- Registration will close 12:01 AM Pacific Time on Sep. 29.
- Each participant shall play seven games, one each for 2 to 8 total players.
- One point shall be awarded for each game won.
- Cherry picking boards is not allowed. You must accept the first one presented.
- If there is a tie for first place, then the same rules shall apply to break the tie, until it is broken.
- Obviously, this shall be on the honor system. If you cheat, and there is an afterlife, you agree that you will be a slave of those participants who didn't cheat for one million years.
I'm all ears to better ideas. This was just to get the ball rolling.
Quote: WizardI'd like to propose a Dice Wars tournament.
I'm always game for something I can play at all, although I expect to get clobbered, not finding the computer "easy" to beat.
Looking over the website, I see no way to verify results. How about being allowed to discard a game in which you do not survive the first 3 turns?
Consider me registered, but i am getting more practice in with my new understanding, any game I play after your closing time will be official. If my performance is shameful I *will* lie about *that*. [just kidding][I think!]
You sign in with your Facebook or Twitter account. I could not get in, until I signed into Facebook and then connected to KDice. I am going to create an account and see what the site is like.
Could be a great vehicle for a WoV Tournament!
Quote: RaleighCrapsI have not used it yet, but there is a site called kdice.com that has Dice Wars as a multi-player game! You get to play against 6 other humans.
I just tried that via my Facebook account. I sat down at a 7-player game. The first several turns I tried to secure a spot in the north-east of the board, which I did. Eventually it came down to a 4-player game, each about equally powerful. For a while everyone was passing every turn, building up power. However, when everyone had 8 on each territory it was blatantly obvious that the player in the center and in the south-east made a pact to take me out. There is a chat feature to the game, and I could see some words exchanged, although not directly "Let's attack the guy with 0 points." With no hope to survive a 2 against 1 fight, I went kamikaze on the first player to initiate the attack. I didn't go well, and was wiped out.
While it was a nice change from playing the computer, it brought back everything I hate about Risk. That is has little to do with strategy, and everything to do with alliances. I think kdice might be better without a chat feature, to discourage that. Then again, I might not be complaining if I was part an alliance, as opposed to the victim.
I'd be interested in other comments. Maybe we should try to make it a thing.
I was hoping it would be like some of the other game sites, where we could create our own closed table, and have private games amongst the WoV set.
I agree that no alliances should be allowed. Perhaps someone can figure out a good way to enforce it. I suppose we could all agree to rat out anyone who tries to ally with us, and use public flogging, but I'm not sure if that would be enough.
It is a stupidly brain dead game that sucks you in, and steals your life away from you a few minutes every day.
(Yeah, I'm an addicted daily player)
After four games I tried to play a fifth and it told me I didn't have enough points. Apparently it costs money to buy points to play. To heck with that. If I wanted to pay to play something, I'd play online poker, where at least I have a chance to make something.
Quote: boymimboI'll post my paltry record of 4-3 first.
I consider that quite good, so at the very least do not worry about winding up in the cellar.
Quote: WizardI played three more games of kdice, and lost early on in all of them. I wonder if there is unspoken agreement to go after new players first. You can tell from their ranking and points.
After four games I tried to play a fifth and it told me I didn't have enough points. Apparently it costs money to buy points to play. To heck with that. If I wanted to pay to play something, I'd play online poker, where at least I have a chance to make something.
Crap. I was afraid that may be the case, that you had to pony up money if you wanted to play there any length of time.
edit: fix wording error.
rant: Why is it I can proof read my post twice, and POST it, and then as soon as I see it in the thread, see every mistake I missed?
Quote: RaleighCrapsWhy is it I can proof read my post twice, and POST it, and then as soon as I see it in the thread, see every mistake I missed?
It isn't just you brother.
2: L
3: L
4: W
5: W
6: L
7: W
8: W
Just over two more days to register.
Quote: RaleighCraps
edit: fix wording error.
rant: Why is it I can proof read my post twice, and POST it, and then as soon as I see it in the thread, see every mistake I missed?
It's because the font in the blue posting boxes is terrible for proofreading. I haven't seen that font since my grandma's manual typewriter. The font the posts actually appear in is far more readable.

Should have taken an intermediate shot, but you can see the map is identical. I had a hunch I would win. I was just about to accuse the computer of cheating, I am still mystified as to how the bot players can be so aggressive in the beginning. Green player got the biggest, but ran into a series of bad luck and couldn't win 8 stack vs 8 stack for nothing. And these two duked it out weakening themselves. I refused to attack Yellow-Green for the longest, then ate him up to get strong. Got the W.
Will the final W/L record be the score, or are more points given for defeating more players?
Also, should we be playing our official games now, or wait until after the close of registration?
Quote: DweenI'd like to register and play.
Will the final W/L record be the score, or are more points given for defeating more players?
Also, should we be playing our official games now, or wait until after the close of registration?
Consider yourself in. The W/L record will be one point per game.
You should wait until the close of registration to play your games.
Although, I am really hating this game with 7 players and the late positions I have been getting recently. Hard to play when you are down to 1 space prior to your first turn.
Still searching the web for the elusive multi-player version of Dice Wars that we can use here.
Quote: RaleighCrapsstay away from Mafia Wars on Facebook. It is a stupidly brain dead game that sucks you in, and steals your life away from you a few minutes every day.
This. My wife asks me why I do it. Her quote - it's a "time suckage" and nothing more. What gets me is that there must be people who spend all kinds of $$ on this pointless game...!
Starting with the games of 4,5,6,7, and 8, the player may choose to not play any game where they are not in positions 1,2, or 3.
So, if a board comes up in the 7 player game, and you are in position 5, you have the option to play that game, or you may elect to request a new board. If you play the first board, then that is your tournament entry result.
You ARE NOT allowed to select another board if you are in position 1,2 or 3.
Again, this will have to be on our own honor, as there is no way to check for compliance.
Quote: RaleighCrapsI suggest the following rule modification:
Starting with the games of 4,5,6,7, and 8, the player may choose to not play any game where they are not in positions 1,2, or 3.
So, if a board comes up in the 7 player game, and you are in position 5, you have the option to play that game, or you may elect to request a new board. If you play the first board, then that is your tournament entry result.
You ARE NOT allowed to select another board if you are in position 1,2 or 3.
Again, this will have to be on our own honor, as there is no way to check for compliance.
I am not finding going last in a 4-8 player game is so bad, the others may, or may not, have knocked each other down.
the toughest situation seems to be to go second in a 2 player game. I'm thinking best of 3 in each category to be reported.
One rule that might address this concern is a Top Dollar kind of rule, where you can refuse a board up to two times. If you do refuse twice, then you're stuck with the third board. I prefer to just play the first board you get, but don't mind being outvoted.
Perhaps we can award extra points (bonus) for winning from an "unfavorable position" (games with 6 or more players??). This way, we could avoid ties and would encourage contestants to play from any position on the board....
One idea would be to play the first game offered where you go first.
Quote: EricayneMy vote is also for playing the first board you get. Don't change this rule.
Perhaps we can award extra points (bonus) for winning from an "unfavorable position" (games with 6 or more players??). This way, we could avoid ties and would encourage contestants to play from any position on the board....
Due to others feeling they are not at a disadvantage when playing from late position, I withdraw my request for the right to reject certain games, and instead, go with the original rule of having to play the first board presented. In my limited experience, I have done much better in 7 player games when I start early, but that could have just been due to the board configuration I guess.
Quote: LucyjrPlease consdier me registered. When are games to be played?
You're in. Games should be played after 12:01 AM PST Sep. 29. Preferably by the end of that day. Please see the first post for the full rules.
Quote: WizardWith 27 hours before action, I say let's stick with the original rules. How about the winner can make one rule change, if he wants, should there be another tournament?
Oh boy, the possibilities are endless.........
I foresee a speed event, where the object is to play 3 or 4 games, with your win loss record AND total time from start to finish as part of the total results (We won't play all 7 games to prevent spousal warfare). Of course, there is the matter of having to win the first one. lol
I have learned some more about strategy... top secret till after the match! That doesnt mean I know I will do well! [g]. Everybody please chat about strategies when reporting results, I'm curious.
How many entries are there?
I have experienced the following scenario several times while playing and wanted to know how would you resolve this particular situation:
1. 2 players remain. you dominate one part of the board & the computer dominates the other part. 8 dice max on each territory.
2. However, your territories are connected only by a "bridge" territory - which you engage each other endlessly - trying to take over "the bridge". And even when you are successful, your reward for success is being attacked by multiple territories in retaliation. The owner of the bridge never lasts long.....
After a while, I just end the game...high five the computer screen & call it a draw. But for the sake of "tournament" play, what should you do?
Quote: Ericayne"the bridge".
In theory, one player is stronger than another, and has the odds of persisting on his side. Are mathematicians able to calculate the odds of one side winning?
One way to tell if "evenly matched enough" to cause a stalemate is to note that both sides are guaranteed to fully get all reinforcements by an easy margin.
should you be able to declare a draw and get half a point???
Quote: EricayneAfter a while, I just end the game...high five the computer screen & call it a draw. But for the sake of "tournament" play, what should you do?
Good question. I've been in that situation lots of times before. I call such boards with two large masses connected by just one border "butterfly boards." I suggest that if there is no progess about 15 minutes of playing, then you call it a draw, and get half a point.
Quote: odiousgambitOne way to tell if "evenly matched enough" to cause a stalemate is to note that both sides are guaranteed to fully get all reinforcements by an easy margin.
Thanks! I forgot to add that bit of info. Both sides were able to reach full reinforcements after every turn - with extra dice to spare. This happened to me twice....the first time - I owned 50% of the board. The 2nd time - I owned maybe 11-12 territories - so the computer had a clear advantage. But...because of the bridge, we were at an impasse....
2 Players - Won
3 Players - Won
4 Players - Won
5 Players - Lost
6 Players - Won
7 Players - Won
8 Players - Lost
So, 5-2 overall. Somehow, I doubt I'll do that well when it counts!
# players | plyr start pos | Result | Comments |
2 | 2 | Loss | had a chance. lost 3 key battles with my 8 dice against 6 |
3 | 3 | Loss | no chance. spread all over board. Early Surrender |
4 | 1 | Loss | cannot seem to win any of the key battles |
5 | 1 | Win | Finally. |
6 | 6 | Loss | That was fun. NOT! At least it was quick. |
7 | 2 | Loss | Pathetic. spread all over the board with no chance to connect |
8 | 2 | Loss | Prior to the event I guess I used up all my good games, 'cause this SUCKED. |
If anyone else wants to use this format, I will post the code string here.
I see you must have gone second in your first game. For morale purposes, I am not going to start there.
# players | plyr start pos | Result | Comments |
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 |
Quote: GenWyzgy
So, 5-2 overall. Somehow, I doubt I'll do that well when it counts!
yep, you shouldn't have wasted it!
2 went first won
3 went second won
4 went first won
5 went second won
6 went first won
7 went second lost
8 went sixth won
Quote: mipletIf I were the kind of person who believes in luck, clearly I should have went to the casino instead of wasting it all on a dice game. :+)
2 went first won
3 went second won
4 went first won
5 went second won
6 went first won
7 went second lost
8 went sixth won
You may get the honors here, sir.
I'd say a player needs both luck and a good strategy. One element that is driving me nuts at the moment is the bad luck of having one of the Bots get very dominant before I have a chance to take him on, the other Bots blowing themselves out. All the Bots are very aggressive, that almost means for sure one of them will get lucky, certainly pretty often anyway.
In the 3 player game, I got myself into a nice corner position where I had great protection, only to watch all my reinforcements get stacked on worthless rear positions, and the bot got reinforced on the front line. Lost a winnable position because I could not even battle it out. By then I had 6 positions left and the enemy was maxing out on reinforcements with many in the bank, so I white flagged it.
Quote: RaleighCrapswhat has me frustrated today is the number of battles I am losing when my 8 dice go up against the bot 6 dice, whether I am on defense or attacking. I seem to be losing a clear majority of them.
In the 3 player game, I got myself into a nice corner position where I had great protection, only to watch all my reinforcements get stacked on worthless rear positions, and the bot got reinforced on the front line. Lost a winnable position because I could not even battle it out. By then I had 6 positions left and the enemy was maxing out on reinforcements with many in the bank, so I white flagged it.
Attacking winning % from here
8 attacking 6: 84.4%
6 attackng 8: 12.2%