Quote: DRichI think that I read that the average person touches their face an average of 18 times per hour.
I wore gloves on the plane and kept count. I am closer to once a minute...seriously. I think being trapped in a confining seat ups the count, but it was amazing to notice how often my hands would be enroute to my face. Wearing glasses ups the count, I suspect.
Quote: PokerGrinderI’m buying disposable gloves that I will wear in the casino and throw out when I leave from now on.
So you wear gloves, touch your face with dirty gloves. What good will this do? Maybe people should just put 5 pound weights on both wrists, but then you knock yourself out.
Don't be a ploppie.
- an NBA game that will be played without fans
- the Ivy League basketball tournament cancelled
- public schools in a Nashville TN county closed for at least several days because of one or two confirmed cases in the county.
- CUNY and SUNY schools will have their 700,000 students complete their semesters remotely !!!!!
- U. of Dayton in Ohio is shutting down their campus and going to remote courses
The closures are going to become much more widespread.
Realistically, it is hard to argue. The spread of COVID-19 will be much much slower if we stop aggregating large numbers of people for events and at schools and churches. This virus is not highly lethal, but it is air-borne communicable at distances of 20ft if the infected peron coughs or sneezes.
Quote: MintyIt's introverts time to shine.
My whole life has been leading up to this.... I'm so ready.
Quote: onenickelmiracleWhat are the stock plays for this disease? Is the play to sell like everyone is doing or is it to buy?
Probably too late now to sell.
And anything that was going to go down (or up) because of this virus has probably already done so.
I did see that Gilead is furthest along in developing a vaccine. I’d imagine whatever biotech produces an effective one first is probably in for a big move up
So you believe it's at the bottom right now? That would mean it's probably a buy?Quote: michael99000Probably too late now to sell.
And anything that was going to go down (or up) because of this virus has probably already done so.
And what say you on cryptocurrency?
Quote: AxelWolfSo you believe it's at the bottom right now? That would mean it's probably a buy?
And what say you on cryptocurrency?
Not near its low yet. Dropping again today, probably another 1000/3-4%
If this gets as bad as I think it will, understand that you may be looking at two industries, health care and airlines, that may need to be socialized in their entirety. That makes any stock market assessments very, very tricky.
Americans are just now getting a reality dose. Wait until Toledo or someplace gets quarantined.
Quote: billryanThe decade after the Spanish Flu was the best economy in our nation's history. No reason to think that won't repeat itself.
You mean the decade that ended with the Great Depression?
Quote: billryanThe decade after the Spanish Flu was the best economy in our nation's history. No reason to think that won't repeat itself.
I don’t follow your causal inference. You seem to be implying that the Spanish Flu caused the Roaring 20s.
Quote: unJonI don’t follow your causal inference. You seem to be implying that the Spanish Flu caused the Roaring 20s.
More that the Spanish Flu didn't prevent the Roaring 20s from happening. This, too, shall pass and the survivors will carry on and thrive. The key is to be one of the survivors.
1) Symptoms "generally" take about 4 days to show. Of course +/- your SD's.
2) You become "noncontagious" after a few weeks.
3) The "old" people it bothers most is showing to be 50 and above, even in the 40's with TONS of severe/death cases in Italy which is basically a cycle ahead of us on the virus and a good example of what's to come.
4) The sports stopping, schools closing, etc, etc, etc, is not to stop the spread of the virus, that's impossible at this point. It's to SLOW the spread so that our healthcare system can actually "try" to keep up with patients and not have MORE and MORE people die not even from the virus but because they can't even be treated:

Not sure why my link won't work: [edit: Fixed for you: OD]
The idea of me, a young-ish, in shape-ish guy is to not go to crowded places NOT because I'm personally afraid of the virus, but because my mother whom has preexisting lung conditions, or one of my best friends that has cancer and a compromised immune system... THEY are the reason why I need to care and not go out in public. Far too many people in this thread are like "I'll be fine... so who cares." Will your parents be fine? Your grandparents? How serious would you take it if you found out that you got infected, and were fine, but then that you gave it to and killed your own family? Would you care then?
Quote: RomesI've read "most" of this thread and it's pretty concerning from misinformation to the lack of care about it at all.
1) Symptoms "generally" take about 4 days to show. Of course +/- your SD's.
2) You become "noncontagious" after a few weeks.
3) The "old" people it bothers most is showing to be 50 and above, even in the 40's with TONS of severe/death cases in Italy which is basically a cycle ahead of us on the virus and a good example of what's to come.
4) The sports stopping, schools closing, etc, etc, etc, is not to stop the spread of the virus, that's impossible at this point. It's to SLOW the spread so that our healthcare system can actually "try" to keep up with patients and not have MORE and MORE people die not even from the virus but because they can't even be treated:![]()
Not sure why my link won't work: https://images.app.goo.gl/98MRVnxUiN8hcZeT8
The idea of me, a young-ish, in shape-ish guy is to not go to crowded places NOT because I'm personally afraid of the virus, but because my mother whom has preexisting lung conditions, or one of my best friends that has cancer and a compromised immune system... THEY are the reason why I need to care and not go out in public. Far too many people in this thread are like "I'll be fine... so who cares." Will your parents be fine? Your grandparents? How serious would you take it if you found out that you got infected, and were fine, but then that you gave it to and killed your own family? Would you care then?
:( Sobering. I was thinking a month of disruption to American's lifestyles, but you lead me to believe it will be longer. I was really thinking 3 weeks then getting back to normal. Your link works.
Quote: onenickelmiracleWhat are the stock plays for this disease? Is the play to sell like everyone is doing or is it to buy?
...if you're at least five years from retirement or otherwise needing that money.
It WILL go back up.
If it doesn't, then we've got bigger problems to worry about and the stock market will be the least of your worries.
Quote: darkozYou mean the decade that ended with the Great Depression?
What is your point there?
Quote: AZDuffmanWhat is your point there?
Time is a flat circle.
Most likely, this is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Also, the market always recovers much slower than it drops. Show me an example of when the market went up 30% in 3 weeks. It might do that over a year but not overnight. Relative to selling before a crash, you can take your time buying after the crash. And based on the past week, it looks like we’re nowhere even close to a bottom.
Edit: Just 10 minutes ago it was down 50% for the day and at last look down 30% for the day. That's some craziness.
Tried that, almost drowned trying to scratch my nose with the glass.Quote: billryanWhen I first played double deck BJ, I had problems not using two hands until a dealer suggested I keep one hand on my beer. Almost everyone has a dominant hand. Keep a drink in that hand and you will eliminate much of the inadvertent face touching.
A friend of mine has to fly from Fla. to ANC. he wears a bandanna on his face like a bank robber after his girlfriend surreptitiously counted how many times he touched his face in one minute, being an eyeglass wearer is definitely a disadvantage.Quote: redietzYeah, once I'm wearing gloves, I'm aware enough that I stop myself. But I catch myself with that initial instinct to touch my face way more than I thought would happen.
Email after email with the heading "Coronavirus and (fill in business). A message from our (fill in CEO)
What casino did not have any soap?
In my experience casinos are usually pretty well-stocked in the bathrooms and some even have a full time attendant at the hand washing area (I wish they required people to wash their hands).
I doubt casinos will be forced to close (Federally or State, there may be some city by city changes, I know my city wants to limit hours on bars for example). But, I would avoid them even if open. Lots of people who are generally poor on hand hygiene to begin with passing chips around is a recipe for disaster.
It will probably effect AP like anyone else, if you cannot work (or go to an AP location) you will lose productive hours. APs don't have sick days, so days you can't AP are just white days.
Quote: Ace2Don’t buy yet.
Most likely, this is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Yeah, maybe we get hyperinflation trying to print our way out of this.
I have now had three or four people ask me how this is affecting what we do. I basically said, casinos don't stop sending free play, running promotions, stop their games. Nothing's changed so far, unless of course, they start shutting down casinos. Stuff is always changing anyways, so it's not like we aren't used to having to do things a little differently.Quote: Gandler
It will probably effect AP like anyone else, if you cannot work (or go to an AP location) you will lose productive hours. APs don't have sick days, so days you can't AP are just white days.
, If the casino shut down Most Advantage Players won't be able to bring in a profit. However, Many Advantage players have disposable cash above and beyond the bank roll, so it's basically it would just be a forced vacation that they need to stock up and prepare for.
If you are able to travel I know what you're doing you can probably find place and locations that are not shut down, if you so choose to risk it.
If you know how to AP online casinos you will do just fine. If they shut down all the casinos I would think of it as a great/welcome opportunity since it would give me more time and willingness and the opportunity to look for plays and play more online. One can even head to the east coast and ham it up online the legal jurisdictions, especially if they know anything about sports, slots and VP they even have some Blackjack, roulette and other table games as well. And let's not forget poker.
Well that just opened up a great opportunity for you,(- the kid of course). Show her how it's done AP style so she can quit her boring paycheck to paycheck job and even start a great New Romance.Quote: onenickelmiracleSchools in Ohio going to be closed for the next 3 weeks starting after Monday. Good luck single, working mothers from paycheck to paycheck.
Quote: darkozI have Broadway tickets to see Hamilton
Brought them eight months ago because they are sold out so far in advance. 3rd week of March
Let's see if I get to go
Got my answer
Broadway has gone dark till April 12th
My granddaughter is upset. This was her birthday present. She has been asking for Hamilton for over a year. Had to purchase those tickets back in September they are sold out so far in advance
Social distancing is clearly working here in the US (or at least in the NY Metro area).
My personal prediction is that this will all blow over and we'll be mostly back to normal by May.
Quote: TigerWuPeople at my work are spreading rumors we're going to be shuttering up in the next couple weeks, but I think it's all just conspiracy theory. Might grab some extra rice and frozen veggies when I go to the grocery store this weekend, just in case.
My personal prediction is that this will all blow over and we'll be mostly back to normal by May.
6 weeks quarantine is a long time
And that does seem to be the time it took for China to start reducing cases.
So you probably are correct in the prediction
Quote: AxelWolfIs everyone in agreement that this is all China's fault in the first place? If so, I think we should be able to sue them. Is it possible for an American citizen to sue China's government for the death of a loved one?
No, I am not in agreement. Whose fault is it that China has us by the balls? It's one thing to have our shirts and shoes made there, but all our drugs, antibiotics, medical supplies, etc.? Somebody sold us down the river big time and it didn't happen overnight. The fault lies with OUR leaders. China doesn't need to nuke us or shoot missiles at us, all they have to do is cut off our antibiotics, and we're screwed. Have I violated our "new rules" by saying this?
Quote: AxelWolfIs everyone in agreement that this is all China's fault in the first place? If so, I think we should be able to sue them. Is it possible for an American citizen to sue China's government for the death of a loved one?
No. Governments have sovereign immunity.
Quote: AxelWolfIs everyone in agreement that this is all China's fault in the first place? If so, I think we should be able to sue them. Is it possible for an American citizen to sue China's government for the death of a loved one?
Virus and plague are a fact of life. To blame humans or government is ridiculous (barring any bacteriological warfare of course)
Quote: AxelWolfIs everyone in agreement that this is all China's fault in the first place? If so, I think we should be able to sue them. Is it possible for an American citizen to sue China's government for the death of a loved one?
I know attorneys that will take any case if you have the money. Imagine about $500 an hour and probably $500,000 retainer for a big suit like this.
Quote: AxelWolfIs everyone in agreement that this is all China's fault in the first place? If so, I think we should be able to sue them. Is it possible for an American citizen to sue China's government for the death of a loved one?
With the latest story from China, they are blaming the US, saying it came from the US and China was merely the first country to contain it. That's what they tell their people.