Do people who were picked on when they were in elementary school, junior high school and high school because they were smart and/or nerds and/or maybe a little eccentric become like the very bullies who used to pick on them once they grow up and become successful?
I think a case can be made for that.
I am not a mathematician; never claimed to be. But some of my posts have caused those who are good or great at math to attack me because I am not a mathematician. I was ganged up on, much as (I am assuming) they were ganged up on by the cool kids (who are probably now toothless and working in car washes), the athletes (who now have large beer bellies), the "heads" (who are now in rehab or dead), the tough kids (who are now in prison), and other groups (I am forgetting some of the groups at this stage in my life).
If an expert in math and his/her cohorts enjoy pushing me around, teasing me, attacking me relentlessly, because I am not in their league when it comes to 1 + 1 = 2, what makes them different from the athletes who laughed at them in gym; the cool kids who laughed at them in the hallways; the tough kids who laughed at them outside of the school; and the girls who rolled their eyes when these guys walked by or the guys who roared with laughter when the girl with the braces strolled down the hallway?
Is bullying just waiting for us at given stages in our life? Are the spry seniors in the old age home pointing fingers at the ones confined to wheelchairs and laughing at them as they drool?
It seems to me life would be a lot better if as Rodney King said before he pummeled his girlfriend into unconciousness because he was drunk out of his mind: "Can't we all just get along?"
Often times, people that were bullied or unfairly singled out in either middle school or high school by someone in authority or by other students will claim to be an atheist as a way to show defiance towards society, towards the people that they feel have "wronged" them, and sometimes, even God. It's should be of no surprise, that many of these people are autistic as well.
Did you just call Wizard, MathExtremist, miplet, teliot, or CRMousseau all nerds?
Responding rudely to someone in a forum is not the same as bullying. And it's not the same as cyberbullying, either.
Did any of these "nerds" track you down on facebook and taunt you?
Did any of them actively search you out and try to make your life hell?
Did any of them wait outside your house or place of business and physically attack or threaten you?
Did 4 dozen pizzas show up at your house? Did your email get hacked? Your Twitter, or anything else, by any of these "nerds"?
You got into some disagreements with forum members. You brought with you a subject that you knew would be unpopular here, and then cried FOUL! when it was treated as such. And now you cry bullying? Sorry. I am not convinced.
Now, I haven't much of any of those discussions. Honestly, the arguments don't interest me. I looked at it, decided that dice control is sort of the opposite of a balancing act, and made up my mind. However, it seems to me that everyone has pretty much confined their arguments to text. And text is easy to deal with; you ignore it. Like this: >CLICK<! And it is gone from your life.
I enjoy reading what you write, when I read it. You have a nice, friendly style that makes me think that it would be a blast to play alongside you. With that in mind, I think your tongue is more than a little in your cheek here. You don't seem like the type who would be easily put out by rude words on the internet... but you DO seem like the type who would try to slyly make something seem like something it is not, and then sit back and watch the reaction. Which I appreciate, by the way.
Quote: KeyserWow CrystalMath,
Did you just call Wizard, MathExtremist, miplet, teliot, or CRMousseau all nerds?
Haha. The original post started out talking about nerds, but then became a discussion about experts in mathematics. I am calling these guys experts in mathematics.
On topic, I have a little bit of a superiority complex but I'm very rarely an asshole to morons. I just heavily judge them in my mind. Any reasonable person is going to accept that there are less intelligent people out there, but I believe anger is only justified if the person receiving knowledge refuses to accept a known scientific fact. Like around here... Random is random is random... Unless someone cheats. A lot of people, even the simple minded fellows among us, completely skip the sharing knowledge stage and go straight to anger because they mix up common sense and acquired knowledge. I haven't seen what situations you've run into, but my best guess is that's your situation.
Then again, assholes are going to be assholes.
As a side note, this was written with a dash of sarcasm.
Quote: FrankScobleteI am not a mathematician; never claimed to be. But some of my posts have caused those who are good or great at math to attack me because I am not a mathematician...If an expert in math and his/her cohorts enjoy pushing me around, teasing me, attacking me relentlessly, because I am not in their league when it comes to 1 + 1 = 2, what makes them different from the athletes who laughed at them in gym
You confuse "criticism" with "bullying," I think.
A critic focuses primarily upon an idea; a bully focuses mainly on an individual.
Yes, they DO overlap, and strong criticism can easily be interpreted as bullying.
The building inspector checking on my work,
The VA clerk going over my Dads application for nursing home benefits,
The driver license agent renewing my license,
The tech support person for the cable company,
The kids who designed my computer interface.
All tongue in check!
Quote: MrVYou confuse "criticism" with "bullying," I think.
I agree. I see very little real bullying on forums, and what
little there is doesn't last long before the person is dealt
with. Some people have strong opinions and that's seen
as bullying by people who aren't used to anyone disagreeing
with them.
Quote: CrystalMathI don't ever recall the Wizard, MathExtremist, miplet, teliot, or CRMousseau ridiculing anyone for their lack of math knowledge. I also don't look down on anyone because it takes all types to make this world go round.
Wooooooot! I made the list!
Yep. I was picked on in school. Who cares?