Quote: gr8varmentiNow you gotta ask yourself how you can win consistently? and that involves increasing your wins to compensate for your losses and in order to do this
GR8VARMENTI'S ADVICE: Bet more when you're going to win, less when you're going to lose.
(Brilliant! How come I couldn't have thought of this??)
LOL!!Quote: terapinedHere is Varmenti's day, get up,post post post post post, eat,post post post post post post, lunch, post post post, dinner, posts about hitting the casino, gets back or was taking a nap, post post post post post post post, hmm, 22 posts for the day, time for bedtime and ready to do it all over again.
Another LOL!Quote: TwirdmanOk I'm sorry this just is impossible to believe given your story. You want us to believe that you've been a pro gambler 25 years and don't know what hedging is.
+250,000Quote: PaboOh, God, I can't get my breath! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!...
(And to my esteemed teacher gr8player: No, that was NOT a reference to the $250K you lost at baccarat!! So please do not get upset, teacher!)
(NOTE: Sorry everyone, didn't realize I made 4 posts in a row. I should have combined them. I just got all enthralled while reading gr8varmenti's posts and lost track. lol)
Quote: Beethoven9th
(NOTE: Sorry everyone, didn't realize I made 4 posts in a row. I should have combined them. I just got all enthralled while reading gr8varmenti's posts and lost track. lol)
The best is he's been a pro gambler for years and doen't know
what hedging is. What is there to say, is it the Canadian school
system to blame?
Quote: jamesbond007Let me give you an example of what im asking. By explaining a FAKE glitch and how it was exploited "however its not real nor did this happen". After I fed a combination of 1 coin then 2 coins and tapped the change light on and off 3 times and then touched the cash out button 4 times, every fourth play after that the numbers 1 ,2 3, 4 came up... so I played a five spot with the numbers 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 11 with 4 coins bet. 5 out of five paid $810... if I hit it 4 out of 5, it paid 42 coins... 3 out of 5 payed 2 coins... I knew the first 4 numbers already, so I only needed to guess 1 number out of 76 with the remaining 16 balls left. This would happen approx 1 in 3 plays My profit each time was over $830. I went to 5 different casinos each day and I made 250k on the keno... but lost it all back on my old baccarat system.
"Let me give you an example of what I'm asking". - Normally this statement is followed by or preceded by an actual question being asked, lol
Quote: EdgeLooker
"Let me give you an example of what I'm asking". - Normally this statement is followed by or preceded by an actual question being asked, lol
I answered this already by saying "it doesn't matter anymore and it's pointless to discus it further because they took the machines out and Upgraded the rest.
Quote: EvenBobThe best is he's been a pro gambler for years and doen't know
what hedging is. What is there to say, is it the Canadian school
system to blame?
I don't care to know, I am not a teacher and don't care to educate myself about Variance, Hedging and I already forgot that third word. wait, Oh yeah, Math. Money above my bank roll is all I count, thats it thats all.
Quote: Beethoven9thGR8VARMENTI'S ADVICE: Bet more when you're going to win, less when you're going to lose.
(Brilliant! How come I couldn't have thought of this??)
Beethoven9th, stop snacking on stupid pills and get it right, "INCREASE YOUR BET WHEN YOU WIN, START OVER WHEN YOU LOSE"
Write this down and get it together man, you are losing it, I'm gonna start calling you Bart Simpson soon. If you were my student I would have Placed you in the corner 95% of the time.
Dreamed Gr8Player and I were both sitting at a Baccarat Tournament and next to us sat two others named, EvenBob & "The Great Beetoven9th" we were all at the final table and when they brought us our chip balance I couldn't believe it when they placed 180,000 in chips in front of EvenBob and looked like 225,000 placed in front of "The Great one" they placed just over 30k on my spot and just under 50k on Gr8Player spot.
How could this happen?
I woke up in a sweat with my heart racing I then looked over to my laptop after leaving the forum page open and after hitting the referesh button only to see new posts; Beethovan, beethovan, bethovan ... arrggggg beethovan again.
Oh By the way guys here ya go for those interested.

here are the rules,

Quote: jamesbond007Let me give you an example of what im asking. By explaining a FAKE glitch and how it was exploited "however its not real nor did this happen". After I fed a combination of 1 coin then 2 coins and tapped the change light on and off 3 times and then touched the cash out button 4 times, every fourth play after that the numbers 1 ,2 3, 4 came up... so I played a five spot with the numbers 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 11 with 4 coins bet. 5 out of five paid $810... if I hit it 4 out of 5, it paid 42 coins... 3 out of 5 payed 2 coins... I knew the first 4 numbers already, so I only needed to guess 1 number out of 76 with the remaining 16 balls left. This would happen approx 1 in 3 plays My profit each time was over $830. I went to 5 different casinos each day and I made 250k on the keno... but lost it all back on my old baccarat system.
Thank you for this information jamesbond007, I will give it a read once more, and then again, and then again.
Quote: Beethoven9thI think I'm going to get gr8player an AC/DC shirt for Xmas, and I'll get a Metallica shirt for gr8varmenti!
(NOTE: Sorry everyone, didn't realize I made 4 posts in a row. I should have combined them. I just got all enthralled while reading gr8varmenti's posts and lost track. lol)
Question for "The Great Beethoven" Can I please have the AC/DC one.
Hedge = is a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.
Variance = The discrepancy between what a party to a lawsuit alleges will be proved in pleadings and what the party actually proves at trial.
Math = is the abstract study of topics such as quantity (numbers), structure, space, and change.
Professional Gambler = One who makes a living from Gambling.
Philosopher = One who defines Math and does not need to study it. Because one Knows already.
Guys, The bottom line is, I'm not a math guy and that's what brings me to this forum, there are experts here in the field of Math and Variance and other "Big words"
I just play the game of Baccarat and do very well at it. I'll never be or want to ever be a Math expert. but When it comes to Developing a "fool proof" method of being able to "Beat the house" I truly believe I have developed what it takes to do so.
I challenge the Experts to prove me wrong and not just "assume" I'm wrong and "assume" my methods don't work.
Mystic = One who'd like to understand the ways of the world, but can't be bothered to study math and physics.Quote: varmenti
Philosopher = One who defines Math and does not need to study it. Because one Knows already.
Please, varmenti, and I am not insulting you : Sincerely, have you ever thought about consulting? Your posts show all the signs of mythomania (I'm the master, exposing your life, your phone number, not understanding sarcasm, etc.). This is an ailment that , though not cured, can be relieved. On the other hand, if you are happy with it, who am I to care?
Quote: kubikulannMystic = One who'd like to understand the ways of the world, but can't be bothered to study math and physics.
Please, varmenti, and I am not insulting you : Sincerely, have you ever thought about consulting? Your posts show all the signs of mythomania (I'm the master, exposing your life, your phone number, not understanding sarcasm, etc.). This is an ailment that , though not cured, can be relieved. On the other hand, if you are happy with it, who am I to care?
I understand kubikulann, I just go along with it. My majors in High School back in the day were Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology. I am fully aware of how to take any post from all the Clowns and Jokers and weed out the Professionals and Experts.
Thank you kubikulann for your input. I absorb everything given to me and I have full control over most decisions.
I do like your flavor of Pancake when it comes to addressing me with Tea though, You make me feel important as "Sugar to Coffee" and I respect your Happystances.
Especially at 7:25 in the morning.
hedge one's bets
Fig. to reduce one's loss on a bet or on an investment by counterbalancing the loss in some way
Quote: varmentiGuys, The bottom line is, I'm not a math guy and that's what brings me to this forum, there are experts here in the field of Math and Variance and other "Big words"
I just play the game of Baccarat and do very well at it. I'll never be or want to ever be a Math expert. but When it comes to Developing a "fool proof" method of being able to "Beat the house" I truly believe I have developed what it takes to do so.
I challenge the Experts to prove me wrong and not just "assume" I'm wrong and "assume" my methods don't work.
Master, you're asking for help from the experts, yet you issue a challenge to those same experts?
Quote: GWAEyou suck at googleing
hedge one's bets
Fig. to reduce one's loss on a bet or on an investment by counterbalancing the loss in some way
Thank you GWAE. I got the beers next time I see you.
Some may view The Partner Betting as Hedging and I can also see that but it's different. Partner Betting is not hedging.
Quote: rob45Master, you're asking for help from the experts, yet you issue a challenge to those same experts?
The experts on here "Assume" too much and do not Practically apply the Challenge to give them the correct understanding thus creating False statements to my "Working" methods.
Also the Experts choose only one element and "Beat it to Shred" rather than accept to apply all elements to prove my Methods are correct and "PERFECTED" because they are working.
The experts seam to view in Hindsight in comparison to was is to be expected. It's easy to learn from a Table that has been played but one can not replay what has already been played.
My methods allow one to Prepare for what is about to happen and not care about what has already happened.
Remember that Dwelling in the Past forestalls your future. So Live it up guys!!!
On that note, It's 7:50am EST and I'm heading out to Casino for Complimentary Breakfast for Two with my wife and possibly another great $$$ day at the 10am Baccarat sessions. I'll be back around 2pm EST.
For those who care, at 10am they open tables with Brand new 8 Deck packs and Dealers "hand shuffle" the cards thus making a completely random deck resulting in more larger runs of 8-15 in a row. 3 tables = 6 Sessions for the morning.
THIS is a good time to Incorporate a Tip up to $100.00 per new shoe for the dealers hand shuffling Skills resulting in Large wins.
Quote: varmentiQuestion for "The Great Beethoven" Can I please have the AC/DC one.Quote: Beethoven9thI think I'm going to get gr8player an AC/DC shirt for Xmas, and I'll get a Metallica shirt for gr8varmenti!
That's funny, gr8varmenti doesn't even get the reference.....hehehehe ;)
Quote: varmentiOK Guys, so I Google'd the following to give me the better understanding and also to bring me that much closer to being a "Professional Gambler"
Hedge = is a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.
Variance = The discrepancy between what a party to a lawsuit alleges will be proved in pleadings and what the party actually proves at trial.
And some complained about the HotBlonde Challenge thread!!!
here be some maths for ya
you bet 75 on player
your partner bets 25 on banker
player wins and you pull back 150. So you have just wagered $100 to win $150 for a profit of $50
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on player
your partner bets nothing on banker.
player wins and you pull back 100. So you have just wagered $50 to win $100 for a profit of $50
that is an example when the player wins. As you see there is no difference so hedging doesn't hurt you nor help you.
Now here is the same example when banker wins.
you bet 75 on player
your partner bets 25 on banker
banker wins and you pull back $48.75. So you have just wagered $100 to lose $51.25
in this example hedging as cost you $1.25 because banker won
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on player
your partner bets nothing on banker.
banker wins and you pull back $0.00. So you have just wagered $50 to lose $50.00
Now lets do the exact opposite and see what happens
you bet 75 on banker
your partner bets 25 on player
player wins and you pull back 50. So you have just wagered $100 to lose $50.00
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on banker
your partner bets nothing on player.
player wins and you pull back $0.00. So you have just wagered $50 to lose $50.00
Again as you see there is no difference so hedging doesn't hurt you nor help you.
Now here is the same example when banker wins.
you bet 75 on banker
your partner bets 25 on player
banker wins and you pull back $146.25. So you have just wagered $100 to win $46.25
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on banker
your partner bets nothing on player.
banker wins and you pull back $97.50. So you have just wagered $50 to win $47.50
in this example again hedging as cost you $1.25 because banker won
Now Varmenti, I know you are going to say that you pay the commission up front so you will actually win $50 instead of $47.50 but you have to realize that you aern't. It is the same thing no matter where it comes from.
So from this post you should now realize that when you hedge your bet you are losing $1.25 EVERY time banker wins. If you would simply eliminate the $25 bet and decrease your other bet by $25 you would save yourself $1.25 every single time banker wins. On the cards that you posted the other night there were 73 bankers which means you paid the casino $91.25 in extra commissions that you could have added to your bankroll. If you have 2 sessions a day for the entire year at $91.25 that means you are paying over $66,000 in extra commissions by hedging your bet.
Again I want to re iterate to you that I am not at all saying that you shouldn't do your system because it is currently working for you. For how long, who knows but right now it is working. I am just trying to save you money when you are obviously not seeing a major leak in your system.
Quote: PaboYou think gr8player is an expert? ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Hello, Pabo.
Hmmm....let's see....between this and your posted follow-up, I counted a total of 1,140 "ha!"s.
I must admit, Pabo, I never knew that I was that funny. Maybe even hilarious, eh?
Quote: varmentiThe only Expert I see in this forum is GR8PLAYER because he understands the Game.
Yes, Varmenti, I surely "understand the game".
I choose to look at it from a different angle, as opposed to those that prefer to dismiss it due to the built-in house's edge.
That, in and of itself, doesn't make me right or them wrong, or vice-versa.
You see, my friend, that's the thing:
There is not one answer. Almost never is one singular answer to our never-ending quest for information.
So I choose to play this game, as best I can, even in the face of that daunted house edge.
I think it can be neutralized with the utilization of certain counter-actions.
May I even be so bold as to say the edge can be overcome, and the game can even become a profitable one with those counter-actions?
I am of the opinion that my belief is a logical as those that stand behind the supposedly insurmountable house edge.
And I get that belief through the belief in myself and the belief in my methodology.
I trust that even the most staunch of our esteemed experts can and would understand my stated position.
Quote: gr8playerYes, Varmenti, I surely "understand the game".
Surely you must allow your humble students to observe you in action!
Where will you be playing in AC?? I believe that AxelWolf still wants to meet the world's foremost expert in everything baccarat!
Quote: Beethoven9thSurely you must allow your humble students to observe you in action!
Where will you be playing in AC?? I believe that AxelWolf still wants to meet the world's foremost expert in everything baccarat!
In other words Gr8Player, "Beethoven the whatever" wants complimentary VIP backstage passes for AxelWolf to be able to Meet the band. But he's gonna bring the Bivus & Butthead t-shirts so we can each have one. You get the Metallica and I get the AC/DC.
Quote: GWAEwell you may call it partner betting but when you are playing from the same bankroll it is hedging no matter how many stiffs you have sitting at the table with you.
here be some maths for ya
you bet 75 on player
your partner bets 25 on banker
player wins and you pull back 150. So you have just wagered $100 to win $150 for a profit of $50
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on player
your partner bets nothing on banker.
player wins and you pull back 100. So you have just wagered $50 to win $100 for a profit of $50
that is an example when the player wins. As you see there is no difference so hedging doesn't hurt you nor help you.
Now here is the same example when banker wins.
you bet 75 on player
your partner bets 25 on banker
banker wins and you pull back $48.75. So you have just wagered $100 to lose $51.25
in this example hedging as cost you $1.25 because banker won
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on player
your partner bets nothing on banker.
banker wins and you pull back $0.00. So you have just wagered $50 to lose $50.00
Now lets do the exact opposite and see what happens
you bet 75 on banker
your partner bets 25 on player
player wins and you pull back 50. So you have just wagered $100 to lose $50.00
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on banker
your partner bets nothing on player.
player wins and you pull back $0.00. So you have just wagered $50 to lose $50.00
Again as you see there is no difference so hedging doesn't hurt you nor help you.
Now here is the same example when banker wins.
you bet 75 on banker
your partner bets 25 on player
banker wins and you pull back $146.25. So you have just wagered $100 to win $46.25
now without the hedging
you bet 50 on banker
your partner bets nothing on player.
banker wins and you pull back $97.50. So you have just wagered $50 to win $47.50
in this example again hedging as cost you $1.25 because banker won
Now Varmenti, I know you are going to say that you pay the commission up front so you will actually win $50 instead of $47.50 but you have to realize that you aern't. It is the same thing no matter where it comes from.
So from this post you should now realize that when you hedge your bet you are losing $1.25 EVERY time banker wins. If you would simply eliminate the $25 bet and decrease your other bet by $25 you would save yourself $1.25 every single time banker wins. On the cards that you posted the other night there were 73 bankers which means you paid the casino $91.25 in extra commissions that you could have added to your bankroll. If you have 2 sessions a day for the entire year at $91.25 that means you are paying over $66,000 in extra commissions by hedging your bet.
Again I want to re iterate to you that I am not at all saying that you shouldn't do your system because it is currently working for you. For how long, who knows but right now it is working. I am just trying to save you money when you are obviously not seeing a major leak in your system.
GWAE, I keep going in circle explaining this to other members.
Be practical, I know it looks good and all on Paper but get yourself some chips Preferably two colors Green and Grey for 25.00 chips and if you choose to sit with the 5% then add some whites and .25cent coins.
Sit down and physically play the games and you will see and understand what I mean and why I don't want to emphasize too much focus on that 5% Crap. Look beyond that.
Try to include the other elements such as 25.00 chip at 6th running streak x 3 times/ per 10 shoes/ per day.
You have to play the game to understand why I bet Both and use Complimentary Chips for the Opposite, Yes I will save on Commissions if I remove one side and bet less on the other but then I lose out on the first win on every run. Play the game with chips to gain full complete understanding. Over analyzing can lead you to destruction.
I appreciate every effort and I do keep these in my notes, and I applaud you in what your doing In a logical sense, I comprehend all that you write and do not insult your integrity in any way.
I got to get back to the Baccarat Pit. New Decks starting soon on the other side tables. I'll post the Scorecards when they are done.
Quote: gpac1377I wouldn't be surprised if they've been arguing for decades.
The history includes other message boards, apparently one of which is Gambler's Glen. You can bing it, and it should link you to some of the old posts.
Hello, gpac1377.
Yes, EvenBob (as he is known in this particular forum) and I do, indeed, have a history.
At the Glen, you'll find him posting under the username of "Spike". I urge any of you that are interested to use the "search" function at that site; simply type in "Spike" and you'll come across a veritable plethora of his, for lack of a better term, ramblings. Of particular note will be his absolutely outlandish claims of being able to correctly predict even-chance outcomes at the alarming rate of 72%!!! Search it and you'll find it, I speak only the truth.
Lastly, you'll find my posts under my username "gr8player". Same username in every forum I've ever been in, for I've no reason to change it. So I am always suspicious of those people that feel the need to constantly change their username(s), sometimes within the very same forum, but even as they hop from forum to forum. Why the cover-up? What have they got to hide? Or, what might they be running from? All valid questions that should be asked of those that choose to deceive and/or mislead with numerous usernames.
Quote: Beethoven9thSurely you must allow your humble students to observe you in action!
Where will you be playing in AC?? I believe that AxelWolf still wants to meet the world's foremost expert in everything baccarat!
In fact, I will be, as per usual, in AC tonight. At the Borgata, if you must know. I'll be the guy with chips in front of me.....
Quote: varmentiOn October 10th, 2013 at 4:39:13 AM varmenti wrote:
On that note, It's 7:50am EST and I'm heading out to Casino for Complimentary Breakfast for Two with my wife and possibly another great $$$ day at the 10am Baccarat sessions. I'll be back around 2pm EST.
For those who care, at 10am they open tables with Brand new 8 Deck packs and Dealers "hand shuffle" the cards thus making a completely random deck resulting in more larger runs of 8-15 in a row. 3 tables = 6 Sessions for the morning.
THIS is a good time to Incorporate a Tip up to $100.00 per new shoe for the dealers hand shuffling Skills resulting in Large wins.Quote: varmentiOn October 10th, 2013 at 8:20:11 AM varmenti wrote:
In other words Gr8Player, "Beethoven the whatever" wants complimentary VIP backstage passes for AxelWolf to be able to Meet the band. But he's gonna bring the Bivus & Butthead t-shirts so we can each have one. You get the Metallica and I get the AC/DC.
I was preparing to post the results of last night's sessions for all to view and perhaps scrutinize. Please understand that posting the results takes considerable time for an individual such as myself. I humbly admit (and I am serious about this) that my computer skills are lacking. I must manually enter the formatting codes for each color, type in the results, and proofread for accuracy before submitting the post. Oh, and I type slowly.
Each time before I post results of our experiment, I like to "catch up" on the thread and see if there were any questions regarding my previous postings, especially an experiment such as this, where the possibility exists that an error was made my me that needs correcting before I post further results.
As I was "catching up" on the thread, I noticed that you told me that you were going to the casino today, and that they open the tables at 10:00 AM your time.
It takes most casinos @15 minutes to open a game, but perhaps you meant that they are already "opened and ready for action" by 10:00 AM.
Imagine my amazement upon noticing that you submitted a post to gr8player an hour and twenty minutes after the tables opened!
I know you have previously mentioned that you live eleven minutes (walking) from the casino, giving you a little over an hours worth of play this morning.
One may only surmise that this mornings six (6) sessions were brutal either for you or the casino; whatever the result, that was some fast action. Fast enough to put a hoppin' dice table to shame.
Those are some efficient dealers, to be sure. I hope that those baccarat dealers not only earned but also received the $100 tip that they have never had the possibility of receiving until this morning.
Back to typing.
Session 11 result: -$131.25
Running total: -$575.00
Session 11 notes: This was the first session dealt with actual cards on a layout.
The session started with $200.00, and I played the sequence until, in this instance, there was no longer enough left to bet the next hand. At that point, I had $68.75 left. $68.75-$200.00 = -$131.25 for this session.
Commission was taken from Banker wins upon settling the bets. In other words, I do not "run a tab" on commission.
I'm not a dealer, so if I made any error in settling bets which owed commissions, I will gladly adjust the results.
My primary concern is accuracy during recording of the play history, as any monetary errors may be corrected based upon that.
For this reason, I will always note which sessions are dealt by hand.
Quote: rob45Session 11
Session 11 result: -$131.25
Running total: -$575.00
Session 11 notes: This was the first session dealt with actual cards on a layout.
The session started with $200.00, and I played the sequence until, in this instance, there was no longer enough left to bet the next hand. At that point, I had $68.75 left. $68.75-$200.00 = -$131.25 for this session.
Commission was taken from Banker wins upon settling the bets. In other words, I do not "run a tab" on commission.
I'm not a dealer, so if I made any error in settling bets which owed commissions, I will gladly adjust the results.
My primary concern is accuracy during recording of the play history, as any monetary errors may be corrected based upon that.
For this reason, I will always note which sessions are dealt by hand.
I have given up with our brain child. I give him very solid advice about the commissions and he doesn't want to listen.
"Hello, Pabo.
Hmmm....let's see....between this and your posted follow-up, I counted a total of 1,140 "ha!"s.
I must admit, Pabo, I never knew that I was that funny. Maybe even hilarious, eh?"
Hello, gr8bloviator. I can't believe you actually took the time to count 'em. Feeling a little bored? Anything new to add to the lesson about Kelly betting that you presented the other day? I can hardly wait for you to teach us something new. I'm always eager to learn from the pros such as you and varmenti.
Quote: rob45Quote: varmentiOn October 10th, 2013 at 4:39:13 AM varmenti wrote:
On that note, It's 7:50am EST and I'm heading out to Casino for Complimentary Breakfast for Two with my wife and possibly another great $$$ day at the 10am Baccarat sessions. I'll be back around 2pm EST.
For those who care, at 10am they open tables with Brand new 8 Deck packs and Dealers "hand shuffle" the cards thus making a completely random deck resulting in more larger runs of 8-15 in a row. 3 tables = 6 Sessions for the morning.
THIS is a good time to Incorporate a Tip up to $100.00 per new shoe for the dealers hand shuffling Skills resulting in Large wins.Quote: varmentiOn October 10th, 2013 at 8:20:11 AM varmenti wrote:
In other words Gr8Player, "Beethoven the whatever" wants complimentary VIP backstage passes for AxelWolf to be able to Meet the band. But he's gonna bring the Bivus & Butthead t-shirts so we can each have one. You get the Metallica and I get the AC/DC.
I was preparing to post the results of last night's sessions for all to view and perhaps scrutinize. Please understand that posting the results takes considerable time for an individual such as myself. I humbly admit (and I am serious about this) that my computer skills are lacking. I must manually enter the formatting codes for each color, type in the results, and proofread for accuracy before submitting the post. Oh, and I type slowly.
Each time before I post results of our experiment, I like to "catch up" on the thread and see if there were any questions regarding my previous postings, especially an experiment such as this, where the possibility exists that an error was made my me that needs correcting before I post further results.
As I was "catching up" on the thread, I noticed that you told me that you were going to the casino today, and that they open the tables at 10:00 AM your time.
It takes most casinos @15 minutes to open a game, but perhaps you meant that they are already "opened and ready for action" by 10:00 AM.
Imagine my amazement upon noticing that you submitted a post to gr8player an hour and twenty minutes after the tables opened!
I know you have previously mentioned that you live eleven minutes (walking) from the casino, giving you a little over an hours worth of play this morning.
One may only surmise that this mornings six (6) sessions were brutal either for you or the casino; whatever the result, that was some fast action. Fast enough to put a hoppin' dice table to shame.
Those are some efficient dealers, to be sure. I hope that those baccarat dealers not only earned but also received the $100 tip that they have never had the possibility of receiving until this morning.
Back to typing.
Hello rob45, My wife and I went for Breakfast and shortly after Proceeded to the tables, they had ONLY TWO tables running from yesterdays cards. Time was just a little before 10am. Apparently today being slow, they started opening tables approx 11am this morning, The dealers sign in and then they are opened by the supervisor, they are then given cards to open and shuffle. By the time they get started in dealing it's close to 11:30 so My wife and I just came home. for a bit.
rob45, if you think I just make up these stories, call the Casino yourself 1 888-325-5788 and ask for the Baccarat Pit and then ask the Pit boss what time the new shoes started this morning and he will tell you 11am due to it being slow.
we got back there and two shoes started with the green decks out with yellow deck crappy and then restarted that table with green deck but overall did not show much profit for the morning. I will try again tonight. I have the score cards if you would like to use them.
Obviously you missed my 11:30amEST time post to Gwae
Quote:I got to get back to the Baccarat Pit. New Decks starting soon on the other side tables. I'll post the Scorecards when they are done.

its very apparent that varm doses not care about value. Or even correct strategy. He belives other forces are at work. He says "If It's not broke dont fix it" im sure some redneck came up with that phrase. I'M just wondering what will happen once it dose break.. probably nothing since he limits his losses. Once it breaks it will probably be a slow process and won't effect anything in is life.Quote: GWAEQuote: rob45Session 11
Session 11 result: -$131.25
Running total: -$575.00
Session 11 notes: This was the first session dealt with actual cards on a layout.
The session started with $200.00, and I played the sequence until, in this instance, there was no longer enough left to bet the next hand. At that point, I had $68.75 left. $68.75-$200.00 = -$131.25 for this session.
Commission was taken from Banker wins upon settling the bets. In other words, I do not "run a tab" on commission.
I'm not a dealer, so if I made any error in settling bets which owed commissions, I will gladly adjust the results.
My primary concern is accuracy during recording of the play history, as any monetary errors may be corrected based upon that.
For this reason, I will always note which sessions are dealt by hand.
I have given up with our brain child. I give him very solid advice about the commissions and he doesn't want to listen.
Quote: gr8playerYes, Varmenti, I surely "understand the game".
I choose to look at it from a different angle, as opposed to those that prefer to dismiss it due to the built-in house's edge.
That, in and of itself, doesn't make me right or them wrong, or vice-versa.
You see, my friend, that's the thing:
There is not one answer. Almost never is one singular answer to our never-ending quest for information.
So I choose to play this game, as best I can, even in the face of that daunted house edge.
I think it can be neutralized with the utilization of certain counter-actions.
May I even be so bold as to say the edge can be overcome, and the game can even become a profitable one with those counter-actions?
I am of the opinion that my belief is a logical as those that stand behind the supposedly insurmountable house edge.
And I get that belief through the belief in myself and the belief in my methodology.
I trust that even the most staunch of our esteemed experts can and would understand my stated position.
Well said, gr8bloviator. Your ruminations indicate that you have, indeed, fallen victim to gambler's conceit.
I look at other posts and you guys are showing negative $$$ in your results, Yet my bank roll shows Positive in my results. Something is not right with this picture.
1) I have posted many Live Play score cards on here for those who wish to test the methods at home.
2) I have included Both Betting Progression Cards
3) I've included the system requirements
4) I've included the 20 Hand Session limit or 200.00 or end of run Table goal.
5) I've included the Starting bankroll and rules to leave the Casino after reaching a Daily $1000.00 Limit.
The only thing I've left out is the 5% commissions when Banker wins
For this can be easily calculated by simply counting the winning Bankers on the scorecards and add up the total of what was spent for the day.
The only other thing I haven't done is "Hold you hand all the way through"
Maybe I'm gonna have to switch to Live Baccarat Sessions where one can see the action and understand the methods better.
Quote: AxelWolf. He belives other forces are at work. He says "If It's not broke dont fix it" im sure some redneck came up with that phrase. .
Axel, I was married to a Southern redneck for 10 years. What they say is, "Honey, watch THIS!". Then, on rare occasions when "it's" not broken from that, they say the other. (kidding. sort of.)
generally if your in a situation where everyone is telling you you're wrong then ....Quote: varmentiAttention to Mathematicians Calculating Baccarat. Calculate Baccarat Banker and Player as even money Game and then Subtract the 5% after the grand total of winning bankers to make things much easier.
I look at other posts and you guys are showing negative $$$ in your results, Yet my bank roll show Positive in my results. Something is not right with this picture.
Quote: rob45Please understand that posting the results takes considerable time for an individual such as myself. I humbly admit (and I am serious about this) that my computer skills are lacking. I must manually enter the formatting codes for each color, type in the results, and proofread for accuracy before submitting the post. Oh, and I type slowly.
Go to http://miplet.net/bz/ type your x's, o's , and t's in the box and submit. It will output the formatting codes. Caps, lowercases, spaces, extra letters: doesn't matter.
Quote: AxelWolfgenerally if your in a situation where everyone is telling you you're wrong then ....
Then Obviously I need to start over because I BELIEVE MY BANK ROLL Does not lie from the last 3 days of play. $$$ doesn't just appear.
You say that you stop after 20 hands or a run but some of your cards have 30 or 40 hands. Did you play all of them or did you quit playing but stayed to watch the results?
Quote: GWAEVarmenti, question for you. You said that you buy in to your table with $1000, right? Is that $500 for you and $500 for your partner?
You say that you stop after 20 hands or a run but some of your cards have 30 or 40 hands. Did you play all of them or did you quit playing but stayed to watch the results?
Depending on how the mornings go,
1) If i'm with my wife we start with 500 each from 1000 bank roll and play 1 table at a time.
2) If I play by myself and its not busy I will play 2-3 tables as they all start pretty close to the same time but I don't use the 20 hand limit.
3) this morning we started with a yellow deck and played more hands than normal because of the limited tables.
If we followed the methods without customizing it we could have left with more $$$
The 4th table we played today I stopped at 21 hands because the shoes were not working for us even though we did hit one good shoe at the same time when playing the first table. I'm the table bouncer, my wife just sits at a table per session.
We were playing today by just personal preference.
If I mark it on the score card then we have played the shoe up to that point.
I know we should have left after catching a run this morning but we wanted to stay and have fun.
They usually have 8 tables going every morning but today was slow day there. not many tables were active.
and your 11am table 2 has 60ish hands played. Was that 1 shoe?
and when you are bounceing are you missing any hands?
Is this the secret of getting rich and famous by betting on both Player and Banker for three hands in a row? Why not sit out for three hands?Quote: varmentiIf you bet on banker and PLAYER win, you can take back your commission.
Quote: GWAEare you saying that you play multiple tables at 1 time?
and your 11am table 2 has 60ish hands played. Was that 1 shoe?
Yes we hit a run of 9 on there and we were supposed to quit right after the Banker showed, but we decided to stay and have some fun and play till the other Shoe was ready to deal.
Yes in the mornings when its slow with the tables right next to each other, I am able to place bets on each table and the dealers are nice about it to wait till the other tables show cards before they show theirs. It gets exciting playing multiple table but my main goal is to hope and catch a long run of bankers or players and make a quick 300-500 profit all in the same hour.
I overlook the 20 hand limit because each table will compliment each others losses and wins.
because it is slow they don't mind to wait for you to adjust your bet. The only rule is if tie comes, they push all bets back and you have to be present at the table to re-place the bets.