Quote: PokerGrinderState: Wyoming
This is a new state for this thread which is cool after this many years.
Excellent! This is the first new category for this thread since I added Maine last September.
I have now updated the index to include the new category with this chip, as well as appending "Wyoming" to the thread's post#1 set of "Subsequent edits" #5 that lists the order that the categories were introduced.
After mentioning both South Beach and Manitoba in a reply earlier in the week, I must now admit that Wyoming is one more spot that I have never visited in my travels. Just this past Tuesday, a day after my wife and I arrived home from our cruise, I received a photo text message from a group of my friends -- two couples that include three folks who were my high school classmates. They were all standing next to a big sign that said "Leaving Yellowstone National Park", and the text said, "SOME classmates from BHS tour national parks instead of casinos." I replied that Yellowstone is on my bucket list, but I just don't know how far down it stands right now. Maybe I should check my geography and see just how far the park and geysers and such are from casinos! Lemmesee... GoogleMaps says that it is 160 miles or 3 hr 9 minutes from the south entrance of the park to Riverton, and CasinoCity.com says there is another casino with table games just 22 miles from there, so ....
Quote: DocPokerGrinder, you are doing just fine. All you have to do is keep it up on a daily basis for the next few months. I think rdw4potus said he has (or will have) a few to post when there is dead space in the thread, and I'm still looking for wezvidz to show up with some more. After my trip to Nevada for the 2015 WoV Spring Fling, I expect to have probably two more to post myself, but we will just look forward to seeing your collection for as long as you can keep it going.
Yes, I have chips from NH, PEI, MB, and QC (from my own crazy 4 day collecting trip last week). I expect some overlap with PG's chips, and I'm happy to let PG post first. by mid-summer, I hope to close out OK as well.
City: Lac du Flambeau
Casino: Lake of the Torches
Again no definite opening date which I think is odd but I can't seem to find it. The casino web site says Lake of the Torches opened over 20 years ago. Lake of the Torches is owned by the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. The casino has over 800 slot machines and about 10-12 table games if I remember correctly. The tables included BJ, roulette and craps. They also have a 500 seat bingo hall.
I only played maybe ten minutes of BJ to get my chip, winning some gas money in the process. I got this chip during a trip through MN, WI, MI to Caesars Windsor and then through IL, WI and MN on the way back. Collected about 35 chips in 4 days. Beautiful scenic route to drive around the great lakes.
The chip is a white Paulson hat and cane. The chip has 4 inserts around the edges (green, gold). Both sides of the chip are the same. The centre inlay is grey with the Lake of the Torches logo on it.

My chip is bigger than most. It doesn't even fit in the box that I use for the others. Is the $1 chip similarly large? I think, 43mm instead of 39mm?
Also, Hey Doc...4 days...4 states...pretty drive...35 casinos...:-)
My almost-two-years-late corrective action has been to list rdw's post in the index as covering the Lake of the Torches and to edit my post immediately following that one to acknowledge my error and to recommend that any visitors that find that post also check out PokerGrinder's $1 chip on this page.
So here's PokerGrinder's minimalist point of recognition for posting this chip and bringing to light my error from 2013: This thread now has exactly 800 casinos represented. I'll leave it for debate as to whether the Lake of the Torches Casino or the Wind River Casino is number 800. At least back in post #1 where I keep the running count updated, I do say, "... subject to errors I make in keeping track of this...."
Quote: DocSo here's PokerGrinder's minimalist point of recognition for posting this chip and bringing to light my error from 2013: This thread now has exactly 800 casinos represented. I'll leave it for debate as to whether the Lake of the Torches Casino or the Wind River Casino is number 800. At least back in post #1 where I keep the running count updated, I do say, "... subject to errors I make in keeping track of this...."
I think Wind River is number 800 since Lake of the Torches came first IMO.
Also the $1 chip is not larger, it is the same size as most of my other chips.
City: Coquitlam, British Columbia
Casino: Hard Rock
The Hard Rock Casino opened on December 20, 2013, it is the former Boulevard Casino. The Hard Rock has 950 slot machines as well as over 20 table games including BJ, DD, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Roulette, 4- card Poker, Ultimate Texas Holdem and Craps. The Casino also has a large poker room which is one of the better rooms in Vancouver.
I got my chip when I took a trip there last summer. This is by far my favorite casino in Vancouver. Everything looks brand new and they have done a good job to make it look like other Hard Rock properties with memorabilia everywhere. I played DD to get my chip and ended up winning a couple hundred bucks.
The chip is turquoise with three white inserts around edge. Not sure what the stepped double edge insert is called, not sure if I have seen another chip like it before. The centre inlay is black with grey writing. The front kind of looks like heads in a crowd at a concert, not sure if anyone else sees that? The back of the chip is some sort of design that I can't seem to make out. Either way this is one of my favorite chips for how funky it is.

Didn't forget to upload them, did you?
I think we really would like to see a "funky" chip. I'll add this one to the directory when the images are working.
Thanks for the restoration.
City: Burnaby, British Columbia
Casino: Grand Villa
Grand Villa Casino opened in November, 2008. It is owned by Gateway Casinos and Entertainment which owns 9 of the casinos in BC. Grand Villa has over 1100 slot machines and 48 tables games including BJ, Roulette, 3 Card Poker, 4 Card Poker, Baccarat and Pai Gow. The casino also has a 8 table poker room.
I don't have too much to say about being there as I more or less hit n run the place, or I should say they hit me and I ran as I lost my $100 very quickly. Seems like a really nice place, very large.
The chip a little disappointing as the centre inlay looks like a cheap grainy printout from a bad home printer. Anyways besides that it is a white chip with brown inserts in the same double stepped fashion as the Hard Rock chip. Upon looking at all my BC chips they seem to all have this same feature. The centre inlay as previously mentioned looks quite cheap. Both sides of the chip are the same.

Does the little logo appear on other things at the casino?
Quote: PokerGrinder... it is a white chip with brown inserts in the same double stepped fashion as the Hard Rock chip.
Well, I guess I have to confess some confusion about the sources of some plastic chips, and this is after I have criticized the MOGH catalog for attributing every plastic chip to Bud Jones.
The Hard Rock and Grand Villa chips both appear to be from the same vendor and very similar to chips that I have attributed to Matsui. For examples, the ones that I posted from Casino New Brunswick, the River Rock, and the Edgewater, though I noted those last two had Matsui distributor TCS John Huxley logos that showed up under UV light. Based on those previous identifications, and kenarman's comments about the number of Canadian casinos owned by the same company, I was ready to declare that the Hard Rock and Grand Villa chips must really be from Matsui, along with perhaps others from affiliated casinos.
Then I checked my post from last June that included several chips from casinos that rdw4potus had already covered. One of those was my chip from the Great Blue Heron casino. That chip has the exact same pattern as PokerGrinder's Grand Villa chip (except for colors), and danged if my Great Blue Heron chip doesn't have a Bud Jones logo that shows up under UV light. I guess I just have to say that I don't really know....
Also Doc I looked at all my British Columbia chips and they are all the exact same model of chip. The others all have better quality inlays but otherwise they are the same style.
City: Cranbrook, British Columbia
Casino: Casino of the Rockies
Casino of the Rockies opened in September, 2002. The Casino is located obviously in the Canadian Rockies, 5 minutes from the Canadian Rockies International Airport. It is a smaller casino with 239 slot machines and 8 tables (if I remember correctly) including BJ, Roulette, Ultimate Texas Holdem and Three Card Poker.
I went there on a day trip from Calgary, if I remember correctly it was about a 3.5 hour drive each way. It is a really beautiful drive through/to the Rockies on the way there in light of day. The way back it was too dark out to see anything so it was just another highway drive. I played BJ to get my chip and won about $400, itwas a really nice trip.
The chip is the same model as the other British Columbia chips. Plastic white chip with 8 green inserts around the edge with a long green insert under each pair of smaller inserts, not sure about you guys but they kind of look like sad faces :( to me. The centre inlay is white with the golf course logo and name on the front and the casino name and location on the back.

Quote: PokerGrinderCategory: Canada
City: Cranbrook, British Columbia
Casino: Casino of the Rockies
Thanks for the post PokerGrinder. Hmmm, is the logo an imposing structure on the property, or the "All Seeing Eye"... (I also see sad faces...). It doesn't say "golf" to me.
A 3.5 hour drive each way is hardly a day trip to me. One could almost get to Los Angeles from Las Vegas in that time. There is some awesome scenery in the Canadian Rockies though.
I guess it isn't a short drive but I have definitely done much longer trips then this.
City: Kamloops, British Columbia
Casino: Lake City
Lake City Casino Kamloops is one of 4 Lake City Casinos in British Columbia. The casino opened in 1992. The casino's website doesn't mention how many slot machines are there but from my memory I would say about 200-250 slot machines as the gaming floor wasn't very big. As far as table games I think there were 6-8 and they included BJ, Roulette, Pai Gow, 4 Card poker and Baccarat.
I visited this casino on the back end of my trip from Calgary to Vancouver and back to Calgary. It was a nice small casino, only played about 20 minutes of Pai Gow to get my chip then got back to driving, I won $20.
We have another of the BC plastic chips. It is white with double stepped edge inserts with the outer inserts being turquoise/brown/turquoise and the inner insert being just turquoise. The centre inlay is white with the Lake City logo which looks like a shark fin and the location of the casino.

Quote: PokerGrinder... what is WoV Spring Fling?
City: Kelowna, British Columbia
Casino: Lake City
Lake City Casino Kelowna is the 2nd of 4 Lake City Casinos in British Columbia. The casino opened in 1998. The casino has over 500 slot machines I don't really remember the casino very well as it was a hit and run but I think they had about 8 table games (don't quote me on that). The table games included BJ, Ultimate Texas Holdem, Pai Gow, 3 Card poker and Baccarat. The casino also has a poker room.
This casino was also on my drive back to Calgary from Vancouver, I don't remember too much about the casino other than I think it was on the second floor of the building (might have been Lake City Kamloops but I don't think so). I think I played BJ to get my chip.
This is the same model as the rest of the BC plastic chips. It is white with double stepped edge inserts with the outer inserts being blue/red/blue and the inner insert being just blue . The centre inlay is white with the Lake City logo which looks like a shark fin and the location of the casino. Both sides of the chip are the same

I don't think that's a shark's fin -- looks more like a sailboat to me, likely on whatever lake the casino is named for.
Quote: DocWell, I've made it to Las Vegas, and we're sitting in a restaurant waiting for dessert to arrive. While I can't edit the directory from my phone, I can post.
I don't think that's a shark's fin -- looks more like a sailboat to me, likely on whatever lake the casino is named for.
Wish I were there! Have fun!
That's absolutely (to my eyes) a monohull sloop sailing towards your left on a double wave, in front of the sun.
Quote: DocI don't think that's a shark's fin -- looks more like a sailboat to me, likely on whatever lake the casino is named for.
Oh wow I never saw that Doc but you are right it does look like a boat on waves to me now.
City: Penticton, British Columbia
Casino: Lake City
Well I guess I will post the last of my Lake City Casinos. Lake City Casino Penticton opened in 2000. There is also a Lake City Casino in Vernon but they don't have table games. The casino has over 300 slot machines, I don't recall how many table games they have but their website says they have BJ, Pai Gow, 3 Card Poker and Roulette.
I hit n run this casino during the same road trip as I hit the other Lake City Casinos. The casino is right by the beach, I played BJ and won $30.
It is the same model chip as the other Lake City chips. The chip has four sets of three small blue edge inserts with a larger blue insert below it. The centre inlay is white with a bigger version of what we now know to be the sailboat logo. It says Lake City Casino and Canada on it but doesn't say the city for some reason. Both sides of the chip are the same.

City: Langley, British Columbia
Casino: Cascades
The next chip of the day is the Cascades Casino in Langley, BC. Cascades Casino opened in May, 2005. This casino is quite large and really nice normally... When I visited however there was major construction going on which made for quite unenjoyable gaming. As you walked into the casino they handed everyone ear plugs because the noise from the construction was so loud. Cascades has over 800 slot machines and a ton of table games. I am not sure how many they normally have because construction had certain areas closed but I would say they had over 30 tables when I was there. The tables included BJ, Baccarat, DD, Pai Gow, 4 Card Poker, Roulette, 3 Card Poker and Ultimate Texas Holem.
As I said the construction was crazy loud when I was there so I didn't stay long but I did play about fifteen hands of Pai Gow and broke even.
The chip is a white plastic chip with double stepped brown inserts around the edge. The centre inlay is white with the Cascades logo and casino name. I really like how this chip uses three different colours on the centre inlay (orange, blue and brown).

Quote: AyecarumbaThe "World's Largest" casino collectible convention is coming to Las Vegas in June. Has anyone been before?
Leave it to South Point: "Admission to show floor available with photo ID". Do people get backed off from the show too? :-)
City: New Westminster, British Columbia
Casino: Starlight
Next chip of the day is the Starlight Casino in New Westminster, BC. The casino opened in December, 2007. Casino web site doesn't say how many slots it has but for table games it has BJ, DD, Craps, Roulette, Pai Gow, Pai Gow Tiles, Baccarat, 4 Card Poker, 3 Card Poker and Ultimate Texas Holdem.
Sadly this casino is a complete blur to me, clearly I went in and played 5 minutes and left just to get my chip cause I don't remember it at all.
The chip is the exact model as Cascades casino down to the colour. It is white with double stepped brown edge inserts. A white centre inlay with the casino name in red and the denomination in brown. Both sides of the chip are the same.

City: Surrey, British Columbia
Casino: Fraser Downs
Last chip of the day from my British Columbia collection! This one comes from the Fraser Downs Racetrack and Casino. Fraser Downs opened in November, 2004. The casino has over 400 slot machines and if I remember correctly 8 table games including BJ, Baccarat, Free Bet BJ, 4 Card Poker, Roulette and Ultimate Texas Holdem. They also have a poker room.
I played Bj to get my chip, lost $150 in the process so this $1 chip was definitely not cheap!
The chip is the same model as the previously posted River Rock Casino. It is a white chip with dark blue double stepped edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino name, location and denomination all in black. There is also a light green shiny spade behind the denomination, it is a nice touch as it makes it look a little fancier.

City: Carlyle, Saskatchewan
Casino: Bear Claw
Today I will start posting the province of Saskatchewan. There are 8 casinos in Saskatchewan, 6 Indian and 2 government run. Bear Claw Casino is located about 50 minutes north of the Canada/US border. The casino originally opened in 1993 and was the first Indian casino to open in Saskatchewan. It was first opened illegally and was shut down multiple times before finally being granted the right to open legally in 1996. It was the first of six eventual Indian casinos to open in the province. The website doesn't say how many slots they have but I would estimate it at 150-200 based on the small size of the casino. They also have 4 table games 2 BJ, a poker table and this game called Phil Em Up which is a dealer dealt poker game.
I visited the Bear Claw casino on a mini 4 casino road trip through Saskatchewan a couple of months ago. I played the Phil Em Up game for about 20 minutes and was thoroughly bored by the game.I lost $50, but as I was walking to the exit from the cashier I saw a slot machine I like to throw $20 bucks in sometimes and hit the bonus which paid $950 so the casino trip was a success! So unlike Fraser Downs Casino where I paid $150 for my chip this casino paid me $900 to take their chip.
The chip is a white Paulson hat and cane. The chip has three edge inserts (orange, light blue and purple). The centre inlay is peach with a purple claw on it and it kind of looks like a smaller peach claw on the purple claw. That is just my perspective what do you all think? As well the Bear Claw logo and casino name along with the location are all in black. The chip is the same on both sides. You can sort of see it in the picture, the centre inlay is textured.

City: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Casino: Casino Moose Jaw
Today's chip of the day comes from Casino Moose Jaw which is, yes you guessed it, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Casino Moose Jaw opened in September, 2002. It is one of the two non Indian casinos in the province. The casino's website is not the most helpful as it says Casino Moose Jaw and Casino Regina have over 1100 slots between them. From being in the casinos I would say it is roughly a 300/800 split with Casino Moose Jaw have the smaller amount as the casino is a bit petite. Casino Moose Jaw has 8 tables if I remember correctly and they include BJ, 3 Card Poker and Roulette.
The first time I visited this casino was on during a road trip to Calgary about 4 years ago. We didn't stay long as it was just a chance to get out of the car and stretch our legs. Played some $5 BJ to my chip.
The chip is an interesting one because you have to look to find the chips that are for the separate casinos as the majority of the chips that are now in play are Casino Regina and Casino Moose Jaw chips. You have to search a little bit to find the chips that don't have both casinos on the chip. If you look at the casino on MoGH you can see what I am talking about. My Casino Moose Jaw chip is beige with a white area around the edge. I believe the white rim is meant to be there and not just wear. The middle of the chip is white with the casino name in blue and the "CMJ" logo in the background.

I started collecting chips a while back, but there was really no rhyme or reason to what I acquired. I picked some up at casinos directly, some on eBay that struck my eye, and some at a yard sale a few years ago. I have a mix of $1, $5, and other odd denominations (50 cent, $2, $2.50, $4, etc.) I've decided that going forward, I'm going to collect $5 chips from casinos that I visit and gamble at directly.
I would be happy to put up some pictures of the oddball chips I've got, if this would interest anyone. From the quick glance I gave last night to the stacks I have, it looks like most (if not all) are casinos that have already been covered here at some point. They would all just be different denominations or other variations of what has already been posted.
Quote: thegov2k2... Thanks to Doc, rdw, PokerGrinder, and everyone else who posted.
I would be happy to put up some pictures of the oddball chips I've got, if this would interest anyone.
You're quite welcome, and thanks for your interest.
As you probably noticed during your two-week read, we tried to maintain an "of-the-day" theme, but all the active wells ran dry periodically. Now, PokerGrinder has the thread back alive for a while.
Let me offer this suggestion for your oddball chips, if you anticipate keeping up with the thread. Wait for PokerGrinder to finish posting his collection. Then, if the thread goes comotose again, try posting two or three images of oddball chips together in a single post, with explanations. You could do this daily or every few days, not as a chip of the day, but as entertainment for the forum and something to keep the thread alive.
Are you up for that?
Quote: DocYou're quite welcome, and thanks for your interest.
As you probably noticed during your two-week read, we tried to maintain an "of-the-day" theme, but all the active wells ran dry periodically. Now, PokerGrinder has the thread back alive for a while.
Let me offer this suggestion for your oddball chips, if you anticipate keeping up with the thread. Wait for PokerGrinder to finish posting his collection. Then, if the thread goes comotose again, try posting two or three images of oddball chips together in a single post, with explanations. You could do this daily or every few days, not as a chip of the day, but as entertainment for the forum and something to keep the thread alive.
Are you up for that?
I am definitely up for that. I try to come on every day, but I sometimes forget on the weekends (like most). Seems like for quite a few, this is a diversion from the work we're supposed to be doing during the day. ;)
I plan to go through my chips over the next few days and clean them up a little, since they've been sitting out in stacks collecting dust for the past 2 years. I want to see whether using my flatbed scanner, digital camera, or smartphone will take the best pictures. My money is on the digital camera, since I actually know how to get that into macro mode and take pictures of small items.
I probably have about 3 dozen chips at most, and I plan to start grabbing them from casinos in (reasonable) driving distance at some point. I mentioned this to my wife last night, and received a measured "yes" from her as to whether she was on board with this. We'll see how that goes for real. We've made some crazy road trips in the past, and even a few involving casinos, so I don't anticipate much resistance.
Do you think I should only post my true oddball chips (50 cent, $4, etc) or anything that is different from those already posted? I ask because, for instance, I have a $1 chip from the Boardwalk that is from when it was a Holiday Inn, which would be different from the one you have posted. I also have a $2.50 chip from the Sands in Atlantic City, obtained in the 2 weeks or so before they closed. I just want to have a gameplan in mind.
I encourage you to check into what's involved in posting images here, since as a start you must have the images hosted somewhere else and publicly accessible.
I'll get home tomorrow and will be better able to discuss this -- I'm posting now from my phone and with difficulty.
I can definitely get the pictures uploaded somewhere that they will be publicly accessible.
Take your time on getting back. If you want to email me directly, you can email my handle here, at that Google email service.
City: Regina, Saskatchewan
Casino: Casino Regina
Today's chip of the day is the other government run casino in Saskatchewan. Casino Regina opened in 1996. The casino is a former train station, similar to a previous chip of the day post I posted, McPhillips Street Station Casino. Casino Regina has around 800 slot machines and over 30 table games including BJ, Baccarat, Roulette, Texas Hold’Em Bonus, Three Card Poker and Craps. They also have a ten table poker room.
I have been to this casino so many times now for their semi annual poker tournament series that I am really not sure at this point how many years ago I got this chip or in what manner, though I assume it was while playing poker.
The chip is very basic. Not sure what colour to list this as, almost a gold/brown. Thoughts? The centre inlay is white with Casino Regina and the denomination in Green and the CR logo behind that.

Quote: PokerGrinder
The chip is very basic. Not sure what colour to list this as, almost a gold/brown. Thoughts?
I'd have to say that's mustard, if you ask me.
Quote: thegov2k2I'd have to say that's mustard, if you ask me.
You think so? It seems almost sand colour...
P.S Doc isn't here to mark it so I thought that I would. This is the 500 page of the thread, pretty cool!
I'm checking in from the Atlanta airport during a layover on my way home. After I catch some Zs, I will update the index for this thread and maybe get some photos posted in the 2015 Spring Fling thread.
Thanks for keeping the discussion going.