Quote: AmusedI recently played a Craps machine at the Venetian. There were about 8 stations around a central glass cylinder which encased two large dice. When cued, the player hits the plunger which launches the dice in a seemingly random fashion. I have shot dice for years and do a pretty fair job shaving down the house advantage as best as possible. But the results I had at this machine left me scratching my head in disbelief. I was playing the pass with full odds on some rolls, and the don't with full odds on others. While others were playing at their stations the results were that of a live game. But once the others left and I was the lone player, I hit a losing streak that was hard to believe. Regardless of if I was on the Pass or Don't, I suffered 17 losses out the the next 18 rolls! My question is can these machines be programmed like slots are? Are the results as random as at the live tables?
"It's not what you don't know that'll get ya, it's what's ya absolutely know for sure that ain't so. " Mark Twain
How? The HA is what it is. Best you can get the HA down to is 1.364%Quote: AmusedI have shot dice for years and do a pretty fair job shaving down the house advantage as best as possible.
That's why betting systems don't work(sh*t happens)Quote: AmusedI hit a losing streak that was hard to believe. Regardless of if I was on the Pass or Don't, I suffered 17 losses out the the next 18 rolls!
NOT HAPPENINGQuote: AmusedMy question is can these machines be programmed like slots are?
If they weren't random smart players could exploit the game.Quote: AmusedAre the results as random as at the live tables?
Quote: AmusedSlots aren't random...but smart players can't exploit them.
Of course we can.
Quote: AmusedSlots aren't random...but smart players can't exploit them.

Quote: AmusedSlots aren't random...but smart players can't exploit them.
They're not?
They can't?
Can you show me a legal non random slot in Vegas please?
How would they rig the craps dice? with magnets or something? How would it know what numbers to make come up or avoid?
One of the longest rolls I've ever had was on that same machine. Too bad I broke the 7th commandment of gambling or I'd be rich.
Mr. "Amused", it's hard to believe you aren't just putting us on. This might as well be addressed immediately as you will be taking a beating at this site over and over again about it - wrong place to come to, talking like this. It just is.
However, you may just be putting us on, in which case this is your amusement , sure.
It is controversial here:
*that there is anything you would be allowed to do, to shave the house advantage in Craps. That you could do something in a 'craps machine' is an even bigger hoot
*that slot machines, or games generally in casinos are gaffed by design.
*that losing streaks mean squat-diddly
I've never seen anyone stick around as a poster here who didn't get sick of the abuse for maintaining these things. They either get educated or they leave, simple as that. Or maybe they just get tired of the joke.