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a policy of making employees re-apply and
have to be re-hired every 4 years. This is an
atrocious policy and shows us what casinos
really think about the people who work for
them. This could be the industry standard
everywhere very soon, its a way to keep the
workers 'appealing' to the public. And people
scoff when I call casinos the DarkSide..
Its going to make casino jobs transient, and no
longer careers. You could see this coming, it
was inevitable.
At any rate, it's not entirely "news" or confined to casinos.
Similar tactics are used in other industries.
Quote: DJTeddyBear
Similar tactics are used in other industries.
Its news to me. Which other industries make
you reapply every 4 years? Its appalling.
Quote: EvenBobIts news to me. Which other industries make
you reapply every 4 years? Its appalling.
You vote, right?
Quote: MathExtremistYou vote, right?
I don't think he meant politics.
Quote: DJTeddyBearI thought this was already discussed here.
In what thread? I searched rehire, reapply, and other key
words and found bupkis.
Most jobs don't do this because it's costly to implement, not because of any sense of charity (of course there are examples of other industries that do - anything using third party contractors, arts, sports, etc). What's really telling is that the casino thinks its worth the cost to do this. That says something to me about the number of bad apples employees in AC.
I wonder if they are going to have employees... take the matter of providing a severance package into their own hands. It happens, but it's more lucrative in a casino.
I could see this effecting those with higher leveled positions.
I agree with you, I wouldn't want to work for a company that makes you reapply for your job every 4 years, but then again, I would never work for a casino.
a different testing office. Any quesses which office got shut down 6 months later ??
Quote: EvenBob"Marketed as a method of keeping its employees young and fresh, it is a means of getting rid of unsatisfactory employees with little liability, reducing annual wage increases customarily a part of the long-term employment process, and reducing payrolls in general. It is a bean-counter's solution to rising payroll costs and the need to really train and discipline employees."
Its going to make casino jobs transient, and no
longer careers. You could see this coming, it
was inevitable.
Wow!!! This sounds like an excellent plan to get rid of federal employees.
Aside note, the reason that the US mail is going broke is because we are still paying for mail that was delivered 30 years ago. With all the pensions and benfits, it can only fail.
Oh Sure, the decision makers will keep only the best employees, not the best connected. LOL
Quote: AceCrAAckersAside note, the reason that the US mail is going broke is because we are still paying for mail that was delivered 30 years ago.
As well as all the mail that it failed to deliver for the past thirty years, too. And the USPS cycling Team.
But it is nice to know that one sport , bicycling, has not been corrupted by steroids and drugs. LOL