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June 13th, 2020 at 1:20:58 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Wearing a mask helps to both prevent the virus from getting in and out. It's the right thing to do. If you are concerned about catching it from an unmasked service person, why be around them?

I was just trying to mention that my understanding is that the mask prevents the wearer from spreading the disease moreso than keeping him from getting it. Obviously there would be some preventive benefit from wearing one, no doubt. Right or wrong, and of course it's "the right thing to do", it doesn't mean that talking about the relative benefits of doing so isn't worth it.

I have no idea whether everyone that prepares my meal in a restaurant is wearing a mask - in the kitchen or in the back room away from the bar. The advertisements I see talking about GUARANTEED touchless preparation are a joke. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? I have. If you have any concerns about the sanitary conditions in a restaurant, don't ever go out to eat.
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June 13th, 2020 at 1:54:35 PM permalink
Quote: Armagedden

The covid19 is the worst assassin of the nature so far, and the "Survival of the fittest" calls for the smartest people to flourish and the stupidest people to die out.

The wearing of a N95facemask is the best solution against the worst assassin inside casinos (or hospitals). Folks, folks, folks, please adapt to wear a n95facemask, or die by covid19. Keep in mind...Survival of the Fittest is just another facts of life.

Quote: racquet

I thought I had read that wearing a mask prevents YOU from giving YOUR COVID germs to someone else through your droplets landing on THEM. . So YOU not wearing a mask has no impact on whether or not YOU get it, it's the mask-wearing of people around you that effects your risk. Wearing a mask or not yourself doesn't matter that much, it's masks on other people that determine your risk.

I understand the one-for-all all-for-one rationale for why I should wear a mask and how wearing one perhaps influences others to do the same, but from a purely selfish point of view, isn't, for example, making sure that I never touch my face with my hands until I get back to my room - isn't that a better rule to focus on?

If the COVID-positive cook, waitress, bartender, busboy or other person who is handling my food or the plate it's served on is not wearing a mask, isn't that person someone more to worry about?

As a tourist, I just booked my annual September trip to downtown - free nights and very low airfares. Forty-eight hour cancellation privileges on the room, one hour before departure on the plane.

Between now and then I will listen to the advice, medical and otherwise, that I read here to decide whether or not to cancel. It can be whatever number of wave they want to call it, and they can be requirements or guidelines. In the end, it will be up to me.

Quote: racquet

I was just trying to mention that my understanding is that the mask prevents the wearer from spreading the disease moreso than keeping him from getting it. Obviously there would be some preventive benefit from wearing one, no doubt. Right or wrong, and of course it's "the right thing to do", it doesn't mean that talking about the relative benefits of doing so isn't worth it.

I have no idea whether everyone that prepares my meal in a restaurant is wearing a mask - in the kitchen or in the back room away from the bar. The advertisements I see talking about GUARANTEED touchless preparation are a joke. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? I have. If you have any concerns about the sanitary conditions in a restaurant, don't ever go out to eat.

Racket, researchers say that wearing a mask will reduce the risk of catching covid19 by 75%. For your perusal, I get you some quotes from CNBC-dot-com:
httpz www cnbc com

"...Experiments by a team in Hong Kong found that the coronavirus’ transmission rate via respiratory droplets or airborne particles dropped by as much as 75% when surgical masks were used.

The findings implied to the world and the public is that the effectiveness of mask-wearing against the coronavirus pandemic is huge,” Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung, a leading microbiologist from Hong Kong University who helped discover the SARS virus in 2003, said Sunday. '...

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June 13th, 2020 at 2:10:42 PM permalink
Quote: ThisIsMyJam

What are table minimums like in Reno? Carnival games open? Debating driving to Reno or flying to Vegas.

The casino I was at Friday night, table minimums were: UTH-$10, BJ (3-2), Pai-Gow $15. I’m sure if you went to smaller off the beaten path casinos like Boomtown or Western Village they probably have $5 Min or less. I didn’t bother looking at craps or roulette but will report back.
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June 13th, 2020 at 2:31:23 PM permalink
Again, my point was that if I am wearing a mask, I reduce the chance of ME spreading the virus to YOU. The mask WEARER is the one transmitting respiratory droplets or airborne particles. The mask blocks MY droplets. That's what I recall reading. The quotes above do not mention the difference in benefit to the person wearing the mask alone, I don't doubt that the mask can prevent me, somewhat, from inhaling the droplets, but I think the mask does much more to prevent the expulsion of virus than it prevents inhaling them.

A similar situation? Wearing seat belts. The benefit is clear for the person WEARING the seat belt, and clearly "it's the right thing to do." But if you and I are travelling in the same car, you wearing a seat belt and me not, you don't lose much safety because I am not wearing one, unless I fly across the car in the accident and whack you.

In both cases, the benefit is not equal to both of us.
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June 13th, 2020 at 2:59:34 PM permalink
If I were in an accident, I'd want everyone wearing a seatbelt.
About twenty years ago, a plane from PR to NYC hit a big patch of turbulence. A woman who was sleeping, but not strapped in, got thrown from her seat, bounced around a bit, and landed on my friend. She suffered two broken legs, he got a broken nose and a shattered tooth.
Your chances of being injured by an unbelted passenger in your car have to be many times that of being hurt by a belted one.
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June 13th, 2020 at 3:19:02 PM permalink
Racquet... as someone who has worn an N-95 mask during my career to protect me from TB and other respiratory diseases, a properly fitted (probably rarely happens in the general public) N-95 mask was MADE to protect the wearer. I think you are confusing the reason for people wearing cheap surgical style masks or bandanas, which do afford you some protection, but nothing compared to a properly fitted N-95 mask. Frankly, the few times I had to wear N-95 masks, I always felt it was difficult to breathe with it on. No way to know how effective the 'you have to wear a mask' rule is, but it certainly is better than 'no one wears a mask'.
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June 13th, 2020 at 3:25:54 PM permalink

Racquet... as someone who has worn an N-95 mask during my career to protect me from TB and other respiratory diseases, a properly fitted (probably rarely happens in the general public) N-95 mask was MADE to protect the wearer. I think you are confusing the reason for people wearing cheap surgical style masks or bandanas, which do afford you some protection, but nothing compared to a properly fitted N-95 mask. Frankly, the few times I had to wear N-95 masks, I always felt it was difficult to breathe with it on. No way to know how effective the 'you have to wear a mask' rule is, but it certainly is better than 'no one wears a mask'.

Good point.

Another is that we are dealing with an asymptomatic spreading disease. That means people DON'T NECESSARILY know they have it.

Raquet may feel he is okay if others wear masks preventing him from getting covid but it is possible Raquet has the virus and his refusal to wear one is actually a selfish form of being a virus spreader.

Unless he has been actually tested just feeling fine isn't good enough to say he doesn't have Covid.

What's that poker joke? "Look around the table. If you don't see the sucker, you're it.".

I don't know if that fits but trying to say it's possible to feel everyone else is keeping you safe by wearing their masks, meanwhile you are the one spreading the disease

EDIT: Not calling Racquet a sucker or anything just trying to use the phrase for a point. Gotta be clear on this forum board :)
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June 13th, 2020 at 3:37:40 PM permalink

Racquet... as someone who has worn an N-95 mask during my career to protect me from TB and other respiratory diseases, a properly fitted (probably rarely happens in the general public) N-95 mask was MADE to protect the wearer. I think you are confusing the reason for people wearing cheap surgical style masks or bandanas, which do afford you some protection, but nothing compared to a properly fitted N-95 mask. Frankly, the few times I had to wear N-95 masks, I always felt it was difficult to breathe with it on. No way to know how effective the 'you have to wear a mask' rule is, but it certainly is better than 'no one wears a mask'.

OK, so there are instances where the mask-wearer benefits from wearing the mask. Assuming it's the proper type (N-95), Assuming it's worn properly. I do not discount the potential benefit to the wearer. I don't discount that benefit. I could find the specific mentions I have seen about how a cloth covering worn even casually "prevents the spread of the virus", because it traps infectious particles from travelling AWAY from an infected person..

This is not a scientific study or a research project that needs laboratory tests taken out to the tenth decimal place. It's just us gamblers. There's no need for footnotes, depositions or testimony under oath.

My impression is that mask wearing does more to PREVENT spread from someone wearing it than it does to PROTECT an uninfected wearer from getting it. Is it 100%, all one way? No. Could wearing a mask reduce your chances of getting the disease? No doubt.

Assume two people standing next to each other, and there's only one "cloth covering" available. One person is COVID-19 positive, one is not. Neither one knows how to "properly fit the mask". It's a bandana. Who should get it? I think it should be worn by the infected person, since that is the best way to prevent the spread of infected droplets.
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June 13th, 2020 at 4:06:42 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

If I were in an accident, I'd want everyone wearing a seatbelt.
About twenty years ago, a plane from PR to NYC hit a big patch of turbulence. A woman who was sleeping, but not strapped in, got thrown from her seat, bounced around a bit, and landed on my friend. She suffered two broken legs, he got a broken nose and a shattered tooth.
Your chances of being injured by an unbelted passenger in your car have to be many times that of being hurt by a belted one.

I don't always wear my seatbelt, especially if I'm making multiple stops. The seat belt reminder beeping sound just isn't loud enough to annoy me, especially if I have the stereo on. It really upsets my wife that I don't wear my seat-belt, so now she has begun to make the beeping sound herself.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 13th, 2020 at 4:20:26 PM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I don't always wear my seatbelt, especially if I'm making multiple stops. The seat belt reminder beeping sound just isn't loud enough to annoy me, especially if I have the stereo on. It really upsets my wife that I don't wear my seat-belt, so now she has begun to make the beeping sound herself.

I don't like wearing seatbelts. Id hardly ever wear one and every few months I'd get a ticket. It would cost me $25-50 and was well worth the cost. Then I got three in about six weeks and found out the hard way NYS had raised the stakes. $415 later, I decided not wearing a seatbelt was a hobby I could no longer afford.
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June 13th, 2020 at 5:10:56 PM permalink
My best friend was thrown out of the car and it rolled over on him. He did not like to wear a seatbelt and is no longer with us.
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June 13th, 2020 at 5:24:35 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

*Snipped* Could wearing a mask reduce your chances of getting the disease? No doubt.

This is why I really struggle understanding why people won't wear one in a situation where proper "social distancing" is difficult/impossible. Is it THAT much of an inconvenience to most people? Hell at least one person has been murdered over it so far.

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June 13th, 2020 at 6:03:00 PM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

This is why I really struggle understanding why people won't wear one in a situation where proper "social distancing" is difficult/impossible. Is it THAT much of an inconvenience to most people? Hell at least one person has been murdered over it so far.


In my case I think it is uncomfortable.If a business requires me to wear a mask I will wear one if I want to go into that business. I have only wore a mask once since this pandemic started. My hair stylist required it so I wore it. I have taken two airline trips but neither airline required me to wear one.
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June 14th, 2020 at 11:17:51 AM permalink
Quietest weekend at Las Vegas casinos I've ever seen. Highest proportion of young people, too.
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June 14th, 2020 at 11:22:01 AM permalink
So, I tell you what I find odd during these unusual times is a casino offering a 2-1 Blackjack promotion, knowing they only have 50% of available spots at tables. ?? I guess they could bring in extra tables.

Traditionally, such a promotion is offered for a short time to increase players, knowing that half the players are bad enough players they won't make a profit even with the +EV off the top.

In recent times this promotion has been used as an AP trap. A way to gather information on the type of player that shows up. In these odd times, players are able to wear a mask, hindering such an effort.

So who knows which of these thoughts would be behind such a promotion during these times. Might make for an interesting day. :)
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June 14th, 2020 at 1:36:13 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

So, I tell you what I find odd during these unusual times is a casino offering a 2-1 Blackjack promotion

I'm sure you won't give away specifics, so in general...

Can you play unrated? Or does that in and of itself generate interest? With facial recognition (with or without masks) is playing unrated of no use - they'll know who you are anyway?

Could this be another example of the empty suits coming up with a promotion without checking with the mathematicians? I recall a "triple-down" promotion that was marketed, in advance, to run for an extended period of time. It lasted no more than a few hours and cost a whole lot of money (in the millions?).
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June 14th, 2020 at 2:10:44 PM permalink
All this mask talk. People forget you can get the virus through your eyes. This is why you see so many places with plastic barriers. Masks only solves part of the problem, you need to wear eye protection. My motorcycle transition sunglasses has a foam seal around the lens to seal out the wind. I often wear that in addition to the mask.
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June 14th, 2020 at 2:54:07 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

In recent times this promotion has been used as an AP trap.

I swear I've asked this question before, but here goes again.

Where was this particular Blackjack promotion that was used as a trap.

When you use the word trap, that makes it sound like they intentionally set up the promotion with the intention of identifying Advantage Players(or however you want to put it).

I have no doubt that a Casino may have run this type of promotion and realized after the fact how much money they were losing and then decided to gather information once they realize it was mostly Advantage Players hitting them.

Such a promotion would probably attract non-professionals as well, so how would they identify who is an advantage player and who isn't(I assume most people would be flat betting)? They might be looking to see who is betting table max, however, I have been involved playing 2 to 1 Blackjack promotions where that wasn't the case, since there's a lot of Advantage Players out there who couldn't possibly afford to bet the table max. Or an advantage player could simply choose to avoid getting pegged as an advantage player by avoiding the table Max.

If they're going to sit around and count down decks and see who's taking insurance and making the proper index plays at all the tables, that could certainly be an indicator. One could simply mix it up and toss some cover play in.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 14th, 2020 at 3:26:59 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

I recall a "triple-down" promotion that was marketed, in advance, to run for an extended period of time. It lasted no more than a few hours and cost a whole lot of money (in the millions?).

When was this? I never heard of Triple down promo except for the Mohegan Sun one ten years ago.
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June 14th, 2020 at 7:56:15 PM permalink
Quote: sabre

When was this? I never heard of Triple down promo except for the Mohegan Sun one ten years ago.

I hate it when someone mentions this promo. Brings back bad memories. Took the train up tp M.S. the night before (promo started at midnight), quickly went into a hole during the overnight period. I then spent the late morning and early afternoon hours digging out back to even, and went back in the hole late afternoon and early evening before boarding the train back to NYC and eventually Philly.

And to make matters worse, over the years, whenever someone brought up this promotion, I haven't heard of anyone else that didn't win (and most claim to have won big). I seem to be the one unlucky sucker that got crushed early and ended up a loser on that play.
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June 14th, 2020 at 8:31:41 PM permalink
It ran 6am to 6am. I quit up decently at 4am because I decided that the extra 2hrs of ev wasn't worth me hanging myself if i ran awful the last 2 hours. I talked to several APs who lost.
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June 14th, 2020 at 8:47:03 PM permalink
Quote: sabre

It ran 6am to 6am. I quit up decently at 4am because I decided that the extra 2hrs of ev wasn't worth me hanging myself if i ran awful the last 2 hours. I talked to several APs who lost.

I don't think that is right (the time) or I would have headed up early morning rather than in the evening. But I can't swear to it.

I am sure we are talking about the same promo, because it was like a card counter convention and it was the first thing like that I participated on. And tables were crowded from the minute it started, actually hours before it started just to insure a seat. I think I only took one break in 20+ hours of play just to grab something to eat and stretch a bit and was lucky enough to get back on a table fairly quickly.
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June 14th, 2020 at 8:52:00 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

I don't think that is right (the time) or I would have headed up early morning rather than in the evening. But I can't swear to it.

In thinking about it, you might be right. I might be that I couldn't have gotten there until 10 or 11am by train, on the day, so that might be why I headed up the night before on the last train of the day. AND in hindsight, since my big loss occurred in my first couple hours, maybe I would have been better off arriving 4 hours in. lol
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June 15th, 2020 at 4:11:41 AM permalink
Various Vegas twitter accounts are saying that masks may become required when playing in a casino. Apparently the gaming board is meeting today on this.

I think it’s a good idea. Better than having to shut down again.
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June 15th, 2020 at 7:17:32 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

Various Vegas twitter accounts are saying that masks may become required when playing in a casino. Apparently the gaming board is meeting today on this.

I think it’s a good idea. Better than having to shut down again.

If that is true and they require masks that will decrease my casino time by about 99%. It would have to be a large +EV opportunity for me to go back in.
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June 15th, 2020 at 7:35:27 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

Various Vegas twitter accounts are saying that masks may become required when playing in a casino. Apparently the gaming board is meeting today on this.

I think it’s a good idea. Better than having to shut down again.

I wonder if the casinos could - or would want to - enforce this.

Customer shaming, fueled by alcohol, defining what a mask is, whether it's properly affixed, how to drink or smoke or eat while wearing a mask.

Who enforces this? Casino security? LVPD? The Health Department's Enforcement Division?

Arrest? Civil fine? Jail time?

Bring back paddy wagons and build a Mask Tank next to the Drunk Tank in the local precinct.

Never happens.
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June 15th, 2020 at 8:17:35 AM permalink
Quote: racquet

I wonder if the casinos could - or would want to - enforce this.

Customer shaming, fueled by alcohol, defining what a mask is, whether it's properly affixed, how to drink or smoke or eat while wearing a mask.

Who enforces this? Casino security? LVPD? The Health Department's Enforcement Division?

Arrest? Civil fine? Jail time?

Bring back paddy wagons and build a Mask Tank next to the Drunk Tank in the local precinct.

Never happens.

I imagine it would be the same bottom down as any casino requirements.

Casino faces fines for non-enforcement.

They will send security to anyone not obeying rules to avoid fines.

Will ask people who refuse to leave.

Call for trespassing anyone refusing to leave and not wear a mask
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June 15th, 2020 at 9:20:08 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I imagine it would be the same bottom down as any casino requirements.
Casino faces fines for non-enforcement.
They will send security to anyone not obeying rules to avoid fines.
Will ask people who refuse to leave.
Call for trespassing anyone refusing to leave and not wear a mask

Masks are required in a lot of states now, in similar venues. My guess is that enforcement in Las Vegas of the existing rules is less strict than elsewhere. You expect people to be trespassed if they won't wear a mask? As the guy said in Jaws... "We're gonna need a bigger back room."
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June 15th, 2020 at 10:21:56 AM permalink
Quote: racquet

Masks are required in a lot of states now, in similar venues. My guess is that enforcement in Las Vegas of the existing rules is less strict than elsewhere. You expect people to be trespassed if they won't wear a mask? As the guy said in Jaws... "We're gonna need a bigger back room."

It's really not that difficult to believe.

Once casinos are told they face fines for non-enforcement then yes they will be doing due diligence

I have seen family friendly casinos here on the East Coast suddenly change their policy to no children period. People grumble but better believe the casino enforces it
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June 15th, 2020 at 10:41:01 AM permalink
Quote: racquet

You expect people to be trespassed if they won't wear a mask? As the guy said in Jaws... "We're gonna need a bigger back room."

No, not trespassed or back roomed, just asked to leave. I expect it to be the same as underage patrons who can't or refuse to show ID. Then you have to leave. And if you refuse to do that, then yes, police are called.

Look, here in Nevada, Governor Sisolak has shown a willingness to stand up to the casino industry. They wanted to re-open a whole month before he was willing to do so. So the casino industry has to know that if he sees a spike in cases, deaths, hospitalizations, he will close casinos again. Whether you agree with him or not, he believes he is acting in the best interest of Nevadans, not the casino industry, which is a little refreshing for a politician in either party in this state.

The fact of the matter is Sisolak gave in from his own position and allowed Casinos to re-open earlier than he initially wanted. He initially said casinos were stage 3 or 4 and allowed them to re-open in stage 2, under these "recommendations" of the casino control commission. As far as I am concerned casinos have all but ignored those recommendations and if they are closed again, they deserve it.

IMO, the machines are fine with the spacing and all. Table games less so. 3 people to a blackjack table is not 6 feet. And craps and roulette tables are even worse. And prior to re-opening we kept hearing and seeing all these different plastic dividers that would be installed at table games. I have seen just a couple tables with these dividers.

And the very worst problem isn't even table games, it is the bars that people congregate. I'll use the "long bar" at the D that Derek Stevens so often crows about. That bar is still packed just as always with every seat filled and many more people standing and milling around. So much so that you usually can't even walk through that area to get to the other areas of the casino. That simply is not going to work with this virus.

The casino industry could have opened at 50% OF EVERYTHING, but they weren't content with that and ignored all the rules (recommendations) and I think the end result will be they go back to 0%. And if a second shutdown occurs, it is going to be for a long time. The fact is casinos are not essential. Sporting events are not essential. Concerts and shows are not essential. Even dining in is not essential.
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June 15th, 2020 at 10:54:26 AM permalink
In short the message sent was: we can begin to re-open WITH PRECAUTIONS and the message received was: Virus over, back to normal.
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June 15th, 2020 at 12:03:33 PM permalink
Mask requirement rumor has the sound of vitalvegas is fabricating rumors out of thin air again.
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June 15th, 2020 at 12:40:14 PM permalink
Update: masks remain optional for customers, for now.


“Per our current policy, all casino employees must be wearing masks. Licensees must have masks available for patrons and should strongly encourage patrons to wear them,” Gaming Control Board Chairwoman Sandra Morgan told the Review-Journal on Monday.

“These policies were created and implemented based on guidance and feedback from medical professionals and from the state’s testing data, testing capacity, and contact tracing,” she said. “If that data changes and our percentage of positive cases increase, I would consider additional measures to ensure our health care system is not overburdened.”

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June 15th, 2020 at 1:11:02 PM permalink
My brother and I have decided to take the summer off from further AP play. We have been discussing this for several days. While we both have had the virus and that likely provides us extra protection and immunity, the casino environment is nothing short of a petri dish of germs and viruses. Always has been. And despite extra "protection" that we may have, there is just too much unknown about this virus and what comes next.

If it was just me, I probably wouldn't have rushed back to the casinos last week, but I share a condo with my brother and didn't feel like I could ask him not to resume his life because I had concerns. Now that he has concerns, we have decided to just take the summer off and enjoy non casino activities like spending time on our boat, maybe take another trip to California for some surfing. We were just there a couple weeks ago and had a great time. Add in some hiking and bike riding trips around the state. Just enjoy the summer months outdoors where it is much safer (than the petri dish that are casinos). And we will see where things stand and how we feel come September.

I suspect there will be a second casino shutdown between now and then, but we will see what happens. This is really a good time to just enjoy some outdoor life for a while. :)
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June 15th, 2020 at 1:33:39 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

My brother and I have decided to take the summer off from further AP play. We have been discussing this for several days. While we both have had the virus and that likely provides us extra protection and immunity, the casino environment is nothing short of a petri dish of germs and viruses. Always has been. And despite extra "protection" that we may have, there is just too much unknown about this virus and what comes next.

If it was just me, I probably wouldn't have rushed back to the casinos last week, but I share a condo with my brother and didn't feel like I could ask him not to resume his life because I had concerns. Now that he has concerns, we have decided to just take the summer off and enjoy non casino activities like spending time on our boat, maybe take another trip to California for some surfing. We were just there a couple weeks ago and had a great time. Add in some hiking and bike riding trips around the state. Just enjoy the summer months outdoors where it is much safer (than the petri dish that are casinos). And we will see where things stand and how we feel come September.

I suspect there will be a second casino shutdown between now and then, but we will see what happens. This is really a good time to just enjoy some outdoor life for a while. :)

Stunned to hear it. Of course nothing in life is 100% certain, but if I already had the virus like you did, the risk to you of COVID-19 has to be less than dozens of other things you do on a daily basis without even thinking about it. To my knowledge there has not been a single death reported on what would be called a reinfection.
Now if you told me there weren't enough opportunities, or you just hate the new environment in casinos, that would be another story. Once you make the decision that you will be earning your living in casinos, the thought of using health concerns, as a reason not to go into a casino seems silly.

Butttttt...... if you can afford a nice vacation.... take it! You won't regret it!
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June 15th, 2020 at 1:46:27 PM permalink

Stunned to hear it. Of course nothing in life is 100% certain, but if I already had the virus like you did, the risk to you of COVID-19 has to be less than dozens of other things you do on a daily basis without even thinking about it. To my knowledge there has not been a single death reported on what would be called a reinfection.
Now if you told me there weren't enough opportunities, or you just hate the new environment in casinos, that would be another story. Once you make the decision that you will be earning your living in casinos, the thought of using health concerns, as a reason not to go into a casino seems silly.

Butttttt...... if you can afford a nice vacation.... take it! You won't regret it!

Well, my brother saw Dr Fauci on CNN last week talking about all the different uncertainties. One of the things Fauci said was "we don't even know what people that have recovered will be like in 6 months". I don't think Fauci was really saying there is substantial risk of re-infection. I think it was just a general expression of uncertainty about any of it.

It does bother me a bit that casinos and probably even more so, casino patrons don't seem to be taking this very seriously. I mean my own observation is that 1 in 5 are even wearing a mask. I think Wizard pegged it at 1 in 7. I mean how hard is it to wear a mask? Like I said earlier, people took this reopening and decided it meant things are back to normal.....no more covid-19. And that is not what the reality is.

Anyway, I am looking at it more like your last thought. Just spend the summer doing other things.....outdoor activities that we enjoy and are much safer environment. The casinos will still be there come fall or whenever. We'll see where things are then.
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June 15th, 2020 at 1:56:47 PM permalink
As more time passes, more people are becoming less protective. When NY was experiencing 800 deaths a day, and the entire country was experiencing well over a 1000 per day, the majority of the population was taking the virus seriously and most were wearing masks. But now as business reopens, many people are thinking that the risk has diminished to a point that masks are not necessary. All it takes is one person and it goes downhill from there.
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June 15th, 2020 at 1:57:33 PM permalink
It will be interesting to see if those wearing a mask numbers are different in Vegas vs other places because Vegas comps drinks to players, whereas other states, like IN, IN and WI do not. Some states, like IL, while not open yet, have their casinos that are non-smoking. While I do not smoke, I do drink and would find it very difficult to do either while wearing a mask. I do wear one where required and nowhere else.
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June 15th, 2020 at 2:47:43 PM permalink
Quote: Gabes22

While I do not smoke, I do drink and would find it very difficult to do either while wearing a mask. I do wear one where required and nowhere else.

I'm marketing the double bendy extra-long mask straw. From the glass, it bends under the mask, then bends into the mouth.

just kidding on the marketing.
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June 15th, 2020 at 2:50:42 PM permalink
Not since the 1980's have I been in a casino that wasn't 24 hours. And that was (at the time) a tiny couple trailers Indian casino down near the Mexican/Texas border.
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June 15th, 2020 at 3:35:18 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

Anyway, I am looking at it more like your last thought. Just spend the summer doing other things.....outdoor activities that we enjoy and are much safer environment. The casinos will still be there come fall or whenever.

That means, you could DM me, a lone wolf, about the 2:1 time and location! My only qualification is that I, much like Khan, was fighting in the War against casinos at the tables years before many on this site were even born, heh heh...
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June 15th, 2020 at 3:44:29 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Not since the 1980's have I been in a casino that wasn't 24 hours. And that was (at the time) a tiny couple trailers Indian casino down near the Mexican/Texas border.

I do not think any casinos in IL are 24 hours. The time they are closed however is minimal and IMO stupid. For instance, Rivers in Des Plaines is open 9am to 7 am. Then again in IL casinos have to track the people that enter each day for tax purposes, which is why if you leave and plan on re-entry that day you need to get stamped
A flute with no holes is not a flute, a donut with no holes is a danish
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June 15th, 2020 at 5:25:15 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

Well, my brother saw Dr Fauci on CNN last week talking about all the different uncertainties. One of the things Fauci said was "we don't even know what people that have recovered will be like in 6 months". I don't think Fauci was really saying there is substantial risk of re-infection. I think it was just a general expression of uncertainty about any of it.

It does bother me a bit that casinos and probably even more so, casino patrons don't seem to be taking this very seriously. I mean my own observation is that 1 in 5 are even wearing a mask. I think Wizard pegged it at 1 in 7. I mean how hard is it to wear a mask? Like I said earlier, people took this reopening and decided it meant things are back to normal.....no more covid-19. And that is not what the reality is.

Anyway, I am looking at it more like your last thought. Just spend the summer doing other things.....outdoor activities that we enjoy and are much safer environment. The casinos will still be there come fall or whenever. We'll see where things are then.

If you aren't up on it, there are new evaluations of people who do not seem to be shaking virus symptoms even after months, so the question is whether the virus is hanging out in them and firing back up cyclically or whether they are getting it again. It appears to be the former. I'll try to track down the link.

It'll be hard to shut down casinos again. There will be super-spreader events in the casinos, but because Nevada doesn't count out-of-staters who get sick against the state totals, nobody is going to know exactly how many people get sick from casino exposure. It will take some truly horrendous events, and maybe federal intervention, to strongarm them into shutting down. My suspicion is that most western states that rely heavily on tourism will use the same see-no-evil accounting to protect themselves from shutting down and hand the responsibilities for tracking and contact tracing off to other states.

It's a mess because there is no coordination. Really, the U.S. response has been horrific.

Probably a good idea to stay out of the locals places in the near term. Okay, I found the article I was looking for --


The one above goes into the symptom recurrences. Below is more in depth:


Finally, a rundown of results for those hospitalized with the disease badly, but who are listed as recovered:

Last edited by: redietz on Jun 15, 2020
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June 16th, 2020 at 6:09:14 AM permalink
Quote: Gabes22

I do not think any casinos in IL are 24 hours. The time they are closed however is minimal and IMO stupid. For instance, Rivers in Des Plaines is open 9am to 7 am. Then again in IL casinos have to track the people that enter each day for tax purposes, which is why if you leave and plan on re-entry that day you need to get stamped

What idiot politician thought a head tax was necessary for gambling?
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June 16th, 2020 at 7:08:08 AM permalink
Sabre, in our neck of the woods we don't get a head tax, but we do get a car tax. Each casino is required to collect 2 bucks as each gambler parks his car in the parking deck. Some VIP gamblers pay nothing to park their cars because some casinos pay the State on behalf of the VIPs (i.e., comped parking.)
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June 16th, 2020 at 11:45:44 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

I don't like wearing seatbelts. Id hardly ever wear one and every few months I'd get a ticket. It would cost me $25-50 and was well worth the cost. Then I got three in about six weeks and found out the hard way NYS had raised the stakes. $415 later, I decided not wearing a seatbelt was a hobby I could no longer afford.

I am amazed your are so terrified of Coronavirus yet prefer not to wear a seatbelt.

Your risk assessment skills are broken.
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June 16th, 2020 at 12:56:21 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I am amazed your are so terrified of Coronavirus yet prefer not to wear a seatbelt.

Your risk assessment skills are broken.

My failure to wear a seatbelt won't cause me to bring a deadly infection home to my loved ones and friends.
I'm much more afraid of infecting people than getting it myself. I realize that's not in keeping with the rugged "damn the virus, full speed ahead" school of thought many of you have.
Just for the record- the last time anything terrified me was when I was about 8 and it was the Wonder Wheel at Coney Island.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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June 16th, 2020 at 4:05:33 PM permalink
Billryan, the statistics say that $184,891 in costs annually are required for the care of a paralyzed driver.

That seatbeltless driver didn't bring home covid19, but instead he bring home the self-made financial apocalypse. The $184,891 have not yet factored in the physical hardship & potential wages for the loved ones who have to take care of the quadriplegia 24/7. I hope that all wear seatbelts and avoid the financial apocalypse andn physical hardship.
Last edited by: Armagedden on Jun 16, 2020
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June 16th, 2020 at 4:29:14 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

My failure to wear a seatbelt won't cause me to bring a deadly infection home to my loved ones and friends.
I'm much more afraid of infecting people than getting it myself. I realize that's not in keeping with the rugged "damn the virus, full speed ahead" school of thought many of you have.
Just for the record- the last time anything terrified me was when I was about 8 and it was the Wonder Wheel at Coney Island.

No infection, just death by violent traumatic injury, or worse a feeding tube.

In a post in Coronavirus Math, you said “if I survive this...”

Your chances of dying from Coronavirus are extremely low. I would bet a lot of money that you are going to make it through this just fine.

Wanting to mitigate as much damage to the economy as possible and get back to some level of normal in spite of a virus that carries a very low risk is not stupid. Not wearing a seatbelt is brain dead stupid.
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June 16th, 2020 at 5:10:50 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

No infection, just death by violent traumatic injury, or worse a feeding tube.

In a post in Coronavirus Math, you said “if I survive this...”

Your chances of dying from Coronavirus are extremely low. I would bet a lot of money that you are going to make it through this just fine.

Wanting to mitigate as much damage to the economy as possible and get back to some level of normal in spite of a virus that carries a very low risk is not stupid. Not wearing a seatbelt is brain dead stupid.

Bill and I are confused why the idea of a contagion is confused with wearing seatbelts
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