Posted by NewSlotMonkey
Aug 23, 2024

Magic Treasures AKA MONEYBALL

Heard it was a play @ 15 balls, but I've personally seen 48, 42, 38, 36 (me), and I just popped another one at 32. Overall, it usually hits around 24-26, I've bumped it up to I'll only play it at 18+. That said, I played a 16 today as there was nothing else to play, and it bit me for $51 @ $1.20 denom, and I hit two jackpots, $30 and $12. In for $129, out for $78. The sharks were circling me nonstop trying to jump on this thing. I guess none of them have gotten bit yet. That said, overall I'm up on this game, hit a big $195 payout on an .80 denom when I got free games, then busted the money ball about 10 spins later. In for $60, out for $255


Sandoman Aug 28, 2024

Playing it at 16 because there was nothing else to play was your mistake. That is not an AP move, it is AP loopy one looking for action. I believe you know that. Best of luck out there.

Posted by NewSlotMonkey
Aug 23, 2024

Regal Link 11 Wilds

Regal Link 5 gem with progressive isolated to 1 machine.

Passing by, saw 11 wilds left at the $3.00 bet so sat down and spun it off. And spun it. and spun it. and spun it. In for $60, out for $28. NICE

Regal Link 8 wilds at $.75, purple, amber, blue all at 80%+ of MHB. Spun it. spun it. spun it. In for $100, out for $79.

3 other denoms @ 7 wilds, nothing big on the gems. DID NOT PLAY.

Posted by NewSlotMonkey
Aug 03, 2024

Regal Riches MUST HIT BY

Have played RR a few times, betting the min pennies .80 per spin. Bonuses have been pretty lame, and I popped a gold last week that only paid me $40. The layout is a progressive with grand/major/minor. Below is must hit by and what it was on when I played it tonight. max pennies $4.00 per spin was the denom

Gold 200 172
Green 100 81
Purple 75 71
Blue 60 51
Amber 50 30

I would assume that someone really fed this pig and popped the amber, got disgusted and left. Just by looking at it, it LOOKS pretty good to play right? I would like to know the math behind it, instead of just being fed the numbers, but I stuck $100 in and it ate it pretty fast, with only a few wild triggers here and there. Stuck another $130 in the machine, and somewhere around 75-80 spins, popped the Purple. Hit the minor bonus as well which was $50ish, on top of $575 worth of bonuses on the features, so +$400. Didn't "spin it off", just cashed out. My question is, if 4/5 must hits are at 80%+, is that a rough way to look at it and determine it's +EV? With the Amber reset back to 30, I think it's pretty safe to assume it just got popped and the person who fed this pig called it a day. I know that the feature could hit and it be another amber, but with the numbers up so high, I would assume it's safe to say that those others are going to put me in the money if I hit them.

I've played RR before on .01 80 per, and hit a few features, but most of the time the payout wasn't that great. Is it just always better to play max bet? I'd like to hear some input from other RR players and see if we can build some info based on playing, as well as what's behind the math in figuring the +EV point.

P.S. This is my first blog here