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January 4th, 2011 at 9:09:14 PM permalink
I've been meaning to post an introduction here. Of course many of you know me, but I feel a need to explain how I am transgendered, where I'm at and what I expect to accomplish, both with my life and with this section.

I haven't yet because of work, way too much work. I can't post freely while I work, and I'm too tired by the time I get home. I tired just now after getting home at 10pm and I just rambled in a most incoherent manner. Not good writing at all.

So please wait and I'll get started soon.
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January 4th, 2011 at 9:35:30 PM permalink
I think that this section should start off with a general welcome saying all are welcome and we are going to do our best to maintain a positive/supportive atmosphere could combine with a "hello, my name is..." thread to officially launch. Then some basics like where is the "fruit loop" and what you'll find there, opinions on places where GLBT will feel more (or less) welcome.

It won't hurt to remind folks that if they feel they are being troll-rolled they can, and probably should, block the offender rather than escalate. I got some good advice about that recently. :)
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January 5th, 2011 at 10:27:43 AM permalink
Quote: lazabout

I think that this section should start off with a general welcome saying all are welcome and we are going to do our best to maintain a positive/supportive atmosphere could combine with a "hello, my name is..." thread to officially launch. Then some basics like where is the "fruit loop" and what you'll find there, opinions on places where GLBT will feel more (or less) welcome.

That's a good idea. I considered doing just that, as well as making some suggestions for handling the section, but:

1) This is not my section fo the forum. Yes, the Wizard kindly set it up at my request, therefore I have a responsibility to do what I can to make it a nice and informative area. But it's not mine and I won't set down rules or guidelines.

2) I have very little ifnormation about the GLBT aspects of vegas. I expect to find out through the web and my own future experiences.


It won't hurt to remind folks that if they feel they are being troll-rolled they can, and probably should, block the offender rather than escalate. I got some good advice about that recently. :)

It takes a smart man to recognize true wisdom ;)

Seriously, trolls aside I hope we won't get any flame wars going on here. Someone asked about bunching up TG with GLB, and they have a good point. There's some friction among these three or four communities, too, from some elements within. But then I shouldn't worry about what might happen, right?
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January 5th, 2011 at 11:20:50 AM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Seriously, trolls aside I hope we won't get any flame wars going on here.

Can I make a suggestion here? Maybe a good solution would be to mute the notifications of posts in this area? I wouldn't normally advocate placation of the trolls, but that might be the best way to go here. Perhaps the GLBT corner could be handled the way the FSZ is/will be handled where new topic/post notifications do not appear in the recent threads area?

Little bit smaller microphone for the posters in this area, but a little bit smaller bludgeon for the flamers to wield as well...
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January 5th, 2011 at 11:26:20 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Can I make a suggestion here? Maybe a good solution would be to mute the notifications of posts in this area? I wouldn't normally advocate placation of the trolls, but that might be the best way to go here. Perhaps the GLBT corner could be handled the way the FSZ is/will be handled where new topic/post notifications do not appear in the recent threads area?

Little bit smaller microphone for the posters in this area, but a little bit smaller bludgeon for the flamers to wield as well...

Suggestion noted. Any objections from the GLBT community? The forum rules would still apply.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 5th, 2011 at 12:44:40 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Suggestion noted. Any objections from the GLBT community? The forum rules would still apply.

I'm not sure. I don't like the idea of backing down or hiding, but rdw4potus makes a good point.

If we did, Wizard, could we have a sticky post on this section to remind users about the lack of notification?

Second, would it be ok to post from time to time, say twice a month, a reminder for the existence of the section in anouncements or free speech?
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January 5th, 2011 at 5:25:11 PM permalink
My thinking is that the discussion about the process of becoming transgendered may not a topic somebody interested in Vegas and gambling may care to stumble into. It would also give the GLBT area more of a sense of privacy, which has its benefits. I would loosen my PG standard to PG-13 if the area were more set apart from the others.

By sticky post, do you mean the topic sub-description, what currently says, "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender discussions"?

I have no problem drawing attention to the area from time to time.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 5th, 2011 at 5:40:42 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

By sticky post, do you mean the topic sub-description, what currently says, "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender discussions"?

That or a locked post that stays atop the thread forever. Either way works.


I have no problem drawing attention to the area from time to time.

Given that, and the rest of your points, I've no objection at all.
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January 5th, 2011 at 5:40:53 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

My thinking is that the discussion about the process of becoming transgendered may not a topic somebody interested in Vegas and gambling may care to stumble into. It would also give the GLBT area more of a sense of privacy, which has its benefits. I would loosen my PG standard to PG-13 if the area were more set apart from the others.

The posts of the past few days show that not only do many of us not want to "stumble" in but that out presence is not wanted there. This is why I made the same suggestion yesterday. I think I speak for most of the mainstream users would not care if it was NC-17 if it was set apart and not showing up in the "latest threads" area (where I and others start reading on the site daily.) Heck, you could even make it a "locked" forum where people need to be invited in, again as long as posts stay there and do not show up on the latest threads. Not sure how much coding that would need.

I don't see the need to promote things there. Those that want to find it will find it. Promoting it promotes more seperation and special treatment. No other topic on the board gets or needs special treatment. Let it succeed or fail on its own merits.
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January 5th, 2011 at 6:06:36 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Heck, you could even make it a "locked" forum where people need to be invited in,

Not a bad idea. That way fun killing nasty trolls will be kept at bay, like me and Duffman. Unless they want to invite us in, that is. LOL!
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January 5th, 2011 at 6:14:28 PM permalink
I woulnd't want to make this an invitation only section. it sends a signal to lurkers to stay way, and gives an impression of trying to exclude some people.

I would like the ability to bar problematic users from posting here, however, as decided by the Wizard or one of his mods. We get enough hijacked threads and other problems in the rest of the dorum as it is. This isn't troll bait and it will never be.
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January 5th, 2011 at 6:52:58 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I woulnd't want to make this an invitation only section. it sends a signal to lurkers to stay way, and gives an impression of trying to exclude some people.

I would like the ability to bar problematic users from posting here, however, as decided by the Wizard or one of his mods. We get enough hijacked threads and other problems in the rest of the dorum as it is. This isn't troll bait and it will never be.

A direct reply to what I wrote even without mentioning me. I thought EB, ICS, and I were blocked?
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January 5th, 2011 at 7:11:49 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

So please wait and I'll get started soon.

Getting started? Most casinos offer introductory lectures usually around 11:00am or Noontime. Many also offer lectures in the late afternoon, such as 5:00pm. Poker rooms usually only offer morning lectures and only on Monday thru Thursdays.
If you are on the casino floor and see an empty table you can usually go up to the dealers and get a free introductory lesson on the game.
The lectures are available to males, females, gays, lesbians, intersex, transgendered and to those who are left-handed. The lectures are also available to right-handed heterosexuals. The casinos do not discriminate. Your fellow gamblers will not discriminate. Now as for the cubes with spots on them going to discriminate against you? If you really think so, you can go hoist a few at Zodies and drown your sorrows.
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January 6th, 2011 at 9:00:36 AM permalink
Quote: Nareed an impression of trying to exclude some people.

I would like the ability to bar problematic users from posting here, however, as decided by the Wizard or one of his mods.

The Wizard already has rules and policies for banning in place, no?
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January 6th, 2011 at 10:10:57 AM permalink
I'm cool with threads not being included in the "Recent" list as long I can scroll down to the "GLBT Corner". I have enough compassion for the members for whom this topic is painful to concede that limitation.

"We're here. We're queer. Get used to it." - Get used to it from afar or up close. It will happen eventually due to an elevation in consciousness and compassion. Within my lifetime.
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