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May 27th, 2018 at 6:56:50 AM permalink
big fan of yours watching the travel channel videos and have taken alot of your advice. thanks for always being there to answer questions.

1. As a pretty avid roulettee player(even though the house advantage is 5.26% against the player), i still seem to have good luck on the game. A long time ago, a dealer from the Gold Coast told me to watch where the dealer spins the ball and some times the ball will land in the area of the numbers where the ball started its spin. this techique doesn't always work, but it has worked more than not. The layout on the table is not the same as the order of the numbers on the wheel as 1 and 2 are on opposite sides of the 0 and 27 and 28 are on oppsite sides of the 00. Then it expands out to 35 and 14. Have you heard about this and is there any truth to it or it is just plain luck the ball sometimes lands where the ball started and having knowledge of the wheel layout is advantageous to the player?

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May 27th, 2018 at 7:05:24 AM permalink
Welcome mdaje1. 99.999% chance having knowledge of the layout is irrelevant. The ball goes around the track so many times, the wheel is spinning many times in the opposite direction, and the ball bounces around a dozen or so times before it falls into a slot. It certainly is possible a wheel can be misshapen and there is a bias, but the likelihood of you finding that bias, and then having that bias exceed the house edge, and then you betting enough to make it worthwhile to take advantage of that bias in a profitable way is so close to zero that it can't possibly be worth your time.

You say you are an avid roulette player. Since there is no disadvantage to betting as the Gold Coast dealer advised, feel free to do so. If by some chance I am wrong and he is right, report back to us!
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May 27th, 2018 at 7:39:32 AM permalink
Thanks for advice, I’ll still try this on my next trip and let the forum know.

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May 27th, 2018 at 7:54:44 AM permalink
Welcome to the forum!

I think your method would make roulette a bit more interesting, at least. You're waiting until the dealer spins the ball (anticipation) then trying to cover the numbers you saw the ball start near, quickly enough that you don't get shut out on "no more bets". Then you get confirmation bias when it works.

Seems like fun to me. I agree 100% with what SOOPOO said, but why not. Enjoy!
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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May 27th, 2018 at 8:05:04 AM permalink

Since there is no disadvantage to betting as the Gold Coast dealer advised, feel free to do so. If by some chance I am wrong and he is right, report back to us!


Many people bet by "octets" which is an eighth of a wheel they think for some reason is likely. Now the reason of course does not matter. However, if the ball is released near a certain octet feel free to bet that octet. The wheel spins in one direction the ball is whizzing around in the other direction, gravity and friction play their role, those frets cause some bouncing and eventually we all find out where it lands.

Some people select octets that they think are "due", some people select octets that are "hot" that night, some people might as well select octets that are near where the ball is released since I'm sure some people are likely selecting octets that are opposite where the ball is released.

You wind up either right or wrong, either way.
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May 27th, 2018 at 8:24:39 AM permalink
Well like I said, it's doesn't always work. In reality the only games to play if you have a bankroll and money to lose is th big three games, craps, blackjack(memorizing basic strategy), and barraract. However I do enjoy playing roulette. seems like the only way to win is to walk away when you are ahead. Seems like the casinos don't like it when you "hit and run", but they are powerless to do anything as along as you follow the rules.

That's why the call it gambling, still fun to play. Glad to be part of the group.

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May 27th, 2018 at 8:55:57 AM permalink
Quote: mdaje1

Well like I said, it's doesn't always work. In reality the only games to play if you have a bankroll and money to lose is th big three games, craps, blackjack(memorizing basic strategy), and barraract. However I do enjoy playing roulette. seems like the only way to win is to walk away when you are ahead. Seems like the casinos don't like it when you "hit and run", but they are powerless to do anything as along as you follow the rules.

That's why the call it gambling, still fun to play. Glad to be part of the group.


You can search the internet for "wheel clocking" to find people's theories around this strategy.
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May 27th, 2018 at 9:10:26 AM permalink
Quote: mdaje1

seems like the only way to win is to walk away when you are ahead.

That's why the call it gambling, still fun to play. Glad to be part of the group.


Correct. the only way to win is to walk away when you are ahead. Seems intuitive.....

I agree with you about the 'fun to play' part. It's why I play the games I do. But just remember, there are many forum members who have identified weaknesses in games or offers or promotions which allow them to actually have an advantage over the casino. Some make their primary income doing such. So they have a different attitude about gambling than you or I might have. I would bet there are a majority of members here who can't envision a scenario where they would want to play roulette, a game with a huge house edge. (I'm sure there are RARE exceptions...)
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May 27th, 2018 at 9:38:47 AM permalink
I like roulette tournaments. I get free rolled into them, and top prize is often $10k or better, with a pool of $50k-250k, paying many places.

Otherwise, I can't overcome the HE.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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May 27th, 2018 at 11:21:03 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

I like roulette tournaments. I get free rolled into them, and top prize is often $10k or better, with a pool of $50k-250k, paying many places. Otherwise, I can't overcome the HE.

Ah .. free is such a wonderful word.
If you are ever marooned by a rainstorm or something and find yourself nowhere near a casino, a great "rainy day read" is The Eudaemon Pie which was written by a graduate student who worked on the Stanford University wheel-clocking team.
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May 27th, 2018 at 11:32:01 AM permalink
Quote: mdaje1

big fan of yours watching the travel channel videos and have taken alot of your advice. thanks for always being there to answer questions.

1. As a pretty avid roulettee player(even though the house advantage is 5.26% against the player), i still seem to have good luck on the game. A long time ago, a dealer from the Gold Coast told me to watch where the dealer spins the ball and some times the ball will land in the area of the numbers where the ball started its spin. this techique doesn't always work, but it has worked more than not. The layout on the table is not the same as the order of the numbers on the wheel as 1 and 2 are on opposite sides of the 0 and 27 and 28 are on oppsite sides of the 00. Then it expands out to 35 and 14. Have you heard about this and is there any truth to it or it is just plain luck the ball sometimes lands where the ball started and having knowledge of the wheel layout is advantageous to the player?


what you are speaking about is a form of Visual Ballistics.

You are actually supposed to


you then


You then look at your roulette wheel layout if you grabbed a sheet provided by the casino

You then see HOW LONG the distance is in between the first and last number you saw

You then see HOW MANY pockets the ball has bounced out of FROM the number where the BALL STARTED TO DROP AT

All of this info is then used to make the prediction.

at first you might not see a pattern but when you get good at it you will definitely see a pattern.

sorry for such a crappy description but hopefully that gets your mind going
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May 27th, 2018 at 2:38:15 PM permalink
Quote: heatmap

at first you might not see a pattern but when you get good at it you will definitely see a pattern.

I found that with cloud watching. When I was a kid, my sister pointed out that if you stare long and hard at the clouds, you will see a bunny rabbit. Damn me, if it's not true: I cannot fail to see bunny rabbits all over the sky when it's cloudy. It's not a skill you can teach, but with practice you can learn to be consistent.
Lately, I've been seeing naked ladies too. Not always whole ladies as that would be silly: Just the odd lady part. I'm glad I learned that skill.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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May 27th, 2018 at 6:19:37 PM permalink

I sure hope you work for a casino on the side. :)
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May 28th, 2018 at 3:15:26 AM permalink
I agree with those who say that wheel clocking is a waste of time. If it makes the game more fun for you go ahead -- it can't hurt either. To have any chance at better than a random chance of beating roulette, in my opinion, you need to use a computer.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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May 28th, 2018 at 4:30:55 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I agree with those who say that wheel clocking is a waste of time. If it makes the game more fun for you go ahead -- it can't hurt either. To have any chance at better than a random chance of beating roulette, in my opinion, you need to use a computer.

A computer would undoubtedly be illegal but if any nearby device was flashing lights on a particular frequency using those as timing codes to determine the speed of the wheel might be possible.
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