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January 13th, 2023 at 3:52:51 PM permalink
Bicycle casino, since around end of last year has stopped taking the collection fee on casino games (BJ, 3 card, UTH, etc). Im definitely not complaining but Im curious if anyone knows why and how they can do this, I thought they had to charge collection for "hosting" the game.
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January 13th, 2023 at 4:12:36 PM permalink
Maybe the company that banks the game covers it. I remember a place in the north bay kind of by Petaluma that did not charge a collection fee for their BJ game at least back in 2007.
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January 13th, 2023 at 4:34:30 PM permalink
Quote: BigBluMiku

Bicycle casino, since around end of last year has stopped taking the collection fee on casino games (BJ, 3 card, UTH, etc). Im definitely not complaining but Im curious if anyone knows why and how they can do this, I thought they had to charge collection for "hosting" the game.
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So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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January 13th, 2023 at 4:34:31 PM permalink
Quote: BigBluMiku

Bicycle casino, since around end of last year has stopped taking the collection fee on casino games (BJ, 3 card, UTH, etc). Im definitely not complaining but Im curious if anyone knows why and how they can do this, I thought they had to charge collection for "hosting" the game.
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So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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January 13th, 2023 at 5:28:06 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

Quote: BigBluMiku

Bicycle casino, since around end of last year has stopped taking the collection fee on casino games (BJ, 3 card, UTH, etc). Im definitely not complaining but Im curious if anyone knows why and how they can do this, I thought they had to charge collection for "hosting" the game.
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It is actually funny you duplicate posted the warning against duplicate posts!!!!!
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January 13th, 2023 at 6:13:49 PM permalink
I thought the same thing,but didn't want to stir up anything
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January 13th, 2023 at 6:57:14 PM permalink
Remember that state law requires all table rules to be posted online.

The collection rates and fee tables start on Page 419 of the first link.

The player-dealer (which usually is the Third Party Provider of Proposition Services, aka the "corporation") pays the fees out of the total amount of table action, based on a schedule. A player-dealer always has the house advantage.

On some game rules it will say, "The player/dealer position rotates in a systematic and continuous way so that the opportunity to act as the player/dealer does not constantly remain with a single person for many hands. The person in player/dealer position may not act as player/dealer position more than two consecutive hands or rounds of play. The opportunity to act as the player/dealer must be offered to all seated players after two hands or rounds of play so that a single player cannot repeatedly act as the player/dealer within the meaning of Oliver v. County of Los Angeles, (1998) 66 Cal.App.4th 1397, 1408-09 or section 330.11 of the California Penal Code, relating to gambling establishments and any future regulatory guideline from the California Bureau of Gambling Control or the California Gambling Control Commission with respect to the operation of controlled games featuring a player/dealer position."

However, this is routinely not enforced. If Proposition 26 had passed, it would empower gamblers to file private rights of action against card clubs who don't pass the player-dealer position. The card clubs argued that games would have to stop if none of the civilian players wanted to bank the game. It was an add on to the main goal of Prop 26, which was to allow Indian casinos to offer craps, roulette, and in person sports betting, but the card clubs felt threatened enough that they decided to run a campaign against 26. They pulled the race card on that, since most of the card club cities are heavily Latino, but that was even more offensive since their ancestors were the ones who subjugated and suppressed the Indians when they arrived to this continent.

One of the interesting quirks about California law banning lotteries is that casinos are required to host "No Purchase Necessary" tables where you are ONLY playing for the progressive, for free. The same goes for the "Cracked Aces" promotion and other poker promotions - if there are three people they can play amongst themselves to see if pocket aces are ever drawn.
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January 13th, 2023 at 7:24:42 PM permalink
Quote: NicksGamingStuff

Maybe the company that banks the game covers it. I remember a place in the north bay kind of by Petaluma that did not charge a collection fee for their BJ game at least back in 2007.
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I also believe this to be the case.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 13th, 2023 at 9:02:33 PM permalink

Quote: gordonm888

Quote: BigBluMiku

Bicycle casino, since around end of last year has stopped taking the collection fee on casino games (BJ, 3 card, UTH, etc). Im definitely not complaining but Im curious if anyone knows why and how they can do this, I thought they had to charge collection for "hosting" the game.
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It is actually funny you duplicate posted the warning against duplicate posts!!!!!
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So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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