Quote: KeyserSozeYou guys should have posed for a pic behind a mountain of chicken nuggets instead.
Wizard is usually wearing an interesting T-shirt. I can't quite make out what this one is though.
Looks like the SF Giants logo to me.
Quote: KeyserSozeYou guys should have posed for a pic behind a mountain of chicken nuggets instead.
Wizard is usually wearing an interesting T-shirt. I can't quite make out what this one is though.
Looks like San Francisco Giants.
Edit: Too slow on the draw
Quote: WizardEasier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.
In other news, our contestant is here in Vegas and rip roaring and ready to go.
Click on image for larger version.
We would like to move the post-challenge dinner to the Chicago Brewing Company at the Four Queens. They are running a promotion on Saturdays where you each person can get free play up to $50 for the amount of his check. It is like eating and drinking for free, and if you can't get up to $50 you can add cigars to your order.
Great picture! Fantastic that you two finally met in person. I have one from 45 years ago, when the million was mounted in a plexiglass horseshoe, with my parents in it; didn't know they'd changed it to this pyramid thingy. Looking forward to tomorrow as well....go, Mission!
Quote: beachbumbabsI have one from 45 years ago, when the million was mounted in a plexiglass horseshoe, with my parents in it; didn't know they'd changed it to this pyramid thingy. Looking forward to tomorrow as well....go, Mission!
So do I, somewhere. They sold off those $10,000 bills about 20 years ago. I've looked into buying one on Ebay, for sentimental and investment reasons, but they sell for WAY more than face value. They started the pyramid about five years ago I think. Most of the bills in it are $1 bills. If those were all $100 bills there would be way more than a million in there.
My guess is Wizard is wearing one of those $85 designer T-shirts all the cool people wear in the casino. I have no idea who makes those things they pair up with the white stitching on the jeans.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIs it safe to say the million is a fake? Sounds stupid to not stuff the interior with fives or ones.
As I just wrote, most of the inside is $1 bills, but they do claim there is a million under under there, and I have no reason to doubt it.
Quote:My guess is Wizard is wearing one of those $85 designer T-shirts all the cool people wear in the casino. I have no idea who makes those things they pair up with the white stitching on the jeans.
You would be wrong. I buy most of my t-shirts, including that one, at Savers for $2-$4 each.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIs it safe to say the million is a fake? Sounds stupid to not stuff the interior with fives or ones.
My guess is Wizard is wearing one of those $85 designer T-shirts all the cool people wear in the casino. I have no idea who makes those things they pair up with the white stitching on the jeans.
Those in the know say it's real. If it were all hundreds I don't believe it would fill out the case. They say it contains all denominations. I liked the old display better maybe because I look younger next to it.
Quote: 1BBThose in the know say it's real. If it were all hundreds I don't believe it would fill out the case. They say it contains all denominations. I liked the old display better maybe because I look younger next to it.
1BB has a mug shot of his face in a casino??????
pre AP days, or weak moment?
Quote: RaleighCraps1BB has a mug shot of his face in a casino??????
pre AP days, or weak moment?
I didn't play there much. Benny would give you the evil eye from behind the dealer in the old days and it could be unnerving. I'm going way back and there were better choices.
I don't know why they let him in the pits especially since he couldn't get a license.
Quote: 1BBI didn't play there much. Benny would give you the evil eye from behind the dealer in the old days and it could be unnerving. I'm going way back and there were better choices.
I don't know why they let him in the pits especially since he couldn't get a license.
Honestly not sure if I would have counted back in the old days. I like my various body parts un-broken by thugs.
Despite the relatively poor playing conditions these days, I play safe in the knowledge that worst treatment I might receive is a light roughing-up, and if that were to ever happen, I'd have Bob Nersesian on the phone in a hot minute.
Quote: WizardSo do I, somewhere. They sold off those $10,000 bills about 20 years ago. I've looked into buying one on Ebay, for sentimental and investment reasons, but they sell for WAY more than face value. They started the pyramid about five years ago I think. Most of the bills in it are $1 bills. If those were all $100 bills there would be way more than a million in there.
You can get poor quality $1000 and $500 bills for less than 100% over face value. I was really tempted about a year ago, just because I'm a money nerd. But I decided there were better things to spend my money on than old money.
They made dramatically fewer of the $5,000 and $10,000 bills if I remember correctly, and they go for much more over face value than I would ever have to spend on a piece of paper.
Quote: beachbumbabs
I forgot that Pierce is a frightening giant. Typically
the best eating contest winners are small and rail
thin for some reason. Being so huge doesn't bode
well for Pierce, there's still time to withdraw with
grace. Kind of..
(that's actually a good pic of the Wiz, both of them
look almost normal here. Almost.)
Quote: EvenBobthere's still time to withdraw with grace.
I'm sure it will be a graceful upchuck.

I knew that hypnotic stare of Pierce's reminded me
of someone.

Quote: EvenBobI knew that hypnotic stare of Pierce's reminded me of someone.
OH! I think you may be on to something!
I'm taking the Don't in my only bet, and if this is the reason I lose I am going to get to the bottom of it! Somebody bring a mirror!
Quote: odiousgambitI'm sure it will be a graceful upchuck.
Only after the 10 minutes is up!

Quote: Beethoven9thMission has the glare of a professional wrestler in this pic, and the Wizard looks like he's posing for GQ. lol
Mission looks like he's part of a 'touch the truck, win the truck' competition. Steely determination to keep holding the money for longer than his opponents, to win IT ALL!
Quote: thecesspitSteely determination to keep holding the money for longer than his opponents, to win IT ALL!
I assure you that he will bring that determination to the contest tomorrow. I'm pretty worried about about my $500 on the "no" at this point.
Just over 24 hours to go.
Quote: WizardWe would like to move the post-challenge dinner to the Chicago Brewing Company at the Four Queens. They are running a promotion on Saturdays where you each person can get free play up to $50 for the amount of his check. It is like eating and drinking for free, and if you can't get up to $50 you can add cigars to your order.
Now I really wish I could be there. I really like the pizza and beer there and FREE pizza and beer is even better. I think it is one of the best places downtown to get a reasonably priced, decent quality meal.
Of course it is only (nearly) free if you use the free play wisely. I would deposit it in the 9/6 JoB and keep going until Royal or Bust.
It is sort of mind-boggling to me that Mission is willing to attend a dinner event after eating or failing to eat 100 nuggets. In his place I would have to lie down and recover for at least 12 hours. I can be a big eater but I am 100% sure 100 nuggets is out of my league.
Quote: jml24It is sort of mind-boggling to me that Mission is willing to attend a dinner event after eating or failing to eat 100 nuggets.
I hope he does it to rub it in...haha. That will be awesome if he downs 100 nuggets and then out-eats everyone at dinner. ;)
Quote: jml24It is sort of mind-boggling to me that Mission is willing to attend a dinner event after eating or failing to eat 100 nuggets.
I don't think he plans to eat, and may not make it if he isn't feeling well. After the first WoV challenge SOOPOO Jr. declined on even attending the dinner afterward.
Quote: AcesAndEightsHonestly not sure if I would have counted back in the old days. I like my various body parts un-broken by thugs.
Despite the relatively poor playing conditions these days, I play safe in the knowledge that worst treatment I might receive is a light roughing-up, and if that were to ever happen, I'd have Bob Nersesian on the phone in a hot minute.
Aw c'mon, you haven't lived until you've been offered a "dirt nap" in the desert. :-)
Quote: jml24
It is sort of mind-boggling to me that Mission is willing to attend a dinner event after eating or failing to eat 100 nuggets. In his place I would have to lie down and recover for at least 12 hours. I can be a big eater but I am 100% sure 100 nuggets is out of my league.
Mission has said on this thread that after he chows 100 and keeps it down for 10 min, They are all coming back out. He's only interested keeping it down for 10 min when finished. After that, should be quite a spectacle. I think he'll probably retire to his room awhile and pray to the porcelain bowl.

There will be a trivia contest. I have the questions already prepared.
Quote: terapined
looks like mission146 has the eye of the tiger, looking hungry and mean, this guy means business :-)

Just landed in Vegas baby
Quote: terapinedTerapin will definitly videotaping the mission feast.
Just landed in Vegas baby
Can you make sure you get a good angle when the projectile vomiting starts.
3:15PM at the Mickey D's at the Plaza, correct?
Quote: PaigowdanMike,
3:15PM at the Mickey D's at the Plaza, correct?
I think he meant 3hr 15 min to go.
My understanding, still 3pm.
Sitting at Mcarron waiting for the express bus downtown. Free wifi from airport.
Plenty of walking yesterday and nine hours of sleep. Drank two bottles of water for stomach expansion, have not eaten today.
I have to admit that Vegas has me tuckered out just a little bit, Even Money would probably be a fair bet today. It's good because I'd have never have made it to Vegas but for this competition, but I'd have been a huge favorite doing this at home.
It's going to be close, I think, really close...
Quote: terapinedI think he meant 3hr 15 min to go.
My understanding, still 3pm.
Correct. I posted that at 11:45 AM. 3:00 is my understanding.
Still hoping for an update volunteer.
Quote: Mission146
I have to admit that Vegas has me tuckered out just a little bit,
It's walking walking walking, unless you never
leave the casino you're in. You walk your ass
off. Even Downtown, every place you want to
be is 100 yards from where you are.
Quote: EvenBobIt's walking walking walking, unless you never
leave the casino you're in. You walk your ass
off. Even Downtown, every place you want to
be is 100 yards from where you are.
The walking was necessary to build up the hunger, I'm pretty close to starving at the moment, so that's a good thing. I think I'm going to adjust my strategy to try to eat them just a little faster than originally planned.
Quote: Mission146The walking was necessary to build up the hunger, I'm pretty close to starving at the moment, so that's a good thing. I think I'm going to adjust my strategy to try to eat them just a little faster than originally planned.
I love talk like that. You'll find very soon after
you start that the nuggets are controlling you,
not the other way around. They'll set the agenda.
Your powers of concentration and self-control are beyond most mortals. Good variance and hot nuggets.
Quote: beachbumbabsYou. Can. Do. This. Pierce.
Your powers of concentration and self-control are beyond most mortals. Good variance and hot nuggets.
You. Cannot. Do. This. Pierce.
You're tired and you're self control is shot. Even
now you're worried about puking after nugget
55. Give into that puking, Pierce, don't fight it.
Be one with the puking, go with it, not against it.