I guess it just wasn't Mission's day. As the post-challenge interview will show, he said he puked because he couldn't breathe. He puked in a trash can with a small hole, so we're not sure exactly what came out. However, it shouldn't matter for the outcome of the bet. Whether he lost by puking, conceding, or running out of time, he didn't eat 100 McNuggets, and therefore lost. We could argue the reason for losing but not that he lost. Kind of like the proof of no largest prime.
By the way, yes I'll be accepting BeachBumBab's money. Say I'm not a gentleman if you wish, but a bet is a bet.
Quote: WizardWhether he lost by puking, conceding, or running out of time, he didn't eat 100 McNuggets, and therefore lost.
My loss will be easier to take if he puked. Losing by conceding is like a boxer quitting. Like Roberto Duran's famous "No mas". (Yes, I lost money on that one too!!)
Quote: Wizardhe didn't eat 100 McNuggets, and therefore lost.
And that is the bottom line.
Quote: Wizard
We could argue the reason for losing...
It's pretty irrelevant at this point.
Someone made a great point about the dry air. This is one factor that no one mentioned earlier. We lives in Ohio which has pretty humid air so this was a huge change for his sinuses. The last time we were in LV when I would blow my nose it was full of blood.
Quote: Beethoven9thWell, SOOPOO's son actually ate more McNuggets, and he had to run 2 miles AND do a crossword puzzle beforehand.....all within one hour.
To set the record straight.... he did TWO New York Times daily crossword puzzles....
Time was never a factor for my son, and I'm guessing the same could be said for Mission. Its the 'fullness' or 'grossness' or whatever prevents you from taking another bite....
So I'm guessing my son still has the WoV record for McNuggets at 88.......
By the way... he is a small man... 5'4" 140lbs.... So proportionally he is way ahead....
But, how was the dinner at The Chicago Brewing Company?
That's our favorite, we went 2 days in a row for lunch over our Thanksgiving trip.
Deep Dish Pizza and Salad one day, Buffalo Wings and Filet Sliders the next.
With Microbrew IPA to die for!
It's a bitch to get a table though, even the larger space off to the left is small.
And, the winner of the Trivia contest was?
Quote: SOOPOOTo set the record straight.... he did TWO New York Times daily crossword puzzles....
Time was never a factor for my son, and I'm guessing the same could be said for Mission. Its the 'fullness' or 'grossness' or whatever prevents you from taking another bite....
So I'm guessing my son still has the WoV record for McNuggets at 88.......
By the way... he is a small man... 5'4" 140lbs.... So proportionally he is way ahead....
Is your son ever going to attempt the challenge again? If so, I really, really like his chances. 88 is impressive (especially after doing all the other stuff)!
It was a small gathering for dinner but fun and relaxing. Lots of trivia betting on the waitresses and the college football games being played at the time.
I ended up winning the Trivia contest however only 5 or 6 people participated. Also the Wizard could not find the original list of questions and he only was able to recall 5 or 6 of them. They were all fast food related questions. It came down to Mission and I for a tie breaker. Mission apparently misunderstood the question. The question dealt with the documentary, Super Size Me, where they follow a man eating only McDonald's food for a 30-day period. We had to guess: How much weight he gained in the 30 days. Mission guessed 180 or something like that. It was obvious mission was trying to guess his total weight. Mission admitted, he would have guessed 80 pounds anyways. The correct answer was around 18. If we had to go to a tiebreaker again, the wizard partly recalled one more question and said it was not a fast food question. I asked if it was a supermarket, He said.Quote: ten2winSo we can rehash the results forever……..
But, how was the dinner at The Chicago Brewing Company?
That's our favorite, we went 2 days in a row for lunch over our Thanksgiving trip.
Deep Dish Pizza and Salad one day, Buffalo Wings and Filet Sliders the next.
With Microbrew IPA to die for!
It's a bitch to get a table though, even the larger space off to the left is small.
And, the winner of the Trivia contest was?
yes. I heard the key word fresh and realized it was fresh and easy, It was clear no one else had the answer as it was being discussed.
The prize was a small framed picture of the famous Dogs playing poker. I was happy about the prize. Thank you Mike
More interesting was all the prop bet questions and things.
Quote: AxelWolfI ended up winning the Trivia contest however only 5 or 6 people participated. Also the Wizard could not find the original list of questions and he only was able to recall 5 or 6 of them. They were all fast food related questions. It came down to Mission and I for a tie breaker. Mission apparently misunderstood the question. The question dealt with the documentary, Super Size Me, where they follow a man eating only McDonald's food for a 30-day period. We had to guess: How much weight he gained in the 30 days. Mission guessed 180 or something like that. It was obvious mission was trying to guess his total weight. Mission admitted, he would have guessed 80 pounds anyways. The correct answer was around 18. If we had to go to a tiebreaker again, the wizard partly recalled one more question and said it was not a fast food question. I asked if it was a supermarket, He said.
yes. I heard the key word fresh and realized it was fresh and easy, It was clear no one else had the answer as it was being discussed.
The prize was a small framed picture of the famous Dogs playing poker. I was happy about the prize. Thank you Mike
More interesting was all the prop bet questions and things.
Hehehehe, I believe the Wiz has been trying to unload that picture for several consecutive trivia competitions, only to be rebuffed by the winning member not wanting to take the picture home on a plane! Glad you were able to accept it (I think you're a Vegas local, right?).
Anyway, sounds like a good time was had by all. Wish I could have been there!
Yes I have been in Vegas since 1990.Quote: AcesAndEightsHehehehe, I believe the Wiz has been trying to unload that picture for several consecutive trivia competitions, only to be rebuffed by the winning member not wanting to take the picture home on a plane! Glad you were able to accept it (I think you're a Vegas local, right?).
Anyway, sounds like a good time was had by all. Wish I could have been there!
Quote: AxelWolfThe correct answer was around 18.
The correct answer is 25 pounds.
Quote: AcesAndEightsHehehehe, I believe the Wiz has been trying to unload that picture for several consecutive trivia competitions, only to be rebuffed by the winning member not wanting to take the picture home on a plane!
Actually, I got a smaller one that could easily fit in a suitcase because my big one was rebuffed so many times. Of course, when I finally switch to a small one a local wins it.
Quote: AcesAndEightsHehehehe, I believe the Wiz has been trying to unload that picture for several consecutive trivia competitions
Quote: WizardThe video is up!
Wizard, I didn't realize you were so tall. (Isn't Mission like 6'4"?)
You've gotta be what...6'2" at least?
Quote: Wizard
By the way, yes I'll be accepting BeachBumBab's money. Say I'm not a gentleman if you wish, but a bet is a bet.
This was never a question in either direction, that the loser would pay; gender never entered into it. And I will say that you are a perfect gentleman. Perhaps some of the people on here have had past experiences or betting with women who were less than honorable or straightforward about it, but a LADY never welches.
Quote: Beethoven9thYou've gotta be what...6'2" at least?
No. Somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11."
Quote: Beethoven9thBut how is that a loss?
It's possible that it was a piece of nugget stuck in my throat that came out, if so, it'd have been a loss. I'd have had to dig out the whole garbage can to prove I was eligible to continue.
Quote: PaigowdanYou know, Pierce gave it the old college try, valiant effort.
I was outside the McDonalds looking in, smoking a cigarette, thinking, "He's got it locked up, no problem."
Then I see Pierce come outside and lean over a garbage can and heave. No chicken chunks, but liquid, he said, excess saliva.
Still, we give him kudos, just fearless, "A" for effort, we salute him.
Thank you, Dan!
Quote: Beethoven9thWell, SOOPOO's son actually ate more McNuggets, and he had to run 2 miles AND do a crossword puzzle beforehand.....all within one hour.
Yeah, but he didn't go out afterward.
I consumed 26 drinks last night comprised of beers and mixed drinks, and ate a breakfast basket of scrambled eggs, biscuit, bacon and home fries and did not regurgitate, nor was I anywhere close. In summation, I never threw up any of the nuggets and felt no better or worse after the Challenge than I felt before it. My breathing passages failed me, my stomach was just fine, I drank a 50oz beer within an hour and a half after the competition. I went to a bathroom to actually TRY to puke them up prior to drinking (nutritional value) and was not even able to bring myself to puke.
Quote: Beethoven9thI'm gonna pay off my loss, of course, but I'm still curious. Did he vomit or not? After reading his message, I got the impression that he didn't. But if he spit out saliva, then I agree that should count as vomiting.
I guess I'll find out soon enough when the video is posted.
Mucus and saliva, I was coughing and sputtering as though vomiting, I absolutely could not breathe.
Quote: tringlomaneYeah any "reversal of fortune" should count, even if it isn't mcnugget based. But why didn't you take your Zyrtec-D today, Mission! :P
I didn't have that problem when I did the eighty, the nose-blowing, sneezing...and ultimately...the choking were wholly unexpected.
Quote: Beethoven9thMy loss will be easier to take if he puked. Losing by conceding is like a boxer quitting. Like Roberto Duran's famous "No mas". (Yes, I lost money on that one too!!)
I didn't concede, nugget or no nugget, I felt that I had lost at that point. I think it would have been disingenuous to make the argument that I should have been allowed to continue. I visibly wretched, I leaned into a trash can, and I coughed and vomited up something, whether mucus or a nugget in there, that's a loss.
Again, if I wanted to even make an argument for continuing, we would have had to open up the trash can lid and thoroughly investigate all of the contents to make sure there was no nugget in there. In addition to being a disgusting task, it would also eat into the hour, as would making the disingenuous argument that I should be allowed to do that.
I apologize to those who had money on me, and I would have won this easily if not for the choking.
Quote: JohnnyQIs M146 still in town, having a good time ? Going in for a nuggetoscopy ?
Great time, drank copious amounts of alcohol last night! Drinking again tonight, but taking it easy, because departing tomorrow.
I did get 2.5 to 1 on the NO he would not eat 100.
Quote: Mission146Yeah, but he didn't go out afterward.
I consumed 26 drinks last night comprised of beers and mixed drinks, and ate a breakfast basket of scrambled eggs, biscuit, bacon and home fries and did not regurgitate, nor was I anywhere close. In summation, I never threw up any of the nuggets and felt no better or worse after the Challenge than I felt before it. My breathing passages failed me, my stomach was just fine, I drank a 50oz beer within an hour and a half after the competition. I went to a bathroom to actually TRY to puke them up prior to drinking (nutritional value) and was not even able to bring myself to puke.
You have the liver of a god. Seriously even my most extreme binge drinking sessions in college don't come close to that much. I mean even if you're only talking 26 shot equivalents that is ridiculous. If you don't mind me asking how much you weight I mean I know you're tall but in the video you didn't seem incredibly bulky.
Quote: Mission146I coughed and vomited up something, whether mucus or a nugget in there.
Maybe something at MickyDs didn't make it to the grinder.

Quote: TwirdmanYou have the liver of a god. Seriously even my most extreme binge drinking sessions in college don't come close to that much. I mean even if you're only talking 26 shot equivalents that is ridiculous. If you don't mind me asking how much you weight I mean I know you're tall but in the video you didn't seem incredibly bulky.
No, I've got big upper arms and a little of a gut, but I would say that I have a generally medium-small frame. I probably weigh a few more at the moment, but I weighed 197 when I left for Vegas.
Actually, that was also how much I drank Thursday night, I obviously didn't drink anything Friday night. Maybe I should do a drinking contest...j/k...those are fundamentally stupid things to do. As long as I am drinking fairly slowly, I can drink pretty much any amount, no vomiting, no hangover, none of that. I slept until 11:00a.m. today, but to that point, I didn't go to bed until about 3:30a.m.
Quote: WizardThe video is up!
The outside scene with Paigowdan made me a little homesick. That's my old stomping grounds.
Quote: SOOPOO5'4" 140lbs.... So proportionally he is way ahead....
I said earlier that smaller people are bigger
eaters. And I was the first to mention the
dry Vegas air as being the enemy. It gets
to me every time I'm there.
Quote: WizardNo. Somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11."
Oh, you guys kinda looked close to the same height at the beginning of the vid.
Quote: Mission146I didn't concede, nugget or no nugget, I felt that I had lost at that point. I think it would have been disingenuous to make the argument that I should have been allowed to continue. I visibly wretched, I leaned into a trash can, and I coughed and vomited up something, whether mucus or a nugget in there, that's a loss.
I apologize to those who had money on me, and I would have won this easily if not for the choking.
Cool, sounds like a valiant effort though. I applaud you. I'm sure it was the change in climate that had the most effect.
You did say "rematch" in the video. Are you really going to do it again next year?? :)
when Wiz is explaining the rules. Pierce looks
exactly like a crook who's at his arraignment and
the judge is listing his crimes. He's totally serious,
fidgety, glances around a lot like he's nervous.
It's priceless. 8min in is the turning point. Pierce
is in obvious discomfort and Wiz has a look on his
face and a glint in his eye, like he smells blood in
the water. Sure enough, seconds later Pierce
is on the sidewalk being kicked in the ribs by
passing homeless people. So to speak..
All in all I enjoyed it, thanks for the schaden.
8min in Pierce is wishing he was never born.
8min in Wiz is enjoying schadenfreude at Pierce's expense.
Pierce looking for his lost wallet in the trash can.
And who is THIS guy?
Quote: Beethoven9thIs that terapined????? He did say he was going to record it.
Yes. He said he will post his video in about a week. He recorded much more of it than I did. Perhaps the whole thing.
In other challenge news, the whole time during Pierce's challenge a young gal named Arriane was amused watching. She works as a costumed performer on Fremont Street. At that time she was two hours early for her shift as Elmo. The entire time she said she could eat 100 Chicken McNuggets any day. She said she eats nothing but junk food and has been known to eat 50 McNuggets just because she was hungry.
So, I told her I would pay for all the McNuggets and give her $50 if she succeeded. Nothing to lose on her part. Since she was a little hungry anyway, she said "sure." This video is what happened.
The other guy in the video besides me is her boyfriend. I interviewed him afterward about the business of being a street entertainer. That video tomorrow.
Quote: Beethoven9thDid I hear correctly? At 8:58, was that a request for a rematch????? :)
Yes, but he later changed his mind, as you'll see in the post-challenge interview. Then again, maybe he'll change it again. He said his odds would be better on his home turf.
Quote: Beethoven9thIs that terapined????? He did say he was going to record it.
Wiz had a stationary camera, I moved with mission.
will have this up at end of week.
posting from free wifi downtown, just cant get the signal in hotel room. Under the Freemont canopy, Strong free signal.
Quote: Wizard
So, I told her I would pay for all the McNuggets and give her $50 if she succeeded. Nothing to lose on her part. Since she was a little hungry anyway, she said "sure." This video is what happened.
She was looking pretty distressed
at the end. I hope you made her
sign an agreement that got you off
the hook if things had gone badly.
You can see my wife in the video as the lady in the lower left photo-bombing the video at 3:10 - 4:00.
And that guy who said the disgrace reminded him of this video ought to be ashamed!