Quote: rxwineWatch out for McNugget Rage
Wow, hope you don't come down with that!
Did the people in the next car that drove up at the end get their food? lol...

Depends how fast they can run.
Apologies if this question was answered somewhere between pages 7-46, I did not have time to skim the whole thread.
Quote: AcesAndEightsMission, aren't you a vegetarian?
Apologies if this question was answered somewhere between pages 7-46, I did not have time to skim the whole thread.
I don't believe the question was answered. I used to be a vegetarian, but I gave that up in either April or May of this year.
Quote: duckmankillaSaw this video today... Perhaps this will work up your appetite for the challenge... http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/09/27/strange-fibers-found-embedded-inside-chicken-mcnuggets/
"there were a number of odd colors including a blue egg shaped object that resembled an antifreeze like glob."
Yum. Goes best with the antifreeze dipping sauce.
Quote: duckmankillaSaw this video today... Perhaps this will work up your appetite for the challenge... http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/09/27/strange-fibers-found-embedded-inside-chicken-mcnuggets/
I don't think it's anti-freeze, because anti-freeze has a sweet taste. I watched a documentary about a woman who offed her husband that way, flu-like symptoms until death, took quite some time, but she kept spiking his iced tea with anti-freeze.
Quote: AcesAndEightsCould someone repost the details on the schedule for the Nugget challenge? I can't easily find it in the last 47 pages...(I know, I'm being annoying).
Heres my understanding.
Dec 21 Saturday at THE D downtown 3PM.
Ive actually agreed to videotape. Got a 32gb SD card on order from ebay so I can video the whole 1 hour challenge and 10 min keep it down finish in 1 shot.
Plan on placing my tablet next to Mission146 with a big clock showing the time so its on the videotape.
My flight arrives Vegas 11:30 am that day so hopefully will have no problem with Delta switching in Atlanta.
If everything goes according to schedule with Delta, I'll be there.
Get Together 6pm Main Street Station brew pub
Quote: Beethoven9thBTW, I know that the Wizard is no longer accepting bets on the Mission Challenge, but is anyone else still booking bets???
Which way you betting?
If he makes it to a hundred will he go double or nothing for two hundred?
Quote: Beethoven9thI'm strongly considering putting my money on Mission!
Well, he's obviously no fool, so he wouldn't even be putting this out there if he didn't believe he could do it.
He's probably doing everything he can think of to make this go smoothly.
I got a visual of him jogging up hundreds of steps wearing a hoody and "Eye of the Tiger" blaring in the background like Stallone in Rocky.
I can't even eat ten of the damn things, but that's me. I'm thinking he needs some carbonation with it to help cut the grease and make him burp.
Get someone in his corner rubbing his belly and massaging the throat and maybe choke it closed once the last one passes?
It might be helpful to know what time they change out the cooking oil, when it's fresh it's lighter.
Just trying to help......What fun. Only in America would competitive eating be considered a sport
Quote: Beethoven9thBTW, I know that the Wizard is no longer accepting bets on the Mission Challenge, but is anyone else still booking bets???
If the Wizard isn't taking anymore bets on the "no, he can't do it", I will take some of that action.
Quote: DRichIf the Wizard isn't taking anymore bets on the "no, he can't do it", I will take some of that action.
That sounds good. I'm not thinking big money, just $100. (If I lose, I'll send it to you via snail mail) Terms will be exactly the same as the Wizard's bet. Deal? :)
Quote: Beethoven9thThat sounds good. I'm not thinking big money, just $100. (If I lose, I'll send it to you via snail mail) Terms will be exactly the same as the Wizard's bet. Deal? :)
Yes, it's a bet. $100 same terms as Wizard's bet.
Quote: DRichYes, it's a bet. $100 same terms as Wizard's bet.
*thumbs up*
It's all in Mission's hands now! :)
Quote: beachbumbabsThere are national coupons available; buy one box of 10 McNuggets, get one free.
Nice, I've decided not to order all 100 at once, anyway, they get a bit too firm. Probably 40-40-20.
Quote: Mission146they get a bit too firm. .
Let em sit for a couple days and they make
good slingshot ammo. Yum..
Quote: GWAEMission, how many have you done in one sitting during your training?
80, twenty-six minutes, yesterday.
I could have probably busted out the full 100, but I want there to at least be a little doubt in my mind come the event, lest I get too confident, screw around, and lose.
Quote: Mission14680, twenty-six minutes, yesterday.
Are you getting some notion as to why many have failed?
Keep it down?
Careful, was in Vegas last month, pigged out at the Golden Nugget buffet. Had to be close to a bathroom the whole night and next day.
Quote: Mission14680, twenty-six minutes, yesterday.
I could have probably busted out the full 100, but I want there to at least be a little doubt in my mind come the event, lest I get too confident, screw around, and lose.
YES!! I've got $100 on you, and it sounds like money in the bank! ;)
Ugg..... I really wish you would have kept that information to yourself, that just killed all the side action. and possibly some fun. If we know you can already get close then it wont be as fun. Then again maybe the fix is in and you will go down on number 90Quote: Mission14680, twenty-six minutes, yesterday.
I could have probably busted out the full 100, but I want there to at least be a little doubt in my mind come the event, lest I get too confident, screw around, and lose.
Quote: terapinedWow, 80 nug test, I'm impressed.
Keep it down?
Careful, was in Vegas last month, pigged out at the Golden Nugget buffet. Had to be close to a bathroom the whole night and next day.
It stayed down, I've hardly eaten today, but it stayed down. I'm 95% sure I could have done 20 more.
Quote: odiousgambitAre you getting some notion as to why many have failed?
Yeah, I started going for the Sweet&Sour around the fiftieth nugget, the taste gets sickly monotonous.
Quote: AxelWolfUgg..... I really wish you would have kept that information to yourself, that just killed all the side action. and possibly some fun. If we know you can already get close then it wont be as fun. Then again maybe the fix is in and you will go down on number 90
there are so many variables that could make this fail.
jet lag, getting hicups for eating too fast and then out they come, broken tooth on a hard piece of fake food, burn his mouth on a piece that he thought was cooled just too name a few.
Quote: Mission146The only chicken-nugget specific preparation I will do is probably to eat 25 four days before the event and 25 two days before the event just to get used to them. Any competitive eater will tell you he has to be used to what he is eating or it's hopeless.
Hmm, it sounds like Mission has changed his strategy.
Quote: DRichHmm, it sounds like Mission has changed his strategy.
Yes, the McNuggets from the other day are it until the event. I've actually gained a couple pounds since I first accepted the challenge, so I'm hoping to get back to the weight I was at that time.
Quote: DRichIn honor of the Mission Challenge, today I ordered 20 McNuggets for lunch. The first 12 went down easily but I was only able to eat 4 more after that. On a good day I might be able to eat 20 but I would be miserable afterwards.
They hit your gut like lead and just lay there.
That's because they're so dense. They start
out as a thick sludge, then get solidified and
fried. They take up a lot of room in your
stomach and take a long time to digest.
10 pc nuggets. That was enough for me.
"You'll be able to spit nails, kid. Like the guy says, you're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder. You're gonna become a very dangerous person."
- Burgess Meredith as Mickey, Rocky (written by Sly Stallone)
Quote: Beethoven9thHell, teenagers can do 20! lol
Just one of the things they can do that I
can't. One of many things. Why do you
think they draft 18 year olds and not the
guys over 40.
Quote: beachbumbabsAlright, youse guys, quit psychin my champion to be.
"You'll be able to spit nails, kid. Like the guy says, you're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder. You're gonna become a very dangerous person."
- Burgess Meredith as Mickey, Rocky (written by Sly Stallone)
Lol Yes! Team Mission!!!
"He's not human. He's like a piece of iron." - drago