from the article:
"Lue Elizondo: Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing.
Recently released images may not convince ufo skeptics, but the pentagon admits it doesn't know what in the world this is
Dave Fravor: Oh there's, there's definitely something that… I don't know who's building it, who's got the technology, who's got the brains. But there's, there's something out there that was better than our airplane. "
I was skeptical then and still am. If there is such an advanced civilization (I guess or whatever the term would be) that they can travel over such distances (beyond what we can see, which is far), I find it hard to believe that they would allow themselves to be seen, even briefly. That level of technology they should be able to make themselves invisible to us with zero effort. I guess you can make the argument that there could be rogue captains who either for fun (pranks etc....) or stupidity messed up something.
I just don't see it. Its far more likely some kind of error with our technology or (far less likely but more plausible) some kind of advanced craft from a foreign country that has a secretive program. Or (perhaps even more likely without getting too political) these are being released now to distract from other issues while appearing transparent. There are probably thousands of scenarios that are more likely than Earth being monitored by civilizations from out in space who occasionally mess up and get spotted.
Until there is a reason to believe or more firm evidence I remain skeptical (and that is probably classifying myself in a generous way).
"He told us pilots speculate they are one of three things: secret U.S. technology, an adversary's spy vehicle, or something otherworldly. "
I would say very unlikely that this is U.S. technology (they would not release the video, unless they are playing 4D chess and assuming most people will find it silly and disregard it, which in a way would be smart, but that is getting very conspiratorial). Maybe an adversary technology (also pretty unlikely). "Something otherworldly" I completely doubt. It could just be a combination of glitches and human error and people throwing things out of proportion? (Which is probably more likely than the stated three).
I'm stunned by what I've been reading and hearing in the news about the UFOs.
Mellon's comment that the technology appears to be 100 possibly 1000 years more advanced than anything we have is fascinating as well.
Quote: KeyserThe upcoming report will be very interesting. Everyone's looking forward to June, even the people that pretend that their not.
I'm stunned by what I've been reading and hearing in the news about the UFOs.
Mellon's comment that the technology appears to be 100 possibly 1000 years more advanced than anything we have is fascinating as well.
All the stuff coming out lately has been crazy.
The two theories are pretty much boil down to Russian/Chinese surveillance, or aliens.
Considering the govt has known about these UAPs for at least a decade, and the long history of UFO sightings for at least the past century, I am actually starting to believe the alien theory is more likely.
I am not sure which is scarier. I think I’d prefer aliens.
That UFOs come from another planet or that they come from an undersea civilization?
Suppose the US did recover a crashed alien ship in 1947. Eighty years of reverse engineering would produce some amazing results.
Quote: billryanWhich is more far-fetched?
That UFOs come from another planet or that they come from an undersea civilization?
Suppose the US did recover a crashed alien ship in 1947. Eighty years of reverse engineering would produce some amazing results.
Thinking in terms of conventional physics, the underwater civilization is an interesting theory since it wouldn’t require unfathomably long distances to be traveled. And some of these objects have been reported to dive into the ocean. But these objects do not conform to any type of conventional physics.
On the topic of recovered craft, I doubt if that ever happened that we would know about it.
And who knows whether it could even be reverse engineered? Maybe the technology requires otherworldly materials. Maybe the technology is so advanced that humans reverse engineering it would be like trying to teach calculus to your dog.
Quote: JohnnyQThe interviews I have seen with Pilot David Fravor, including 60 minutes, have been very compelling.
I am not the biggest Joe Rogan fan nowadays, but he sat down and talked to David Fravor for almost 2 hours
seriously though, one interesting input on this came from a US physicist, after i did some broader searches on the topic earlier this year, or late last year. a few days after i found the article, i couldn't find it anymore!!! was the article briefly sent by aliens/adversaries to spook or warn us? i'm being silly again.
i did have the article, on you tube, i believe. but i lost it! i could try searching for it again, but i can't be bothered right now. suffice to say that this US physicist seemed to possess the best answer on the topic. he was talking about anti-gravity and he believed the technology was very possible to create the advances of these objects.
people can search under physics, or physicist, and anti-gravity. do some thorough searches and you'll probably come up with what i previously found, also.
what the intelligence articles seem to assume is that the UAPs are being driven by a being inside these UAPs. they don't seem to understand that the UAPs may not be housing a being inside of them. the UAPs could be driven remotely, and would therefore not require some internal being to withstand ridiculous levels of G-force.
Also, UAPs using anti-gravity, may not need the special materials required, to withstand the G-forces of the maneuvers observed? Food for thought.
Another thing that seems to be baffling is this: since about 2000, there have been quite a number of these similar types of observations by US defence. If they don't know what these UAPs are, and they appear in US airspace and/or sovereign waters, why don't US defence fire on any of these objects and see what happens? they could collect any resultant debris, and examine it.
one idea that's mentioned occasionally is that the objects observed are possibly projected images, not real objects. as far as i'm aware, the different types of US Defence radar used on these objects, and the type of return signals received, tell us that the objects observed are NOT images but real objects.
Quote: Wellbushthis is scary!! stop talking about it or i'll tell my mum!
seriously though, one interesting input on this came from a US physicist, after i did some broader searches on the topic earlier this year, or late last year. a few days after i found the article, i couldn't find it anymore!!! was the article briefly sent by aliens/adversaries to spook or warn us? i'm being silly again.
i did have the article, on you tube, i believe. but i lost it! i could try searching for it again, but i can't be bothered right now. suffice to say that this US physicist seemed to possess the best answer on the topic. he was talking about anti-gravity and he believed the technology was very possible to create the advances of these objects.
people can search under physics, or physicist, and anti-gravity. do some thorough searches and you'll probably come up with what i previously found, also.
what the intelligence articles seem to assume is that the UAPs are being driven by a being inside these UAPs. they don't seem to understand that the UAPs may not be housing a being inside of them. the UAPs could be driven remotely, and would therefore not require some internal being to withstand ridiculous levels of G-force.
Also, UAPs using anti-gravity, may not need the special materials required, to withstand the G-forces of the maneuvers observed? Food for thought.
The “physicist” you are talking about is probably Bob Lazar.
I put physicist in quotes because I am pretty sure his story is a hoax, even though it is compelling.
Quote: Wellbush
Another thing that seems to be baffling is this: since about 2000, there have been quite a number of these similar types of observations by US defence. If they don't know what these UAPs are, and they appear in US airspace and/or sovereign waters, why don't US defence fire on any of these objects and see what happens? they could collect any resultant debris, and examine it.
You find it baffling that the US hasn’t fired on the seemingly super advanced technology that has not yet shown an aggressive tendency towards us????
Very glad you are not in charge of foreign policy.
Quote: unJonYou find it baffling that the US hasn’t fired on the seemingly super advanced technology that has not yet shown an aggressive tendency towards us????
Very glad you are not in charge of foreign policy.
yeah, you're right i suppose. i mean, just passively befriend these unknown craft, possibly adversarial. are they identifying themselves? what intentions do they have? do you really think they're friendly?
what do you think US Defence would do if a conventional Russian or Chinese aircraft or sea vessel, would be in such areas? what info is being gathered on the US by these craft? why are US Defence recipients of such craft, but not other nations?
Then why would such things keep crashing?Quote: KeyserMellon's comment that the technology appears to be 100 possibly 1000 years more advanced than anything we have is fascinating as well.
Quote: UP84Then why would such things keep crashing?
You're comment seems a bit arrogant. perhaps I'm wrong.
But regarding "crashing"...there are likely trillions of pieces of space debris from other civilizations orbiting various parts of our galaxy. Perhaps every now and then a piece falls to earth. Regarding the UFOs, I would not be surprised to find out that they're advanced drones, like what we've sent to mars.
I don't really understand why some people are arrogant enough to believe that we are alone or the only intelligent life in our galaxy. I can imagine what it must have been like for Galileo going against the Catholic Church.
Quote: odiousgambitI'd be ready to write it off as advanced ability to fool radar and such, but they claim these events are also confirmed by visual sightings by the pilots
We have some rudimentary technology in fast moving lasers that can create images. If someone has improved on such technology, projecting real looking 3d objects in space might be possible. Of course, with a virtual image, you can make it appear to operate beyond known limits of a physical object.
Were something like that developed by the military you would want to keep it top secret, because presumedly it would be used to confuse both enemy radar and even eye witnesses. You overwhelm your enemy with fast moving virtual objects while your real weapons go to their targets. You don't want to reveal the technology, as it allows someone to work on countering it.
Testing it on actual military forces to see if it works would be likely. They don't need to be informed, because you want them observe it with the best technology.
No one finds any objects that have crashed, because it's all virtual holograms or maybe something that reflects radar,
Noise outside. Looking out window. There's a whole bunch of black vans outside my house. AWWWWW!!!
Quote: rxwineWe have some rudimentary technology in fast moving lasers that can create images. If someone has improved on such technology, projecting real looking 3d objects in space might be possible. Of course, with a virtual image, you can make it appear to operate beyond known limits of a physical object.
Were something like that developed by the military you would want to keep it top secret, because presumedly it would be used to confuse both enemy radar and even eye witnesses. You overwhelm your enemy with fast moving virtual objects while your real weapons go to their targets. You don't want to reveal the technology, as it allows someone to work on countering it.
Testing it on actual military forces to see if it works would be likely. They don't need to be informed, because you want them observe it with the best technology.
No one finds any objects that have crashed, because it's all virtual holograms or maybe something that reflects radar,
Noise outside. Looking out window. There's a whole bunch of black vans outside my house. AWWWWW!!!
You should check out the 60 minutes interview.
Commander Fravor, the pilot in the pentagon released videos, describes the object hovering above the ocean and causing wakes in the water.
Quote: gamerfreakYou should check out the 60 minutes interview.
Commander Fravor, the pilot in the pentagon released videos, describes the object hovering above the ocean and causing wakes in the water.
Could be a submersible underwater projecting a beam upward causing a disturbance at the surface of the water?
(personally, I hope it is aliens)
Whatever the technology, it's still pretty cool.
Quote: Keyser...I don't really understand why some people are arrogant enough to believe that we are alone or the only intelligent life in our galaxy...
I suppose you could call it arrogance, but that doesn't mean we're not alone.
A lot of things came together just right on Earth to allow evolution to produce humanity. Right type of planet (iron core, plenty of water); just the right distance from its sun; an unusually large, single satellite that stabilizes our orbital axis preventing climate upheavals, etc.
As Enrico asked, Where is everybody?
Quote: KeyserYou're comment seems a bit arrogant. perhaps I'm wrong.
But regarding "crashing"...there are likely trillions of pieces of space debris from other civilizations orbiting various parts of our galaxy. Perhaps every now and then a piece falls to earth. Regarding the UFOs, I would not be surprised to find out that they're advanced drones, like what we've sent to mars.
I don't really understand why some people are arrogant enough to believe that we are alone or the only intelligent life in our galaxy. I can imagine what it must have been like for Galileo going against the Catholic Church.
We know a lot about our Galaxy. I would say life in our galaxy (outside of our own) is unlikely (I would say very unlikely).
We have not seen the universe (hundreds of billions of galaxies beyond our own). So it is plausible that thousands if not millions of planets are like ours are somewhere out there. This would still be a tiny amount. And, the amount of these that are advanced -in terms of technology- beyond ours would be even smaller (the ability to move invisibly through the universe). So even if there are planets with life somewhere out there, the ability for this life to reach our planet (being beyond our known sphere) and reach us in such a way to be essentially invisible would be very small numbers. And, if such life was so advanced, they would probably not be interested in such a planet in anything beyond a research project (it would be very unlikely that they would care or be involved in earthly development). Its also possible that life exists on other planets throughout the universe and we are the most advanced form and that we will be the first to discover others. But, in our galaxy, no, I think it is very safe to say there is none other in our galaxy (at least no other currently that still is alive).
Quote: gamerfreakThe “physicist” you are talking about is probably Bob Lazar.
I put physicist in quotes because I am pretty sure his story is a hoax, even though it is compelling.
His story is incredible but I don’t believe him because the most basic biographical facts he claims are easily disproven. He claims to have graduated from MIT but he’s not in the yearbook and no one remembers him. He claims the yearbook was scrubbed after the fact but that’s just not believable and wouldn’t explain why no one remembers him as a student. If he’s lying about that it’s easy for me to believe he’s lying about everything interesting.
Locally neutralizing the gravitational field of Earth would be one problem. A related problem would be neutralizing the effects of other accelerations such as those of apparently violent craft maneuvering. Perhaps related would be the problem of establishing a buffering envelope for the craft so as to obviate the apparent environments such as seawater, atmosphere, plasma, or vacuum. Controlled manipulation of local space/time may enable all three solutions.
He might assume that if they have that kind of technology they could avoid crashing.Quote: KeyserYou're comment seems a bit arrogant. perhaps I'm wrong.
But regarding "crashing"...there are likely trillions of pieces of space debris from other civilizations orbiting various parts of our galaxy. Perhaps every now and then a piece falls to earth. Regarding the UFOs, I would not be surprised to find out that they're advanced drones, like what we've sent to mars.
I don't really understand why some people are arrogant enough to believe that we are alone or the only intelligent life in our galaxy. I can imagine what it must have been like for Galileo going against the Catholic Church.
many of these children are still alive in there 60s, and stand by what they saw, and draw the same objects (space craft that looked like they were made of gray metal, and were of a flying saucer shape) independently from one another. the space craft could move too quickly for any hoax to be at play.
who would have thought 2,000 years ago, that we'd have the technology we now have? what kind of technology will we have in 5,000 years time? it is seriously possible therefore, that alien species who may have been around much longer than humans, to have much more advanced technology than ours. technology that may appear magical, just like ours would appear magical to a human 2,000 years ago.
there are too many galaxies beyond ours, for there 'not' to be possibly highly advanced civilisations capable of visiting us from afar. and they therefore could easily produce the kind of things seen by the US defense regime.
Quote: Wellbushthere were sightings by approx 200 secondary school students and teachers, in the late 1960s. the sightings were of flying saucers during the day time. these sightings cannot be denied because they were seen by hundreds of kids at the same time.
Yeah but were they 100% certain they weren’t just flying yamaka’s?;)
Quote: mcallister3200Yeah but were they 100% certain they weren’t just flying yamaka’s?;)
i've updated my post to allay this idea. they could be flying yamakas, just like a car might appear to be a chariot without horses, to a human in the year 0!Quote: mcallister3200Yeah but were they 100% certain they weren’t just flying yamaka’s?;)
Quote:Many of the sightings did not involve top-secret government projects, said the BBC. This means that sighting cannot be attributed to tests of previously undisclosed U.S. technology.
That's something I didn't see reported until now. Whether anyone had confirmed cross checking with "black" projects that were operating in the airspace at the time.