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January 13th, 2011 at 10:22:33 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Really. So on a test today, you should score 230! This just keeps getting better and better..

Bob, your posts here make me think more and more that maybe YOU should take an IQ test...
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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January 13th, 2011 at 10:25:22 PM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

Bob, your posts here make me think more and more that maybe YOU should take an IQ test...

I've heard this excuse over and over from people: well, um, when I took that test it was much different than it is now, 150 then is 120 now. Or whatever. The only thing that counts is taking the test with an independent witness, anything else is just talk. Which is MKL's forte..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 14th, 2011 at 1:07:21 AM permalink
Quote: touristlocal

Man Jerry is a terrible poster but I think this thread was as bad or worse than anything he's ever posted.

Whatever happened to "don't feed the trolls"?

Whne GENIUS wakes up, GENIUS will see it is not my thread!
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January 14th, 2011 at 3:28:21 AM permalink
Seattle is either going to win or: Hasselbeck gets hurt in the first drive, Lynch averages .5 yards and barely inches out positive yardage in the fourth quarter, lose by 30-40.

Therefore, the +350 moneyline on Seattle is a very good bet.
Its - Possessive; It's - "It is" / "It has"; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - "They are"
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January 14th, 2011 at 4:06:51 AM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

Whne GENIUS wakes up, GENIUS will see it is not my thread!

Nothing gambling-related to discuss?

Not sure if hurling insults at people is the proper thing to do when returning from a two week suspension.

I think you may be going away for a month pretty quickly if you keep it up.

I am pleased to see the Wizard has started to suspend and ban disruptive posters. Perhaps I might come back to the board now, as the middle school stuff had pretty much driven me and many other people away.
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January 14th, 2011 at 5:30:51 AM permalink
Quote: CrappedOut

Nothing gambling-related to discuss?

Not sure if hurling insults at people is the proper thing to do when returning from a two week suspension.

I think you may be going away for a month pretty quickly if you keep it up.

I am pleased to see the Wizard has started to suspend and ban disruptive posters. Perhaps I might come back to the board now, as the middle school stuff had pretty much driven me and many other people away.

You mean like, the guys who are discussing mkl's lack of IQ?? Or is it the lack of other posters' IQ who had trouble reading about my video poker results/video poker play upcoming tonight, and the 4 ACTUAL BETS I put on the football games this weekend!

You need to be a Jerry groupy and get on board the wake up train.....
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January 14th, 2011 at 6:11:21 AM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

It was administered by the University of California at Berkeley as part of a placement exam. I also took the Armed Forces General Intelligence Test some ten years later.

Anyone familiar with such testing knows that the scores lose significance as the subject ages out of childhood, largely because with maturity the power of reasoning, as a general rule, increasingly dominates the innate aptitude.
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January 14th, 2011 at 6:14:42 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

The IQ test is logarithmic

Stanford-Binet, for example, appears that way because it is on quite an exaggerated curve.
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January 14th, 2011 at 6:24:02 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Anyone familiar with such testing knows that the scores lose significance as the subject ages out of childhood, largely because with maturity the power of reasoning, as a general rule, increasingly dominates the innate aptitude.

I think that might depend. Any IQ or apptitude test I ever took had a box you checked for age to account for that.
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January 14th, 2011 at 10:05:51 AM permalink
What is all this intellectual talk laced with $200 words and fancy schmancy sentences?

When I first came here everyone saw me expose this guy for what he was, and I'm just a former TRUCKDRIVER! Those of you who allow him to continually get on your nerves are trying to play mind games with him, and everyone knows true-believing atheists are very good at that burning type of conflict.
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January 14th, 2011 at 10:17:21 AM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

Speaking of that issue, can anyone here say O-B-S-E-S-S-I-O-N? What has to be going through someone's head to make him HAVE to scramble through other forums, then this one, just to selectively pick out words and phrases out of thousands of paragraphs? It's obvious Singer's in this guy's head, day & night. Yes he did get one thing right, I was Banjojerry. Duh! Every time someone does that, Singer scores a great big slap upside that person's head.

Thank you Jerry for taking the time to make such an eloquent response to an issue that was recently raised on the forum. While your misguided analysis above does serve well to continue the themes of others preoccupation with Rob Singer and his purported superiority, I'll just use your own words to express what is closer to my actual motivation behind the project:

"I understand the desire for anonymity on-line, but when someone posts gobs of assertions that can't be supported as MKL does, you tend to want to know more about what drives such a person to make so many things up."

Later in that same thread, in response to the question:

"Just out of curiosity why in the world would you post all that personal information about yourself on an online forum?"

you stated:

"For the same reason I've posted that I lose at gambling: overall credibility. So many people post make believe stuff. I've rarely posted on any forums in the past although I read many, and when I came here I knew it was run by a respected individual so I had confidence that posting personal information to a certain point, would not work against me."

I must admit that I’m a little puzzled as to how your 462 posts in 4 months as “BanjoJerry” could be considered the same as your having “rarely posted on any forums in the past” as many people would consider that to be rather prolific. As noted below, you also don't appear to be very shy about posting personal information in other forums; just not the same information. I'm sure that the forum regulars would be interested in having you clear up some of these discrepancies.

On March 5th of last year you stated in ' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>] this LVA thread you were:

“Jerry Logan from Green Valley, Az"

but on October 10th in this WOV post you stated:

"I live in Peoria, Az"

Peoria is just north of Phoenix, but Green Valley is south of Tucson. Did you move in the intervening 6 months?

I was also somewhat curious about your work since BanjoJerry posted' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>]posted on 2/29/10:

“That's kind of like my policy at the RV park I manage/own”

and again stated ' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>] on 3/17/10:

"I run an RV park in southern Arizona, work for myself. It's a million miles away from what you do, but it's a lot closer to what goes on in the gambling world of LasVegas."

On 8/3/10 you posted on this WOV thread :

"I'm Western Regional Director for JB Hunt trucking".

(While you didn’t mention JackTheStripper and it may not be germane to the current conversation, I did find his post of 4/28/10, on the subject of mortgages, to be interesting: "My first post but this one struck me. I work in a Title company and if that were the case as explained above, then you caused your own headache by not inquiring about closing costs at day 6 after application submittal and not requiring their answer, whatever it may have been, in writing.")

Did you change jobs during that 5-month period or do you work both jobs? If both then I must commend you on your productivity to be able to not only work two demanding jobs but to also post more than 1000 times to this forum and another 419 at the LVA during the past year.

In one of your first few posts at the LVA you said in December of '09:

"I'm a new poster but this topic immediately caught my eye. I play roulette and mostly video pker. I tip the dealer at the wheel only when I leave and only if I've won."

Your tenure at WOV on the other hand has been filled with numerous posts expressing a distinct dislike for tipping, including starting this thread the first week you were here and only about 6 months after your LVA post. In your initial post you said:

“I just play machines”

and that while you formerly tipped,

“That all came to a screeching halt a little over 2 years ago”.

Later, in this post you stated:

"If I were to play tables one thing I'd never do is tip a dealer, regardless if he or she smiled, ordered drinks for me, helped me with my cards, or was dealing a red hot shoe."

Why such a drastic change of opinion, and why did you stop playing roulette?

When you first started posting at the LVA in December of ’09 ' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>] you stated

“I play mostly 25cents and sometimes 50cents or $1, and I see four to the RF dealt at least once every time I play.”

By January 20th ' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>] that had grown to:

“I play up to $10vp and my offers are nearly unbelievable each year, with even more lately”.

Soon after you joined WOV you posted:

"The pay tables are usually decent because I only play $1 $2 and $5 games with the occasional $10 thrown in"

Did you have a large financial windfall that allowed you to take such a large jump in denomination in such a short period of time and why do you think you were you getting “unbelievable” offers each year when you were mostly playing only quarters?

In January of last year you lamented over the lack of free drinks at the bar at Wynn in this LVA post:

“On my most recent visit I also noticed that none of the bars in either there
or next door at Encore serve up comp drinks to video poker players. I've read certain writer's columns saying that but I had to see it for myself. VERY CHEAP in my book.”

By the time you started posting here in July you had apparently forgotten about it :
Quote: JerryLogan

Quote: NicksGamingStuff

The Encore does not comp drinks while playing at the bar!

“WTF?? Then what kind of idiot would ever play at an Encore bar? I know they comp drinks on the floor because I've played there. Isn't that kind of odd for a LV casino?"

And you later went on to state :

"If I'm not mistaken the bartops in Encore (& Wynn) are mostly up to the $10 level. So are you telling me a stiff on the floor playing quarters for 6 hours can get as many free drinks as possible, while the guy playing $50 a hand at the bar has to pay 5 or 6 bucks for a Coors Lite? Is Steve Wynn a cheapass or what?"

Is the Wynn hotel so unremarkable that it’s easy to forget minor details such as visiting it 4 months earlier to see if they do indeed refuse to comp bar players?

In late February at the LVA you confessed:

"Most areas in LasVegas are no different than any other big city with problems and wealth. You can find trouble if you want to and you can basically stay away from it if you choose to. That said, I feel very apprehensive carrying around the cash I do on trips there in ANY part of that town."

By late October of this year you apparently had a change of heart:

"I've never understood why people are afraid to carry their cash with them in LV".

Has the atmosphere in Las Vegas improved that much in such a short period of time?

Inquiring minds and all…

BTW, am I the only one who thought that it was somewhat ironic that JL was trying to prove he really was JL and not RS by using a favored tactic of RS, (a large bet), that has frequently been used by RS in the past including a very similar one posted at WOV on 1/3/11 and that none of which, to the best of my knowledge, has ever occurred because the opposing sides couldn't agree on terms, yet which are frequently used as fodder for demonstrating that the opposing side was "scared" or "weak"?

And to the odds makers, I believe the line just moved...
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January 14th, 2011 at 10:31:06 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Anyone familiar with such testing knows that the scores lose significance as the subject ages out of childhood, largely because with maturity the power of reasoning, as a general rule, increasingly dominates the innate aptitude.

Yes. That's why I only said what I had TESTED AT SOME YEARS AGO, not what my current IQ is. NOBODY has comprehended that, at least not so far.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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January 14th, 2011 at 10:41:49 AM permalink
Paulewog, you do have it bad. You're now basing your assertions on what I said as banjojerry on LVA. I can give you 3 other handles I used over there with 3 different life stories. You get what you ask and pay for on that forum. Come to think of it, if you are SO VERY CONVINCED, why are you not accepting my challenge that I'd jump on a route truck to LV and it would deliver me to Wizard's home, complete with ID and a hand to collect the cash? Wouldn't that maybe just a little tiny bit put an end to your conspiracy theory once and for all? Oh wait a want the fantasy to continue don't you. I expect you'll use your own interpretation of why you claim people back out of bets with RS all the time. Well, you already saw the terms (true identity plus $500) Wizard's involved and willing, so put up or (and I don't really think this is possible....) shut up!

Um....where's your explanation for the pictures I've posted HERE of my wins while playing under RS's tutilage? Then go do your thing and post "pictures" of my "low-level" play that I claimed on LVA. I'm still waitin'. lalalalalalala!

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January 14th, 2011 at 11:14:36 AM permalink
Obviously you posted those wins using your other sock puppet account, thecesspit.

"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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January 14th, 2011 at 11:26:11 AM permalink
Quote: PaulEWog

BTW, am I the only one who thought that it was somewhat ironic that JL was trying to prove he really was JL and not RS by using a favored tactic of RS, (a large bet), that has frequently been used by RS in the past including a very similar one posted at WOV on 1/3/11 and that none of which, to the best of my knowledge, has ever occurred because the opposing sides couldn't agree on terms, yet which are frequently used as fodder for demonstrating that the opposing side was "scared" or "weak"?

And to the odds makers, I believe the line just moved...

Once again, I must commend you for making the effort to do this. You've shown convincingly that "JerryLogan" is a constructed rather than a real person. Unless, of course, there is a person who has worked forty years in the trucking industry--but had a different job six months ago; lived south of Tucson and north of Phoenix simultaneously; tips but hates to tip; plays 25 cent video poker one month but plays $10 video poker the next; and a blizzard of contradictions that show he can't even keep his story straight for two days in a row.

Of course, this in itself doesn't prove that JL=RS, but it makes sense that whoever is making up "JerryLogan" can't get the details of his story straight from one day to the next. If "JerryLogan" was a real person, the stories of his exploits, the details of his personal life, etc. would be at least somewhat consistent. But as you point out, they're not even close to being consistent. Therefore, "JerryLogan" is a fake, internet persona. (The actual human, "Jerry Logan" may exist somewhere, but that isn't relevant.)

I'm sure "JerryLogan" will have some more nastiness to fling at you once he reads this. You, however, have both the truth and a mountain of evidence on your side. Nice going.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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January 14th, 2011 at 11:29:07 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

Obviously you posted those wins using your other sock puppet account, thecesspit.


Yes, credit to where credit is due. But did we even need that? I mean, this anally-infected paulewog could have been put into motion to search out and post with no help at all! He'd just use selevtivity, his imagination, an extreme irritation, and hatred as motivators.
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January 14th, 2011 at 11:31:43 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

Obviously you posted those wins using your other sock puppet account, thecesspit.


Do you think it's even remotely possible that Jerry doesn't realize that posting a picture of a royal flush doesn't mean that HE got the royal? For instance, people post "royal pics" on vpfree forums all the time. It would be trivial to lift one of those and post it here.

Of course, we should probably believe someone who lives in two or three different places at once, holds two different jobs in locations over 100 miles apart, plays both 25 cent and $10 VP, and a number of other weird and fantastical feats...
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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January 14th, 2011 at 11:45:52 AM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

Do you think it's even remotely possible that Jerry doesn't realize that posting a picture of a royal flush doesn't mean that HE got the royal? For instance, people post "royal pics" on vpfree forums all the time. It would be trivial to lift one of those and post it here.

Of course, we should probably believe someone who lives in two or three different places at once, holds two different jobs in locations over 100 miles apart, plays both 25 cent and $10 VP, and a number of other weird and fantastical feats...

Of course only a "mensa" like you would think that. And of course, such an "intellectual" would never think to mention how an anal such as "paulewog" wouldn't have already done that if those pictures existed anywhere in the video poker internet world. I think that 190 just dropped maybe 70 points?

Speaking of nervous, I could only imagine the amounts of acid churning in your stomach the other night (and likely still is) after our nation's leaders quoted bible versus and praised God and religion all night long!
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January 17th, 2011 at 4:18:56 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

JL returns tomorrow on the 13th. I give him 10 days or less till he's banned for a month.

I win, I said 10 days or less. He really can't help himself. He gets all caught up in who he really is and it busts thru and he's banned again. He's obviously ruled by his emotions and thats never a good thing.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 17th, 2011 at 5:32:01 PM permalink
Quote: PaulEWog

Thank you ...

No... Paul, thank you. A truly remarkable post.

"Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!"
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January 17th, 2011 at 5:38:25 PM permalink
When Jerry Logan Returns
Sanitized for Your Protection
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January 17th, 2011 at 6:58:47 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I win, I said 10 days or less. He really can't help himself. He gets all caught up in who he really is and it busts thru and he's banned again. He's obviously ruled by his emotions and thats never a good thing.

JL seems like he is trying to get caught and punished. All he hasn't done is ask The Wizard if Barry Mannilow knows he is raiding his wardrobe. (That's a "The Breakfast Club" reference for those born after 1983.) Then he gets the detentions and asks the principal if he thinks he cares.

Then again, what do I know.
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January 17th, 2011 at 7:07:20 PM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

Do you think it's even remotely possible that Jerry doesn't realize that posting a picture of a royal flush doesn't mean that HE got the royal? For instance, people post "royal pics" on vpfree forums all the time. It would be trivial to lift one of those and post it here.

Of course, we should probably believe someone who lives in two or three different places at once, holds two different jobs in locations over 100 miles apart, plays both 25 cent and $10 VP, and a number of other weird and fantastical feats...

So you are telling me everything on the internet isn't true?
I have a bewitched egg that I use to play VP with and I have net over 900k with it.
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January 17th, 2011 at 7:44:27 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

When Jerry Logan Returns

Thats actually pretty cool. Those are the old mechanical sirens that have all been replaced by modern electronic versions.
The old ones are very spooky sounding.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 18th, 2011 at 6:52:19 AM permalink
Jerry's gone again? Man, that was quick!

It seems like the time between suspensions has been getting shorter, while the suspension itself keeps getting longer.

Is there a mathematical formula for that? And does the graph predict when the suspension become permanent and/or a 'Blink and you miss him' situation?


For the record, I don't pay much attention to Jerry, so I don't really know what he did this time, or when, or to whom.

I just happened to notice that his name was in brown.

I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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