
Count(DontCome bets) = 0 And
cs46.strong = $0 And
cs45.trend = $0
Bet 100% of cs(cs30) on DontCome
: "advantage betting" :
DontPassOdds is greater than $0
GoTo "end"
Last roll was a comeout roll And
dice total = 12
Add $1 to cs7 :
Add 100% of the last PassLine to cs8 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
GoTo "status"
Last roll was a comeout roll And
A point is established on any(4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)
GoTo "make dont odds bet 4"
A point is decided FOR any(4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) And
cs0 is less than $4
Add $1 to cs0 :
Add $1 to cs9 :
Add $1 to cs14 :
Add $1 to cs19 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
GoTo "status"
A point is decided FOR any(4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) And
cs0 = $4
Add $1 to cs5 :
Bet $1 on cs0 :
Bet $10 on cs9 :
Bet $15 on cs14 :
Bet $20 on cs19 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
GoTo "status"
A point is decided AGAINST any(4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)
Bet 100% of high bankroll on cs6 :
Bet $1 on cs0 :
Bet $10 on cs9 :
Bet $15 on cs14 :
Bet $20 on cs19 :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
GoTo "status"
Next roll is a comeout roll
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on PassLine :
Bet 100% of cs(cs0) on DontPass :
GoTo "status"
: "make dont odds bet 4" :
DontPassOdds = $0 And
A point is established on the any(4, 10)
Bet 100% of cs(cs9) on DontPassOdds :
GoTo "status"
'make dont odds bet 5
DontPassOdds = $0 And
A point is established on the any(5, 9)
Bet 100% of cs(cs14) on DontPassOdds :
GoTo "status"
'make dont odds bet 6
DontPassOdds = $0 And
A point is established on the any(6, 8)
Bet 100% of cs(cs19) on DontPassOdds
: "status" :
Bankroll >= $700
cs30 = $38
PassLine = $0
DontPass = $0
Bet 100% of high bankroll on cs6 :
Add $1 to cs99 :
Bet $31 on cs30 :
Bet $0 on cs41, cs42, cs43 :
Start new session(preserve CheckStacks)
cs99 = $10000
Stop AutoRolling / HyperDrive
: "end" :
how often to you play craps in a live casino?
what is your betting strategy? (pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds) ?
how is that working out for you?
this post is not meant to be sarcastic - just curious
Quote: longhaira few quick questions for everyone out there bashing betting systems and controlled shooters:
how often to you play craps in a live casino?
what is your betting strategy? (pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds) ?
how is that working out for you?
this post is not meant to be sarcastic - just curious
It is just a fact that they do not work in the long run.
Just like relationships and life itself.
Quote: longhaira few quick questions for everyone out there bashing betting systems and controlled shooters:
how often to you play craps in a live casino?
what is your betting strategy? (pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds) ?
how is that working out for you?
this post is not meant to be sarcastic - just curious
Playing 2-3 days every 2 months in a live casino.
The 13th of September, exactly 1 week from today I will only be playing for 2 nights in Macau. I'll be doing a Macau 'Craps' Trip Report. Till then practicing my swing.
Quote: AhighIt is just a fact that they do not work in the long run.
Just like relationships and life itself.
"It is just a fact that they do not work in the long run"
Does that also include playing pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds ?
I have never seen many people win any real money playing that way..
Once I saw someone, at a $25 dollar table win a bit over a grand with that "play the lowest house edge" theory (of course, folks on this board wouldn't refer to that as a system..)
My personal observation about live craps- it is often about fluctuation in probability. Even without the dice having memory - numbers repeat, although dice controlling is impossible - an experienced dice controller may be on, etc.. If a -dare I say- "system" takes advantage of a positive fluctuation cycle, then you win thousands.. maybe more..
Wining at craps is about betting big at the right time - not about house edge.. if you win ten grand at the table, do you really care that you paid an average of 9% house edge?
When you setup a pass + max odds and two comes + max odds, then a seven shows and takes it all, does it make you feel any better that you played only low house edge bets (i.e 0.33% at 5X) ? Did the odds portion of the loss feel "free" to you?
If the table goes cold, bet against the shooter until it swings back.. Oh wait.. the dice have no memory..
Quote: nickolay411Playing 2-3 days every 2 months in a live casino.
What is your betting strategy?
Does it differ when you shoot than when others at the table shoot?
Quote: longhaira few quick questions for everyone out there bashing betting systems and controlled shooters:
how often to you play craps in a live casino?
what is your betting strategy? (pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds) ?
how is that working out for you?
this post is not meant to be sarcastic - just curious
How often to you play craps in a live casino? 3 -- 4 times a year
What is your betting strategy? (pass line w/ max odds + 2 come bets with max odds) ? Hope to get lucky. Don't pass with odds, lay the 4, 10, and make Don't Come bets with odds. Wait for the seven, and hope numbers don't repeat. If it works, take the winnings. If things don't work out, chalk it up to entertainment. No fancy system, just the fairest propositions offered at the table. Any system that can really beat Craps means jail time, which is what you get if you're caught switching in gaffed dice, as that's the only reliable way to beat this game.
I prefer to concentrate where I know I have the advantage: No limit Hold 'Em and PLO (when that game goes off. Not often but when it does, it's a real fish magnet).