Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 14, 2011
Apr 14, 2011
Roulette Link-Bets®
Mr CasinoGames® Library of 100+ Games: Roulette Link-Bets®
Invented in 2010
Played Live in UK.
Video Presentation
Mr CasinoGames® Over the last 10+ years has built up a library of more than 100 Casino Games. The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis. I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
Introduction to: Roulette Link-Bets®
The revolutionary Roulette Link-Bets® has extended the betting opportunities of single-chip betting not hitherto available by introducing the novel concept of non-adjacent Splits, Corners.
The new gaming layout has been sympathetically designed so as to offer wagers and betting patterns not hitherto available in the game's traditional betting procedures.
The introduction of the Roulette Link-Bets and Layout heralds the most important change in Roulette betting combinations.
New betting combinations now available include Link-Splits, Link-Corners.
Note: The game now has four Splits bets and four Corners bets on any number in the outside columns (except 34 and 36)!

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 13, 2011
Apr 13, 2011
CasinoGames: Omaha Poker
Casino Omaha Poker™
Video Presentation
Invented in 2003
US Patents: 6,206,373 and 6,637,747
Mathematical Analysis = Michael Shackleford, A.S.A.
Introduction to: Casino Omaha Poker™
The following text is provided by the Wizard of Odds himself.
1. Players make an Ante wager and an optional side bet.
2. Three cards are dealt face down to each player and the dealer, In addition 3 flop (community) cards are dealt face up.
The players may examine their own 3 cards but sharing information should be discouraged.
All players and dealer may use the 3 flop (community) cards as part of their hand.
3. Each player must decide to either fold or call. If the player folds he gives up his cards and his Ante. If the player call the Call bet must be double the Ante.
4. The dealer will then deal 2 more community cards, form a total of 5. The dealer will also turn over his own 3 cards.
5. Each player and the dealer will form the best 5-card poker hand by using exactly 2 of his own 3 cards and 3 of the 5 flop (community) cards.
6. Each player will compare his best hand against the dealers best hand.
7. The dealer must have a pair of 7s or better to qualify.
If the dealer does not qualify then the ante will pay according to the AnteWin® pay table below and the call bet will push.
If the dealer qualifies:
(a) Dealer beats the player, then the player will lose both the Ante and Call.
(b) Player beats the dealer, then the ante will pay according to the AnteWin® pay table shown below, and the call bet will pay 1 to 1.
(c) if the Dealer and Player have exactly the same hand the bet is a 'push', it neither wins nor loses;
8. If the dealer qualifies and the player ties the dealer then both ante and call bets will push.
Ante Winning Pay Table
Royal Flush -------- 100 to 1
Straight flush ------- 50 to 1
Four of a kind ------ 10 to 1
Full house ----------- 2 to 1
Flush ----------------- 2 to 1
Straight or less ----- 1 to 1
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 13, 2011
Apr 13, 2011
CasinoGames: 4-Suit Poker
Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™
Invented in 2007
US Patents: 6,206,373 and 6,637,747
Mathematical Analysis = Michael Shackleford, A.S.A.
Mr CasinoGames® Over the last 10+ years has built up a library of more than 80 Casino Games. The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis. I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
Introduction to:Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™
The following text is provided by the Wizard of Odds himself.
1. A single 52-card deck is used. All cards are ranked as in poker.
2. The order of hands is shown in table 1. If both player and dealer have the same ranking hand then the individual cards will be used to determine the higher hand. If a suit is only represented by one card, then obviously that one is played. If a suit is represented by two or more cards then only one suit, resulting in the highest ranking hand, may be played. Other cards of that suit are ignored.
3. Play begins with the player making an ante wager, plus optional side bet.
4. Each player will receive three cards face down, plus one player's community card, also dealt face down. The dealer will receive four cards, three cards face down, and one card face up. The player may look at his own three cards but may not exchange information with other players.
5. The player has the choice to fold or make a raise bet. The raise bet must be two times the ante bet. If the player folds he will lose his ante bet and his cards will be collected.
6. The dealer will turn over the player's community card and his own three cards dealt face down.
7. The dealer needs three suits or higher to qualify.
8. If the dealer does not qualify, then the ante bet will pay according to the pay table in table 2, and the raise will push.
9. If the dealer qualifies and the player beats the dealer then the ante bet will pay according to the pay table in table 2, and the raise will pay 1 to 1.
10. If the dealer qualifies and the dealer beats the player then the ante and raise bets will lose.
11. If the dealer qualifies and the player and dealer tie then the ante and raise will push.
12. The side bet will pay according only to the player's hand. Three possible pay tables for the side bet are shown in table 3.
Table 1 - Hand Order
1 Four suits, four of a kind
2 Four suits, two pair
3 Four suits, three of a kind
4 Four suits, one pair
5 Four suits
6 Three suits, three of a kind
7 Three suits, pair
8 Three suits
9 Two suits, pair
10 Two suits
11 One suit
Table 2 - Ante Winning Pay Table
1 Four suits, four of a kind -----100 to 1
2 Four suits, two pair -------------30 to 1
3 Four suits, three of a kind ----15 to 1
4 Four suits, one pair --------------3 to 1
5 Four suits --------------------------2 to 1
6 Three suits to One suit ---------1 to 1
Table 3 - Side Bet Pay Tables
Four aces ------------------------200 to 1
Four suits, four of a kind -----100 to 1
Four suits, two pair -------------50 to 1
Four suits, three of a kind -----30 to 1
Four suits, pair -------------------10 to 1
Four suits ---------------------------5 to 1
All other------------------------------Loss
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 13, 2011
Apr 13, 2011
Sandwich Bonus Blackjack™ Table Game
Mr CasinoGames®' Library: Sandwich Bonus Blackjack™Sandwich Bonus Blackjack™
Invented in 2007.
live launch of the Game has already taken place in South Africa.
Mr CasinoGames® Over the last 10 years has built up a library of more than 80 Casino Games.
The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis.
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
DESCRIPTION: Sandwich Bonus Blackjack™
Blackjack Sandwich is a card game designed to be played as a blackjack side bet. The object of the game is to achieve a “sandwich” in which the dealer’s up card is ranked between both or equal to either of the player’s first two cards.
1. Sandwich Bonus Blackjack™ is played using 4 to 8 decks of cards. For purposes of the side bet, aces are always high.
2. To begin, the player makes his wager for the side bet in the appropriate betting box.
3. The dealer then deals two cards face up to each player and one card face up and one card face down to himself as part of the normal blackjack dealing procedure.
4. Before continuing further with the blackjack game, the dealer will assess the outcome of each side bet hand to determine whether any player has achieved a sandwich.
5. Starting on his right, the dealer will collect all losing bets and pay all winning bets according to the sandwich pay schedule. The following table describes each winning hand on the pay table.
Hands and Descriptions
Triple Sandwich: --------Three of a Kind
Straight Sandwich: -----The ranks of all 3 cards are consecutive. The rank of the dealer’s up card is in between the ranks of the player’s 2 cards.
Pair Sandwich: ----------The rank of one of the player’s cards matches the rank of the dealer’s up card.
Sandwich: ---------------The rank of the dealer’s up card is in between the ranks of the player’s 2 cards.
Blackjack Sandwich Pay Table (6 deck)
Triple Sandwich ------ 15
Straight Sandwich ---- 7
Pair Sandwich --------- 1
Sandwich -------------- 1
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).

Posted by MrCasinoGames
Apr 10, 2011
Apr 10, 2011
Flush Bonus Blackjack
Mr CasinoGames®' Library: Game 6. Flush Bonus Blackjack™Flush Bonus Blackjack™
Invented in 2008.
Play live in South Africa.
Mr CasinoGames® Over the last 10+ years has built up a library of more than100 Casino Games.
The Intellectual Property rights relating to all such games are specifically reserved.
Mr CasinoGames® will upload descriptions of Games from his Library on a regular basis.
I invites comments, praise, criticism, suggestions for improvement indeed any feedback.
DESCRIPTION: Flush Bonus Blackjack™
Blackjack-Flush is a card game designed to be played as a blackjack side bet.
The object of the game is to have the player's first card match the suit of the dealer's first card.
1. The game is played using 1-8 standard 52-card decks.
2. Aces are high and 2’s are low.
3. To begin, the player makes his wager.
4. The dealer deals two cards face up, one to the player and one to himself.
5. If the suits of the two cards are different, the player loses his wager. Otherwise, the player wins and is paid on his wager based on the ranks of the 2 cards.
The following is a list of all winning
Scenarios: (6 deck)
Flush Low: The rank of the player’s card is lower than the rank of the dealer’s card. Pays 2 to 1.
Flush High: The rank of the player’s card is higher than the rank of the dealer’s card. Pays 3 to 1.
Flush Pair: The rank of the player’s card is the same as the rank of the dealer’s card. 8 to 1
To analyze the game, a program was written in Java to cycle through and evaluate all possible permutational outcomes of the game. The following is an outline of the steps executed by the program:
1. Cycle through all 52 * 52 = 2704 ways to deal the dealer’s card versus the player’s card.
2. For each of the permutations of step 1, determine the number of ways that permutation can be dealt using 1-8 decks of cards.
3. Evaluate the two-card permutation of step 1 and determine the outcome. Keep a running tally of the results.
After running the program, the number of permutations of each unique outcome was known. These numbers, along with the various pay tables for the game, were used to calculate the expected value (EV)1 of the player’s wager. The negative of the EV corresponds to the house’s edge.
Mr CasinoGames® Library:
Casino Holdem® Poker. BlackJack Block® Bonus. Block Pro® Blackjack-Progressive. Hybrid Double-Bet® Roulette. Common-Hand Blackjack®. Casino Holdem® Omaha Poker™. Casino Holdem® 4-Suit Poker™.
Mr ChipTricks® Videos:
57 Chip Tricks. Advanced Chip Tricks. Chip Tricks Inventions. Anti-Gravity(Tutorials). Specials(Un-Cut).