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December 21st, 2011 at 11:42:58 AM permalink
The Wiz' newest article on the WoO site is about Win Big Poker.

I assume it's a new flavor of video poker. Since I rarely play any slots, I didn't give it much thought.

It pays 1 for Jacks or Better, but zero for two pair. This provides money that can be shifted around for a more interesting pay table. Fair enough.

But I stated to think about it. My first thought was that if you have a pair of jacks or better, plus a second pair, obviously, discard the second pair to get paid on the jacks. Except according to the Wiz' article, in such a case, the jacks get paid anyway.

But I thought more about it. What is the correct strategy in that situation? Keep the two pair for a 4/47 chance for a boat, or just the jacks for a 2/47 + 2/46 + 2/45 chance for trips, plus additional (albeit slim) chances for a different boat as well as quads?

And then I REALLY started to think about it.

I accept that the two pair doesn't pay more than jacks, but shouldn't two small pairs pay anyway? After all, it qualifies for the "or better" part.

I wonder if the machine really says "One pair, Jacks or Better" or if the machine says "One pair, Jacks thru Aces".

On a side note, the four pay tables shown, have slightly different combination totals for the various hand ranks. Why is that?
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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December 21st, 2011 at 12:16:57 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

I accept that the two pair doesn't pay more than jacks, but shouldn't two small pairs pay anyway? After all, it qualifies for the "or better" part.

I would disagree, as apparently would the game manufacturer. Though I can understand the argument.

When the Wizard first put the game up, I disagreed with the low returns (91% or less) and thought that something must have been wrong; that's when I too figured that a hand like J-J-2-2-3 must pay the prize for Jacks or Better because the rules usually say, "Only highest win awarded" and between the prize for Jacks or Better and the non-prize for Two Pair, then the prize for Jacks or Better is the highest win. I then recalculated the game under that assumption, and the returns looked more "normal".

Quote: DJTeddyBear

On a side note, the four pay tables shown, have slightly different combination totals for the various hand ranks. Why is that?

Because a different paytable alters the strategy; a different strategy alters the final outcomes.

Quote: DJTeddyBear

What is the correct strategy in that situation?

Here is the basic strategy for the 99.0264% paytable:
Type of Play Details
Five Cards Full House; Straight Flush; Royal Flush
Four of a Kind 2222; 3333; 4444; 5555; 6666; 7777; 8888;
4 to a Royal Flush TJQA; TJQK; TJKA; TQKA; JQKA
4 to a Straight Flush 2345; 3456; 4567; 5678; 6789; 789T;
89TJ; 9TJQ
Five Cards Flush
4 to a Straight Flush A234; A235; A245; A345; 2346; 2356;
2456; 3457; 3467; 3567; 4568; 4578;
4678; 5679; 5689; 5789; 678T; 679T;
689T; 789J; 78TJ; 79TJ; 89TQ; 89JQ;
Three of a Kind 222; 333; 444; 555; 666; 777; 888; 999;
Five Cards Straight
3 to a Royal Flush TJQ
Two Pair 2233; 2244; 2255; 2266; 2277; 2288;
2299; 22TT; 22JJ; 22QQ; 22KK; 22AA;
3366; 3377; 3388; 3399; 33TT; 33JJ;
33QQ; 33KK; 33AA; 4477; 4488; 4499;
44TT; 44JJ; 44QQ; 44KK; 44AA; 5588;
5599; 55TT; 55JJ; 55QQ; 55KK; 55AA;
6699; 66TT; 66JJ; 66QQ; 66KK; 66AA;
77TT; 77JJ; 77QQ; 77KK; 77AA; 88JJ;
88QQ; 88KK; 88AA; 99JJ; 99QQ; 99KK;
4 to a Flush 2347; 2348; 2349; 234T; 234J; 234Q;
234K; 2357; 2358; 2359; 235T; 235J;
235Q; 235K; 236A; 2367; 2368; 2369;
236T; 236J; 236Q; 236K; 237A; 2378;
2379; 237T; 237J; 237Q; 237K; 238A;
2389; 238T; 238J; 238Q; 238K; 239A;
239T; 239J; 239Q; 239K; 23TA; 23TJ;
23TQ; 23TK; 23JA; 23JQ; 23JK; 23QA;
23QK; 23KA; 2457; 2458; 2459; 245T;
245J; 245Q; 245K; 246A; 2467; 2468;
2469; 246T; 246J; 246Q; 246K; 247A;
2478; 2479; 247T; 247J; 247Q; 247K;
248A; 2489; 248T; 248J; 248Q; 248K;
249A; 249T; 249J; 249Q; 249K; 24TA;
24TJ; 24TQ; 24TK; 24JA; 24JQ; 24JK;
24QA; 24QK; 24KA; 256A; 2567; 2568;
2569; 256T; 256J; 256Q; 256K; 257A;
2578; 2579; 257T; 257J; 257Q; 257K;
258A; 2589; 258T; 258J; 258Q; 258K;
259A; 259T; 259J; 259Q; 259K; 25TA;
25TJ; 25TQ; 25TK; 25JA; 25JQ; 25JK;
25QA; 25QK; 25KA; 267A; 2678; 2679;
267T; 267J; 267Q; 267K; 268A; 2689;
268T; 268J; 268Q; 268K; 269A; 269T;
269J; 269Q; 269K; 26TA; 26TJ; 26TQ;
26TK; 26JA; 26JQ; 26JK; 26QA; 26QK;
26KA; 278A; 2789; 278T; 278J; 278Q;
278K; 279A; 279T; 279J; 279Q; 279K;
27TA; 27TJ; 27TQ; 27TK; 27JA; 27JQ;
27JK; 27QA; 27QK; 27KA; 289A; 289T;
289J; 289Q; 289K; 28TA; 28TJ; 28TQ;
28TK; 28JA; 28JQ; 28JK; 28QA; 28QK;
28KA; 29TA; 29TJ; 29TQ; 29TK; 29JA;
29JQ; 29JK; 29QA; 29QK; 29KA; 2TJA;
2JKA; 2QKA; 3458; 3459; 345T; 345J;
345Q; 345K; 346A; 3468; 3469; 346T;
346J; 346Q; 346K; 347A; 3478; 3479;
347T; 347J; 347Q; 347K; 348A; 3489;
348T; 348J; 348Q; 348K; 349A; 349T;
349J; 349Q; 349K; 34TA; 34TJ; 34TQ;
34TK; 34JA; 34JQ; 34JK; 34QA; 34QK;
34KA; 356A; 3568; 3569; 356T; 356J;
356Q; 356K; 357A; 3578; 3579; 357T;
357J; 357Q; 357K; 358A; 3589; 358T;
358J; 358Q; 358K; 359A; 359T; 359J;
359Q; 359K; 35TA; 35TJ; 35TQ; 35TK;
35JA; 35JQ; 35JK; 35QA; 35QK; 35KA;
367A; 3678; 3679; 367T; 367J; 367Q;
367K; 368A; 3689; 368T; 368J; 368Q;
368K; 369A; 369T; 369J; 369Q; 369K;
36TA; 36TJ; 36TQ; 36TK; 36JA; 36JQ;
36JK; 36QA; 36QK; 36KA; 378A; 3789;
378T; 378J; 378Q; 378K; 379A; 379T;
379J; 379Q; 379K; 37TA; 37TJ; 37TQ;
37TK; 37JA; 37JQ; 37JK; 37QA; 37QK;
37KA; 389A; 389T; 389J; 389Q; 389K;
38TA; 38TJ; 38TQ; 38TK; 38JA; 38JQ;
38JK; 38QA; 38QK; 38KA; 39TA; 39TJ;
39TQ; 39TK; 39JA; 39JQ; 39JK; 39QA;
39QK; 39KA; 3TJA; 3TJK; 3TQA; 3TQK;
3TKA; 3JQA; 3JQK; 3JKA; 3QKA; 456A;
4569; 456T; 456J; 456Q; 456K; 457A;
4579; 457T; 457J; 457Q; 457K; 458A;
4589; 458T; 458J; 458Q; 458K; 459A;
459T; 459J; 459Q; 459K; 45TA; 45TJ;
45TQ; 45TK; 45JA; 45JQ; 45JK; 45QA;
45QK; 45KA; 467A; 4679; 467T; 467J;
467Q; 467K; 468A; 4689; 468T; 468J;
468Q; 468K; 469A; 469T; 469J; 469Q;
469K; 46TA; 46TJ; 46TQ; 46TK; 46JA;
46JQ; 46JK; 46QA; 46QK; 46KA; 478A;
4789; 478T; 478J; 478Q; 478K; 479A;
479T; 479J; 479Q; 479K; 47TA; 47TJ;
47TQ; 47TK; 47JA; 47JQ; 47JK; 47QA;
47QK; 47KA; 489A; 489T; 489J; 489Q;
489K; 48TA; 48TJ; 48TQ; 48TK; 48JA;
48JQ; 48JK; 48QA; 48QK; 48KA; 49TA;
49TJ; 49TQ; 49TK; 49JA; 49JQ; 49JK;
49QA; 49QK; 49KA; 4TJA; 4TJK; 4TQA;
567A; 567T; 567J; 567Q; 567K; 568A;
568T; 568J; 568Q; 568K; 569A; 569T;
569J; 569Q; 569K; 56TA; 56TJ; 56TQ;
56TK; 56JA; 56JQ; 56JK; 56QA; 56QK;
56KA; 578A; 578T; 578J; 578Q; 578K;
579A; 579T; 579J; 579Q; 579K; 57TA;
57TJ; 57TQ; 57TK; 57JA; 57JQ; 57JK;
57QA; 57QK; 57KA; 589A; 589T; 589J;
589Q; 589K; 58TA; 58TJ; 58TQ; 58TK;
58JA; 58JQ; 58JK; 58QA; 58QK; 58KA;
59TA; 59TJ; 59TQ; 59TK; 59JA; 59JQ;
59JK; 59QA; 59QK; 59KA; 5TJA; 5TJK;
5QKA; 678A; 678J; 678Q; 678K; 679A;
679J; 679Q; 679K; 67TA; 67TJ; 67TQ;
67TK; 67JA; 67JQ; 67JK; 67QA; 67QK;
67KA; 689A; 689J; 689Q; 689K; 68TA;
68TJ; 68TQ; 68TK; 68JA; 68JQ; 68JK;
68QA; 68QK; 68KA; 69TA; 69TJ; 69TQ;
69TK; 69JA; 69JQ; 69JK; 69QA; 69QK;
69KA; 6TJA; 6TJK; 6TQA; 6TQK; 6TKA;
6JQA; 6JQK; 6JKA; 6QKA; 789A; 789Q;
789K; 78TA; 78TQ; 78TK; 78JA; 78JQ;
78JK; 78QA; 78QK; 78KA; 79TA; 79TQ;
79TK; 79JA; 79JQ; 79JK; 79QA; 79QK;
79KA; 7TJA; 7TJK; 7TQA; 7TQK; 7TKA;
7JQA; 7JQK; 7JKA; 7QKA; 89TA; 89TK;
89JA; 89JK; 89QA; 89QK; 89KA; 8TJA;
3 to a Royal Flush TJA; TJK; TQA; TQK; TKA; JQA; JQK; JKA;
One Pair JJ; QQ; KK; AA
3 to a Straight Flush A23; A24; A25; 236; 345; 456; 567; 678;
789; 89T; 89J; 8TJ; 8JQ; 9TJ; 9TQ; 9JQ;
9JK; 9QK
Two Pair 3344; 3355; 4455; 4466; 5566; 5577;
6677; 6688; 7788; 7799; 8899; 88TT; 99TT
3 to a Straight Flush A34; A35; A45; 234; 235; 245; 246; 256;
346; 347; 356; 357; 367; 457; 458; 467;
468; 478; 568; 569; 578; 579; 679; 67T;
689; 78T; 78J; 79T; 89Q; 9TK
4 to a Straight 2345; 3456; 4567; 89TJ; 9TJQ; TJQK
3 to a Straight Flush 589; 68T; 69T; 79J; 7TJ; 8TQ
4 to a Straight 5678; 6789; 789T
One Pair 22; 33; 44; 55; 66; 77; 88; 99; TT
3 to a Flush 2JA; 2JQ; 2JK; 2QA; 2QK; 2KA; 3JA; 3JQ;
3JK; 3QA; 3QK; 3KA; 4JA; 4JQ; 4JK; 4QA;
4QK; 4KA; 5JA; 5JQ; 5JK; 5QA; 5QK; 5KA;
6JA; 6JQ; 6JK; 6QA; 6QK; 6KA; 7JA; 7JQ;
7JK; 7QA; 7QK; 7KA; 8JA; 8JK; 8QA; 8QK;
8KA; 9JA; 9QA; 9KA
2 to a Royal Flush JQ; JK; QK
4 to a Straight JQKA
2 to a Royal Flush JA; QA; KA
3 to a Flush 23J; 23Q; 23K; 24J; 24Q; 24K; 25J; 25Q;
25K; 26J; 26Q; 26K; 27A; 27J; 27Q; 27K;
28A; 28J; 28Q; 28K; 29A; 29J; 29Q; 29K;
2TA; 2TJ; 2TQ; 2TK; 34J; 34Q; 34K; 35J;
35Q; 35K; 36J; 36Q; 36K; 37A; 37J; 37Q;
37K; 38A; 38J; 38Q; 38K; 39A; 39J; 39Q;
39K; 3TA; 3TJ; 3TQ; 3TK; 45J; 45Q; 45K;
46J; 46Q; 46K; 47A; 47J; 47Q; 47K; 48A;
48J; 48Q; 48K; 49A; 49J; 49Q; 49K; 4TA;
4TJ; 4TQ; 4TK; 56J; 56Q; 56K; 57A; 57J;
57Q; 57K; 58A; 58J; 58Q; 58K; 59A; 59J;
59Q; 59K; 5TA; 5TJ; 5TQ; 5TK; 67A; 67J;
67Q; 67K; 68A; 68J; 68Q; 68K; 69A; 69J;
69Q; 69K; 6TA; 6TJ; 6TQ; 6TK; 78A; 78Q;
78K; 79A; 79Q; 79K; 7TA; 7TQ; 7TK; 89A;
89K; 8TA; 8TK; 9TA
4 to a Straight 9JQK; TJQA; TJKA; TQKA
2 to a Royal Flush TJ
3 to a Flush 26A; 36A; 46A; 56A
3 to a Straight JQK
2 to a Royal Flush TQ; TK
4 to a Straight 89JQ; 8TJQ; 9TJK; 9TQK
2 to a Straight JQ; QK
2 to a Straight Flush 9J
2 to a Royal Flush TA
2 to a Straight JK; QA
2 to a Straight JA; KA
2 to a Straight Flush 9Q
Single Card a Jack; a Queen; a King; an Ace
3 to a Flush 237; 238; 239; 23T; 247; 248; 249; 24T;
257; 258; 259; 25T; 267; 268; 269; 26T;
278; 279; 27T; 289; 28T; 29T; 348; 349;
34T; 358; 359; 35T; 368; 369; 36T; 378;
379; 37T; 389; 38T; 39T; 459; 45T; 469;
46T; 479; 47T; 489; 48T; 49T; 56T; 57T;
58T; 59T
4 to a Straight 2346; 2356; 2456; 3457; 3467; 3567;
4568; 4578; 4678; 5679; 5689; 5789;
678T; 679T; 689T
2 to a Straight Flush 78; 9T
2 to a Straight Flush 45; 56; 67; 89
Junk Discard everything

And here is a summary of all of the exceptions, although it doesn't indicate the circumstances in which to apply them:

a Jack by itself sometimes beats Unsuited JA
a Queen by itself sometimes beats Suited 9Q
Suited 34, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79, or 8T sometimes beats Discarding Everything
Suited 45 sometimes beats Suited 89 and Suited 9T
Suited JQ sometimes beats a pair of 2's thru 7's
Suited JQK sometimes beats 4 to a Flush
Unsuited JK sometimes beats Suited 9J

If you ignore the exceptions and use only the basic strategy, the game returns 99.0236% (therefore the exceptions are worth 0.0028%).
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December 21st, 2011 at 12:34:45 PM permalink
Quote: JB

Quote: DJTeddyBear

I accept that the two pair doesn't pay more than jacks, but shouldn't two small pairs pay anyway? After all, it qualifies for the "or better" part.

I would disagree, as apparently would the game manufacturer. Though I can understand the argument.

In that case...
Quote: DJTeddyBear

I wonder if the machine really says "One pair, Jacks or Better" or if the machine says "One pair, Jacks thru Aces".

I hope it's the latter, if for no reason other than to avoid arguments.

Quote: JB

Quote: DJTeddyBear

On a side note, the four pay tables shown, have slightly different combination totals for the various hand ranks. Why is that?

Because a different paytable alters the strategy; a different strategy alters the final outcomes.

That makes sense.

Quote: JB

If you ignore the exceptions and use only the basic strategy, the game returns 99.0236% (therefore the exceptions are worth 0.0028%).

WOW. That was a lot of work you did for such a small additional value!
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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December 21st, 2011 at 12:42:27 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

WOW. That was a lot of work you did for such a small additional value!

Well, not really. It would be a lot of work to describe the situations in which to apply the exceptions, which I didn't.
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