I'd drive one, though. I always thought they were cool little cars.
Not all(ferry few) MM are convertibles.... it's cossstss more to be extra gay.Quote: sisyphusConvertibles are for chicks......look it up
*very few.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI've never liked Asian cars at all, just because they're too small. A Miata, I just look at as a big joke. They're certainly not macho that's for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if you told me the cars won't start unless the driver is wearing silk panties.
The reason I bought my Miata in 1990 was because it was the first "modern affordable" car that reminded me of the MG, TR-6, and Spider. I only had it for a few years but it really was a great car. I drove that car from Vegas to Florida to New York City to Seattle and back to Vegas in one trip. It was a blast and it was such a new car at the time that most people had never seen one before.
Spider? What's a Spider, precious?Quote: DRichThe reason I bought my Miata in 1990 was because it was the first "modern affordable" car that reminded me of the MG, TR-6, and Spider. I only had it for a few years but it really was a great car. I drove that car from Vegas to Florida to New York City to Seattle and back to Vegas in one trip. It was a blast and it was such a new car at the time that most people had never seen one before.
Fiat Sport Spider? OK, I searched. Fiat still sells a Spider. Bought one for my first wife back in the early 70's. Very sweet little convertible. Think we traded that in for Mazda RX7. I think she actually got that one stuck up in the top of an oak tree. Later we went to Nissan Z cars, she got both of them in the settlement. I got to keep my Ford F-150 ;-).
Ain't no such a critter as a gay car. Cars don't care....
<edit> it was a 78 Sport Spider, traded for an 80 RX7, and it was the second wife.
I had to think for a minute ;-)
<2nd edit> Dagnabbit, that's still not right. Spider and RX7 were for first wife. She left RX7 in Oak tree after she divorced me and bought an 80 280Z to replace it ( with my money ). Couple years later I married her again (I realize that sounds a bit strange). Then we had a couple 300Z and 10 years together before she divorced me again, and kept the 280 and latest 300. I kept truck and my 'business' Toyota. It's a long story, and not quite as sad as it sounds. We had some really, really good years ;-)
<3rd edit> I been coming back to this post for awhile now. I know when the 'rules changed' you only had so long to edit (maybe still your property then) before it gets sealed away for posterity ( that's very funny for my posts ).
If you just go back in and edit every, say 10 minutes or so, does the post remain editable (not edible, different subject) for some defined period of time? Or could you just keep it running for ??? As long as it is still editable does it remain my property?? Interesting questions, at least to me. But it's late, and I'm tired. Maybe I will test the system parameters another day when I start much earlier. Maybe not.
I may edit this again in the next few minutes. No doubt you aren't dying from anticipation because you only read the first sentence or two of the post anyway (unless you had me blocked). Good night all ;-)
<4th edit> If you are still reading at this point I strongly suggest you stop. Get a life. This is purely an intellectual exercise, sort of a simulation if you will, and should be of no interest to you (starting back at edit 2 or 3).
<5th edit> I may have discovered a flaw in the intended programming for this site, but even I am rather bored with the subject at this point (11:46 Eastern Standard ;-)
<6th edit> OK, I'm not as tired as I thought. I notice ( at 11:56 Eastern ) that the Olympic coverage is now Beach Volleyball. There is some seriously good looking butt out there on the sand. Glad my young sons are asleep.
<7th edit> 00:10 or 12:10 eastern. Back to that Sport Spider, only true convertible I can remember owning. Bought it standard from dealer, not fancy wheels just pretty wheel covers. Heavy wheel covers. Fly off the wheel and pass you on the road like a frisbee wheel covers, and pricey. I learned to watch for them flying off in the rear view mirror, but still had to purchase a half dozen replacements. Don't know why I didn't think to buy pretty wheels. duh!
<8th edit, and last > Point made, I think.
I should prolly go back and edit that admission to having married the same gal twice. I suppose I should be embarrassed by the admission. I know, I posted it once before but nobody but GWAE remembered it before DRich got me talking cars. Why is it always DRich? 00:30, or 12:30 Eastern.
Just 2F murmurings
12:41. My name is Tiger. I am one of 2F's cats. Actually his kid's cats. 2F doesn't like cats. He has promised that if I dance around on the keyboard every 10 minutes for the next hour that I can have double rations of rum tomorrow. I'm not sleepy,,I sleep all day and terrorize 2F all night. It's lot's of fun.....
You conveniently left out your San Francisco trip or your christopher street visit.Quote: DRichThe reason I bought my Miata in 1990 was because it was the first "modern affordable" car that reminded me of the MG, TR-6, and Spider. I only had it for a few years but it really was a great car. I drove that car from Vegas to Florida to New York City to Seattle and back to Vegas in one trip. It was a blast and it was such a new car at the time that most people had never seen one before.

Quote: AxiomOfChoiceIt seems to me that no matter how feminine a car looks, you can make a good man's car out of it, at least with external tuning. And you don't have to spend a lot of money for this. For example, I bought a set of wheels for my old Audi A2 in the napaonline store and tinted it. I think you all, as drivers, understand perfectly well how much the appearance and perception of a car can change after a little external tuning.
Well, by the way, that's not a bad idea