Quote: boymimboWhen you finish points, put periods at the end of your sentence. What does this have to do with gambling?
From suspension list thread:
Quote: FinsRuleI think the punishment was too harsh. Free Boymimbo!!!
I take it back. Give him 30 days - Shawshank style.
So even if there are not a lot of replys to a post and it seems no one is interested because of a lack of replys, know that most posts are appreciated and used by others even without a reply.
Quote: FinsRule
I take it back. Give him 30 days - Shawshank style.
You take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
You know you're jailhouse-bound
30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
Oh, yeah
30 Days in the Hole
I know you're being cheeky, but allow me to be cheeky too: According to the Chicago Manual of Style section 6.124 bullet lists, even when the items are complete sentences, do not need to end in periods. Oxford lists them as suggested but optional.Quote: boymimboWhen you finish points, put periods at the end of your sentence. What does this have to do with gambling?
I didn't do well in school and English was my worst subject. I learned to write mostly by watching how other people write and eventually by Googling the rules I wasn't sure about. Your writing style often says more about you than your content on a forum like this. It's how you choose to represent yourself. That said, I understand and don't mind when someone has poor writing skills, particularly if English isn't their native language. In fact, when I'm answering a question I base my wording and how much detail I give on the writing skills of the person asking the question. If the question has typos and grammatical errors I'll tend to use easier words and explain a bit more than I otherwise would.
Back to the topic, when I found this forum I was pleasantly surprised by the maturity level of the forum as a whole. It's one of the main reasons I started posting.
Excuse me, but you're talking about bullet lists, where each item is expected to be just a few words, and not necessarily a complete sentence. That's very different from run-on paragrahps where one sentence ends without a period, and the next sentence begins (after a space) without the first word being capitalized.Quote: PopCanI know you're being cheeky, but allow me to be cheeky too: According to the Chicago Manual of Style section 6.124 bullet lists, even when the items are complete sentences, do not need to end in periods. Oxford lists them as suggested but optional.
Quote: DJTeddyBearhowever the punctuation thing is an entirely different matter because if youre busy reading a run on sentence that doesnt include periods or commas or anything it becomes a chore simply to read and understand the point being made I mean if you read something and you then say to your self what was that how does that help the conversation another thing that irritates me are people who do not double space between paragraphs i mean are you paying attention at all do you not see other members keeping their paragraphs down to just a couple sentences and then leave a blank line between it why do you think they do that i mean get a clue buy a vowel figure it out we do it just to make it easier to read combine that with speeling errrors or tpyos and your gonna have a reel prolbem getting peeple to understand it
Have I made my point yet?
I think you made my point better than I could have, thanks!
The post boymimbo and I were referring to was this:Quote: DJTeddyBear...That's very different from run-on paragrahps where one sentence ends without a period, and the next sentence begins (after a space) without the first word being capitalized.
This is in fact a bullet list. Bullet items can be a fragment or a full sentence. The full sentence should start with a capital but doesn't need to end with a period, so long as it's consistent throughout the writing. FinsRule's only possible fault was that if he planned on using full sentences then the sentence preceding the colon should have been a full sentence as well.Quote: FinsRuleMy additional critieria to being a good forum member:
- Not criticizing others spelling / punctuation
- Not saying things like "But what does this have to do with Vegas / Gambling"
EDIT: :)
Apparently I'm also in the top ten posters. I only hang around here to get a good broad US view on the world, and also gain more knowledge on probability and methods. I do love reading systems/methods.
Quote: PopCan...FinsRule's only possible fault was that if he planned on using full sentences then the sentence preceding the colon should have been a full sentence as well.
EDIT: :)
Someone please tell my wife that is my only possible fault.
Quote: PopCanBack to the topic, when I found this forum I was pleasantly surprised by the maturity level of the forum as a whole. It's one of the main reasons I started posting.
Thats because you missed the Jerry Logan and MKL
days, when it was the wild west here. New rules
have quieted things down. Now you can be suspended
for giving the forum a dirty look, so try and control
your emotions.
to do the line breaks, or do you just hit
Enter when you feel like
Inquiring minds
to know.
format. Its much harder on the eye, and takes
longer to read than a paperback book style of
writing. In a typical 4 1/2" book, there are 8 words
per sentence. I keep mine to about 10 words
per sentence, or so. The eye moves over the
words very quickly, seldom gets lost, as often
happens on the long lines. Lean and compact
is the name of the game.