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in schools. I don't get around much, and the first time
I saw one of these guys was last summer in a local
gas station. There was 5 of us in line in the stations
store, and one was a black guy in his 20's. He had his
belt tightened just below his butt, and he had on a
pair of really nice silk boxers. He looked like a dang
nutjob. When he left, he had a bag of beer in one
hand and was slightly hunched over so he could hold
up his pants while he did a penguin waddle out to his
car. As he walked his pants slipped lower and lower
and were around his knees when he reached his car
and he was walking on the pant legs. The rest of us
in the store were howling with laughter, its was like
watching an old Vaudeville act.
Was it racist for us to laugh? You mean he wasn't intending
to be funny? It was priceless, he did have nice underwear,
Quote: odiousgambitit couldnt be racist, the white kids always follow with this stuff
There's a couple of white, lumberjack looking guys here who have the same belt/trousers problem. I have no idea what they are thinking.
Quote: FleaStiffFor a while untied laces on their sneakers was the fad... I saw one guy learn a lesson about fads on an escalator once.
The one I don't get is baseball caps with the extra straight brim and the tags still left on.
But what do I know? I'm a suburban middle class kid whose idea of rebel fashion was army surplus, baggy jumpers and band t-shirts. God bless grunge.
And then she arrived, that lumbering monstrosity in her Xtreme torn jeans. Now I want to stress that I don't have a problem with fat people, and I'm known to be fairly indifferent to others' fashion sense. But her legs were just so fertile, her pants so tight. Imagine the Hulk in the early phase of his transformation, when he is growing massively in size, and his clothes are being stretched to its limit but not yet being torn apart. Suddenly he realizes that his clothes are actually stitched from super duper titanium alloy threads, and they wouldn't break no matter what. So he has no choice but to grow around the shirt, muscles spreading away from the torso and squeezing out the neck and arms. Thats what her legs were like: fat spilling out of every hole in her pants, so you could see only worst bits of her thighs and shin.

Quote: Gabes22Unfortunately living in the Chicago area, it is something I have seen quite regularly for many years. If you want to give yourself a good laugh remember that this "style" started in prison. People sagging their pants were advertising they would take it up there in exchange for protection.
I heard it started in jails but was because they took your belt when you "checked in."
Either way what is scary to me is how many people want to "immitate" people in jail.
Surely a race to the bottom in fashion was the 70's polyester, wide collars, platform shoes.
The one guy that cracked me up was wearing way way way oversized shorts. He was short too, which didn't help.
Quote: avargovI wonder how many here would go up to one of these fine fellows and try to set them straight or tell them how silly they look right to their face?
Thats what they want you to do. They do it for attention, like wearing a hat
sideways. Its called low self esteem. Anything to get you noticed.
It's not just the sagging that bothers me, it's also the fact that they appear to have lost the ability to speak coherently. All they can do is make primitive cave man like movements with their hands while grunting and mumbling.
I'm beginning to think that they are de-evolving back to apes like a bad Star Trek episode.
Quote: avargovWould 3000+ posts on an internet forum fall in to that same category? Low self esteem....anything to get noticed??? Just wondering..
You put posting on a forum in the same category as wearing
your hat sideways? OK, if its not to get attention, if wearing
your pants around your knees isn't to get attention, what is
it then? Poor potty training? Double digit IQ? Just not knowing
any better?
Quote: KeyserRegarding the Saggers:
It's not just the sagging that bothers me, it's also the fact that they appear to have lost the ability to speak coherently. All they can do is make primitive cave man like movements with their hands while grunting and mumbling.
Saggy pants: another alternative version for Planet of the Apes?
Charleton Heston falls to the ground in stunned disbelief when he sees the Statue of Liberty with pants hanging below her butt.
Quote: EvenBobYou put posting on a forum in the same category as wearing
your hat sideways? OK, if its not to get attention, if wearing
your pants around your knees isn't to get attention, what is
it then? Poor potty training? Double digit IQ? Just not knowing
any better?
No, I put excessive posting on a forum in the same category. Perhaps it is to get attention, perhaps it is what is perceived as cool by the youth of today. I wouldn't want either of my sons to dress that way, but I wouldn't raise a huge fuss. I pick my battles carefully. Of course, I don't scream at kids to get off my lawn either.
Quote: avargovNo, I put excessive posting on a forum in the same category.
You think 3000 posts is a lot, huh. You really need to get around more.
On some of the sports forums, there are people that have 40,000 and
50,000 posts. Who do those show offs think they are... LOL!
You really are a manic poster. You should take a break, vacuum off the keyboard, get outside and get some exercise and fresh air. Also, didn't you say at one point that you have a family? What do they think about the manic posting?
Quote: KeyserEvenbob,
You really are a manic poster. You should take a break, vacuum off the keyboard, get outside and get some exercise and fresh air. Also, didn't you say at one point that you have a family? What do they think about the manic posting?
I wonder if he is concerned that by going outside, he could perhaps laugh at the wrong "sagger", thereby sealing his fate with what would be an ass-whipping of biblical proportions, and actually cause a non-believer to cry out to a God of some sort to help make the pain go away.
*Disclaimer: I am also a non-believer in a personal God.
Quote: KeyserEvenbob,
You really are a manic poster. You should take a break, vacuum off the keyboard, get outside and get some exercise and fresh air.
LOL! I never post before 4pm, I wonder what the heck I'm
doing all day long. I am the number one poster here.. Oh, wait,
I'm not even close. How did that happen?
Quote: avargovI wonder if he is concerned that by going outside, he could perhaps laugh at the wrong "sagger", thereby sealing his fate
Unfortunately, in my neighborhood, its nothing but
rich white folks in Hummers and Escalades. Thats
why the young man in the gas station was such a
Quote: EvenbobUnfortunately, in my neighborhood, its nothing but
rich white folks in Hummers and Escalades. Thats
why the young man in the gas station was such a
I thought you said that you lived in a house valued at only 70k?
Quote: EvenBobUnfortunately, in my neighborhood, its nothing but
rich white folks in Hummers and Escalades. Thats
why the young man in the gas station was such a
treat.. too....nothing but rich white folks.....yeah....
Quote: avargovActually, if you look at time on the board and posts, you kind of are the top poster. I guess that is something to be proud of.
Green with jealously, huh. I understand..
Quote: EvenBobGreen with jealously, huh. I understand..
Exactly...can I share a warm Pabst Blue Ribbon with you to celebrate?
Quote: EvenBob
Just be thankful they are wearing underwear!
Now, if we could just teach them to conjugate the present tense of the verb "be".
"We be, they be, he be, she be, me be, I be,..."
Quote: KeyserAt least we've taught the primitive apes to where underwear.
Now, if we could just teach them to conjugate the present tense of the verb "be".
"We be, they be, he be, she be, me be, I be,..."
Can we teach the higher apes when to use 'where' and when to use 'wear' as well?
Quote: EvenBobUnfortunately, in my neighborhood, its nothing but
rich white folks in Hummers and Escalades. Thats
why the young man in the gas station was such a
This post, following the original post which read, "There was 5 of us in line in the stations
store, and one was a black guy in his 20's."
Both could have been written, losing absolutely no meaning, without "black" or "white" being mentioned.
This tells me all I need to know about EvenBob.
The situation was smoothed over and he caught the next flight.
I feel his pain though. I've lost some weight recently and really need to put a new notch in my belt... at least until I hit the outlet malls in Vegas for a smaller size trouser.