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119 members have voted
Quote: onenickelmiracleI saw on Nightline Hillary Clinton mentioning the reopening of the investigation, where she downplayed it, but couldn't help her next sentence being about how she wanted people getting out to vote early. There was a real quick look on her face, like hoping people didn't put the two things together, the thought she was hiding, she wants people to vote before they find out more information.
Ask yourself, what on earth would a guy who sexts his weiner, possibly want to keep three emails on his computer, which were classified, and from Hillary. They were leverage to have the Clintons protect him or his wife if he needed it. If not leverage for protection, then for help obtaining more power and money. I see no reason for them to keep them knowing how harmful they could be to Hillary.
I'd rather have anarchy than corruption, because at least anarchy is fair for everyone.
It's small beer, inconsequential, and the THREE (!!!!!!!!!!!) emails may be duplicates of ones the FBI has already seen. I know conspiracy theories are fun, but come on. And if you are saying that Weiner makes rational decisions and therefore had no reason to keep those three emails, well...(most likely, he didn't even realize they were there; most of us don't remember to delete everything).
I love how you engaged in the feat of mind-reading and moved quickly from a wild speculation on what Hillary was thinking to a statement of "fact." Obviously, you are dying to see Hillary shot down, for what reason I can't fathom except that you want a Trump presidency. But the fact of the matter is that no one other than Trumpers cares about the email pseudo-scandal.
Quote: onenickelmiracleClinton running was selfish altogether. With all her problems and his, and all the scandals, she should have been wise enough just to give up being the first president, but she couldn't resist.
"All the scandals." You're funny.
And yeah, Hillary's the only one who wanted her to be President. No one else. No one actually voted for her in the primaries. All the polls are rigged. She's a crook! Lock her up! Yada yada.
I know that having a female President seems like the end of the world but I promise, you'll survive it.
Also, the IBD poll that Trumpers loved to cite when it showed he was winning (by a single point) and then shut up about when it showed Hillary ahead, now shows +5 for Hillary.
Finally, as per the above link, Hillary's polling lead has dropped from 5.2 to 4.6 points.
Nate has been wildly wrong much of the year. He missed Trump winning the nomination by a mile. His tweets are silly. John Edwards could have done better.

The prediction sites are just as wild. They never saw Trump coming. They had Bush as being the likely winner of the nomination. They were also wildly wrong on the Brexit. Some showed an 85% chance of staying the day before the vote.
1) Hillary Got Multiple Debate Questions In Advance: Debates are inevitably unfair for the Republican candidate in a presidential race because liberal members of the media try to slant their questions to help the Democrat. In Hillary’s case, we now know she received multiple questions in advance. The most prominent one was from Donna Brazile,
The email obtained by POLITICO was written by town hall co-moderator Roland Martin on the day of the town hall to CNN producers. But it shows him using word for word the language of a question that Brazile appeared to have sent to the Clinton campaign a day earlier. That email, from Brazile to the campaign, was included in yesterday's release of hacked emails by Wikileaks of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.
Here's what the record shows: On March 12, Brazile, then vice chair of the DNC and a CNN and ABC contributor, allegedly wrote an email with the subject line "From time to time I get the questions in advance."
Those were not the only questions that Hillary received either.
“We have gotten intel that Neil Cavuto plans to ask a veterans question of the GOP candidates tonight. As you can guess, the candidates are very likely to attack the Secretary in their answers. Your press team, therefore, may find it useful to get this to reporters"
“Flagging that Bob B. heard that they could ask about carbon tax and late-term abortion restrictions. Solow and I are pulling debate book materials & running abortion answer by Jen & Rachel ahead of 3pm.”
It was unethical for Clinton to know some of the questions in advance, but we also have to consider the possibility that this is the tip of the iceberg and she may have known MANY of the debate questions beforehand.
2) Hillary Says Her Dream Is “Open Borders”: Do you believe in the rule of law, borders, or the sovereignty of America? Well, Hillary Clinton doesn’t. As she said in a private speech that was revealed by WikiLeaks, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders…” No prosperous country with a massive welfare state can survive open borders over the long term. That means Hillary Clinton’s long-term vision for America is suicide.
3) Hillary Was Paid Off By The King Of Morocco: Hillary Clinton was credibly accused of taking a bribe during her cattle futures scandal and there have been numerous allegations that money was paid to Bill Clinton for speeches or to the Clinton Foundation and in return, Hillary repaid the money with support for a government from the State Department. This scandal reinforces the idea Hillary Clinton is corrupt and can be paid off.
"This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx. $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting.” HRC stands for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
(Huma) Abedin said Clinton’s attendance at the CGI event was a condition of the $12 million contribution. “Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter,” Abedin said.
Despite the human rights abuses of Morocco, according to Politico in 2015, Hillary was seen by that government as being “among its most ardent supporters in the Obama administration.”
4) Hillary’s Staff Admits That She Hates Everyday Americans: During the Democratic debates, Hillary Clinton rather famously said that she considered “Republicans” to be her enemies. Similarly, Clinton said, “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Although it is surprising that someone running for President would be so open about despising everyone who disagrees with her politically, that at least makes a certain kind of sense. A socialistic Democrat detests people who believe in capitalism and conservatism.
On the other hand, it’s hard to understand how Americans could vote for someone described this way by John Podesta, one of her closest aides, “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion.” If you consider yourself an everyday American, which describes the vast majority of people in the country, how do you vote for someone who HATES you?
5) Privately, Hillary’s Team Believes That The Iran Deal Will Lead To A Nuclear War: Republican Mark Kirk publicly said, “This agreement condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf. This is the greatest appeasement since Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler.” Hillary’s confidant John Podesta agreed. This is particularly relevant because although Hillary Clinton was out of office when the Iran deal was signed, she backed it and has defended it publicly. Meanwhile, in private her own team admits it will lead to a NUCLEAR WAR.
Hillary got debate questions in advance versus Bernie, as part of the DNC's effort to install their shill in the primaries.
She hates the PHRASE "everyday Americans." That's completely obvious.
If she really cared about her country she would step aside and let Joe Biden run in her place.
As a result of the Wiki leaks and the reopening of the FBI investigation, there will likely be several new "suicides."
Quote: onenickelmiracleClintons love grudges.
Clinton's love grudges?
Do you know anything about Donald Trump at all?
The man is still at war with Rosie O'Donnell after she correctly mentioned his bankruptcies on The View in 2006.
He's obsessed with revenge. Let's give him the nuclear codes!
"...some dizzy woman whose only claim to anything is that she was able to snag a man who was politically very successful. The Yoko of politics."
Love that: "the Yoko of politics."
Theirs has been more of a political partnership than a love-based marriage.
Hell, she can't keep her husband from banging other women, and she sticks with him.
Ask yourself: "Why?"
Quote: MrVHell, she can't keep her man from banging other women, and she sticks with him.
Literally the exact same thing can be said about Melania Trump.
Quote: ams288Literally the exact same thing can be said about Melania Trump.
"Said about" and "proven" are two different things.
Quote: MaxPen
Sorry Hilltard's )
What is a "hiltard", some sort of pant suit?
I will give him credit for a silver-tongue when he's not unhinged. Too bad he sucks balls in about every way possible otherwise.
Quote: KeyserI don't like her because she's so corrupt, selfish, lying at every turn, and terribly bigoted.
If she really cared about her country she would step aside and let Joe Biden run in her place.
As a result of the Wiki leaks and the reopening of the FBI investigation, there will likely be several new "suicides."
Or could it simply be that you don't like her because she's a woman? I mean, really, dude, you're going to some pretty extreme lengths to make stuff up about her.
I agree - Yoko's singing is much less shrill than the typical Hillary speech.Quote: beachbumbabsNot a Yoko.
Quote: MrVFound this description of Hillary in cyberspace:
"...some dizzy woman whose only claim to anything is that she was able to snag a man who was politically very successful. The Yoko of politics."
Love that: "the Yoko of politics."
Well, if you think that's an apt description, you must believe the misogynist narrative that bitches can only succeed if they latch on to a man. You know, they're so dizzy and all.
Of course, I guess dizzy bitches can get law degrees, become attorneys, serve as secretary of state, senator, etc....
It's amazing the degree to which knuckle-dragging, troglodytic sexism and misogyny colors people's perceptions of and statements about Hillary. I'm sure the guy (I'm certain it's a guy) is really fun to be around, and the dizzy bitches in his life love him.
Quote: PuckerbuttI agree - Yoko's singing is much less shrill than the typical Hillary speech.
Yep, she's shrill and nasty. Just like all those assertive bitches who just don't know their place. America went downhill when we let them vote.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikOf course, I guess dizzy bitches can get law degrees, become attorneys, serve as secretary of state, senator, etc....
Nice to see you call Hillary a "dizzy bitch."
I'd leave it at "dizzy woman," but hey, you can call her whatever you want.
Quote: MrVNice to see you call Hillary a "dizzy bitch."
I'd leave it at "dizzy woman," but hey, you can call her whatever you want.
Actually, it was that guy you admire who called her that. I agree I should have put the phrase in quotation marks to make that clearer to you. But to make certain that you understood every post I make, I'd have to make them thousands of words long, with excruciatingly detailed explanations--and you're not worth that much effort. I will only go so far to try to educate you, a quixotic effort under the best of circumstances.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikActually, it was that guy you admire who called her that. I agree I should have put the phrase in quotation marks to make that clearer to you. But to make certain that you understood every post I make, I'd have to make them thousands of words long, with excruciatingly detailed explanations--and you're not worth that much effort. I will only go so far to try to educate you, a quixotic effort under the best of circumstances.
Personal Insult, Martingale is 14 days, but in light of so many recent Suspensions (just about two in the last month) I'm going to make it 21 days. There have also been a few borderline posts that I've been letting slide.
While I agree with many of the things he has to say, the way he says them is deplorable.
Quote: Mission146Personal Insult, Martingale is 14 days, but in light of so many recent Suspensions (just about two in the last month) I'm going to make it 21 days. There have also been a few borderline posts that I've been letting slide.
I am wondering if he is going to return. 21 days takes it past the election and I am still thinking there is a decent chance he is getting paid to troll political blogs. Don't matter none to my life, but if we find out that was the case note that I suggested it right after he showed up.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikActually, it was that guy you admire who called her that. .
What, Gary Johnson called her that?
I voted Libertarian, as always.
It's the right thing to do.
Quote: MaxPenClinton has cancelled all campaign appearances in FL, OH, and NC.
Ouch--200 people have to find something else to do now!
Quote: MaxPenClinton has cancelled all campaign appearances in FL, OH, and NC. This is epic.
Please don't use the "I don't know how to post links" excuse again. Even I felt embarrassed for you with that one.
Quote: MaxPenAll Hillary campaign events which there were 2-4 per day have been removed from Obama's schedule. The plan is in action. You will never know the charges she faces.
This is a complete lie.
I know MaxPen only deals in false conspiracy theories and it can be hard to keep track of them, but I think it's important to call them out.
Snopes debunked this B.S.:
A disreputable web site falsely claimed that President Obama had cancelled all appearances at Hillary Clinton campaign events.
Quote: MrVNice to see you call Hillary a "dizzy bitch."
I'd leave it at "dizzy woman," but hey, you can call her whatever you want.
The town hall debate would have been much more interesting if Hillary was "dizzy". lol
Quote: beachbumbabsBill Clinton doesn't get to be President in 1992 without her, and he's the first one to tell you that. Not a Yoko.
Every president would say the same thing. You have to. What are you gonna say, "ah, she's a peach. but I probably coulda married any one of 10,000 other women and done the same thing, though."
I think she did help him though. He's this super charismatic guy, who's done well at everything. It would be really easy to resent him and want him to fail.
But being married to Hillary made him sympathetic. It really rounded him out as a character in the popular imagination. There were thousands of jokes about it.
He's this easy going, funny guy. She's uptight, got a voice that can peel paint and no sense of humor. A stereotypical ball and chain.
I think he could have still won, if married to a more appealing woman, like Michelle, Laura or... almost anybody. But I think it helped him, ESPECIALLY when all of the cheating stuff came out. A lot of people were like, "give the guy a break!" If he'd been married to a woman people loved, they'd have sided with her and against him.
Quote: ams288This is a complete lie.
I know MaxPen only deals in false conspiracy theories and it can be hard to keep track of them, but I think it's important to call them out.
Snopes debunked this B.S.:
A disreputable web site falsely claimed that President Obama had cancelled all appearances at Hillary Clinton campaign events.
That is the only thing of mine that can be "disproved" with a link. Although Snopes is a joke, might as well quote CNN. Face it, it's over, even the Chicago Tribune is calling for her to step down. She can't though as I explained previously. There's another bombshell coming Wednesday.
Where's Huma? ;-)
Okay, since Snopes and CNN are a "joke" to you, what passes as legitimate media in your reality? I mean besides the website where you read the bogus report about Obama supposedly canceling his appearances for Hillary?Quote: MaxPenAlthough Snopes is a joke, might as well quote CNN.
Trump keeps using ones like rigged elections. But he uses far too many lies for my taste.
Quote: MaxPenQuote: ams288This is a complete lie.
I know MaxPen only deals in false conspiracy theories and it can be hard to keep track of them, but I think it's important to call them out.
Snopes debunked this B.S.:
A disreputable web site falsely claimed that President Obama had cancelled all appearances at Hillary Clinton campaign events.
That is the only thing of mine that can be "disproved" with a link. Although Snopes is a joke, might as well quote CNN. Face it, it's over, even the Chicago Tribune is calling for her to step down. She can't though as I explained previously. There's another bombshell coming Wednesday.
Where's Huma? ;-)
"Even the Chicago Tribune..."
In your mind, is the Chicago Tribune a left or right leaning paper?
American democracy continuing to crumble as the world sits by and watch in despair and disbelief.
I truly dread that most evil excuse for a man or that most careless and untrusted of women taking office. No comparison, but your system of democracy could hardly have done worse.
My main fear since the last debate has been that Hilary would have a setback for Trump to exploit. I expected a fainting fit at some event or even an attempt on her life, but this is of the same order and there is still time for some other setback. She cannot afford another stumble... But she will have one.
What we need is a slew of FBI investigations into the multitude of Trump's criminal acts. His offence would need to be ten times worse than Clinton's just to scratch the surface.
Quote: OnceDear
What we need is a slew of FBI investigations into the multitude of Trump's criminal acts. His offence would need to be ten times worse than Clinton's just to scratch the surface.
What criminal acts would these be?
Quote: AZDuffmanWhat criminal acts would these be?
Trump University as a sham school scamming people out of 10s of thousands each for nothing of value. Scam crossed state lines via the internet. Fraud.
Trump Foundation taking donations and using them to pay for personal purchases and pay legal bills incurred against Trump businesses. Misappropriation.
Trump donating a large amount of money to Pam Bondi in order to influence (successfully ) her decision about something of his under review, which she dropped after he donated. Bribery.
Trump hiring illegal aliens to build Trump Towers in NYC, refusing to pay them, then firing them when they protested. US labor law violations.
Just to name a few.
Quote: beachbumbabsJust to name a few.
Thanks BBB,
However, many millions cannot or will not see what should be mind crushingly obvious. No amount of evidence would ever persuade some folks who just don't want to see it.
Some are incapable of saying. " There is SOME evidence that BOTH candidates have at some time broken federal laws. Let's evaluate that evidence rationally"
Yet those same folks are PERFECTLY happy to say "The candidate that I don't support is the most criminally corrupt person to ever live". That's in spite of neither having yet been convicted of a crime.
"Pay to play," and the crime family that is the Clintons... now that's serious!
If she wins, we will also have a potential blackmail target in the White House because of her criminal activity involving her emails.
Quote: beachbumbabsTrump University as a sham school scamming people out of 10s of thousands each for nothing of value. Scam crossed state lines via the internet. Fraud.
He offered some real estate training which was given. Seems in any case that Trump could use their money better than they could.
Quote:Trump Foundation taking donations and using them to pay for personal purchases and pay legal bills incurred against Trump businesses. Misappropriation.
Sounds similar to the Clinton Foundation.
Quote:Trump donating a large amount of money to Pam Bondi in order to influence (successfully ) her decision about something of his under review, which she dropped after he donated. Bribery.
No different than any other political donation.
Quote:Trump hiring illegal aliens to build Trump Towers in NYC, refusing to pay them, then firing them when they protested. US labor law violations.
Uh, Trump does not do the hiring, the construction company does the hiring. However, if we took our immigration laws seriously we would not have this problem. OTOH, liberals love illegal immigration so I would assume are happy they hired illegals?
Another time, he shows up at a ribbon cutting of a new building uninvited. Tries to horn his way into the photo of the big donors cutting it. Organizers say no, but then mayor Rudy insists on including him.He donated nothing.
The Trump Foundation donated $7 to the Boy Scouts of America. That's right. SEVEN DOLLARS.
By coincidence, seven dollars is what it cost to register a new scout. Baron Trump turned eleven that year, the age a boy is eligible to join the Scoutsm
*If you are Black, Why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? Exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds". (Margaret Sanger quote) Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
*If you are a Christian, Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer (the Devil)? She says he was, and still is her mentor.
*If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member, Why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.
*If you have a factory job, Why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP? Factory workers are being laid off because jobs are going over seas. Don't forget the deals she's made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits to be paid with Your tax money.
*If you are poor, Why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks? Big banks keep poor people poor by destroying the poor man's credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich; Taking much of the little money you earn.
*If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug, including that little girl that was raped? Lawyer Hillary defended the rapist, and then she laughed about it later, knowing that he was guilty.
If you carry a gun, or believe in the Constitution; How can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second Amendment?
*If you breathe, Why would you vote for Hillary when she and the Clinton crime family have left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her, or they knew too much?
Who is left?
You know, if you're going to copy & paste worthless crap you find somewhere on the Internet, you could at least acknowledge where you got it, rather than trying to make it look like you came up with it yourself.Quote: MaxPenIf you are Gay, Why are you voting for Hillary blah blah blah blah
And of course, none of the individual claims are backed up with anything either. And they're pretty easily debunked, e.g. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/20/what-ben-carson-said-about-hillary-clinton-saul-al/
Quote: MaxPenIf you are Gay, Why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in thousands of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed?
*If you are Black, Why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? Exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds". (Margaret Sanger quote) Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
*If you are a Christian, Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer (the Devil)? She says he was, and still is her mentor.
*If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member, Why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.
*If you have a factory job, Why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP? Factory workers are being laid off because jobs are going over seas. Don't forget the deals she's made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits to be paid with Your tax money.
*If you are poor, Why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks? Big banks keep poor people poor by destroying the poor man's credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich; Taking much of the little money you earn.
*If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug, including that little girl that was raped? Lawyer Hillary defended the rapist, and then she laughed about it later, knowing that he was guilty.
If you carry a gun, or believe in the Constitution; How can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second Amendment?
*If you breathe, Why would you vote for Hillary when she and the Clinton crime family have left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her, or they knew too much?
Who is left?
Well, because it is just time we elect a woman of course!
Quote: MichaelBluejayYou know, if you're going to copy & paste worthless crap you find somewhere on the Internet, you could at least acknowledge where you got it, rather than trying to make it look like you came up with it yourself.
And of course, none of the individual claims are backed up with anything either. And they're pretty easily debunked, e.g. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/20/what-ben-carson-said-about-hillary-clinton-saul-al/
Just spreading some facts. Way to long of a post for me to have wrote.
Quote: MaxPenJust spreading some facts. Way to long of a post for me to have wrote.
MaxPen has no problem plagiarizing others' right wing nonsense, but ask him to copy and paste a link to his conspiracy theory sources and he doesn't know how!
Which one was the fact?Quote: MaxPenJust spreading some facts.