Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 05, 2011
Apr 05, 2011
Common-Hand Blackjack New Table Game
Mr CasinoGames® Library 100+ Games
Common-Hand Blackjack®
Invented in 2006.
Play live in South Africa, Will be on-line soon.
Mr CasinoGames® Over the last 10+ years has built up a library of more than 100 Casino Games. The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis.
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
Introduction to: Common-Hand Blackjack®
The New Way to Deal and Play Blackjack
The Game is significantly faster with One Common-Hand is dealt which all Players share. Each making his own play decisions.
No card will be drawn until all Players have made their play decisions.
One split and Double on 9-11 only.
No card will be drawn until all Players have made their play decisions.
Playing Procedures
Step 1. All Players make their bets.
Step 2. A Common-Hand of two cards is dealt face up and one card is dealt face up to the Dealer.
Step 3. Each Player makes a play decision to draw a card, to double down or to stand.
If the Player elects to draw a card or double down go to Step 4.
If the Player elects to stand go to Step 5.
Step 4. Once every Player has made his play decision a third card is dealt face up and will belong to those Players who have elected to draw a card or double down.
Players who has double down go to Step 5.
If the hand value is below 21 after the third card is exposed, any Player may stand or request a fourth card.
The same procedure as in Step 3 (no double down) is followed until all Players stand or bust.
Step 5. When the Player stands the value of the hand is recorded on the Blackjack Grid (as illustrated)
Step 6. When all Players' play decisions have been executed. The Dealer will burn a card and draws to his hand in the normal way.
What to do with Splittable-Pairs? (using Stephen’s Split-Pairs concept.)
The following Table sets out the Split-Pair Options and Consequences (using Stephen’s Split-Pairs)
In the case of split Aces the Common-Hand is complete once the second card is dealt to each Ace.
1 Splittable pair is dealt as the Common-Hand
All decide not to split: One non-split hand of two cards (See Fig 1) is played and the hand will be played to completion.
2 Splittable pair is dealt as the Common-Hand
All decide to split: Two split hands of one card each (See Fig 2) are played to completion. The original hand no longer exists.
3. Splittable pair is dealt as the Common-Hand
Some split – Some don't split: Three Common-Hands are played; one non-split hand of two cards and two split hands of one card each (See Fig 3).
Non-split Hand (See Fig 1) is played and completed before dealing with the two new hands created by the split cards (See Fig 2).

Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 01, 2011
Apr 01, 2011
NewTableGame Flop-3 Poker™
Casino Holdem® 3/5
Invented: 2006
US Patents: 6,206,373 & 6,637,747
Mathematical Analysis: Michael Shackleford (Wizard of Odds / Wizard of Vegas)
Introduction to: Casino Holdem® 3/5
1. Each Player makes an Ante-bet and an optional Bonus-bet.
2. Two cards are dealt face down to each Player and the Dealer. In addition one community-card are dealt face up in the middle of the table.
3. Each Player examines his cards and must either Fold or stay in the game by making a Call-bet which is double his Ante-bet.
4. The dealer will deal two more community cards, for a total of three.
5. Both player and dealer will make the best three card poker hand using any combination of his own two cards and the three community cards.
6. Dealer compares his 3-card poker hand with the Player’s 3-card poker hand. The Dealer must qualify with a pair of seven or better.
• If the Dealer does not qualify then the Ante-bet will pay according to the AnteWin® Pay-table and the Call-bet will push.
• If the Dealer qualifies:
a) Player beats the Dealer then his Ante-bet will pay according to the AnteWin® Pay-table and the Call-bet will pay 1 to 1.
b) If Dealer beats the Player then the Player will lose his bets.
c) If Dealer and Player tie then the bets will push.

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Oct 12, 2010
Oct 12, 2010
TableGame 5. BJ-Sandwich™
Mr CasinoGames®' Library: Game 5 Blackjack-Sandwich™ BonusBlackjack Sandwich™
Invented in 2007.
live launch of the Game has already taken place in South Africa.
Mr CasinoGames® who famously endowed Dave Ulliott with the nickname of 'Devil-Fish'.
Over the last 10 years has built up a library of more than 50 Casino Games.
The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis.
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
DESCRIPTION: Blackjack-Sandwich
Blackjack Sandwich is a card game designed to be played as a blackjack side bet. The object of the game is to achieve a “sandwich” in which the dealer’s up card is ranked between both or equal to either of the player’s first two cards.
1. Blackjack-Sandwich is played using 4 to 8 decks of cards. For purposes of the side bet, aces are always high.
2. To begin, the player makes his wager for the side bet in the appropriate betting box.
3. The dealer then deals two cards face up to each player and one card face up and one card face down to himself as part of the normal blackjack dealing procedure.
4. Before continuing further with the blackjack game, the dealer will assess the outcome of each side bet hand to determine whether any player has achieved a sandwich.
5. Starting on his right, the dealer will collect all losing bets and pay all winning bets according to the sandwich pay schedule. The following table describes each winning hand on the pay table.
Hands and Descriptions
Triple Sandwich: --------Three of a Kind
Straight Sandwich: -----The ranks of all 3 cards are consecutive.
The rank of the dealer’s up card is in between the ranks of the player’s 2 cards.
Pair Sandwich: ----------The rank of one of the player’s cards matches the rank of the dealer’s up card.
Sandwich: ---------------The rank of the dealer’s up card is in between the ranks of the player’s 2 cards.
Blackjack-Sandwich Pay Table (6 deck)
Triple Sandwich ------ 15
Straight Sandwich ---- 7
Pair Sandwich --------- 1
Sandwich -------------- 1
To analyze Blackjack Sandwich, a combinatorial program was written in Java to evaluate all possible outcomes of the game. To do so, the program cycled through all 13 unique ways to deal the dealer’s up card versus all 91 unique ways to deal the player’s 2 cards. The program then determined whether or not the 3 cards produced a winning hand and if so, the value of that winning hand.
The number of combinations of each type of winning hand as determined by the program was then verified using combinatorics counting techniques.
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Oct 02, 2010
Oct 02, 2010
TableGame 4. Hybrid Double-Bet Roulette™
Mr CasinoGames®' Library Game 4. Hybrid Double-Bet Roulette™. Lage Lay-Out.
Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette
Invented in 2007.
US Patented 7,686,306
Mathematical Analysis = Michael Shackleford, A.S.A.
live launch of the Game has already taken place in South Africa.
Mr CasinoGames® who famously endowed Dave Ulliott with the nickname of 'Devil-Fish'.
Over the last 10 years has built up a library of more than 50 Casino Games.
The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis (More Links at end of page).
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
Introduction to: Hybrid Double-Bet Roulette™.
Hybrid Double-Bet Roulette is played on a gaming cloth as illustrated – the familiar Roulette Cloth plus extra Double-Bet Boxes.
The Double-Bet concept enables the Players to bet on two outcomes namely the standard Roulette Wheel Number together with the result of the Random Number Generator.
Both numbers must occur for a winning bet.
The Double-Bet is made by placing a bet on any one or more Double-Bet Boxes.
The winning Double-Bet consists of the winning street (or zero straight up) in combination with the number (1, 2, 3 or 4) produced by the Random Number Generator as indicated on the Number Display Unit.
Betting Example: The Player fancies 22-24 Street. He places his bet on the betting box for the street selecting one of the four numbers, (1,2,3 or 4) to complete his double-bet.
Dealer's Procedures:
The Players place their bets.
In addition to making the Standard Roulette bets Players may make one or more double-bets, on the appropriate Double-Bet Box or Boxes, which will be successful if two pre-designated outcomes are correctly forecast.
The first outcome is zero or the 'street' containing the standard number into which pocket on the Roulette wheel the Roulette ball lands; the second outcome is 1,2,3 or 4 as determined by the Random Number Generator.
The dealer spins the ball in the normal way. The Scanner knowing when the ball is due to drop, energises the Random Number Generator and sends a 'No More Bets' message to the Number Display Unit.
The Random Number Generator will offer a number between 1 and 4 inclusive which appears on the Number Display Unit Just before the roulette ball lands in one of the roulette wheel pockets.
Once the ball has landed in a pocket in the roulette wheel the dealer will place two dollies one on the winning number on the Principal gaming cloth the other on the winning number on the Double-Bet box.
The dealer will clear all losing bets including all losing Double-Bets.
The dealer will pay all (standard) outside bets, i.e. the evens bets and the two to one chances.
Dealer will pay out all winning Double-Bets in accordance with the Double-Bet Pay-Out Schedule.
Dealer will remove the Double-Bet dolly.
The dealer will next pay out all winning bets on the Principal gaming after which dealer will remove the Roulette dolly.
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Sep 28, 2010
Sep 28, 2010
TableGame 3. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive
Mr CasinoGames®' Library Game 3. Block Pro®. Lage Table. Video Presentation.
Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive
Invented in 2008.
Currently played Live in South Africa.
Mathematical Analysis = Michael Shackleford, A.S.A.
Mr CasinoGames will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis (More Links at end of page).
The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
Introduction to: Block Pro®.
The following text is provided by the Wizard of Odds himself.
Block-Pro Blackjack is a progressive side bet, which may be added to any blackjack game. The following are the possible wins.
Triple Aces: Player’s first two cards, and dealer’s hole card, are all aces of the same suit. Wins pay 100% of the jackpot meter.
Triple Royal: Player’s first two cards, and dealer’s hole card, are all the same face card and the same suit. Wins pay 20% of the jackpot meter.
Triple: Player’s first two cards, and dealer’s hole card, are all the same rank of 2 to 10 and the same suit. Wins pay 10% of the jackpot meter.
Pair: Player’s first two cards and dealer’s hole card are all the same suit, and player’s first two cards form a pair.
Flush: Player’s first two cards and dealer’s hole card are all the same suit.
Triple Aces: Player has A♠, A♠; Dealer has A♠
Triple Royal: Player has Q♠, Q♠; Dealer has Q♠
Triple: Player has 4♠, 4♠; Dealer has 4♠
Pair: Player has J♠, J♠; Dealer has 8♠
Flush: Player has K♠, 5♠; Dealer has 7♠, or Player has J♠, 8♠; Dealer has J♠
The jackpot meter shall be seeded at $2,000. Either 65% or 70% of money bet shall be added to the jackpot meter, according to the choice of casino management. All wins should be deducted from the jackpot meter.
The number of decks can be 5, 6, or 8.
The following return tables show the probabilities and average win according to the contribution rate (65% or 70%) and the number of decks (5, 6, or 8). The lower right cells show the expected return. For example, in table 1 the expected return is 67.76%.
Regardless of the contribution rate, the cost of reseeding the meter shall be 2.76% for 5 decks, 3.19% for 6 decks, and 3.76% for 8 decks.
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).
You'll have a much better chance of getting replies if you post these in the forum rather than blogs.
I was the one who suggested he post them to his blog. I'm not sure if he's looking for replies so much as a central place to post his games.
Thanks DJTeddyBear and Teddys,
I will post my games in both place, Game Inventors Corner and My blog.