May 11th, 2011 at 4:39:31 AM
Quote: wroberson
if the house beats a 2nd 12 number 5 times in a row, what are the odds of the house catching the 6th number in a row? 10-1? about 3-1?
Exactly the same as for the first spin. See here for an explanation as to why.
[This space is intentionally left blank]
May 11th, 2011 at 5:49:33 AM
Ditto.Quote: CroupierExactly the same as for the first spin. See here for an explanation as to why.
If you want to know what the odds are of something happening 6 times in a row, that's completely different. However, if you want to know the odds of getting it a sixth time after the first five times are already history, then the odds are exactly the same as any single event.
History doesn't matter to games of pure chance.
Past events do not affect or predict future results - except in sporting events / racing, etc.
I invented a few casino games. Info: —————————————————————————————————————
Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
May 11th, 2011 at 10:24:27 AM
Over the years, I've discovered that most system players tend to have similar believes that exist outside of designing systems for negative expectation games of chance. I've also discovered that I can spot these system players by just asking a series of questions that don't directly relate to gambling.
The name of the test is the Q.S.D.T. Qualified System Designer Test.
The following five questions can quickly determine whether someone has the ability to design a "winning system" (cough) for the games of keno, Power Ball, the random game of roulette, or craps.
If you're a gambler, each question that you answer with a "yes" helps determine how likely you are to be an "expert system designer for all casino games of chance."
The questions are listed below.
1. Do you feel that Dick Cheney and George Bush were the real masterminds behind 911? Yes/No
2. Do you think the Moon landings were faked? Yes/No
3. Did the US recover alien bodies and hide them in area 51? Yes/No
4. Are we currently using "some of the alien technology that we discovered in the crashed ship"? Yes/No
5. Bin Laden is still alive and is hiding in a cave. Yes/No
The name of the test is the Q.S.D.T. Qualified System Designer Test.
The following five questions can quickly determine whether someone has the ability to design a "winning system" (cough) for the games of keno, Power Ball, the random game of roulette, or craps.
If you're a gambler, each question that you answer with a "yes" helps determine how likely you are to be an "expert system designer for all casino games of chance."
The questions are listed below.
1. Do you feel that Dick Cheney and George Bush were the real masterminds behind 911? Yes/No
2. Do you think the Moon landings were faked? Yes/No
3. Did the US recover alien bodies and hide them in area 51? Yes/No
4. Are we currently using "some of the alien technology that we discovered in the crashed ship"? Yes/No
5. Bin Laden is still alive and is hiding in a cave. Yes/No
May 11th, 2011 at 9:29:55 PM
Thanks for the link and other information. It is working for now. I would like to add that I don't like being the only player at the table. Game spins by too fast and for me is a bad thing and the emotional level increases quickly. I don't like being the target.
1. Do you feel that Dick Cheney and George Bush were the real masterminds behind 911? Yes/No
NO. (which Bush?)
2. Do you think the Moon landings were faked? Yes/No
YES. I paid to see the DVD and NASA film. It's been edited over the years. (director used to say "speak" now he says "talk" Special effects still intact)
3. Did the US recover alien bodies and hide them in area 51? Yes/No
NO. No aliens have ever been discovered, so therefore they do not exist.
4. Are we currently using "some of the alien technology that we discovered in the crashed ship"? Yes/No
5. Bin Laden is still alive and is hiding in a cave. Yes/No
NO. Bin Laden is dead. Died May 1, 2011.
1. Do you feel that Dick Cheney and George Bush were the real masterminds behind 911? Yes/No
NO. (which Bush?)
2. Do you think the Moon landings were faked? Yes/No
YES. I paid to see the DVD and NASA film. It's been edited over the years. (director used to say "speak" now he says "talk" Special effects still intact)
3. Did the US recover alien bodies and hide them in area 51? Yes/No
NO. No aliens have ever been discovered, so therefore they do not exist.
4. Are we currently using "some of the alien technology that we discovered in the crashed ship"? Yes/No
5. Bin Laden is still alive and is hiding in a cave. Yes/No
NO. Bin Laden is dead. Died May 1, 2011.
May 12th, 2011 at 10:53:33 PM
First off, anyone who has their own betting system and are consistently winning, has a pretty good thing going. Some systems are better than others, but it doesn't have to be that way.
I'm betting into a fallacy only I believe. It would make for a great casino crawl up and down the strip ending at the Stratosphere.
Bet: 2nd 12
Bankroll:$1000.00 minimum
Wagering System: assume all bets lost 5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 65, 125, 175. revert back to 1st 5 dollar bet on win, (if any).
Time Limit: 60-75 minutes
The Fallacies:
increased expectation that the further along into the wagering system the more likely I will win.
number positioning of the 2nd 12 on the wheel is favorable to the player and visually implies that it's an even money bet.
Total Win: 1105
Current sample size: 11
Wins and Losses: 11 wins.
losing bets in a row as betting player, 10-1, 9-1, 8-3, 7-1, 6-6,
losing bets in a row as a witness to 20-1
house wins the 2nd 12 bet 4 or 5 times in a row is common.
I increase value on the next spin after losing 6 bets
Had I put 1/2 my pocket money in the bank, I would have lost last night.
Luck to everyone. But I prefer Newtons Laws of Motion to all
Have a great day!
I'm betting into a fallacy only I believe. It would make for a great casino crawl up and down the strip ending at the Stratosphere.
Bet: 2nd 12
Bankroll:$1000.00 minimum
Wagering System: assume all bets lost 5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 65, 125, 175. revert back to 1st 5 dollar bet on win, (if any).
Time Limit: 60-75 minutes
The Fallacies:
increased expectation that the further along into the wagering system the more likely I will win.
number positioning of the 2nd 12 on the wheel is favorable to the player and visually implies that it's an even money bet.
Total Win: 1105
Current sample size: 11
Wins and Losses: 11 wins.
losing bets in a row as betting player, 10-1, 9-1, 8-3, 7-1, 6-6,
losing bets in a row as a witness to 20-1
house wins the 2nd 12 bet 4 or 5 times in a row is common.
I increase value on the next spin after losing 6 bets
Had I put 1/2 my pocket money in the bank, I would have lost last night.
Luck to everyone. But I prefer Newtons Laws of Motion to all
Have a great day!
May 26th, 2011 at 5:01:12 AM
Winning streak is at 19 days.
Largest win $495.00 on 11th spin.
I manged to put a few dollars in the bank, and changed the betting system.
All bets lost: 5,5,5,10,15,25,40,60,90,etc...
I ran in to a few "floaters". One guy had a number loaded too.
This is a term used in Roulette to describe the situation when the Roulette ball hangs up under the lip of the Roulette wheel and will not drop.
Got a clump of 40 dollar cash or chip coupons in the mail covering June and totals $360.00.
Largest win $495.00 on 11th spin.
I manged to put a few dollars in the bank, and changed the betting system.
All bets lost: 5,5,5,10,15,25,40,60,90,etc...
I ran in to a few "floaters". One guy had a number loaded too.
This is a term used in Roulette to describe the situation when the Roulette ball hangs up under the lip of the Roulette wheel and will not drop.
Got a clump of 40 dollar cash or chip coupons in the mail covering June and totals $360.00.
May 26th, 2011 at 5:24:54 AM
I think I have invented a roulette system that guarantees that you wont lose money. Im going to call it "The ultimate lifelong roulette system" and sell it to muppets for $9.99.
I cant go into detail but it involves not actually playing roulette, and in the last 6 months I can testify 100% that it has worked, and I PROMISE and GUARANTEE that I have not lost a single cent on roulette.
I cant go into detail but it involves not actually playing roulette, and in the last 6 months I can testify 100% that it has worked, and I PROMISE and GUARANTEE that I have not lost a single cent on roulette.
May 26th, 2011 at 5:28:29 AM
Not quite true. My local Chinese Take-Out gave me a fortune cookie with this list of hot numbers in it. I'm definitely going to give it a try, but I'll be honorable about it and simply bet on them instead of trying to sell them as being somehow uniquely adored by the little white ball.Quote: SOOPOODon't you find it odd that in the history of roulette no one other than you has ever noticed this amazing list of 'hot numbers'?
May 30th, 2011 at 12:23:51 AM
The house has to win sometime. Winning streak ends at 21 wins in a row. The other night I ran into a 13 spin losing streak. The night started of with the dealer calling me "the middle man" seconds after entering the casino. I'm sure she was being nice and friendly and just chose bad words. I don't know why things like this happen or I only notice them on days I lose. You can believe how poorly they treat money. It could go as far as talking about you behind your back. I then noticed that the wheel/table rig was shaky and possibly dangerous. A dealer or gambler could pinch off a finger, or in a catastrophic collapse, someone could be killed or worse as 700 pounds of debris lands only their shoulder.
The night ended with me explaining to the house that I have a name, and my name is William or William Roberson. That I am not the middle man, I am not the player who wins all the time, and nor am I the guy who complains a lot. I was almost home when I turned around and went back for names. I accidently gave the dealer the wrong players card and the pit boss gave me a hassle. Then I remembered Rosie, when I dropped another 5 on a second 7-8 spin losing streak, she took the right players card info and handle the registration correctly.
When I got home I found the Illinois Gaming Board and faxed them a freefaxed complaint explaining the name calling and the wobbliness of the gaming system. Since I couldn't find a complaint form, I then contacted the ICC for directions. Furthering the conversation to include that the games already give the house an advantage, and went off on a tangent about the different riggings around the casino. The roulette wheel and betting table is a rig, but as the gave evolved along with the advancements in electronic, the game is now rigged with a ball tracker. they call it a laser traker, but it tracks the ball not lasers. The slots? Look for the sign that tells you the payout, like 91.4%. Go find another sign that read a different percentage. Card shuffling rigs at every table. As for craps, beyond the table, I can't see and additional rigs, but generally there's a computer near by for player's club registration.
Public Gambling can become a distraction with the same pressures, but it makes me a better player. I guess it would also make a difference with whom you share the information with.
If you notice anything that it unusual like hazardous public areas and rude employees, please file a complaint with the Gaming Board in your area. Your actions may make the world a better place. It would depend on whether the playing area in the reported condition is safe enough and accurate enough or good enough for governments sake.
Good Luck!
The night ended with me explaining to the house that I have a name, and my name is William or William Roberson. That I am not the middle man, I am not the player who wins all the time, and nor am I the guy who complains a lot. I was almost home when I turned around and went back for names. I accidently gave the dealer the wrong players card and the pit boss gave me a hassle. Then I remembered Rosie, when I dropped another 5 on a second 7-8 spin losing streak, she took the right players card info and handle the registration correctly.
When I got home I found the Illinois Gaming Board and faxed them a freefaxed complaint explaining the name calling and the wobbliness of the gaming system. Since I couldn't find a complaint form, I then contacted the ICC for directions. Furthering the conversation to include that the games already give the house an advantage, and went off on a tangent about the different riggings around the casino. The roulette wheel and betting table is a rig, but as the gave evolved along with the advancements in electronic, the game is now rigged with a ball tracker. they call it a laser traker, but it tracks the ball not lasers. The slots? Look for the sign that tells you the payout, like 91.4%. Go find another sign that read a different percentage. Card shuffling rigs at every table. As for craps, beyond the table, I can't see and additional rigs, but generally there's a computer near by for player's club registration.
Public Gambling can become a distraction with the same pressures, but it makes me a better player. I guess it would also make a difference with whom you share the information with.
If you notice anything that it unusual like hazardous public areas and rude employees, please file a complaint with the Gaming Board in your area. Your actions may make the world a better place. It would depend on whether the playing area in the reported condition is safe enough and accurate enough or good enough for governments sake.
Good Luck!
May 30th, 2011 at 2:59:56 AM
Quote: wroberson
The night ended with me explaining to the house that I have a name, and my name is William or William Roberson. That I am not the middle man, I am not the player who wins all the time, and nor am I the guy who complains a lot. I was almost home when I turned around and went back for names.
I love stories like this. I've been going to casinos for 35 years and have heard a hundred of these stories, always told by people to give credibility to their wild winning techniques. And roulette tables, with the wheel on them, don't weigh 700 pounds. Three men can easily pick them up and move them.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."