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May 24th, 2011 at 7:06:17 PM
Seized by the Fed's:
Big rumors on who's next and how close to home it might hit. Doyle Brunson must be going bonkers over his site being shut down.
Big rumors on who's next and how close to home it might hit. Doyle Brunson must be going bonkers over his site being shut down.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
May 24th, 2011 at 7:17:51 PM
"The indictments allege that the defendants own and manage illegal gambling businesses involving online sports betting. The affidavit alleges that online gambling sites are run by companies located outside of the U.S., while the majority of customers are in the U.S. Internet gambling operators rely upon the U.S. banking system, and more specifically, money-processing business generally called “payment processors,” to facilitate the movement of funds to and from their customers, the gamblers. Typically, an internet gambling operator directs the payment processor to collect funds from individual gamblers which are used to wager with the gambling organization. Those gambling proceeds are transferred to an offshore foreign bank. The internet gambling operator then sends a check or wire transfer from an offshore bank to the payment processor, directing the payment processor to distribute the money to gamblers for their winnings."
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
May 24th, 2011 at 7:24:00 PM
This is the reaction on the sports forums:

"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
May 24th, 2011 at 8:59:47 PM
Think bodog is next?
May 24th, 2011 at 9:29:10 PM
Quote: EvenBobThis is the reaction on the sports forums:
Lots of money involved. So, the reaction is stupid, because in the long run, it's not something the feds are going to ignore.
Wouldn't matter what side you're on either. It just makes sense -- they're not going to let a big business like this go on without taking a slice. They're sure not going to make it legal without that.
Sanitized for Your Protection
May 26th, 2011 at 11:19:12 AM
Ive taken all of my money out of an online sportsbetting site. I would suggest you all do the same. It is a matter of time before the big guys are taken down too. Nobody saw the full tilt and pokerstars shut down coming either... and they were just poker sites. I was involved in a marketing deal with right before they shut that down 5 years ago... yet they let 1000 other sites go pass.
It is all a crock of shit. They say everything is bad and immoral until they need money, then they legalize it and theres not problem. Before, there were only casinos allowed in a few states. Illegal to gamble otherwise... and bad and immoral, etc. They they needed money and legalized in nearly every state. Its all good now, right? So inheritantly, is it bad and immoral just because it wasnt legaized at that point. Who are they to judge.. hypocrites. Same thing with alcohol before prohibition. Same with table games now allowed in most states. Marajuana will be legalized in many states before you know it.... Its all about the bennies!
Ive been saying for years.... legalize all gambling in US. Monitor it, regulate it, tax it, and prosper. People have choices of what they want to do with their lives. They should be able to risk it how they wish.. Shit, the stock market is more volital than other forms of gaming. Not to mention, people cant go above their heads with an online sports gambling site. They can only lose what they have in the account. Nicky and Sammy wont be visiting them because they lost way more than they should have had credit for. Plus , on the flip side, with a legalized book, we know we will get paid. Billions if not trillions of dollars are wagerd on sports games each year. You can go into any city across the US and find a local bookie. Why wouldn't the gov want to be involved in legalizing it? Only in Vegas ? I smell corruption somewhere.
Boy I just rambled on for a while.... sorry. Ask me how I really feel? lol
It is all a crock of shit. They say everything is bad and immoral until they need money, then they legalize it and theres not problem. Before, there were only casinos allowed in a few states. Illegal to gamble otherwise... and bad and immoral, etc. They they needed money and legalized in nearly every state. Its all good now, right? So inheritantly, is it bad and immoral just because it wasnt legaized at that point. Who are they to judge.. hypocrites. Same thing with alcohol before prohibition. Same with table games now allowed in most states. Marajuana will be legalized in many states before you know it.... Its all about the bennies!
Ive been saying for years.... legalize all gambling in US. Monitor it, regulate it, tax it, and prosper. People have choices of what they want to do with their lives. They should be able to risk it how they wish.. Shit, the stock market is more volital than other forms of gaming. Not to mention, people cant go above their heads with an online sports gambling site. They can only lose what they have in the account. Nicky and Sammy wont be visiting them because they lost way more than they should have had credit for. Plus , on the flip side, with a legalized book, we know we will get paid. Billions if not trillions of dollars are wagerd on sports games each year. You can go into any city across the US and find a local bookie. Why wouldn't the gov want to be involved in legalizing it? Only in Vegas ? I smell corruption somewhere.
Boy I just rambled on for a while.... sorry. Ask me how I really feel? lol
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