Posted by ewjones080
Apr 23, 2012

Craps Play

I don't know why but I've decided to keep a blog on here about my craps play. Be warned, I consider myself a "semi" dice controller. I don't practice for hours a week, but I have practiced a lot in the past. I don't claim to have any verifiable edge, but if I'm going to the casino anyway, I figure I might as well try it.

I've played hundreds of hours at a tiny casino back home (20 mins from my parents house, 80 mins from where I am now). The tables there are long, not the ideal conditions for dice "influencers", but I have had several long rolls and huge money makers in the past. The best run was in June and July of last year, followed by a terrible August.

In late January and February I went to the casino about 45 mins away. Had mixed results. A few pretty good rolls, then increased my action for my next turn and promptly went 7-out, which pretty much brought me back to even. Then had a session where I was a little better than even, but the small amount I was betting on the other shooters killed me. But this little stretch was much better than the first couple times I went several months ago, which was at least $100 loss in less than an hour. Never rolling more than a couple numbers and NO points. But this casino I like cause it has shorter tables. The drawback is they're a lot bouncier. But when I'm shooting well they don't seem to bounce around any more than the other casino, in fact less so.

So here is the official start of my current documentation. I intend to keep it up to date and as accurate as possible. On Thursday I went, shot seven X. The first 3 weren't great. First was 7-out. Second hit 2 box then seven. Next hit a few and almost broke even for THAT roll's action. Fourth was awesome, hitting several box numbers, then hitting point of ten, then establishing point of 9, hitting several more box numbers, then hitting nine, then est. 8 hit a few more box, then seven. This brought me back to 175 ahead, and went to buffet, paid for by another player at the table, pretty cool.

After dinner, someone was in my spot, so I had to bide my time. Played a shoe of BJ, which I NEVER do, but I was ahead so I thought what the hell. In one shoe I was ahead 115, tipped 10. Then got back on the table after at least an hour wait. First turn wasn't bad, nearly doubled my original action for THAT roll. The following two turns were point seven. I decided I was done with craps but played another shoe of BJ and won another 95. I ultimately ended 90 ahead on craps (which could've been attributed partially to other shooters) and 200 ahead on BJ.

My betting strategy was 54 across with 5 line and double odds. Press 6/8 on first hit, press 5/9 on second hit, press 4/10 on third and never press again. Before my fourth turn I decided to change the strategy to make a come bet after first hit, then when travels, come down with 10 odds and press odds on ensuing hits, but didn't have a specific press procedure.

Next time I plan on starting with 81 across (plus $1 for buys of 4/10 since they allow $15 buys) and instead of moving to come bets, just press whatever hits by one unit each time. Let's see what happens. I'll be going again this Thursday.


WongBo Apr 23, 2012

have you considered counting the number of rolls per turn?

i find tracking a good session is more informative to be able to say i rolled 20 times and made 3 points.

Juyemura Apr 23, 2012

I will follow your craps blog with great interest. Since I live in Hawaii, I have to live vicariously through others.

ewjones080 Apr 24, 2012

A couple years ago when I first started I tried tracking my number of rolls by using the chips. It becomes easy to forget though, especially when I get deep into a roll, so I just gave up on it. If I had someone else at the table I would have them do it for me.

heavy Apr 27, 2012

Mr Jones -

As you have no doubt observed from the reaction to the handful of posts I've made on the craps forum here, you will likely attract great criticism by posting about your attempts at dice control. I've taken crap over this for years and it pretty much rolls off me like water off the proverbial duck's back, but you have to be pretty thick skinned to post about DI here.

Regarding your results at the table recently - you will do yourself a huge favor if you'll limit yourself to three attempts at making something happen in a session. If you go 3-4 numbers and out, then point-seven-out twice in a row, it's time to go. Color coming in. Go play another game for awhile (I noticed you hit the 21 tables) or better yet, go sit in the coffee shop, pull out your cell phone and answer your e-mails - do something to get your mind off the casino for a few minutes. If you have a room at the casino hotel then go upstairs and practice tossing a few. The ironing board in the room makes a decent enough "toss station" You can toss the dice onto the bed if you with. My old standby if I was not packing a practice rig in my suitcase was to take a drawer out of the dresser, put a towel in the bottom of it and toss into it. But the bed will work fine. You're not looking for results (numbers). Rather, you're looking at how the dice behave as they fly through the air. Locked together? Tumbling on axis? Rolling reasonably straight once they land? Give it a few throws, then head back down, find and uncrowded table where you can get you shooting position, buy in and give it another shot. Much better to do this than to chase your previous losses by continuing to play that session.

ewjones080 Apr 28, 2012


Some great advice. The biggest problem might be I'm in Iowa, so a guy is pretty much stuck at one property for the night, and they're small so there's only one table, plus there ain't much else to do around here. I did fall into the trap you're talking about, trying to chase losses, in the past.

For about a year, August '10 to September '11 I was shooting dice on a regular basis, pretty much go twice a week, cause the casino was only a 20 min drive, plus I was living with my parents so I had plenty of extra pocket money. I do stick primarily to craps, but on some rare occasions I'll play BJ or Pai gow poker.. often BJ I would try to chase losses. Last August was pretty bad for me. I had won over 2K the previous two months, but on this night I was slowly draining my bankroll by NEVER getting a good roll. I lost $1200 that night.

Now I've moved out, an hour away, and I'm over 45 mins away from the nearest casino. Being so far keeps me from going all the time, and I'm not there nearly as long, since I have a longer drive back. I'll have to consider shorter sessions. I like to tell myself I'll get the dice an exact number of times, but didn't really consider breaking that up into two smaller sessions.

I'm really good about not playing games I know I don't have an advantage over, never touch the roulette wheel or carny games, and play BJ rarely. However, I've played BJ at this particular casino 4 times, a grand total of perhaps 30 minutes, and ahead 400. Experiencing some very nice positive variance there, haha.

I'm not sure if it means anything, but I've noticed I seem to make the most money when either come betting or placing across. I've noticed in my last two sessions I've rolled a lot of 4's and 10's. This happened last July also, there were several occasions where hitting the 4 or 10 several times and nothing else would save me. For instance last session 5 of the 15 hits on box numbers were either 4 or 10. I'd like to think I have a big advantage on those numbers but it could just be wishful thinking. I've also noticed that my most popular hardway is 10.. that of course could all be in my head, but I find it interesting since I set the fives on top using hardway set.