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March 4th, 2018 at 9:42:39 AM permalink
Spanish 21

I would gladly like to get other peoples insights, on towards the best way to approach this topic I keep running into playing this game.

I’ve reviewed another person's question here: /ask-the-wizard/spanish-21 I agree with this persons question. his topic was scrolling down to number-11 On the topic he explained another player had $400.00 on the table.
Can someone resolve the best way to comfort and direct attack this issue?

[ Let’s first start out with that I do understand in an 8-shoe playing this game 10’s are removed. Which is an 8-deck shoe 32-cards are removed understood? ]

8 Deck Shoe ( Spanish 21 ) 10's are removed, so 32-cards aren’t in the shoe.

High Cards
4-A's per deck x 8 = 32
4-K's per deck x 8 = 32
4-Q's per deck x 8 = 32
4-J's per deck x 8 = 32

Total High Cards [ 128 ]

Lower Cards

4-2's per deck x 8 = 32
4-3's per deck x 8 = 32
4-4's per deck x 8 = 32
4-5's per deck x 8 = 32
4-6's per deck x 8 = 32

Total Low Cards [ 160 ]

4-7's per deck x 8 = 32
4-8's per deck x 8 = 32
4-9's per deck x 8 = 32

Neutral Cards [ 96 ]

So Michael of Wizard of Odd’s says small cards now favor the player.

(I’ve run into this issue more than once during an evening out. The cards that I get the most as I sit at the right of the dealer are [ 10 + 3 = 13 this card haunts me big time ] I know when getting a 12 as 10 = 2 = 12 it’s a hit when the dealer gets a face card.) - (13 also is a hit, when the dealer is showing a face card, so I do what happens over and over again I “Bust”.

But, the next card that comes out is a card that if I didn’t hit I would not have busted. So, I keep saying for now on I’m hitting on 10’s with a 3 card.

I also run into this with a 10 card & a 7 card which is 17 normally I’d wave this if I didn’t the odds of busting are so great, even if the dealer has the Ace up card. Or even a face card.

The cards that haunt me the most are (face with a 3 which is 13) / (face with a 4 which is 14) / (Face with a 6 which is 16) / and (face with 7 which is 17) If the dealer has a 10 face card showing, the card is a “Trick” indicating the player should hit.

Because if the card under is an Ace, the player loses. If the player has a face card showing and the player was to hit on any of these cards here, 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 and even 17 I’ve found it higher as I always play into the dealer hitting any of these cards I bust.

As I go against when the dealer has a face card showing.

Not to often if a dealer has a face card showing, that he has that Ace underneath, I’m not sure of the % but upsetting other people, as telling the dealer I pass pushing it to the dealer to flip his undercard hoping he has a small card under is face card, which would force him to hit again “BUSTING” and I saved the whole table.

As above with the 10’s gone there are Total High Cards [ 128 ]

And small cards of Total Low Cards [ 160 ] which are 2 through 6 minus 7 through 9 which are neutral cards totaling 96 if added together would total 256 small cards versus 160 high cards.

I’ve found passing and pushing it to the dealer, as I stay on any of the cards here 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 and even 17 I’ve found it as the odds are better not always but saves the player from busting and pushing it to the dealer to bust.

Just “Wondering” do you reading this find this happening? Help me solve this frustrating issue.


PS, I'm getting sick and tired of hitting and busting when the dealer should be doing this.
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March 4th, 2018 at 12:00:57 PM permalink
Here’s a concrete example:

Scenario I: You bet $10 and get 13 vs the dealer’s queen up-card, the other players all have standing hands, and the dealer peeks for blackjack. You don’t know it, but the next two cards are jack and 8.
Result I-a: You hit your 13 and get the jack for the bust. The dealer then reveals a 3 as a hole card, and hits with the 8 for 21. (You lose $10, and none of the players criticize your play.)
Result I-b: You stand on your 13. The dealer reveals a 3 as a hole card and hits with the jack to bust. (You win $10, plus you get the adulation from some of the other players for “saving the table.” But one player says, “We won this round, but you poisoned the rest of the shoe. Dealer, color me up!”)

Scenario II: You bet $10 and get 13 vs the dealer’s queen up-card, the other players all have standing hands, and the dealer peeks for blackjack. You don’t know it, but the next two cards are 8 and jack.
Result II-a: You hit your 13 and get the 8 for 21. The dealer then reveals a 3 as a hole card, and hits with the jack for the bust. (You have already won $10 for your 21, and the players have all said, “Nice hit!”)
Result II-b: You stand on 13. The dealer then reveals a 3 as a hole card and hits with the 8 for 21. (You lose $10, and most of the players are unhappy. Some are rolling their eyes, and some are outright screaming. But one guy says, “That’s okay—it’s your hand and your money.”)

Some points:
The two scenarios are equally likely. The probability that the next two cards in a shoe are jack/8 is exactly equal to the probability that they are 8/jack.
13 vs a face card is a very bad hand, but hitting it is mathematically better than standing.
Don’t let your winning/losing and the other players’ reactions make you forget the above.

(Thanks to Eliot Jacobson, Ph.D. for the inspiration for the above example.)
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March 4th, 2018 at 12:55:36 PM permalink
I do understand, the above very clearly. But I've as said I'm haunted by the 10+3 = 13 if betting it get those two cards more than I would the 2.

Besides being haunted by the 10+3 = 13 other numbers like I indicated getting 17 odds are pretty slim on getting 4 = 21 [Better odds hitting and busting] >But I'd stand on the 17 at the dealer having a face card up. < If the dealer has a face card up, and an "A" why would anyone in their right mind hit, chances are very high dealer won, why hit and bust.

I've learned the primary goal of the game is (To Win) period. It's not the first one to get to 21 wins.
The object of this game is to win, best getting the dealer to bust.
In this game even just Blackjack dealer has 2 ways to win, (get a better hand or have the player bust).
The player has 2 ways to win (get a better hand than the dealer or have the dealer bust).

If the dealer chooses to stand and pushes for the dealer to bust, the player then controls if he's going to bust or not. Which the player then has two chances over the dealer, and the dealer only has one over the player. "True"?

And I don't care about other player's, cause at the end we both came here for one reason and one reason to get the money out. No one wants to lose, no one walks through the front doors thinking now let's go lose some money.

I took a copy of (Stand on soft-17 Spanish 21 BS but kind of confused on the display guidelines of (soft-hands)

Next is the Spanish 21 basic strategy when the dealer stands on a soft 17.

12 15





I don't have a clue are the ones standing as "Aces"??

Whoever replies thanks for all your time, and I hope if others get a chance read to learn and don't lose your money, to the Casino's Care Always...
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