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Just making sure y'all are doing OK out there.
Is anyone startled?Quote: CNNMassive swarms of grasshoppers have descended upon Las Vegas this week, and it's startling some residents.
Then this morning I walked by again and there was some poor security guard literally shoveling piles of dead ones off the sidewalk.
When I realized what was happening, I thought he had spooked a nest of wasps and was in big trouble but a few landed on me and thankfully they were crickets or grasshoppers. Dozens of them got stuck in his fur and I had to brush them out. I probably missed a few.
It takes energy and it dehydrates them to fly, sort of like roaches.Quote: billryanWhatever these things are, it seems most of them fly . Grasshoppers in NY don't fly, as far as I know, but I've never seen a swarm of them before. I hope they move along.
often the pheromones of a blooming flower will set the grasshoppers to swarm and eat everything they can. population control for the grasshoppers and aids the flowers by removing food that would otherwise allow browsing animals to eat the flowers.
This is merely a rest stop on thier migration northward.
Quote: gordonm888Maybe the swarm of grackles from the Wizard's "What kind of birds are these?" will fly from Texas to Vegas and intersect with the swarm of grasshoppers in this thread.
Long Island used to get a Canadian Geese migration twice a year. They'd stop over for a couple of days heading south in the fall and a short stop going north in the spring. One spring, horrendous weather caused several flocks to stay an extended period and many chose to stay and nest. Birds instinctively return to where they were born so the next year, many nested there rather than fly another couple hundred miles north.
Thirty years later, we have a terrible geese problem. Hope this doesn't repeat itself here.

Are locusts and grasshoppers the same insect just in different parts of the country, like “pop” and “soda”?
Sort of, its like cockroaches and termites. Change the environment and sets of genes change.Quote: AyecarumbaAre locusts and grasshoppers the same insect just in different parts of the country, like “pop” and “soda”?
The Everglades just osted some giant grasshoppers.
Quote: GialmereThis story happened last July. It's now only mid-May but once again I'm noticing an uptick in grasshoppers where I live. It would be bizarre if Sin City reopened from the virus only to have another swarm descend on it. I'm not a religious man, but I'd have to wonder.
I don't know that they always go through Vegas, but I saw great swarms of them years ago in northern Nevada. Perhaps word got out that there are plenty of available rooms.