Quote: MDawgComplete fabrication or mischaracterization. Provide the proof. And anyway, like I said, keep talking about me it shows how much you care. 😘
Pursuant to this, let me remind the forum there is a rule against quoting from other forums. The spirit of the rule is to avoid cross-forum feuds.
However, if anybody wishes to provide proof, please PM me. I'll be happy to consider it. I have nuked people before for habitually bad-mouthing me and this forum elsewhere. While going so does not violate a written rule, remember, at the end of the day this is a dictatorship and I can do as I please.
I have never said a word against the Wizard anywhere and have spoken highly of him personally at all times.
The extent of my statements about WOV, which I have posted the EXACT same here as anywhere else, is that the Alexa rank of WOV has gone downhill over the past year and I attribute this to the absence of MDawg's Adventures thread, by a posteriori evidence, which is that the Alexa rank was way up there when I was here, and went way down when I was not. That is not trashing, and in any case, you may search my posts here at WOV I have posted the exact same here, nothing to hide.
I demand that Bill Ryan and anyone stating that I have been "trashing" this forum retract that statement. My stating that a forum's traffic has been going downhill is not trashing it, and many members and I have engaged in back and forth discussion of reasons for this WOV traffic change freely at this forum and no one ever called it "trashing" because it is not.
For example here

AxelWolf clearly insulted me, was even called out on it by another member, and then so much as admitted it by throwing his arms up. I didn't take the bait though, I just ignored him, and have been mostly ignoring him for some time. Why wasn't AxelWolf suspended for that with a Martingale? His last suspension was 7/24/2020, for a personal insult, with multiple prior suspensions.
There's no need for any of this. If everyone would just quit with the "baiting" and trying to push others into suspensions there would be no suspensions. But when the baiters themselves end up suspended they have no one to blame but themselves.
The admins would have the authority, without notice, to condemn any post, found anywhere, to this netherworld. No appeal. Whether or not the content remains, unedited or not. If it's truly beyond hope, the post says, simply, "[deleted]." Maybe they all get [deleted] so that over time we'll see that it's just a few rotten apples in this barrel. If you don't delete them all, the make this area "read-only." No throwing gasoline on the dying embers. Oh yes, no ability to "quote" these threads either.
This never-ending, constant, incessant battering is getting so loud and annoying that it has to be driving people away. If overall usage has not dropped over time - if there is any increase in or maintenance of viewership - it has to be because more disagreeable trolls are being drawn here. Get rid of the rotten meat and the maggots will go somewhere else.
What also doesn't help is too much leniency on the part of management. Start suspensions at something like ten days instead of just three. Make the penalty for repeat offenses greater: 10 days... 30 days... 90 days... Guillotine! Guillotine! Remove any suggestion of a Miranda warning, or of a strict interpretation of the rules. No benefit of the doubt.
I'm a great fan of what this place was IN THE PAST. I have gained valuable knowledge about Las Vegas, gambling, and blackjack, all of which are a big part of the leisure-time activities of my daily life. It's sad to see what it has become.
Fix it!
(Btw, that’s partially what killed politics discussion as people starting new threads kept annoying people trying to avoid the discussions. But I partially blame the policy of asking for new threads every time there’s a slight topic drift)
Quote: rxwineI don’t mind anything as long as no one is starting multiple threads, or bringing it on multiple threads.
(Btw, that’s partially what killed politics discussion as people starting new threads kept annoying people trying to avoid the discussions. But I partially blame the policy of asking for new threads every time there’s a slight topic drift)
Please take any discussion of new threads to a new thread!
Somehow you want to make this about me? Nowhere did I quote you or mention your name, however, soon after you got back you insulted me on a post it clearly I let it go or you would have been suspended.Quote: MDawgAll that has happened is that in the past some WOV members were snide and insulted me indirectly and pushed me to making suspension worthy comments. Now, I ignore these insults or respond cheerfully, and when the instigators themselves get suspended they are surprised? It's just the chickens coming home to roost. Poetic justice.
For example here
AxelWolf clearly insulted me, was even called out on it by another member, and then so much as admitted it by throwing his arms up. I didn't take the bait though, I just ignored him, and have been mostly ignoring him for some time. Why wasn't AxelWolf suspended for that with a Martingale? His last suspension was 7/24/2020, for a personal insult, with multiple prior suspensions.
There's no need for any of this. If everyone would just quit with the "baiting" and trying to push others into suspensions there would be no suspensions. But when the baiters themselves end up suspended they have no one to blame but themselves.
The difference between me and you regarding this aspect, I don't care if I get suspended. Some people need these forums since it's all I've got, or it's a burning need to get some kind of attention, or they have some strange sick addiction IE. Nathan.
99% of the time when I get suspended I know it's probably coming before I even make the post. I've never been mad, angry or upset at a moderator or individual for being suspended, it's actually humorous to me. There may have been times(that 1%) where I thought it was a b******* reason but I figured they missed one here are there, so it's not a big deal. I post on a couple forums at a time I'm currently only occasionally posting here.
I have probably met a hundred people from The Forum and made quite a few friends and done some business with some good people along the way either directly from the Forum or through people I have met on the Forum. 99% of my time here has been a great experience.
I want to give a shout out to everybody I have met, made friends with, or done business with through the Wizard of Vegas, I can sincerely say I'm happy for knowing 99% of you and I want to thank everyone and wish everyone happiness prosperity. If you're someone I haven't heard from for a while shoot me a text or a PM just to say hi and see what's up.
Quote: AxelWolfI let it go
The only one who let anything go, is me. I didn't respond to your clear insult above, which the absurdity of your trying to claim that the post above isn't about me,
Quote: AxelWolfa multi Rolex having never losing highrolling Bac playing stock picking aficionado.
is blatantly disingenuous, nor did I respond to the below two insults you laid on me, both calling me a liar.

Part of what I do is trade stocks for a living, so your questioning that is calling my occupation "fake."

You can't have it both ways pal. On the one hand you try to act like you don't take anything at forums seriously, on the other you go out of your way to call people (not just me) liars.
If the shoe fits.Quote: MDawgon the other you go out of your way to call people (not just me) liars.

Quote: MDawgI'll definitely give the opinion of someone who isn't in the market and doesn't trade stocks, and who thinks that a CTR is a piece of paper that needs to be shown to prove a seven figure table game win, and who thinks that a seven figure table game winner would be cashing out cash to begin with, all the consideration it is due!
If you watch the documentary "Inside The Edge" which has the Wizard briefly interviewed you will see that is precisely what 7 figure AP's do.
They take cash and get the hell out.
Now you sir are not an AP. That isn't an insult. You claim you gamble with no advantage. You win through sheer intuition and non-AP methods.
I won't address the veracity of these claims but I believe claiming you just know intrinsically which side to wager means you are not an Advantage Player by definition.
So perhaps you can't imagine cashing out large sums of cold hard cash
But yes that is what AP's do.
It's because casinos have a track record of trying to renege on paying. Again watch that documentary.
You said here (or the other forum I can't remember) that a long time host told you he knows you don't need a loss rebate because he knows you never lose.
I do believe he may have said that too you as I have had casino employees congratulate me on constantly winning jackpots at slots (never mind that in reality it took a loss greater than the jackpot amount to get it). Employees are human and are prone to their own version of (whatever that term is I can't think of laying in bed at ten am)
But AP's know if you really always had winning sessions the casinos would not welcome you with open arms, would investigate you and probably make you feel unwelcome.
Again. Lock them in a private thread and throw away the key. Make it so that when the suspension rises to the level of a felony that this solitary confinement padded cell is the only one they can have access to.
It's obvious that whatever topic brought them here, of all the subjects available for comment and consideration, battering someone else is the only reason they stick around. Leave them to it. It doesn't matter that anyone else is interested in what they have to say, or if anyone else is even listening.
Quote: darkozQuote: MDawg
But AP's know if you really always had winning sessions the casinos would not welcome you with open arms, would investigate you and probably make you feel unwelcome.
Really?? If MDawg plays bacc and HAS WON I think they would welcome him back with open arms, as they are aware that players betting money at bacc tend to lose around a percent or so of that bet each bet. As far as 'investigate', I would guess they might watch carefully to make sure there are no illegal things going on, but dark.... you really think casinos don't want big betting bacc players like MDawg, REGARDLESS of how he has done in previous visits? I think they would make him feel EXTREMELY welcome!
Not sure what I did with the formatting..... but I think it is clear it is me starting with "Really"
Quote: AxelWolfIf the shoe fits.
I think it is:
If the glove don't fit, one must acquit.
Don Johnson for example is one.
Watch the documentary on him and you will see casino execs saying no way will they welcome him back.
Perhaps if MDawg won a few times in a row. But he claims every time he wins and wins big.
There are actually two items there hard to believe (again not saying they aren't true just that I personally would find 18 yo's in a row more believable).
One: MDawg never loses playing at a negative expectation game (claiming it's not due to some unknown advantage but simple intuition)
Two: casino execs welcome years long winners.
BTW, I have been told by casinos that even though they could not determine how I won, that I was no longer eligible for complementary items. I had been overcomped.
They actually do add up your losses to determine if your comps are subtracting from their bottom line. And I suspect many AP's have been told that somewhere in their playing life.
So again, difficult to believe he always wins AND always has casino staff welcoming him with open arms and adding to his sizable profits with more comps
No table game player would cash out seven figures in cash, and even if he did, he would never receive a piece of paper which is a CTR to "show" anyone because a CTR is not a piece of paper and is not something handed to the player!
Stick to what you know DarkOz, because anything to do with table games is not it. You're not even a table game player, whatever you do has to do with slot machines!
Quote: MDawgDarkOz you must have been watching a different film because "KC" never had anywhere near a seven figure win. He went up and down a lot and ended ahead low to mid six figures over the course of dozens and dozens of casinos cross country over a one year period. Also, recall that he was careful to never show ID so I assume he was equally careful about not cashing out more than ten grand at a time.
No table game player would cash out seven figures in cash, and even if he did, he would never receive a piece of paper which is a CTR to "show" anyone because a CTR is not a piece of paper and is not something handed to the player!
Stick to what you know DarkOz, because anything to do with table games is not it. You're not even a table game player, whatever you do has to do with slot machines!
MDawg, I saw the quote Axel supplied that showed a net win for 2014 of 7 figures. I just looked and saw that was Wizard being quoted not you.
So you are not claiming to be a 7 figure annual winner but a 7 figure per session winner?
And you always make a profit (of 7 figures. Not you brought 7 figures and cashed out 7 figures but you actually showed up and left with a 7 figure amount more than your arriving bankroll)
And you repeatedly do this and casinos welcome you with open arms?
My largest trip win was in the area of mid six figures.
Back when I played almost all blackjack I did get effectively banned (they handicapped me at one (big) set of casinos to a maximum 3X spread between hands on bets) for a couple of years after I kept clocking them too consistently with low to mid five figure blackjack wins. But that ban was lifted, and in any case, I play more Baccarat than BlackJack these days and Soopoo is right, no one will molest you for winning at Baccarat.
Quote: MDawgDarkOz, that seven figure win had nothing to do with me. It was an argument between AxelWolf and SiegfriedRoy. Axel was asking SiegfriedRoy to show him a CTR to prove the seven figure win, after Wizard verified the win via someone's (we assume it was SiegfriedRoy's) win/loss account
My largest trip win was in the area of mid six figures.
Back when I played almost all blackjack I did get effectively banned (they handicapped me at one (big) set of casinos to a maximum 3X spread between hands on bets) for a couple of years after I kept clocking them too consistently with low to mid five figure blackjack wins. But that ban was lifted, and in any case, I play more Baccarat than BlackJack these days and Soopoo is right, no one will molest you for winning at Baccarat.
Tell that to Phil Ivey
It was a clever retort I'll give you that, but not much relevancy to close to 100% of Baccarat players.
Quote: MDawgDo you always bring up irrelevancies to try to prove your point? As I said, just stick to slots that's your thing. I wouldn't try to lecture you on slots.
It was a clever retort I'll give you that, but not much relevancy to close to 100% of Baccarat players.
Because close to 100% of Baccarat players are lifelong losers
You started off with saying that "KC" in Inside the Edge was pulling out millions in cash or anywhere close each (or any!) session, which was untrue. So where is this going?
Quote: MDawgWhat's you point? Do you have one?
You started off with saying that "KC" in Inside the Edge was pulling out millions in cash or anywhere close each (or any!) session, which was untrue. So where is this going?
This forum will chew out someone who makes a claim of seeing 18 yo's in a row
They will do the math and claim it never happened.
I will leave it to the mathematicians on this forum to calculate the odds of never losing at Baccarat
Over the past two years I've played a combination of blackjack and baccarat. Every trip has ended in a win, and I have posted live videos of the end of year win/loss for each casino I play at to prove not just the wins but also to corroborate the exact sums claimed in prior posts.
And then when it comes to stock trades, I'm too busy to post each one, but I have occasionally posted not just screen shots but even live photos of my iPhone displaying the trades.
In the history of WOV no one, including you, has provided anything close to that level of substantiation.
I've presented a consistent story, and not contradicted myself over a long term. If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
Quote: MDawg"Never losing at Baccarat" is a mischaracterization. It implies winning every single session which I have posted both winning and losing Baccarat sessions here at WOV.
Over the past two years I've played a combination of blackjack and baccarat. Every trip has ended in a win, and I have posted live videos of the end of year win/loss for each casino I play at to prove not just the wins but also to corroborate the exact sums claimed in prior posts.
And then when it comes to stock trades, I'm too busy to post each one, but I have occasionally posted not just screen shots but even live photos of my iPhone displaying the trades.
In the history of WOV no one, including you, has provided anything close to that level of substantiation.
I've presented a consistent story, and not contradicted myself over a long term. If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
I can believe you win at Baccarat overall.
But using some type of advantage.
Why don't you just admit you are an advantage player at Baccarat. You don't have to explain how (according to AP logic here that's a no-no even if they call BS).
I don't understand why you seem incensed with proving you have a psychic like premonition ability to pick winners.
Quote: MDawg
In the history of WOV no one, including you, has provided anything close to that level of substantiation.
Being realistic, is there any online forum where APs have been pressured for proving their claims?
But if you're not an AP then proof is always demanded.
It seems that if your argument is based on math you get a pass on the proof requirement. We know that blackjack can be played with a mathematical
advantage through counting, so if you claim a profit in blackjack you get a pass on having to prove it.
You even get a pass if you claim you've had a long career in blackjack and even if you're known to the casinos. You get a pass for never being banned. You even get a pass in blackjack if you use hit and run techniques.
But dare you say you use hit and run techniques in negative expectation video poker, or any other negative expectation game, and the house comes down on you.
<<you have a psychic like premonition ability>> that's a mischaracterization! too.
Anyway, have a nice day DarkOz!
Make claims of AP large amounts and people will call you a liar and demand proof.
However when the AP shows proof he gets reprimanded for making AP moves public.
I think I have shown enough proof on here to my claims (and I still get called out)
Quote: darkozI find it's a catch-22.
Make claims of AP large amounts and people will call you a liar and demand proof.
However when the AP shows proof he gets reprimanded for making AP moves public.
I think I have shown enough proof on here to my claims (and I still get called out)
Don't you claim to have dozens of "employees" using other people's free play on various cards to earn you thousands of dollars a week?
I think your claims go far beyond "AP" because of the sheer numbers and because we know casino free play falls off over time... yet you have manna falling from heaven without end. How does the math support that?
Quote: AlanMendelson
I think your claims go far beyond "AP" because of the sheer numbers and because we know casino free play falls off over time... yet you have manna falling from heaven without end. How does the math support that?
Once again ... you don't understand it, therefore it can't happen.
Quote: sabreOnce again ... you don't understand it, therefore it can't happen.
It's also the simplest explanation lol.
But I think I will let him stew a bit trying to figure it out.
MDawg also fails to understand how it works
Quote: darkozIt's also the simplest explanation lol.
But I think I will let him stew a bit trying to figure it out.
MDawg also fails to understand how it works
When I played heavily I'd get as much as $2500 of free play a day. As my play dropped off, so did my free play.
Today I get $20 of free play twice a week at one casino and $40 twice a week at another casino.
These casinos revise their offers every two or three months.
Are you telling us that you have a perpetual motion machine for generating free play?
Quote: sabreOnce again ... you don't understand it, therefore it can't happen.
What's the difference between saying that, and saying "it's improbable therefore it is impossible."
As far as DarkOz: with DarkOz my belief that he is inaccurate with what he does as far as alleged “AP” play is based on the way his mind works.
He reads a screenshot I posted where the Wizard discussed the alleged win of SiegfriedRoy and thinks mistakenly it was about me.
He watches the same movie I did, Inside the Edge, and thinks mistakenly that in it “KC” was pulling seven figure cash wins out of the casinos, when in reality KC time and again made it clear that he was doing everything possible to avoid showing ID, and the movie itself documented nothing even close to million dollar sessions.
DarkOz says, repeatedly, “I make $20,000. a week” and doesn’t understand that this is not the same as claiming that he makes $20,000. each week.
DarkOz thinks that his penny stock is manipulated only when it goes down, he doesn't see that it's often the same manipulation when it goes up.
Given all these, and many more inaccuracies / inconsistencies in thinking, I wager that he is also inaccurate in the extent and level of his alleged AP play.
But, I’m pretty much done with this subject. For the same reasons that his thinking betrays the accuracy of his claims, I don’t believe it’s worth debating further, at least at this time.
If he's making ma$$, more power to him.
Quote: AlanMendelsonWhen I played heavily I'd get as much as $2500 of free play a day. As my play dropped off, so did my free play.
Today I get $20 of free play twice a week at one casino and $40 twice a week at another casino.
These casinos revise their offers every two or three months.
Are you telling us that you have a perpetual motion machine for generating free play?
Dark described a very interesting SPECIFIC play that generated boatloads of free play. I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve him. He did get lambasted by many on here for exposing the play.
Dark, mentioning Phil Ivey in response to my post means you didn't understand my post. I SPECIFICALLY mentioned that they may look at a big winner to make sure nothing illegal was going on. You can argue back and forth whether the Ivey edge sorting was illegal or not, but it was clear that the casino thought so. MD has only mentioned money management and identifying hot shoes. I contend that if that is all MD does, and I have no reason to disbelieve him on that account, then the casinos will welcome MD with open arms.
Also, mentioning Johnson who used loss rebates is also not relevant to this discussion. MD has never said he uses them. There are at least a dozen members on here who would easily be able to take advantage of such a loss rebate with almost no calculations even needed.
Quote: darkozI can believe you win at Baccarat overall.
But using some type of advantage.
Why don't you just admit you are an advantage player at Baccarat. You don't have to explain how (according to AP logic here that's a no-no even if they call BS).
I don't understand why you seem incensed with proving you have a psychic like premonition ability to pick winners.
I can see someone with MDawg's brains, money, and panache swinging a rebate trick or show-up money parallel places that almost guarantees a win. But someone doing that is going to come up with a cover story and stick to it. He's not gonna admit to rebates and show-up guarantees.
Assuming MDawg is the player at the level he says, his hosts and such could potentially ID him from the posts. So you'd work to protect that.
It would also be a simple matter to play at six different places each trip and report the three best results after the fact.
On occasion, I have (being a bad man) heard of guys headed for oncoming divorces do the opposite. Play six places for a year and publicly report the three worst after the fact, as a tool to help stash funds on the side.
Quote: redietz
It would also be a simple matter to play at six different places each trip and report the three best results after the fact.
I will comment on that. I posted all of my trips for well over a year, actually more like two years, before being challenged to post the win/loss statements. All of them as posted corroborated not just the over all claimed wins going back two years as posted, but also the specific amounts claimed per trip per casino as they added up in total wins. Every win/loss I provided proved an over all win per year per casino for all casinos I ever mentioned.
I had no idea that anyone was going to challenge me to prove anything, nor did I think all this would keep going on so far as far as internet posts to the point where it would become an Adventures thread. In the beginning it was just trip reports, eventually becoming a devoted thread to my trip Adventures.
There was nothing "after the fact" everything was posted as it happened, and eventually, later, when challenged, corroborated.
So, you're saying that two years ago when I started gambling again after a decade or so hiatus, and started posting trip reports that I knew in advance which casinos I would end up losing at and simply did not mention them at all? Every casino whose name I mentioned at any time I posted session and trip reports for, and eventually provided corroborating win/loss proof for.
If I knew in advance, two years ago, which casinos I were going to lose at, and made sure to leave these out of any mention whatsoever, then I truly would have the psychic capability to which DarkOz alludes.
Quote: AlanMendelsonWhen I played heavily I'd get as much as $2500 of free play a day. As my play dropped off, so did my free play.
Today I get $20 of free play twice a week at one casino and $40 twice a week at another casino.
These casinos revise their offers every two or three months.
Quote: AlanMendelsonDon't you claim to have dozens of "employees" using other people's free play on various cards to earn you thousands of dollars a week?
You really can't put those two statements together to come up with the answer?
Quote: MDawgI will comment on that. I posted all of my trips for well over a year, actually more like two years, before being challenged to post the win/loss statements. All of them as posted corroborated not just the over all claimed wins going back two years as posted, but also the specific amounts claimed per trip per casino as they added up in total wins. Every win/loss I provided proved an over all win per year per casino for all casinos I ever mentioned.
I had no idea that anyone was going to challenge me to prove anything, nor did I think all this would keep going on so far as far as internet posts to the point where it would become an Adventures thread. In the beginning it was just trip reports, eventually becoming a devoted thread to my trip Adventures.
There was nothing "after the fact" everything was posted as it happened, and eventually, later, when challenged, corroborated.
So, you're saying that two years ago when I started gambling again after a decade or so hiatus, and started posting trip reports that I knew in advance which casinos I would end up losing at and simply did not mention them at all? Every casino whose name I mentioned at any time I posted session and trip reports for, and eventually provided corroborating win/loss proof for.
If I knew in advance, two years ago, which casinos I were going to lose at, and made sure to leave these out of any mention whatsoever, then I truly would have the psychic capability to which DarkOz alludes.
I'm not claiming anything. I'm just providing Ockam's Razor speculative alternatives to the presentation that someone is winning at baccarat lifetime by somehow reading the flow of the cards.
I mean, as they say on ESPN, c'mon, man. I'm not even arguing with what you've allegedly done. I'm just providing alternative ideas about how it was allegedly done.
I actually do give advice to high stakes gamblers. I would be doing them a horrific disservice if I said, "Yeah, this guy can read the flow of baccarat cards."
I have no beef with P.T.Barnum. I just can't vouch for the freak show. If people want to pay the two bits and take a tour, that's up to them.
"Someday, somewhere...a guy is going to come to you and show you a nice brand-new deck of cards on which the seal is never broken, and this guy is going to offer to bet you that the jack of spades will jump out of this deck and squirt cider in your ear. But son, do not accept this bet, because as sure as you stand there, you're going to wind up with an ear full of cider."
Quote: MDawgAxel was asking SiegfriedRoy to show him a CTR to prove the seven figure win, after Wizard verified the win via someone's (we assume it was SiegfriedRoy's) win/loss account.
Do you guys understand you do not get a CTR when you cash out over $10k? A CTR is filed but the patron doesn't get anything. In many cases the patron doesn't even know a CTR is being filed.
Even if you have 100 players on your payroll getting $20 of free play a week, it doesn't add up to $20,000 weeks.
Show me the math.
And what do you do when the $20 falls to $5 ?
You can't tell me it won't.
Quote: DRichDo you guys understand you do not get a CTR when you cash out over $10k? A CTR is filed but the patron doesn't get anything. In many cases the patron doesn't even know a CTR is being filed.
DRich is correct. Players dont get a copy of a CTR.
But I wonder if you could ask for it?
Also... casinos are NOT required to file a CTR if they know you and you have an established history and records that can be presented.
If you have a credit line there is probably no CTRs filed. Then the casino has plenty of records.

This was exactly my point...that AxelWolf's asking to "see" a CTR shows how much he knows about table game play. And would tend to indicate that AxelWolf's never been there with a $10K cashout from a table game to begin with.
No table game player would cash out seven figures anyway, and that AxelWolf thought that someone would, is also indicative of how high limit table game play is beyond his ken.
And my point in bringing this up is that AxelWolf's opinion on whether or not I play and win at table games is meaningless.
Incorrect. A CTR is filed anytime anyone deposits or withdraws $10K or more in cash over a 24 hour period. There is no leeway on this.Quote: AlanMendelson
Also... casinos are NOT required to file a CTR if they know you and you have an established history and records that can be presented.
Quote: AlanMendelsonDarkoz...
Even if you have 100 players on your payroll getting $20 of free play a week, it doesn't add up to $20,000 weeks.
Show me the math.
And what do you do when the $20 falls to $5 ?
You can't tell me it won't.
The only free play that is truly free and not tied to casino play is the free you get on a brand new player card. Each new player must present valid ID. There aren't enough humans on the planet to sustain $20K a week forever with new players, let alone at the few casinos available to DarkOz. When you consider that the pool of "new players" available to DarkOz is decidedly less than the total population of the earth, the odds against this - getting massive free play on new player cards - become even more daunting.
As far as the free play to which Alan alludes, I assume he is dumping in a lot more losses than $20. just to get the $20.
Even if there is some free play being accumulated with player cards that are NOT new, in keeping with the multiple inaccuracies in thinking I already mentioned, what we're not hearing about is the amount of coin that has to be input just to generate it.
If DarkOz wants to enlighten us on how exactly he is getting free play consistently with players who are either not playing or not losing, that would be something worth reading.
Quote: AlanMendelsonDarkoz...
Even if you have 100 players on your payroll getting $20 of free play a week, it doesn't add up to $20,000 weeks.
Show me the math.
And what do you do when the $20 falls to $5 ?
You can't tell me it won't.
I got 10 Players staying at home while I go collect this from each and every one.

Then in two months I move onto the next 10.
I'm not going to explain to you how to get those offers. But I have posted one method (the one for the calendar above). Look for my NY AP move thread
Quote: MDawgA CTR is filed anytime anyone deposits or withdraws $10K or more in cash over a 24 hour period. There is no leeway on this.
If I'm wrong then casinos like Caesars and Wynn and Bellagio and Venetian and MGM must have huge departments doing nothing but CTRs.
Quote: MDawg
This was exactly my point...that AxelWolf's asking to "see" a CTR shows how much he knows about table game play. And would tend to indicate that AxelWolf's never been there with a $10K cashout from a table game to begin with.
No table game player would cash out seven figures anyway, and that AxelWolf thought that someone would, is also indicative of how high limit table game play is beyond his ken.
And my point in bringing this up is that AxelWolf's opinion on whether or not I play and win at table games is meaningless.
Incorrect. A CTR is filed anytime anyone deposits or withdraws $10K or more in cash over a 24 hour period. There is no leeway on this.
The only free play that is truly free and not tied to casino play is the free you get on a brand new player card. Each new player must present valid ID. There aren't enough humans on the planet to sustain $20K a week forever with new players, let alone at the few casinos available to DarkOz. When you consider that the pool of "new players" available to DarkOz is decidedly less than the total population of the earth, the odds against this - getting massive free play on new player cards - become even more daunting.
As far as the free play to which Alan alludes, I assume he is dumping in a lot more losses than $20. just to get the $20.
Quote: darkozOmfG.
I got 10 Players staying at home while I go collect this from each and every one.
Then in two months I move onto the next 10.
I'm not going to explain to you how to get those offers. But I have posted one method (the one for the calendar above). Look for my NY AP move thread
What you dont show us is how long these offers continue for.
I used to get mailers like that from Rincon. But when your play drops off the mailers stop.
Unless you have a "perpetual motion machine" for generating free play.
Quote: AlanMendelsonQuote: darkozOmfG.
I got 10 Players staying at home while I go collect this from each and every one.
Then in two months I move onto the next 10.
I'm not going to explain to you how to get those offers. But I have posted one method (the one for the calendar above). Look for my NY AP move thread
What you dont show us is how long these offers continue for.
I used to get mailers like that from Rincon. But when your play drops off the mailers stop.
Unless you have a "perpetual motion machine" for generating free play.
What's that famous line from "Cool Hand Luke"?
Quote: darkozOmfG.
I got 10 Players staying at home while I go collect this from each and every one.
Then in two months I move onto the next 10.
I'm not going to explain to you how to get those offers. But I have posted one method (the one for the calendar above). Look for my NY AP move thread
Complete waste of time and energy to play “Alan games. “Save yourself. It’s not possible to come up with a satisfactory answer, he will keep changing the question.