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However, 2012 goes all in with tired old plot lines we've all seen many times before. I won't even bother to list them. The only actor who played it right was Woody Harrelson, but I may be reading too much into it. Everybody else played it entirely too straight faced. If you want to see every Hollywood disaster movie cliché, all rolled into one movie, then you should see 2012. Otherwise, may I recommend District 9. That is the best science fiction movie I've seen in a long time. It just goes to show you don't need a gigantic budget to tell a good story.
As I was leaving the theater I overheard somebody say "That was definitely a renter." I couldn't have put it better myself. My rating on a 0 to 10 scale -- 2.
Quote: WizardI forgot to say that this movie makes the usual errors in Las Vegas geography. If the movie is to be believed, then the following are in a straight line, and in order: LV airport, Wynn, Bellagio, Paris.
What is the context of that mistake? Is that the way it looks on a CGI rendering? I'd figure if they were going out of their way to show "Vegas things" they'd throw in a few more obvious landmarks such as the Luxor, Excalibur, NYNY and Stratosphere.
Quote: Wizard2012 is the quintessential Hollywood movie that is all special effects and no substance. I can forgive such movies if they don't take themselves too seriously. Independence Day is a good example of such a movie. Will Smith made silly jokes and grins on his face as sort of a wink to the audience that the movie was deliberately over of the top. Same thing with Roger Moore in some of the more ridiculous Bond movies, like Moonraker.
However, 2012 goes all in with tired old plot lines we've all seen many times before. I won't even bother to list them. The only actor who played it right was Woody Harrelson, but I may be reading too much into it. Everybody else played it entirely too straight faced. If you want to see every Hollywood disaster movie cliché, all rolled into one movie, then you should see 2012. Otherwise, may I recommend District 9. That is the best science fiction movie I've seen in a long time. It just goes to show you don't need a gigantic budget to tell a good story.
As I was leaving the theater I overheard somebody say "That was definitely a renter." I couldn't have put it better myself. My rating on a 0 to 10 scale -- 2.
What are the odds that we'll finally see a good disaster movie in the next 3 years? ;P
I'm actually surprised that you went to see that film. From the previews, I figured it was another Day After Tomorrow, Deep Impact, Armageddon, etc. I saw A Christmas Carol in 3D instead this weekend, and I was happy with the CGI for a change, it was just beautiful.
Why did I see the movie? I went against my will. My wife and two older children outvoted me.
Quote: WizardRegarding my point about incorrect Vegas geography, in the movie a large cargo plane was in a hurry to take off from the Vegas airport. It seemed from one shot he took off in the west bound direction, which is almost always the case in real life. However, after that he first flew between the two Wynn towers, then over the Bellagio, and then the plane scraped the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris. They had a long way to travel, and were in a hurry, so wouldn't have wanted to waste fuel and time seeing the sites. Even if they did, a huge cargo plane would have trouble making such tight turns.
Why did I see the movie? I went against my will. My wife and two older children outvoted me.
He'd have to be flying very fast and very low, too. I mean, the top of the Eiffel Tower replica isn't that high. Besides, I thought only helicopters could fly that low near the Strip. Oh, I also can't figure out what would be so hard to find elsewhere during an emergency that you'd need a cargo plane from Vegas, other than casino chips, huge luminous signs and slot machines :)
After Independence Day I made a vow never to see any other Roland Emmerich films. Alas, after seeing Stargate SG-1 on TV I just had to see the theatrical Stargate precurson movie. The sereis is much better.
Quote: WizardI forgot to say that this movie makes the usual errors in Las Vegas geography. If the movie is to be believed, then the following are in a straight line, and in order: LV airport, Wynn, Bellagio, Paris.
IMHO, the Nicholas Cage movie "Con Air" has one of the most absurd strip geographies ever put together -- an airplane crashing down the strip (from the North) clips the top off the Hard Rock guitar then flies by the Riviera. It's nice on youtube, you can go through it one frame at a time.
Watch this (the strip scene starts at 3:08) --
Las Vegas Crash Scene
I talked my friend into going to see 2012. I told her it would be good campy fun. She screamed at me for 15 minutes after we left the theater. In her opinion it was one of the worst films she had ever seen. I have to admit that The Day After Tomorrow were much better. Since Independence Day his special effects are getting better and better, and his storytelling is getting worse and worse.