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December 17th, 2021 at 7:39:36 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Innisfil
Casino: Gateway

Today's chip of the day is from Gateway Casino in Innisfil, Ontario. Gateweay Innisfil opened on February 1st, 2019 and is located just outside of Barrie. My friend and I stopped in here after leaving Casino Rama just north of Innisfil. As was the case in most of the Ontario Casinos there wasn't much in the way of slot action here so I played a few hands of BJ to collect this chip. We had quite a few stops on this day so we spent very little time in the casino not that there was anything to do here anyways. Gateway Innisfil has 1000 slots and 25 table games.

The chip is a white RHC with 2 edge inserts in brown and purple. The centre inlay is oversized and half white and half blue with gold design. The casino logo and location are blue while the casino name is black and the denom is listed in white.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 19th, 2021 at 9:13:08 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: London
Casino: Gateway

Today's chip of the day is from Gateway Casino in London, Ontario. Gateway Casino London opened on 5/9/17 but didn't get table games until 2019. I will state that I am not 100% sure I am remembering the correct casino but I am close to that. We stopped at this smaller casino after leaving Point Edward but because of covid we were 1 hour early for their table games to open. I wasted time in the casino while my friend played poker on his phone in the car. Gateway says they have 755 slot machines, but they don't list how many tables. I played a couple hands of BJ and won $100 before ducking out and moving onto the next casino.

The chip is a white RHC with 2 yellow and 2 lime edge inserts. The centre inlay is white and blue with the same gold design as yesterday's chip. The casino logo and location are blue while the casino name is black and the denom is listed in white.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 19th, 2021 at 9:13:13 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Dundas
Casino: Elements

Today's chip of the day is from Elements Casino Flamboro in Dundas, Ontario. Flamboro or Flamborough is a suburb of Hamilton but the mailing address is Dundas which looks to be a close by suburb. Elements Casino opened in May, 2018 with 803 slot machines and from memory they had 15-20 tables. I played BJ for a few hands to collect this chip. I have to mention the gorgeous pit boss in the very tight dress who was extremely distracting while playing. Also someone might want to mention to the nice lady that white dresses that tight have a tendency to be see through, just saying.

The chip is a beige RHC with two black edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino logo of 8 red dots making an "E" in the middle. The casino name and chip denom are black.

Last edited by: PokerGrinder on Dec 21, 2021
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 22nd, 2021 at 7:42:33 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Campbellville
Casino: Elements

Today's chip of the day is from Elements Casino Mohawk in Campbellville, Ontario. Similar to yesterday's chip the location on the chip isn't the actual location. Mohawk is an area in Hamilton but the casino is 37 minutes away in the community of Campbellville. Elements Casino Mohawk opened in May, 2018 and added table games in January, 2019. The casino has 900 slot machines and an amount of table games that I can't find a number for. Sadly this is one casino that I have no recollection of and I can't find any images on google that jog my memory of this location. Basically I was here and I can prove it with this chip lol.

The chip is a beige RHC with two brown edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the red Elements logo and the casino name and chip denom in black. \

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December 22nd, 2021 at 7:45:36 AM permalink
Just about done posting my chips from my trek to the Maritimes last summer, I have 2 more chips to post from that trip. I then have 3 miscellaneous chips from Alberta and BC, 7 from my trip to Panama last week and finally 48 chips from Texas that I collected earlier this year. That should take me roughly 3-5 years to post :P
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December 23rd, 2021 at 7:53:38 AM permalink
Just got around to updating the thread index with your latest two chip posts. Last time I updated, you had a duplicate post of the chip from Gateway Casino London, and I made the link point to the second post, since that was the one for which you already had a "Thank you." Then, apparently, you deleted that post, so my index linked to the wrong spot. Fixed that today.

Then I started working on the last two posts for chips from the Elements casinos, in which the chips identify the location as something different from the real location. It occurs to me that (provided I eventually find the casino), I might have no idea if the mailing address of the place is a different town from what it says on the chip. I already noted early on that I was not going to try to distinguish between Paradise, NV and Las Vegas, and there might be many other such discrepancies.
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December 23rd, 2021 at 9:21:10 AM permalink
I wasn’t sure what you’d list them as but I actually figured that you’d index them as Mohawk and Flamboro.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 23rd, 2021 at 2:30:35 PM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Rexton
Casino: CC's

Today's chip of the day if from CC's Entertainment Center in Rexton, New Brunswick. I wasn't able to find a date that this mini casino opened but I did find that they have 52 slot machines and 3 table games. I played $5 Bj for half a shoe or so and lost $100. The $5 chips at this casino were interesting, they had a picture of a 20 something year old guy and his name. I asked the dealer who he was and they informed me that he was an employee who was killed by a drunk driver a few years back. They also had his picture on the wall behind the table games. The drive to this remote casino was a hour each way from Moncton.

The chip is white with 12 edge inserts in burnt orange, beige and black. There is also a design around the chip. The centre inlay is white with a multi coloured logo that I assume has something to do with the tribe that owns the casino. The casino name and the chip denom are both black.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 23rd, 2021 at 3:29:04 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

I wasn’t sure what you’d list them as but I actually figured that you’d index them as Mohawk and Flamboro.
link to original post

Yep, I think that works better, so while adding CC's to the index, I revised those two entries to say Mohawk and Flamboro.
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December 25th, 2021 at 8:15:34 PM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Quebec City
Casino: Tapis Vert

Today’s chip of the day is from Tapis Vert in Quebec City, Quebec. Tapis Vert translates to green carpet which makes sense for a pool hall. This is an interesting entry as it is a poker club that is run in the back room of a legitimate bar/pool hall. The website for this place makes no mention of poker so I guess you have to know to know. I found this place based on being told by a local poker player we ran into while checking out the city. There is an entry on the chip guide but since it leads to a website that doesn’t advertise poker I passed it over when doing my research. We played for a few hours in a 1/2 NL game while there was a tournament running. The room has about 10 tables and seemed to be all regulars. The bar and pool hall was basically empty but the poker room had 50 people or so in it. I’m not sure the exact legality of the poker room but they weren’t trying to hide it really.

Sadly they don’t use the Tapis Vert chips from the chip guide anymore and use a generic chip now. The chip is white with brown brown edge inserts and the denom between each set of inserts. The centre inlay is white with a pattern in the background. Cash club is black with the denom and some logo in brown. I can’t make out what the marking/logo at the bottom of the chip is.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 29th, 2021 at 8:36:13 PM permalink
Well I got lazy again! I ran out of chips that I had uploaded pics of on Christmas and I have been fighting a wicked flu (not covid, 2 negative tests days apart) which has made me even lazier lol. Anyways I uploaded new pictures and I will post a new chip now.
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December 29th, 2021 at 10:36:12 PM permalink
Get well fast, PG! For your sake, not for the chips'!
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December 29th, 2021 at 10:53:43 PM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Victoria
Casino: Elements

Today's chip of the day is from Elements Casino in Victoria, BC. I can't seem to find an exact date that the name change took effect but it looks like they started the renovations in 2017 and the name change happened sometime in 2018. Sadly I never got to collect a chip from View Royal when I spent 6 hours on the island in 2014 visiting my uncle and I really never got to collect one from Great Canadian Casino as that name went away when I was 10 years old.

I took a 3 day trip to the island in November when I found a flight for about $100 USD RT and figured why not. My uncle who is 70+ and has health concerns wasn't willing to see me but an old friend showed me around Victoria the 2nd day I was there. The morning of the second day I stopped at the casino and played BJ to grab a chip. Elements has 800 slot machines and 25 table games.

The chip is white with 4 orange double rectangle edge inserts with the denom between each set of inserts. The centre inlay is white with the orange casino logo in the middle. The casino name, location and denom are black with "Elements" and the denom bolded.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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December 29th, 2021 at 10:55:05 PM permalink
Quote: smoothgrh

Get well fast, PG! For your sake, not for the chips'!
link to original post

Thanks! I am on day 7 and finally feeling better but still a tad fatigued. I am hoping to get back to work either tomorrow or the next day more out of boredom than anything.
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December 30th, 2021 at 1:17:12 AM permalink
Oh also sadly 3 of the 4 people I was going to the Bahamas with bailed so we aren’t going anymore sadly.
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December 30th, 2021 at 6:58:46 PM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Vernon
Casino: Lake City

Today's chip of the day is from Lake City Casino in Vernon, BC. I drove from Calgary to Kelowna for two days in November and was able to grab this chip on the way. Lake City Vernon is an interesting one for my collection. I drove right by Vernon when going from Dawson City, Yukon to Vancouver back in 2017. I remember that I didn't stop because I had found info that they were using chips from one of the other Lake City casinos but I don't remember where I saw that. I am pretty sure that the chip guide had the Vernon chips posted back then soooooo ya I think I might have just made an oopsie. Either way I stopped in and grabbed this chip on the way to Kelowna as I mentioned. Lake City has 406 slot machines and 7-12 tables based on my memory. I played BJ here and won a few hundred dollars. They had closed every second seat at all the tables.

The chip is a blue with 3 what I like to call sad face edge inserts. There are also 3 white denoms between the sad faces. The centre inlay is white with the casino name and location in dark blue. The casino logo is yellow and blue.

Last edited by: PokerGrinder on Jan 1, 2022
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 1st, 2022 at 10:15:05 PM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Kelowna
Casino: playtime

Today's chip of the day is from playtime Casino in Kelowna, BC. playtime Casino was rebranded from Lake City Casino on March 1, 2018. Playtime has 459 slot machines and 16 tables but quite a bit of both were closed when I visited in November. I mentioned that in my previous CotD I played Baccarat because it was the only game without a waiting list to play but in fact that was this casino and I have edited the last post.

The chip is off white/cream with 3 lime double rectangle edge inserts and the denom between each set of inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino name in black and the denom and location in red. The logo is 6 different coloured triangles that make up a larger triangle. I haven't looked back out of laziness but I don't remember seeing the property of BCLC on other chips. BCLC is the gaming commission.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 2nd, 2022 at 2:06:29 PM permalink
Doc just a small index correction needed. playtime has a lowercase p
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January 2nd, 2022 at 3:04:39 PM permalink
Thanks, PG. I hadn't paid any attention to that -- just habit that I capitalize casino names.

(Yes, there goes PG trying to keep me focused on my role at this forum! What else am I supposed to be doing? I haven't collected a single chip in more than 22 months!)
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January 2nd, 2022 at 5:39:55 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Thanks, PG. I hadn't paid any attention to that -- just habit that I capitalize casino names.

(Yes, there goes PG trying to keep me focused on my role at this forum! What else am I supposed to be doing? I haven't collected a single chip in more than 22 months!)
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Haha I have to keep you in line Doc!
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 2nd, 2022 at 7:59:04 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Sortis

Today's chip of the day is from Sortis Casino in Panama City, Panama. This trip was quite impromptu and although it was an enjoyable trip I wouldn't suggest a visit to anyone. There is a poker series that runs every year in Panama, they didn't run last year due to covid and decided only about 4-6 weeks before that they would run this year. Due to that they were short on players and were doing a lot of recruiting. I got a message from a friend that said he could get me a free room for a week if me and a friend came and played the $1500 main event. (turned out to be a $1200 main event with $300 going towards the "free" hotel so we barely saved any money on the hotel) I looked at flights and between travel time and price I wasn't interested. He then said if he could get me a cash incentive to show up would I, I said sure depending on the amount. He came back and told me that I would get $600 in FP chips. Based on the $300 value I said sure why not thinking I was getting a bit of the flight paid for and a free (wasn't) hotel. The first day my friend introduced me to Chico who was running everything poker and told him I was the one that was owed the FP chips. For days I asked for the chips from Chico and he kept saying tomorrow, I am sure you can all see where this is going. Anyway the main event had a guarantee of 500k so they needed 500 players or so or they would lose money. They didn't get anywhere near enough for the guarantee and lost about 105k by running it. Chico told me because of their loss he wasn't going to honour our agreement but I could come to the next series and get the chips then. I nicely said zero chance I ever come back to a series run by him. I was also promised that there would be large (10/20 and 25/25) no limit holdem games everyday and there was only 5/5 and it didn't start until very late most nights. Clearly they said whatever they had to say to get people to show up.

Now the good parts. The hotel was 4 stars and as good as advertised which made me happy. There were a large range of restaurants in the hotel and casino which were all very good. We ventured out a few times for food and the local food was amazing. The casino had 100-150 slot machines and 12 table games. I didn't play any slots after the first day when I found out about the 5.5% cash out fee for both your winnings and buy in, not worth my time. The slot machines were all the basics that you find stateside. Table game chips have the same cash out problem but one of the few good things the poker room guys did was have a float to buy in and cash out the poker players so that we didn't have to pay the fee. I ended up winning about $5400 USD over the 11 days I was there which more than covered the expenses of the trip. The local currency in Panama is the Balboa but only for the coins, all bills are USD. Balboa and USD are 1-1.

The chip is a white with 6 red/grey/red edge inserts and 6 red half moons. The centre inlay is a white sticker with the casino name and location in black and the denom in red. The casino logo is a green four leafed clover.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 3rd, 2022 at 8:26:43 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Royal

Today's chip of the day is from the Royal Casino in Panama City, Panama. Casino City says that Royal Casino has 400 slots and 30 table games and there is no chance either of those numbers are correct. I would say they had maybe 150 slots and 10 table games. Royal casino was only an 11 minute walk from my hotel. I played BJ and won the first handful of hands, I should have left... I didn't. I was up about $80 but only cashed out $50 and it cost me $2.75 to cash out the chips.

The chip is dirty! Jokes aside the chip is beige with the suits around the chip twice. The centre inlay is white with the casino name, location and chip denom in black. The other side of the chip the inlay is white with the casino logo consisting of 4 different colour playing cards and a black fancy "R".

Last edited by: PokerGrinder on Jan 4, 2022
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 4th, 2022 at 7:34:11 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

...The centre inlay is white with the casino name, location and chip denom in black.

Whaaat? Don't we deserve to see a picture of the chip side that actually shows the name of the casino?????

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January 4th, 2022 at 9:07:33 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Quote: PokerGrinder

...The centre inlay is white with the casino name, location and chip denom in black.

Whaaat? Don't we deserve to see a picture of the chip side that actually shows the name of the casino?????

link to original post

Oops my bad, I’ll fix it in a second. Also can’t believe someone finally replied to my post, thought I was alone in here lol.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 4th, 2022 at 10:52:24 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Mirage

Today's chip of the day is from Mirage Casino in Panama City, Panama. This was easily one of, if not the smallest casino I have ever been in. Mirage Casino was just a short 2 minute walk from the Royal Casino. They had about 40 slot machines and 3 table games. I bought in for $20 for the $3 minimum table and was given 20 $1 chips that said Royal Sonesta on them and 3 $1 promo chips that said the actual casino name Mirage on them. Every sign around the casino said Mirage so I have no idea what Royal Sonesta is or was. If you google map it you get a hotel/restaurant that is very far from the city centre. I couldn't find any mention of a casino there. Since the promo chips have the correct name I wanted to keep one but when I tried to bet the other 2 promo chips the dealer and pit boss told me in Spanish that I had to bet all 3 and were confused why I only had 2 of them, obviously 1 was in my pocket. Eventually after they wouldn't stop looking in the tray and pit stand for the missing chip I showed them I had 3. I bet the normal chips instead (lost $19) and pocketed all 3 promo chips plus 1 normal chip with the wrong name.

The first chip is white with 5 sets of blue edge inserts. Royal Sonesta Casino Panama is written in stencil font around the chip. The centre inlay has a turtle on a beach. There is a styalized "S" for Sonesta (I assume), the denom is blue and the location is white. The inlay on the other side of the chip has a giant gold styalized "S" with a blue butterfly and the denom over top. The denom and location are both blue. On the right hand side their is a logo that I can't make out, I have enlarged the picture and it is a "G" over top of a weird design.

The other chip is white with 6 sets of brown edge inserts and 12 brown dots around the chip. The centre inlay has a dark background with the casino name and denom in white except for the red "M".

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 5th, 2022 at 2:47:54 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

I bought in for $20 for the $3 minimum table and was given 20 $1 chips that said Royal Sonesta on them and 3 $1 promo chips that said the actual casino name Mirage on them. Every sign around the casino said Mirage so I have no idea what Royal Sonesta is or was.
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Is there a chance that they sold you another casino's chips along with thier own?
May the cards fall in your favor.
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January 5th, 2022 at 7:42:27 PM permalink
Quote: Dieter

Is there a chance that they sold you another casino's chips along with thier (sic) own?

That seems to be a common theme in some areas -- I have reported such things in regard to several establishments in the Caribbean. My usual comment is that they don't really care whose chips are in use and may have chips from multiple casinos in play. Sometimes, the different casino names on the chips are associated with different currencies for the chips.

BTW, PG, thanks for adding the missing chip image for the Royal Casino. Now, if you can figure out some history for that Royal Sonesta Casino, you might have a candidate for another CCotD post!
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January 5th, 2022 at 9:06:42 PM permalink
The G with the boxes design (not quite a quatrefoil) is something I have seen on Gemaco sample chips. The insert cutouts also look like Gemaco, although I haven't seen much with the five groups.

The styalized (sic) S does appear elsewhere with Sonesta's branding. Sonesta is hotel chain that has recently increased their holdings in the US.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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January 5th, 2022 at 9:43:51 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Quote: Dieter

Is there a chance that they sold you another casino's chips along with thier (sic) own?

That seems to be a common theme in some areas -- I have reported such things in regard to several establishments in the Caribbean. My usual comment is that they don't really care whose chips are in use and may have chips from multiple casinos in play. Sometimes, the different casino names on the chips are associated with different currencies for the chips.

BTW, PG, thanks for adding the missing chip image for the Royal Casino. Now, if you can figure out some history for that Royal Sonesta Casino, you might have a candidate for another CCotD post!
link to original post

I don’t think that there is much to find. What I assume is that the hotel used to have a casino and when it shut down they sold the chips to the now mirage casino to use. Like you said in that area of the world chips get passed around more than a hooker on a Friday night.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 5th, 2022 at 10:11:55 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Golden Lion

Today's chip of the day is from the Golden Lion Casino in Panama City, Panama. This casino is owned by the same guy that owns the Sortis Casino that I stayed at. I figured this was the case when a saw a Golden Lion chip in play at Sortis and knew it 100% was true when I saw a dealer dealing baccarat in a Golden Lion uniform at Sortis a couple of days later. Google says that this casino is permanently closed which I can guarantee it wasn't a month ago. I don't have a ton of info on their offerings because there is no website but from memory I would say they had around 200 slots and 10-12 table games including their HL room. Golden Lion was a 14 minute/$4 Uber ride from my hotel. The casino had 2 floors with an escalator to take you up to the 2nd floor where most of the slots and all of the table games were. I played $3 Bj and lost my $20 buy in other than my souvenir that I kept. I don't know if I have seen this before but the casino offered insurance on the dealer's face card not only the dealer ace. The payout was the same as normal insurance which makes this an atrocious bet. The other player at the table insured against every dealer 10 value card.

The chip is very similar to the one from Sortis. The chip is white with 6 red/grey/red edge inserts and 6 red half moons around the chip. The centre inlay is white with the casino name in gold and the logo also in gold since its the Golden Lion. The location is black and the denom is red.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 6th, 2022 at 11:02:09 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Ocean Sun

Today's chip of the day is from Ocean Sun Casino in Panama City, Panama. It was a $4 Uber from Golden Lion to Ocean Sun Casino attached to the Marriott hotel. This was probably the fanciest casino I went to in Panama and one of the biggest with 600 slots and 37 table games. Ocean Sun Casino was the only casino that had poker tables other than Sortis but they didn't have any players except the two guys who were trying to start the game. The 2/5 holdem had a max rake of $45 which is insane even compared to the insane rake of $25 that Sortis was charging. I played BJ and lost $100 before grabbing an Uber to the next casino.

The chip is light blue with the 8 suits around the chip. The centre inlay is brown with a sandy brown outline and all the writing in the same sandy brown. The casino name, location and denom are listed with a drawing off the casino hotel. The other side of the chip is brown with a sandy brown rectangle. The denom is brown on the rectangle with the casino name and location in sandy brown. The chip is made by Bud Jones.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 7th, 2022 at 10:28:03 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Majestic

Today's chip of the day is from the Majestic Casino in Panama City, Panama. I took an Uber for a whopping $2.50 to Majestic from Ocean Sun, I might need to take a loan out for all these Ubers. Majestic Casino is located inside of the Multicentro Mall beside the Radisson Hotel. I came across a few casinos in shopping malls in South America in 2019. Both Casinocity and the casino's website say that they have 370 slots and 30 table games which makes me think I might have missed a HL tables area or a poker room cause I sure didn't see 30 tables.

I played BJ to get my chip as I usually do but the game was odd. They had an added pay for making 21 like a side bet but you didn't have to make an extra bet. I checked all the rules and nothing was different to make up for the extra pays. The extra pays ranged from 2-1 for 5 card 21 and whatever the bottom of the card I will post says all the way to 20-1 for 3 suited 7's. The picture of the payout card isn't great as they were telling me not to take a picture as I did it. The other part of this was that they would pay you for the 21 as soon as you made it but then would still pay you 1-1 on the normal bet if your hand won. Once I made a 6 card 21 betting $10 so she paid me $30 and then made 21 as well so my $10 bet pushed. Another hand I had a $15 bet and got paid $45 for another 6 card 21 and then when the dealer made 18 I got paid $15 again, I was so confused. Almost forgot, I won $100 and then paid $6.88 to cash out my $125 in chips.

The chip is one of the worst in my collection of 1012 chips which is saying something. The edges of the chip are grinded down so bad that when I hold it with other chips this chip is noticeably smaller. The chip is beige with 8 suits around the edge of the chip. The chip is white with the Majestic logo of a joker's hat in orange and brown. The casino name is half orange and brown while the denom is orange and the location is brown. The other side of the chip has the casino owner's name (Cirsa), logo (apple with a hurricane inside it?) and the casino name in blue. The denom is orange again. Cirsa is also the owner of the Majestic Casino that I visited in Lima, Peru.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 8th, 2022 at 2:23:06 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

The other side of the chip has the casino owner's name (Cirsa), logo (apple with a hurricane inside it?) and the casino name in blue.
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The blue apple-hurricane with CIRSA below appears to be the logo they used around 2016, when they established operations in Panama.
Their current logo, a green apple with arcs suggesting leaves and CIRSA to the left, was apparently adopted by the end of 2018, likely coincident with a change in corporate ownership.
I don't recognize the "glove" logo, which I presume to be from the chip maker. Have we seen that elsewhere?
May the cards fall in your favor.
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January 8th, 2022 at 7:30:43 AM permalink
Quote: Dieter

... I don't recognize the "glove" logo, which I presume to be from the chip maker. Have we seen that elsewhere?

Perhaps I'm just not in on the joke, but I don't see a glove logo. Where is that?

I do see the manufacturer's logo. It is the BG just to the right of the word "CASINO" in PG's first chip image. The BG stands for Bourgogne et Grasset.
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January 8th, 2022 at 8:34:54 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

Quote: Dieter

... I don't recognize the "glove" logo, which I presume to be from the chip maker. Have we seen that elsewhere?

Perhaps I'm just not in on the joke, but I don't see a glove logo. Where is that?

I do see the manufacturer's logo. It is the BG just to the right of the word "CASINO" in PG's first chip image. The BG stands for Bourgogne et Grasset.
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That's the one. I struggle to get BG from it; looks like a glove with a gauntlet cuff to me, the upper bar of what is apparently the G looks like the thumb.

May the cards fall in your favor.
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January 8th, 2022 at 1:52:13 PM permalink
Quote: Dieter

That's the one. I struggle to get BG from it; looks like a glove with a gauntlet cuff to me, the upper bar of what is apparently the G looks like the thumb.


Here is another of PokerGrinder's chips with a BG logo that is perhaps a bit clearer. He did mention that his chip from the Majestic casino was in rather poor condition.
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January 8th, 2022 at 10:50:25 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

State: Arizona
City: Fort Yuma
Casino: Paradise

The Paradise casino in Fort Yuma is on the northern edge of metropolitan Yuma, on the California-Arizona border. It belongs to the Quechan tribe (Kwtsaan, pronounced "kwuh-tsan," is from the Yuma language meaning "those who descended," according to their web site.)

When I say it is on the border, I mean right on the border. This is one of those locations where the state border is not defined by the Colorado River but by an east-west line on dry ground. They have two buildings, with one to the north entirely in California and a larger one 20 feet to the south entirely in Arizona. (Note: Google Maps seems to show the border 15 or 20 feet too far south, unless there was some grievous surveying error during the construction phase. Check it out by searching on Google Maps for "Paradise Casino, Yuma, AZ".)

When I first visited the facility in 2003, they were operating two casinos on the site – a California casino in the north building and an Arizona casino in the south building, each known as Paradise Casino, or collectively as the Paradise Casinos. Players walking between the buildings were crossing the state line and were not permitted to carry alcohol with them. Chips were not transferrable between the two casinos.

The California casino was originally named the Quechan casino, later closed and reopened as the California edition of the Paradise casino, and later closed again. When I last visited in 2010, the north building appeared to be in use just as a warehouse or something. In 2009, the tribe had constructed a much larger and much more elaborate California casino resort, once again named the Quechan casino, about 7 miles to the west, just off I-8. I will, of course be covering that casino and presenting a chip when this thread reaches California, something that will begin in just two more days.

The Paradise casino opened in 1996, and even the Arizona edition may have originally been called the Quechan; I'm not really sure. It is located just half a mile away from and within sight of a nice historical tourist attraction, the Yuma Territorial Prison, which I visited the morning after my 2010 visit to the casino. I recommend a visit to the prison site, a state park, for anyone who has a couple of hours to spare in the area.

I don't recall how I fared in my gaming at either of the Paradise casinos in 2003, just prior to starting my chip-collecting habit, but in 2010 I managed to lose $25 at blackjack while collecting my souvenir. I drove within about half a mile of the place once again at the beginning of this month, but I didn't bother to stop back in. I don't remember it as a casino that really excited me on either visit.

The chip shown below is an off-white RHC Paulson hat and cane chip with four edge inserts, two purple and two tan. I don't think I understand the graphic in the center inlay, which appears to include a pair of leaping/diving dolphins. That graphic is used on their web site and on almost all of the Paradise casino chips shown in the MOGH catalog. Some of the other chips shown in the catalog are labeled both "Paradise "and "Fort Yuma Casino," with "Yuma, AZ" (without the "Fort") shown as the location. I'm not sure whether there is any significance to that.

Does anyone know what those dolphins are all about?

This is the last of my very limited set of Arizona chips, so you'll have to wait for someone else's collection to see what chips are like from all of the other places.

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This won’t affect you Doc as you’ve already collected there but Paradise in Yuma has brought back their table games. I went in 2016 or so and they didn’t have any tables so I guess I’ll have to make my way over there at some point again.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 8th, 2022 at 11:32:29 PM permalink
Last week I found out that Dover Downs had rebranded as Ballys Dover so I missed out on collecting a chip from Dover Downs. Today I found out I missed out on a chip I was planning on collecting on January 30 at Indiana Grand. Sadly they have rebranded as Horseshoe Indianapolis but on the bright side I will still go there and collect a new chip.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 8th, 2022 at 11:48:43 PM permalink
Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: StarBay

Today's chip of the day is from StarBay Casino in Panama City, Panama. StarBay is the last casino that I collected from in Panama. After Majestic I took an Uber (Couldn't find the first driver) to StarBay for $4.50. Starbay was on the smaller side but one of the nicer casinos in Panama, They had live music and dancing in the bar just off the casino floor and everyone was dressed for a night out. Casinocity is trying to claim that the casino has 470 slots and 27 table games but it was nowhere near either number, I counted the tables and there were only 8, I would guesstimate the slots at around 200. Only 5 of the 8 tables were open and each table only had 4 spots open due to the covid plexi glass. I had to sit around and wait for about 20 minutes to get a seat, I thought about leaving and coming back but I really didn't want to have to venture back another day. I bought in for $40 and lost $34 while keeping both a B/1 and B/5 chip because the B/1 chip was very faded but also the B/5 chip is quite nice. My favourite part of this casino is that they have their chips in Balboas not USD so I was able to add another currency to my collection. The Balboa is 1-1 with USD but all the other chips were denominated in dollars not Balboas. This is the 15th currency that I have collected a chip in now.

The B/1 chip is blue with 12 suits around the outside of the chip. The centre inlay has the casino name/logo, location and denom in black but is very faded. The B/5 chip is red with 3 sets of orange/pink edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino name and location in black and the denom in red. The gold star logo is above the casino name. As you can see the B/5 chip is a much higher quality than the B/1 chip.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 8th, 2022 at 11:53:49 PM permalink
If anyone is interested I now have chips in the following currencies:
US Dollar
Canadian Dollar
Thai Baht
Chinese Renminbi (interestingly enough this was collected in a Chinese baccarat room in Vietnam)
Indian Rupees
Sri Lankan Rupees
Colombian Pesos
Chilean Pesos
Hong Kong Dollar
Peruvian Soles
Singapore Dollar
Malaysian Ringitt
Panamanian Balboa
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 9th, 2022 at 7:08:54 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

... Paradise in Yuma has brought back their table games. I went in 2016 or so and they didn’t have any tables so I guess I’ll have to make my way over there at some point again.
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Man! By quoting my whole post about the Paradise casino and its chip, you dredged up some memories for me that had been buried rather deep. I think I have only been to Yuma three times in my life, twice in 2003 while on multi-state, work adventures and again in 2010 on a pleasure excursion, visiting that casino each time.

The first of those three visits, the work team I was with had spent the previous week in Barstow, CA before heading to Yuma. My colleagues insisted we were not going to spend our weekend in either Barstow or Yuma. Following their guidance, I joined them for two nights on my first visit ever to Las Vegas! I'll probably never make it to the Yuma area again.
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January 9th, 2022 at 9:47:36 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

Quote: PokerGrinder

... Paradise in Yuma has brought back their table games. I went in 2016 or so and they didn’t have any tables so I guess I’ll have to make my way over there at some point again.
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Man! By quoting my whole post about the Paradise casino and its chip, you dredged up some memories for me that had been buried rather deep. I think I have only been to Yuma three times in my life, twice in 2003 while on multi-state, work adventures and again in 2010 on a pleasure excursion, visiting that casino each time.

The first of those three visits, the work team I was with had spent the previous week in Barstow, CA before heading to Yuma. My colleagues insisted we were not going to spend our weekend in either Barstow or Yuma. Following their guidance, I joined them for two nights on my first visit ever to Las Vegas! I'll probably never make it to the Yuma area again.
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Good memories I hope. I mean it’s not exactly an exciting area in comparison to Vegas lol. I would never return but I have an addiction and need the chip.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 9th, 2022 at 10:24:01 AM permalink
I’ve been putting off posting my collection I grabbed in Texas earlier this year because honestly I don’t even know how many of the places I’m going to remember being in lol. I’ve run out of other chips to post so I guess I’ll start Texas later and apologize now for my lack of record keeping.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 9th, 2022 at 12:24:19 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Majestic

Today's chip of the day is from the Majestic Casino in Panama City, Panama. I took an Uber for a whopping $2.50 to Majestic from Ocean Sun, I might need to take a loan out for all these Ubers. Majestic Casino is located inside of the Multicentro Mall beside the Radisson Hotel. I came across a few casinos in shopping malls in South America in 2019. Both Casinocity and the casino's website say that they have 370 slots and 30 table games which makes me think I might have missed a HL tables area or a poker room cause I sure didn't see 30 tables.

I played BJ to get my chip as I usually do but the game was odd. They had an added pay for making 21 like a side bet but you didn't have to make an extra bet. I checked all the rules and nothing was different to make up for the extra pays. The extra pays ranged from 2-1 for 5 card 21 and whatever the bottom of the card I will post says all the way to 20-1 for 3 suited 7's. The picture of the payout card isn't great as they were telling me not to take a picture as I did it. The other part of this was that they would pay you for the 21 as soon as you made it but then would still pay you 1-1 on the normal bet if your hand won. Once I made a 6 card 21 betting $10 so she paid me $30 and then made 21 as well so my $10 bet pushed. Another hand I had a $15 bet and got paid $45 for another 6 card 21 and then when the dealer made 18 I got paid $15 again, I was so confused. Almost forgot, I won $100 and then paid $6.88 to cash out my $125 in chips.

The chip is one of the worst in my collection of 1012 chips which is saying something. The edges of the chip are grinded down so bad that when I hold it with other chips this chip is noticeably smaller. The chip is beige with 8 suits around the edge of the chip. The chip is white with the Majestic logo of a joker's hat in orange and brown. The casino name is half orange and brown while the denom is orange and the location is brown. The other side of the chip has the casino owner's name (Cirsa), logo (apple with a hurricane inside it?) and the casino name in blue. The denom is orange again. Cirsa is also the owner of the Majestic Casino that I visited in Lima, Peru.

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This rack card is reminiscent of the rules for Spanish21... Did you happen to notice if all the 10's, J's, Q's, and K's were present?

However, if you get paid TWICE for your bonus 21 hands, the game is +EV off-the-top, even is they're using Spanish decks.

Dog Hand

P.S. I enjoy these CoTD posts!
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January 9th, 2022 at 12:58:09 PM permalink
Quote: DogHand

Quote: PokerGrinder

Category: Central America
City: Panama City, Panama
Casino: Majestic

Today's chip of the day is from the Majestic Casino in Panama City, Panama. I took an Uber for a whopping $2.50 to Majestic from Ocean Sun, I might need to take a loan out for all these Ubers. Majestic Casino is located inside of the Multicentro Mall beside the Radisson Hotel. I came across a few casinos in shopping malls in South America in 2019. Both Casinocity and the casino's website say that they have 370 slots and 30 table games which makes me think I might have missed a HL tables area or a poker room cause I sure didn't see 30 tables.

I played BJ to get my chip as I usually do but the game was odd. They had an added pay for making 21 like a side bet but you didn't have to make an extra bet. I checked all the rules and nothing was different to make up for the extra pays. The extra pays ranged from 2-1 for 5 card 21 and whatever the bottom of the card I will post says all the way to 20-1 for 3 suited 7's. The picture of the payout card isn't great as they were telling me not to take a picture as I did it. The other part of this was that they would pay you for the 21 as soon as you made it but then would still pay you 1-1 on the normal bet if your hand won. Once I made a 6 card 21 betting $10 so she paid me $30 and then made 21 as well so my $10 bet pushed. Another hand I had a $15 bet and got paid $45 for another 6 card 21 and then when the dealer made 18 I got paid $15 again, I was so confused. Almost forgot, I won $100 and then paid $6.88 to cash out my $125 in chips.

The chip is one of the worst in my collection of 1012 chips which is saying something. The edges of the chip are grinded down so bad that when I hold it with other chips this chip is noticeably smaller. The chip is beige with 8 suits around the edge of the chip. The chip is white with the Majestic logo of a joker's hat in orange and brown. The casino name is half orange and brown while the denom is orange and the location is brown. The other side of the chip has the casino owner's name (Cirsa), logo (apple with a hurricane inside it?) and the casino name in blue. The denom is orange again. Cirsa is also the owner of the Majestic Casino that I visited in Lima, Peru.

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This rack card is reminiscent of the rules for Spanish21... Did you happen to notice if all the 10's, J's, Q's, and K's were present?

However, if you get paid TWICE for your bonus 21 hands, the game is +EV off-the-top, even is they're using Spanish decks.

Dog Hand

P.S. I enjoy these CoTD posts!
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Yes I checked and they were using the normal decks of cards. I found out from a friend that it is positive off the top but the max bet was $50 and Panama has a 5.5% cash out fee so I’m not sure if it would be worth much.

I’m glad you enjoy, sometimes I wonder when nobody responds for weeks lol.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 10th, 2022 at 10:06:26 PM permalink
State: Texas
City: Carrollton
Casino: Hideaway

Today's chip of the day is from The Hideaway Poker Club in Carrollton, Texas. The Hideaway Poker Club is in a suburb north of Dallas that runs 8 poker tables. When I got there they had a couple tables running. Since gambling isn't legal in Texas these cardrooms get around that rule by charging a daily, monthly or yearly membership fee along with an hourly fee to rent a seat at a table. No rake is taken so "technically" the club is legal but that is constantly debated and sometimes cops like to show up and shut down these types of clubs. Technically the chips in play are also not supposed to be used as tips so some of the clubs use tip chips, dollar bills or just say eff it and let the players tip the dealers with the normal chips. The next 50 or so chip of the days will be from these type of clubs around various Texas cities that I visited in March/April of last year. I played 1/3 NL Holdem for 2 or 3 hours before calling it a night as I had driven quite a few hours from Mississippi through Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma on a multiple day collecting trip. This club did use the tip chip and I almost kept one because it was so neat looking but I didn't know what I would do with it as it had no denomination on it.

The chip I did keep is blue with 4 edge inserts that are purple inside of beige and look kind of like a corn nut to me. There is a textured pattern around the edge of the chip. The centre inlay is white with the club name in grey and blue with the logo being pocket aces (clubs and spades I think but it is hard to know for sure given the size). The denom is gold with black edging.

This was the only picture that I had of the tip chips.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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January 11th, 2022 at 8:45:14 AM permalink
Wow! We are now just two months shy of a decade that this thread has been active, and this is just the second posted chip EVER from the state of Texas. Member rdw4potus posted the first such chip, from a tribal casino that claimed it wasn't really in Texas and still was having conflict with the state. And now PG has 50+ Texas casino (poker room) chips to show us. Have at it, man!
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January 11th, 2022 at 9:18:44 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

I’m glad you enjoy, sometimes I wonder when nobody responds for weeks lol.

Hi PG and everyone!
I'm sure many people are enjoying your posts but quietly, like me hahaha
I collected a few chips from Spain around September but kept pushing off the write up.
Maybe after you are done with all your TX chips I will have it ready...
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January 11th, 2022 at 11:33:36 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

This club did use the tip chip and I almost kept one because it was so neat looking but I didn't know what I would do with it as it had no denomination on it.
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Isn't there an old saying about not taking the wooden nickels? ;)
May the cards fall in your favor.
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January 12th, 2022 at 2:18:55 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

Wow! We are now just two months shy of a decade that this thread has been active, and this is just the second posted chip EVER from the state of Texas. Member rdw4potus posted the first such chip, from a tribal casino that claimed it wasn't really in Texas and still was having conflict with the state. And now PG has 50+ Texas casino (poker room) chips to show us. Have at it, man!
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I actually miscounted and only had 48 Texas chips to post. I did also stop at Kickapoo Lucky Eagle but since RDW posted that one years ago I obviously won't be.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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