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in another thread I mentioned that imo Nyquil was a great product
so is Philadelphia brand cream cheese - in branded products such as this I always go with the original and spurn the variations
and Canada Dry ginger ale - I prefer the no sugar choice - you actually get some health benefits from the ginger - but that's not why I drink it - just like it - so much better than Coke. my Mom, from Canada, was very proud of this product - although it got bought out and is now owned by an American company
almost forgot - Ritz crackers - only the original version of course
and Red Rose tea - another Canadian product
and Coffeemate - because real cream cools the coffee down and it will stay hot with the powder - makes the coffee just as or almost as tasty as with real cream - and it never goes bad and stinks like real cream does
care to add some of your picks to the list______?______________I'd love to see them
This one has a cylindrical slide on it that holds the screw perpendicular to the board.

Ritz also has processed white flour, high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates with zero fiber.
Quote: gordonm888Ritz crackers are very unhealthy. They have trans fats, and trans fats have two different mechanisms in your body, both of which lead to clogged arteries. Ritz crackers are banned in some countries because of their trans fats.
Ritz also has processed white flour, high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates with zero fiber.
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according to the Ritz box 5 crackers has 80 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, of which 1.5 grams is saturated fat
it also says zero cholesterol and zero trans fat
and a total of 2 grams of sugar
I don't think they would lie about that stuff because if they did and someone complained they could get in trouble with the FDA
it doesn't contain fiber but I deliberately eat bran cereal and wheat bread almost every day and get a lot of fiber from that
Quote: gordonm888Ritz crackers are very unhealthy. They have trans fats, and trans fats have two different mechanisms in your body, both of which lead to clogged arteries. Ritz crackers are banned in some countries because of their trans fats.
Ritz also has processed white flour, high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates with zero fiber.
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You must be fun at parties…
Seriously though many snack foods that have trans fats just make the serving size just small enough so that they can legally put 0 trans fats on the package.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: gordonm888Ritz crackers are very unhealthy. They have trans fats, and trans fats have two different mechanisms in your body, both of which lead to clogged arteries. Ritz crackers are banned in some countries because of their trans fats.
Ritz also has processed white flour, high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates with zero fiber.
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according to the Ritz box 5 crackers has 80 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, of which 1.5 grams is saturated fat
it also says zero cholesterol and zero trans fat
and a total of 2 grams of sugar
I don't think they would lie about that stuff because if they did and someone complained they could get in trouble with the FDA
it doesn't contain fiber but I deliberately eat bran cereal and wheat bread almost every day and get a lot of fiber from that
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A serving is 5 crackers rather than, say 8, so that the trans fat is low enough they can put 0. Common tactic in snack foods.
Favorite Mop ever.

Men's underpants with pouches. That is a great product.
What if you don't want to carry a spare pair of socks round?Quote: gordonm888
Men's underpants with pouches. That is a great product.
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there might not be a lot of guitar players here - but anyway - Yamaha makes a great acoustic guitar especially when considering price
Guitar World ranks the Yamaha FG 800 at just $222 as being better than the Taylor 110 e at $800 and better than the Takamine P3 NY at $1449
guitars as a whole are great products - easy to play - not very well of course - easily portable - and the good ones have a beautiful tone because flesh strikes the string directly - this makes the tone greatly superior to that of a piano imo. - of course, much more complex music can be played on a piano
Quote: lilredrooster____________
there might not be a lot of guitar players here - but anyway - Yamaha makes a great acoustic guitar especially when considering price
Guitar World ranks the Yamaha FG 800 at just $222 as being better than the Taylor 110 e at $800 and better than the Takamine P3 NY at $1449
guitars as a whole are great products - easy to play - not very well of course - easily portable - and the good ones have a beautiful tone because flesh strikes the string directly - this makes the tone greatly superior to that of a piano imo. - of course, much more complex music can be played on a piano
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oh, yeaaaaaaah
La - Z- Boy recliner
cold beer
great game on my big screen tv
I'm in heaven

VERNORS in a nice big glass with some real vanilla ice cream aka Boston cooler
I used to love Vernors the rare times I got to have it as a kid. However, they seemed to have changed their recipe/production somewhere along the line, maybe late 80's/early 90's. Today's Vernors seems more mellow in both flavor and carbonation. I remember the bubbles making my nose tingle back in the day. It was a unique (only got this reaction with Vernors, no other sodas) and memorable sensation that I don't experience with today's Vernors.Quote: coilmanVERNORS is much better then Canada dry
VERNORS in a nice big glass with some real vanilla ice cream aka Boston cooler
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Meh, maybe I'm just crazy. I will have to try a Boston Cooler, though. Never occurred to me to make a float out of it.