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119 members have voted
Quote: RonCI think Obama is worse than a bad President. i think he and Hillary have hurt our foreign relations and he is responsible for the rise of ISIL by leaving a void in Iraq. I know...he didn't get us INTO Iraq but they way he got us out left a void.
Obama would have been screwed no matter what he did with Iraq. He pulls out, we see the rise of ISIL. We stay in, hundreds or thousands more Americans die, and people would have destroyed him for that, too. We stuck around there for 9 years and nothing was happening. The whole thing was a mistake from day one and no matter who was left to clean up the mess, they were going to pay for it.
President's lead; they don't spend years blaming their predecessor...they just work on fixing it. He was the "Blamer in Chief" for years. Heck, he didn't even do a good job at pressing for his policies when he had a huge advantage with control of both the House and Senate (I am thankful for that under performance).
Republican obstructionism was the much bigger problem here. They've made no secret that since day one they were going to try to block almost everything he did. Republican politicians have done far more damage to this country than Obama has, and their constituents are punishing them for it now by having Trump as a candidate. Just look at the approval ratings the last 8 years; Obama averages in the 40's, and Congress almost never cracked 20.
Now, I don't think Obama is a great president at all. He's mediocre at best. I think his biggest accomplishment in the footnotes of my great-grandchildrens' history books will be "first black president." But he's nowhere near the anti-Christ that people have made him out to be, and it's comical to me that people think he is the "worst president ever."
Quote: TigerWuRepublican obstructionism was the much bigger problem here. They've made no secret that since day one they were going to try to block almost everything he did. Republican politicians have done far more damage to this country than Obama has, and their constituents are punishing them for it now by having Trump as a candidate. Just look at the approval ratings the last 8 years; Obama averages in the 40's, and Congress almost never cracked 20.
Congress was not popular even when the Dems had control. I have said that Obama did not make hay when he owned both houses of Congress. No one mentions that.
The Republican "punishment" theory sounds silly unless you also add that a large number of Dems did the same--the Republicans also had no candidate that resonated with the people as Trump did. Bush was the favorite son, but he was totally lackluster as a candidate. It was a populist election cycle...Bernie did very well with a populist campaign, too. Were it not for rules very favorable to Hillary that gave her a big advantage, Bernie might have done even better. The Republicans had no candidate like Hillary and no protection from the voters, either.
In spite of the 5 foot railing?
And the poor bastard had the weight land on his neck after he splattered on the pavement?
Tell me it isn't so!
Quote: RonCInteresting. Someone supposedly set to testify in some way against Hillary had a barbell fall on his neck.
Link, please.
Quote: RonCInteresting. Someone supposedly set to testify in some way against Hillary had a barbell fall on his neck.
Dang. Hillary must have been busy this weekend!
"One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”
Quote: MoosetonLink, please.
Quote: RonCI'll post a link and correct my original statement...someone who could potentially embarrass Hillary Clinton if his trial moved forward died before being able to testify...
"One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”
Psst. Nonsense like this is why the Clintons are able to "get away" with so many scandals.
Have you ever heard of the the boy who cried wolf?
Quote: ams288Psst. Nonsense like this is why the Clintons are able to "get away" with so many scandals.
Have you ever heard of the the boy who cried wolf?
Did I say it was anything? it is just a story...that is out there...
Read it, don't read it, ignore it...I pretty much dismiss it...
Quote: RonC
"One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”
Haha.... More meaningless rhetoric. Politicians that high up on the food chain are under scrutiny 24/7. There is never not a "convenient" time to die for someone involved in someone else's political scandal.
Quote: RonCDid I say it was anything? it is just a story...that is out there...
Read it, don't read it, ignore it...I pretty much dismiss it...
You posted the article. The Page Six article.
Hopefully Trump will do the same. He loves a good conspiracy theory, much to the chagrin of most Republicans.
Quote: ams288You posted the article. The Page Six article.
Hopefully Trump will do the same. He loves a good conspiracy theory, much to the chagrin of most Republicans.
I posted it for discussion; I forgot that you don't discuss anything. Sorry for even responding to you.
Quote: RonCI posted it for discussion; I forgot that you don't discuss anything. Sorry for even responding to you.
What is there to discuss? It's Page Six tabloid trash....
You obviously have a viewpoint on the article that you are attempting to downplay now...
Quote: ams288What is there to discuss? It's Page Six tabloid trash....
You obviously have a viewpoint on the article that you are attempting to downplay now...
There you go again.
Not so much.
I just found it interesting. I don't really see anything that points to Hillary being a murderer.
Quote: terapinedA Trump supporter that says its an obvious win
I'm looking for these types of supporters
This is gold baby.
How about a bet, even odds
Money talks and BS walks
Trump may win but as the Wiz says, its not whether you win or lose, its whether you made a good bet
Just looking to make a real good bet
How about it RS, bet?
even odds since your position is an Obvious Trump win
I'd never take an even money bet. I want a good bet. I'll take a bet at 10-to-1. I'll bet $10 to your $100 (or my $100 to your $1k).
I heard another proposed bet;Quote: RSI'd never take an even money bet. I want a good bet. I'll take a bet at 10-to-1. I'll bet $10 to your $100 (or my $100 to your $1k).
Going once, going twice.....
Suspended animation as we break for this spot advertisement from our sponsors.......
Quote: RonCDid I say it was anything? it is just a story...that is out there...
Read it, don't read it, ignore it...I pretty much dismiss it...
I took it seriously. Pix of possible suspect.

(you know, because if Hillary is taken out Ryan might have to deal with Trumpo)
What is trashy about the article? Ashe, before his throat was crushed, was scheduled to testify today in the Ng trial. And Ng is a longtime key Clinton accomplice.Quote: ams288What is there to discuss? It's Page Six tabloid trash.....
Dr Ashe’s widow, Dr Anilla Cherian, says in a statement that it was the third time that her husband had been found collapsed at their home.
Days after his death was confirmed, the widow revealed that their younger son had, on April 25th and again on April 28th, found Ashe collapsed and unresponsive.
Both times, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital and received emergency medical treatment, the statement read.
The third episode was on June 22nd and led to his untimely death
Quote: rxwineUnless his wife and son were in on it.
I really do hope Trump picks this up as one of his pet conspiracy theories... Only will help Hillary.
In yet another case, there was apparently nothing wrong that could be specified. Based on past experience, we will be counting on more to come.Quote: SanchoPanzaWhat is trashy about the article? Ashe, before his throat was crushed, was scheduled to testify today in the Ng trial. And Ng is a longtime key Clinton accomplice.
+1Quote: RonCCongress was not popular even when the Dems had control.
+2Quote: RonCI have said that Obama did not make hay when he owned both houses of Congress. No one mentions that.
Maybe he actually still believed at the time that bipartisan bills could be worked out with the Republicans and that would be a better deal for the American people if such was done. And it would have, BTW as far as reaching compromises.
The Republicans believed more in obstructionism than in coming to any deals at all.
5 months was the window he could have worked with Democratic Congress unhindered. He learned his lesson too late.
Quote: rxwineHere's a thought why Obama didn't do more when he had Congress.
Maybe he actually still believed at the time that bipartisan bills could be worked out with the Republicans and that would be a better deal for the American people if such was done. And it would have, BTW as far as reaching compromises.
The Republicans believed more in obstructionism than in coming to any deals at all.
5 months was the window he could have worked with Democratic Congress unhindered. He learned his lesson too late.
He had his best opportunity at "bipartisan" bills during the two years they had a very large majority in the Senate. I see the articles trying to debunk how long they had fillibuster-proof control because of Franken's election being contested and Kennedy's illness and death but the fact is that Obama had to know his first best shot was to work with the Congress then and let the Republicans fillibuster decent bills...which could have cost them dearly in the election. Nope. He did not read the tea leaves, so the Liberal folks try to rewrite history.
--Articles complain that the Senate was only in session a few days when they had 60 votes. Who controlled that? Harry Reid.
--Ted Kennedy hung on much longer than he should have. He had an aggressive tumor and was very ill. A quicker resignation may have allowed the Dems to get to 60 earlier, but that would depend on when the resignation took place and what the State's election laws were at the time.
I am not saying that Obama was not stymied at times by the Congress; just that he failed to press the issues when he had the best chance. When you have the majority in both houses, it is time to get things done. Make the other party look like fools if they block bills that you can show are good for both parties. I think it is reasonable to believe he could have done more work on his agenda during this time than any time in his Presidency.
Now...I am not sad that he missed the opportunity...
Quote: billryanPage Six of the Post is the papers gossip column. It's not for serious news.
Soon the righties are gonna be posting anti-Hillary National Enquirer articles and expecting me to take them seriously...
Quote: RonCWhen you have the majority in both houses, it is time to get things done. Make the other party look like fools if they block bills that you can show are good for both parties. I think it is reasonable to believe he could have done more work on his agenda during this time than any time in his Presidency.
Now...I am not sad that he missed the opportunity...
Well, maybe the next President will eventually have the opportunity to please you with near one party unilateral legislation. Let me know how great it is if it happens.
Quote: rxwineWell, maybe the next President will eventually have the opportunity to please you with near one party unilateral legislation. Let me know how great it is if it happens.
So you don't think he missed an opportunity to get more done?
Quote: ams288Soon the righties are gonna be posting anti-Hillary National Enquirer articles and expecting me to take them seriously...
Like it matters to you what anyone posts...you have discounted just about every single negative thing about Hillary.
You'll probably say that my relative that was a flight attendant on some charters she was on is wrong for saying that she was obnoxious to deal with....
I'll post what I want; feel free to post what you want.
Quote: RonCYou'll probably say that my relative that was a flight attendant on some charters she was on is wrong for saying that she was obnoxious to deal with....
To that I'll say: "Who cares?"
Quote: ams288Wrong.
To that I'll say: "Who cares?"
How people treat others is important in my book. Most of the god leaders (but not all...) I have known are good to people of all types. Most asshats I know are not good to people. Do I take the word of one person? Nope. I do listen, though, for the general consensus on how someone interacts with others...
A despicable lie of that caliber would have ended the campaign of any other candidate. But not Trump.
The Washington Post is back at it again:
Trump Promised Millions to Charity, We Found less than $10,000 Over 7 Years
This is not surprising at all. Trump isn't nearly as rich as he claims to be.
It's reason #456 we will never see his tax returns: Trump is a tightwad who gives hardly anything to charity.
Repeating the same question for the repeated comment: What is not "serious news"?Quote: billryanPage Six of the Post is the papers gossip column. It's not for serious news.
Quote: ams288Last month the Washington Post caught Trump in a huge lie when it was revealed he never actually paid the $1 million to the veterans charities that he had promised to earlier this year. After being called out, he quickly wrote the check.
A despicable lie of that caliber would have ended the campaign of any other candidate. But not Trump.
The Washington Post is back at it again:
Trump Promised Millions to Charity, We Found less than $10,000 Over 7 Years
This is not surprising at all. Trump isn't nearly as rich as he claims to be.
It's reason #456 we will never see his tax returns: Trump is a tightwad who gives hardly anything to charity.
Yeah, I think he sucks.
We have one idiot who does not give to charity and another one who lives off of charity.
I think she sucks worse.
The problem is...I am not sure!!
Quote: RonCI think she sucks worse.
The problem is...I am not sure!!
Must.... resist.... urge.... to.... make..... Bill Clinton joke.
Quote: ams288Must.... resist.... urge.... to.... make..... Bill Clinton joke.
He obviously likes suckers...
Quote: SanchoPanzaRepeating the same question for the repeated comment: What is not "serious news"?
Anything that ends up on Page Six is not serious news. It's why it's printed in Page Six. For those not familiar with Page Six, it is the gossip page of the paper and to make sure people don't accidentally think a news item accidentally ended up on that particular page, Page Six rarely is actually printed on page 6 of the paper.
It's a British thing.
So you do not have even one single specific problem with anything in the particular article you are complaining about. No surprise there!Quote: billryanAnything that ends up on Page Six is not serious news. It's why it's printed in Page Six. For those not familiar with Page Six, it is the gossip page of the paper and to make sure people don't accidentally think a news item accidentally ended up on that particular page, Page Six rarely is actually printed on page 6 of the paper.
It's a British thing.
If you like discussing gossip , go for it. A little bochincha is good for ones self esteem.
You can't make this stuff up...
Quote: ams288Trump is currently giving his economic speech in front of a giant wall of garbage.
You can't make this stuff up...
For his next trip, he'll wear an oversized helmet and ride in a tank...
Handlers are not always all that brilliant!!
You said it was "not serious." The failure to say just what about it is "not serious" leaves the smearing criticism of the messenger while leaving the clear contents of the message undisputed. And so they shall remain.Quote: billryanI never complained about the article.
"Alumisource was founded with the idea of providing specialized raw materials, material processing and blending solutions to the aluminum and steel industries. We provide raw material inputs to the aluminum industry in the form of custom shredded and blended aluminum scrap. Through careful sourcing, inspection and processing, we are able to provide a unique aluminum scrap alternative that can be used as feedstock in either reverb or rotary furnaces.
"For the steel industry, Alumisource provides a variety of products in the form of raw materials for artificial slag conditioners, deoxidation and desulphurization products. By leveraging our shredding, screening and briquetting equipment, Alumisource is able to provide a wide range of blended aluminum products designed to meet the unique requirements of our customers.
"Our facility in Monessen, Pennsylvania is located just thirty miles south of Pittsburgh with convenient access to Interstate 70. With over 300,000sf under roof, our plant is ideally suited to protect our materials from moisture and contamination while providing for large scale processing and storage. The plant, built in 1980, has rail access, six 40 ton overhead cranes, multiple truck loading docks and a certified 70’ truck scale." --For the search-engine impaired, that is from the company's own home page. And we all know what that is supposed to be, right?
Quote: SanchoPanzaWho needs facts when laughing while following the agenda, even if none of it makes the least bit of sense?
Speaking of not making sense, maybe you should attempt to re-write this sentence.
Quote: SanchoPanzaYou said it was "not serious." The failure to say just what about it is "not serious" leaves the smearing criticism of the messenger while leaving the clear contents of the message undisputed. And so they shall remain.
That article ISN'T serious. It leaves out very important facts about Ashe's condition and has an obvious spin to it.
Quote:Who needs facts when laughing while following the agenda, even if none of it makes the least bit of sense? Leave it to the uninformed leftists to not even be able to recognize their beloved recycling when they see it.
Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is, either. So it's a big pile of recycling. Who cares? Politicians do speeches in front of weird crap all the time. Honestly, I'd rather see a big pile of recycling than the standard bleacher full of people.
Quote: TigerWuYeah, I don't see what the big deal is, either. So it's a big pile of recycling. Who cares? Politicians do speeches in front of weird crap all the time. Honestly, I'd rather see a big pile of recycling than the standard bleacher full of people.
It's not a big deal. It's just funny.
The man, who's campaign has often been compared to a "raging dumpster fire," gives an important speech in front of a big pile of garbage.
Quote: ams288It's not a big deal. It's just funny.
The man, who's campaign has often been compared to a "raging dumpster fire," gives an important speech in front of a big pile of garbage.
To make the comic effect complete, it is too bad no one put a giant "Mission Accomplished" sign on the pile.
I would consider that epic, and would have to give Trump or someone credit.
Quote: SanchoPanzaYou said it was "not serious." The failure to say just what about it is "not serious" leaves the smearing criticism of the messenger while leaving the clear contents of the message undisputed. And so they shall remain.
Its in a gossip column in a rag of a newspaper. I'm sorry but I don't take gossip columns seriously.
You are welcome to, but I'd suggest The Onion. It at least is humorous in the gossip it spews.
Its one of the differences I've noticed with left and right wing comedy. Conservatives don't seem to get satire.
El Rushbo being a prime example. The man is perhaps the best satirist of our time but most of his humor goes right over his audiences head.
Quote: RonCYes, he'll be bought like all the rest of them....
Another “cancer” is our political system is the gerrymandering by the parties in power. The gross abuse of power in manipulating the political boundaries is the main culprit of SENSELESS divisiveness in our nation, and UNNECESSARY obstruction in cooperation among political leaders/parties. I believe the electoral district should be drawn so that it represents ALL citizens, but not favor one party or class.
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid criticizing Trump’s many attempts to manipulate and to fire up the republican electorates by leading them to believe that President Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official is so afraid of shaking President Obama’s hand, or simply shaking President Obama’s hand could lead to political suicide, and countless UNNECESSARY obstructions in the House of Representative and Senate?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid of criticizing Trump’s numerous outrageous, offensive & incendiary statements/policies with the purpose of dividing our nation for his own political and personal benefit?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid speaking out PUBLICLY that Trump’s is temperamentally unfit or other Trump’s behaviors that raises serious issues about his knowledge and experience required for the position President of the US?
IMO, Trump will make America worse, and for America to be greater and better, we MUST reform our lobbying and gerrymandering processes.
Quote: 777Another “cancer” is our political system is the gerrymandering by the parties in power. The gross abuse of power in manipulating the political boundaries is the main culprit of SENSELESS divisiveness in our nation, and UNNECESSARY obstruction in cooperation among political leaders/parties. I believe the electoral district should be drawn so that it represents ALL citizens, but not favor one party or class.
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid criticizing Trump’s many attempts to manipulate and to fire up the republican electorates by leading them to believe that President Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official is so afraid of shaking President Obama’s hand, or simply shaking President Obama’s hand could lead to political suicide, and countless UNNECESSARY obstructions in the House of Representative and Senate?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid of criticizing Trump’s numerous outrageous, offensive & incendiary statements/policies with the purpose of dividing our nation for his own political and personal benefit?
What does it tell you about our nation or the Republican Party when its elected official or those republicans running for congress or other political offices (judges, mayor, governor, etc…) is so afraid speaking out PUBLICLY that Trump’s is temperamentally unfit or other Trump’s behaviors that raises serious issues about his knowledge and experience required for the position President of the US?
IMO, Trump will make America worse, and for America to be greater and better, we MUST reform our lobbying and gerrymandering processes.
All this told me about anything was that you don't like the Republicans. They don't do much right in your eyes.
Do you really think either party will support anything they perceive as taking away their power?