Quote: zippyboyI've watched it since episode one. Great show. Walter's character amazes me sometimes. For being such a scientific, ultra-serious adult-type, he really crosses the line, like when he allowed Jesse's girlfriend to die while he watched, and when he ran over the bad guys last season to save Jesse. And Jesse is such a dislikable idiot, it's a supreme acting job by Aaron Paul; it's hard to imagine he's not such a street-fool in real life. Truly a fantastic show. I love Gus ever since his intro at the chicken restaurant. I'm so glad they made him a regular. He has such intensity.
Ultimate spoiler alert.........
Quote: zippyboyI've watched it since episode one. Great show. Walter's character amazes me sometimes. For being such a scientific, ultra-serious adult-type, he really crosses the line, .
What we're seeing is an evolving character. He's changing as the drug business changes him. This is one of those rare times in show biz where super good writing and super good acting meet. There's a good line from the movie 8mm, which is all about the ugly side of the porn business. It applies even more to Breaking Bad:
"When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change. The devil changes you."
The devil in both cases is that people will always sink to the lowest common denominator possible when illegal activities generate large amounts of money. I must admit, they really shocked me in the last 15min of the show tonight, I didn't see that coming at all. It all made sense, but it was a shock. Great job on the writers part, I thought for sure something really obvious was going to happen.
I've followed the story line in general but not the various details.
Why is this street punk Jesse so liked by the chemist? I mean shouldn't the chemist know to sever ties to druggies and psychos.
The Chicken Man is quite sensible he would never maintain ties that might prove unreliable.
What happened to the money the guys been making? Are chemists not paid enough now?
The other show for success in the alternative lifestyle world is Weeds, a show featuring a suburban mother raising kids and dealing with the PTA while rising through the ranks of the Pot Selling world.
Quote: FleaStiff
Why is this street punk Jesse so liked by the chemist?
What happened to the money the guys been making? Are chemists not paid enough now?
The Jesse thing has grown with the show, its very involved. And what to do with the money
is a main storyline, they deal with it all the time. Whats fascinating is all the little compromises
they have to make along the way, and how they handle and justify them.
Quote: EvenBobDownloaded from where?
a reason for having almost a million to buy a business,
Walt tells everybody he won the money in a casino
playing BJ and counting cards. Its hilarious because
if you know BJ and how counting works, its impossible
for one person to win that much unless he's a whale
and is making huge bets to begin with. Walt supposedly
had no money at all to start with, he's just 'real good'
at counting cards. Tonight they accounted for 1.6mil
with the BJ story and nobody bats an eye. That part
is believable, most people don't know jack about
gambling, they think anything is possible and the casino
will just let you sit there and keep winning.
I've enjoyed the show but feel the writers stretched a bit too far with that trip to Mexico stuff.
The obsessive loyalty to a druggie will morph into a realization that loyalty is a weakness that not everyone shares.
has been odd, they turned Walt into a lunatic.
More likely the meth fumes did it. I think however he has been relatively quick on the uptake to see plots and to seize opportunities. Yes, his actions have been rash.. such as the type of car he purchased but would he not have been equally rash if he were still a high school chemistry teacher. Several episodes ago he immediately perceived that quickly killing an alternative chemist would save his own life by restoring his state of being invaluable.Quote: EvenBobthey turned Walt into a lunatic.
His defect was always lack of follow through on interpersonal dynamics. He was warned to never trust a junkie and to ditch his partner but he never listened. We all know his partner will okay his being killed some day. Soon.
has him dealing with another paranoid crisis. Nobody
could live like that, it very unrealistic. The previews look
like he's taking back some control, who knows where the
writers are going with this. Anna Gunn (Skyler) drives me
crazy, I want her badly...
Gus is becoming more scary, which is good, and Saul hasn't jumped the shark yet, but they should rename it Breaking Character. Only Mike the Hitman seems to reliably stay in character.
And I noticed in the opening credits, there were about 5 producers, 3 supervising producers, 3 executive producers and a "Produced By..." Seems a shame so many chefs can't cook us a better meal. So much promise in the beginning.
arc with Gus in Mexico was excellent.
went from dumbass junkie to pro hit man in a heartbeat,
I don't think so. Pinkman stands up for Walt behind his back
and Walt stands up for Pinkman, yet when they see each other
its all violence. And even before that, they barely got along.
But turning Walt into a cartoon of himself is their biggest mistake,
he makes no sense anymore.

are unimportant. So Walt is his own man again, next
season is 18 eps and its the final one.
Quote: thecesspitNow watched the first 6 episodes. So won't go back and read the spoilers, but this is a great show. Dark, funny, dramatic at the same time.
It just gets better and better. The last season was so-so, but
it did have its moments when they advanced the story and
didn't dither around.
Quote: EvenBobIt just gets better and better. The last season was so-so, but
it did have its moments when they advanced the story and
didn't dither around.
That's a general curse of American TV with longer seasons than UK TV (where 6 episode seasons are sometimes a little too short).
I'm shocked it gets better... the episode where Walt discusses whether he'll do the treatment with his family (episode 4 or 5) is one of the best 40 minutes of TV I've seen in a long time, for going from comedy to drama to serious thought-provoking and back again.
Why have Hank confront Walt so soon? All the drama
is gone now.
Lydia is a pain in Walt's ass, I predict she goes away soon.
Getting rid of Mike was a huge mistake. He carried the
show in many ways.
5min of a crackhead talking about Star Trek. Really? You
needed filler that badly? Very disappointing on the writers
I could care less about Jesse for about 3 seasons now. He's
useless. He's a weak puke crybaby. He wants the life but
can't handle the life. His character is tedious and unlikable.
I don't get the point of him anymore.
There's only 7 more episodes, so there's plenty of time for the Hank/Walt drama to escalate. Then it's over. I'm happy they're stretching it out that long rather than cram it into the last half of ep #8. But, we all know it takes a lot to make you happy Bob! At the local taco place, Vince Gilligan asks me every couple weeks "Zip...what does EvenBob want to see happen here?"
All the shows are in the can now, but I'd tell him "Bob says to kill Jesse. Oh, and Lydia".
Actually, it was about time Hank pieced it together. Any longer he would have been too slow for a good cop. His inner Hankster developed.
q:Bob: Lydia is a pain in Walt's ass, I predict she goes away soon. Cruising to be hit.
Agree with Bob; Mike was great; miss him.
Getting rid of Mike was a huge mistake. He carried the
show in many ways.
The crackheads/tweakers were just wanna be screenwriters. Rambling at the mouth being high about their latest script ideas. Glad they weren't game designers....
Jesse can't 100% break bad.
bounce him around like a pingpong ball. Its all about
Walt's demise, the rest is just filler and fluff. The libs
who write the show, and they are flaming libs, Vince
Gilligan being the biggest, will have Walt waste a few
more regular characters so every viewer will hate his
guts if they don't already, and teach us all a moral
lesson by letting him live or die. The lesson here is,
if we'd just legalize drugs we wouldn't create capitalist
greed hogs like Walt. Yawn...
Gee, thanks! I never watched the show but now I know I don't need to since you gave it all away. Very well done!!!Quote: EvenBobIn a nutshell, Walt killed Gus with a bomb. The details
are unimportant. So Walt is his own man again, next
season is 18 eps and its the final one.
Quote: EvenBobThis is one of those rare times in show biz where super good writing and super good acting meet. [...] Great job on the writers part, I thought for sure something really obvious was going to happen.
In 2013:
Quote: EvenBobThe libs
who write the show, and they are flaming libs, Vince
Gilligan being the biggest, will have Walt waste a few
more regular characters so every viewer will hate his
guts if they don't already, and teach us all a moral
lesson by letting him live or die. The lesson here is,
if we'd just legalize drugs we wouldn't create capitalist
greed hogs like Walt. Yawn...
Evenbob, you seem so caught up in the (meaningless) liberals vs. conservatives game, doesn't it ruin too much of the joy in your life? Just enjoy the show! Would you consider yourself a happy person, you often seem bitter in your posts?
I get it, you are trying to spread the word about the "liberal media" and their "brainwashing programming". But, even if true, nobody has ever convinced anybody of anything on the internet. Everybody just blows their opinions out there for everybody else to get worked up about (like me, right now, I guess)...
Quote: Canyonero
I get it, you are trying to spread the word about the "liberal media" .
They have an agenda, that capitalism is bad and
socialism is wonderful. That includes legalization
of drugs. The whole point of Bad is to show how
capitalism can corrupt somebody. I now think Walt
will live, not be killed. They've followed the outline
of The Godfather right down the line, Walt will die
old and sick and alone, just like Michael Corelone
did. Probably broke too.
In the Godfather he kills Fredo, his brother. Walt probably
kills Hank, who is very close to a brother, and alienates
himself from his family forever. Skyler leaves him and
probably takes all the money with her.
Quote: EvenBobThey have an agenda, that capitalism is bad and
socialism is wonderful.
That includes legalization
of drugs. The whole point of Bad is to show how
capitalism can corrupt somebody.
Where does this come from, aside from your imagination?
Walter is manufacturing drugs - not IPO's.
The drama shows the corruptibility of the human condition.
Quote: EvenBobI now think Walt
will live, not be killed.
No way, he's toast. The Hankster is totally on to him. Jesse, too, who was at least remorseful and guilt-ridden at times.
Walter had no crisis of conscience. And his behavior is criminal, not capitalistic.
Quote: EvenBobIn the Godfather he kills Fredo, his brother. Walt probably
kills Hank, who is very close to a brother, and alienates
himself from his family forever. Skyler leaves him and
probably takes all the money with her.
What I am waiting for are the "Lost episodes..."
1. Hank declares his secret passion: "You know, that Skyler's a whole lotta woman" he secretly but strongly feels....She gets off on a technicality that he arranges, and they hook up.....the bigger and better sister....THIS I can see.
2. Walt Jr. discovers the pipe.
3. Jesse, while binging, dismantles a toaster while tweaking, and electrocutes himself....he is cremated, and what is left is...residue...
With a premise of this subject matter, the writer's got a lot of leeway as to plausibility....
Quote: Paigowdan
No way, he's toast.
Thats what everybody and I mean EVERYBODY thinks
is going to happen. The writers are very aware of this.
Not exactly a cliffhanger ending if Walt gets wasted.
Quote: PaigowdanAnd his behavior is criminal, not capitalistic.
You're not aware the most profitable capitalistic schemes
are often criminal? Walt is the rags to riches model.
Poor guy gets mega rich by making a product and marketing
it successfully.
Quote: EvenBobThats what everybody and I mean EVERYBODY thinks
is going to happen. The writers are very aware of this.
Not exactly a cliffhanger ending if Walt gets wasted.
1. Walt isn't going to die. He gets the joint. Hank comes out on top, but he too will be shown to be corrupted.
2. And Hank is corrupted, - and not because of the more obvious love of money, or drugs, but because of Skyler. We know what goes on in the 'burbs with those close-family next-door couples, it just hasn't reared its head yet. We've seen all series long that Hank hasn't had a thought to his skinny-ass Marie, his clepto wife. Hank is hooking up with Skyler, - when Walt's outta the way.
3. Walter jr. has to hit the pipe, - just for the sins of the father to come full circle. And he'll be smoking the Blue Bomb Heisenberg Shit, - just to kill dad. Skyler and Walter holding their heads on discovery, whatta scene.
4. Jesse has to die, for being partially moral, partially remorseful, and as punishment for straddling the fence. Hesitation=death, even in slow-motion. His last three dying words..."Yo, Dude...BITCH!" (and dead.) Or sharing these three words at an N.A. meeting WAY out of town, if Mike pops up somehow to save him.
5. Now, Bob - Mike is alive. He was smart, and no bullshit, and he has a condo in Boca Raton, or in Youngstown, Ohio. He left with the cash - and a plan. He was purposeful, and is a purposeful S.O.B. and survivor. Mike got out of Dodge, which is what Albuquerque represents in today's "Amerika." Tough Bastard that Mike, no dummy, he. You'll see him in the 2nd to last episode with Jesse, IF Jesse survives. (and Mike as GOT TO survive, or there's no God for the brainy and tough sharp man, be him evil or good.)
6. We need to see a scene with Jesse at a Youngstown, Ohio, or a Miami Florida N.A. meeting. Or him dead in an earlier episode. Flip a coin. If alive, he's with Mike as clean and sober criminals. Mike was always clean in this business with pure shit all around him - true? He knows the deal.
you can write exceedingly plausible episodes from 1st Season's framework. The key to a good series is a plausible but great risk, like what Walter took on.
Quote: EvenBobYou're not aware the most profitable capitalistic schemes
are often criminal? Walt is the rags to riches model.
Poor guy gets mega rich by making a product and marketing
it successfully.
Like EZ Pai Gow or Ultimate Texas Hold 'em, I suppose. Heard it before from you. Every time I design a game that I think is good, I now say, "This is the BLUE SHIT." And I'll call my mathematician, Charles, and say: "Jesse, - it's time to cook," - with the intention of sellin' this dope in every gambling hall. Eh, Bob?
money paid hundreds of thousands for his
recovery from the shooting. Hank thinks it
was insurance that paid. If the DEA found out
the truth, easy enough as no insurance paid
it and where in hell did Hank get $250K, Hank
is toast. He'd lose his job and be arrested for
accepting the money, nobody would believe the
real story.
And they put Mike in a barrel in the ep 8, he's
long gone.
Quote: EvenBobThe ace Walt has to play on Hank is that drug
money paid hundreds of thousands for his
recovery from the shooting.
Means nothing, Hank didn't know the source "when family covered." He does now.
Quote: EvenBobHank thinks it
was insurance that paid.
True, Yes he does, makes Hank clean.
Quote: EvenBobIf the DEA found out
the truth, easy enough as no insurance paid
it and where in hell did Hank get $250K, Hank
is toast.
Not if he turns Walt in. Hank's excuse was "family money was innocent until known, and once known, do the right thing - NOT bought off." Can't buy Hank off now, short of Skyler's big Arizona. All the more reason to get Walter out of the way. The DEA is Hanks employer, - not a criminal like Walt.
Quote: EvenBobAnd they put Mike in a barrel in the ep 8, he's
long gone.
Mike's gotta live, we didn't see his blood. Only one who coulda killed him was Gus, long dead. Mike's alive. It's Jesse's only chance for life, to boot, TOO much at stake. Mike is Jesse Sr. saving his ass, gotta be.
his credibility. Why do you think this was in the
script, its Walts get out of going to jail card.
Its why he kills Hank, because Hank goes berzerk
on him.
Pretend you're at a writers meeting trying to figure
out the best ending. Jail is out, Walt would be the
folkhero Heisenberg in jail. Killing him is out. Walt
has lived with the acceptence of death since the
first episode, its meaningless to him.
What's the most important thing to him. His family.
Loss of his family forever thru them abandoning
him is the greatest punishment he could get.
Vince Gilligan has pounded this into our heads in
every episode, family is Walts life. All that remains
is for him to commit some unforgivable deed and
that's it, shows over. He's punished.
to give up Hank. He has no idea she's the mastermind
behind the laundering. So Jesse is a basket case now,
where are they going with this. At least Walt Jr hasn't
shown up yet. I'm sure they'll waste an entire episode
on his reaction to all this. His character has added zero
to the show so far, he's there to take up space. Like
Sky's sister shoplifting, what did all that have to do with
I thought it was totally unrealistic when Marie slugged her
sister. Women don't do that, especially sisters. Drunk
low class women might, but thats not these ladies. Marie
is totally upset with Walt and hits Sky and tries to take
the baby? I don't think so.
Quote: EvenBob
I thought it was totally unrealistic when Marie slugged her
sister. Women don't do that, especially sisters. Drunk
low class women might, but thats not these ladies. Marie
is totally upset with Walt and hits Sky and tries to take
the baby? I don't think so.
But wait a minute ! Marie learns that Skyler may have known about Walt BEFORE Hank got ambushed by the hit men a couple seasons ago. So.....
Quote: Paigowdan
No way, he's ( ie Walt) is toast. The Hankster is totally on to him.
Did you see the first few minutes of the new episodes ? The one with the flashback at the beginning ? That tells me that Walt is going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Quote: JohnnyQBut wait a minute ! Marie learns that Skyler may have known about Walt BEFORE Hank got ambushed by the hit men a couple seasons ago. So.....
Women just don't slug other women, its not
in their nature, its not instinctual like it is with
men. Plus, Hank already sucker punched Walt,
now Marie does it to Sky? It was just silly.
there. The confession was stupid. Nobody in their
right mind does that, its not a chess game. Its life
and death and you treat it that way. Walt knows
Hank has squat, why go to all this trouble. Hank
has no witness, no money, no drugs, no nothing.
Just keep your mouth shut and wait him out, don't
piss him off even more.
Jesse going nuts at the end is way over the
top. This is turning into a soap opera. And we
already know Walt is OK a year later, we saw
him buying the big weapon with a full head of hair.
So that takes a lot of the drama away.
Quote: JohnnyQI'm gonna disagree there. I thought the "confession" was a brilliant move to force Hank to back off. As they say, the best defense is a good offense.
Not true. Any lawyer, any black kid on COPS, will tell
you to keep your mouth shut. Say nothing, admit nothing.
The burden of proof is on them, don't give them a hand.
When they read you your rights, 'what you say can and
will be held against you'. Walt admitted a bunch of crimes
in that video, very stupid under any circumstances. Sure
it makes good TV, in real life it would be considered amateur
hour. No lawyer would ever tell you to do this, with good
Want to wise Hank up? Get him alone with no recorder and
whisper the truth to him about how his wife took drug money
for his recovery. The DVD was silly.
Quote: EvenBobWomen just don't slug other women, its not
in their nature, its not instinctual like it is with
men. Plus, Hank already sucker punched Walt,
now Marie does it to Sky? It was just silly.
Bullshit. Women can be the most catty, beyatch-slapping revenge-seeking souls when felt betrayed by anyone. People are people, and get searing angry at times. Women don't act out?? Yes, they do....
Catfights happen. And guys like you enjoy it! :)