then this happened:
then a slippery slope of playing more slots.
all of a sudden, it's Dec and I'm only $60k coin-in short of making the next tier level. ($60k coin-in at vp.)
i thought i could do that.
$50k coin-in is what i do every year to make Diamond at Caesars.
ie: 2 sessions of $25k coin-in at vp.
but the one thing i forgot about is that this casino's highest denom for good vp is $1.
at Caesar's it's $2.
so I'm playing twice the # of hands and putting in twice the number of hours.
actually, since it's $60k coin-in, it's 2.4x more hours.
it was a 2day grind and i wasn't having fun.
at the end i felt burned out.
there was no reason for me to get this tier level besides 'I could.'
for a poker player, there's not much additional benefits.
Anyway, I'm going to be in LA in mid-Jan.
After i was finished in LA, I was planning on driving alone to Vegas for a week before flying home.
I have free rooms at Golden Nugget and Bally's.
plus a couple hundred $ free play at each property.
but i just don't feel like gambling right now.
so much so that i don't even feel like going through the effort of making the room reservations.
for the free rooms with freeplay offer, i have to call them. i cant rsvp via website. (car reservations are done.)
What's your advice?
Quote: 100xOddsi wasn't planning on getting the next tier level at this casino because the only thing i do there is play poker.
then this happened:
then a slippery slope of playing more slots.
all of a sudden, it's Dec and I'm only $60k coin-in short of making the next tier level. ($60k coin-in at vp.)
i thought i could do that.
$50k coin-in is what i do every year to make Diamond at Caesars.
ie: 2 sessions of $25k coin-in at vp.
but the one thing i forgot about is that this casino's highest denom for good vp is $1.
at Caesar's it's $2.
so I'm playing twice the # of hands and putting in twice the number of hours.
actually, since it's $60k coin-in, it's 2.4x more hours.
it was a 2day grind and i wasn't having fun.
at the end i felt burned out.
there was no reason for me to get this tier level besides 'I could.'
for a poker player, there's not much additional benefits.
Anyway, I'm going to be in LA in Jan.
After i was finished in LA, I was planning on driving alone to Vegas for a week before flying home.
I have free rooms at Golden Nugget and Bally's.
plus a couple hundred $ free play at each property.
but i just don't feel like gambling right now.
so much so that i don't even feel like going through the effort of making the room reservations.
for the free rooms with freeplay offer, i have to call them. i cant rsvp via website. (car reservations are done.)
What's your advice?
Take a break, relax, go have fun without gambling, literally sleep on it and then play when your mind is more refreshed. :)
I've done 3.61 million coin in at National Harbor alone since September 22nd and my host is currently seeing if she can get me Noir status. Apparently I'm her most aggressive player. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I'm not even sure if a video poker only player could get Noir. Guess I'll find out.
I've looked at the last 3 months of gambling as goals
I might as well try for. If I succeed then I get the joy of accomplishment. If I fail, at least i can say to myself i tried.
If tier status means that much to you that you try for it every year you need to ask yourself how would you feel if it was within reach and you didn't try for it. Go whichever way you are more ok with. That's what I say.
Quote: cmlotitoIf tier status means that much to you that you try for it every year you need to ask yourself how would you feel if it was within reach and you didn't try for it.
Go whichever way you are more ok with. That's what I say.
yeah, next year im probably going to feel glad that I did it since it was within reach.
but right now I feel like crap.
and holy.. $3.6M coin in?!
you would have gotten 3x more tier points if you went to Vegas and played at a MGM property there!
25 points mgm Vegas vs 8 at mgm nh!
Quote: 100xOddsQuote: cmlotitoIf tier status means that much to you that you try for it every year you need to ask yourself how would you feel if it was within reach and you didn't try for it.
Go whichever way you are more ok with. That's what I say.
yeah, next year im probably going to feel glad that I did it since it was within reach.
but right now I feel like crap.
and holy.. $3.6M coin in?!
you would have gotten 3x more tier points if you went to Vegas and played at a MGM property there!
25 points mgm Vegas vs 8 at mgm nh!
$5,591,988.00 coin in at MGM National Harbor for all of 2018 to be exact. 3.6 million since I decided to go all out after the big hit. The next goal i need to hit is about 5.73 million to get my bonus free play.
1,092,136 Tier points. Only place I played video poker at in Vegas this year was Southpoint.
Nice thing is I only live 15 miles from National Harbor so I usually just come and go whenever. The only reason I haven't played even more is they only have 2 machines so I tend to try and get there early in the morning to make sure I get 1 or both machines. I find that DSTP on 1 machine to be rather boring especially when waiting for the multiplier to stop spinning. 2 machines at once is almost never a wait for some decision to be made. Just need to make sure I get plenty of sleep before playing 2 machines to decrease the chances of making a mistake.
Unlike the lady who would not let me play one of the machines I almost always ask the other regular players if they want one. Not playing 2 machines is worth it if I have someone to talk to. There are rarely any players early in the morning and that's what contributes to my boredom. There are a few players who are quite entertaining to play next to for various reasons.
Oh and I have run across that same lady who was hogging both machines that day. She had money in both machines and when I asked her if i could play one she said she was going to play it but would be done in a half hour. I said ok I would be back in half an hour. When I came back she had same number of credits in machine and hadn't played a single hand. So i sat down near her and proceeded to read news articles on my phone for the next hour while she occasionally played that second machine. Maybe a few dozen hands in an hour.
I wasn't upset in the least. I found it rather amusing as a week earlier when I was playing both machines she came by and I immediately asked her if she wanted to play which she did.
Go figure.
Quote: FleaStiffWith all these stories of machine hogging, vulturing, and endless coin in without real profit, may I remind you that a one roll place the six or eight has a house edge 0.06 percent and slot machines are often at 12 percent.
But DSTP is .52% house edge and a one roll place 6 or 8 can't win me a jackpot.
Non of my business, but I will ask anyways.Quote: cmlotitoBut DSTP is .52% house edge and a one roll place 6 or 8 can't win me a jackpot.
What do you do that affords you to gamble as such "high stakes"
It seems like you like to play games that are close as far as EV goes.
Do you feel like you are playing with an advantage over all or just getting close?
Quote: AxelWolfNon of my business, but I will ask anyways.
What do you do that affords you to gamble as such "high stakes"
It seems like you like to play games that are close as far as EV goes.
Do you feel like you are playing with an advantage over all or just getting close?
Once I got the 240k I decided to just go all out. I've had wild variance since then. Plus 20k, minus 9k, and so on. I have no one to answer to but myself so if I can rationalize it I'll try it. These last 3 months have afforded me a unique opportunity in that I'm gonna lose 40% of my winning to taxes so why not just go for it. With free play factored in I think it's close to an even game as I'm gonna find.
This year I have won $20,424 from $15,284 in free play alone. That's with 5.592 million coin in. Not sure what that adds to the ev but I'm sure someone here can figure it out.
I've just been incredibly lucky and seem to get more second chances than I deserve. It will catch up with me at some point probably. Or not. I have no friggin clue. I said at the end of last year to someone I can't imagine next year being as crazy as this year. Turns out to be even crazier. Go figure.
true, but you wont be sitting there all day long dealing with machine hogs and getting a calloused finger for net return of eight dollars.Quote: cmlotitoBut DSTP is .52% house edge and a one roll place 6 or 8 can't win me a jackpot.
if all you do is chase illusory 'benefits' I don't blame you for calling it quits. why not go and just have fun irrespective of any platinum class perk that is transitory and might not ever get used anyway?Quote: 100xOddsive decided not to goto Vegas after LA.
one more level and the shift manager will throw rose petals on the floor as you pass by ,,, but everyone will be laughing at you.
Quote: FleaStiffif all you do is chase illusory 'benefits' I don't blame you for calling it quits.
why not go and just have fun irrespective of any platinum class perk that is transitory and might not ever get used anyway?
ugg... what is there to do in Vegas for a week if not gambling?
Quote: 100xOddsugg... what is there to do in Vegas for a week if not gambling?
Is that a serious question? There is more to do in Vegas than most other tourist destinations
by go and have fun, I meant do some real gambling rather than chasing perks and endless coin in hoping for a royal that never appears.Quote: 100xOddsugg... what is there to do in Vegas for a week if not gambling?
Quote: 100xOddsugg... what is there to do in Vegas for a week if not gambling?
Vegas is slowly becoming less and less of a place to gamble as more States have their own Casinos and more of a place to really go out and have different types of fun that you wouldn't most likely have in your own State. Lots of Entertainers have Residencies such there so you're bound to find something that will entertain you.
Quote: 100xOddsugg... what is there to do in Vegas for a week if not gambling?
I highly recommend going to Hoover Dam. It is an amazing piece of engineering. The Mob Museum is also a good place to visit and it's right next to Fremont Street.
I also like to get a nice veal parmesan dinner at The Bootlegger Bistro. It is the best I have ever had. And Ilike to make at least one trip to a Wells Fargo Bank every visit. Either to deposit or withdraw. :)
Quote: cmlotitoOnce I got the 240k I decided to just go all out. I've had wild variance since then. Plus 20k, minus 9k, and so on. I have no one to answer to but myself so if I can rationalize it I'll try it. These last 3 months have afforded me a unique opportunity in that I'm gonna lose 40% of my winning to taxes so why not just go for it.
If you get a big win early, it’s like a 30% (or 40% in your case) loss rebate for the rest of the year.
Edit: (Not really, since you also have a 40% win penalty)
Quote: cmlotito
I've just been incredibly lucky and seem to get more second chances than I deserve. It will catch up with me at some point probably. Or not. I have no friggin clue. I said at the end of last year to someone I can't imagine next year being as crazy as this year. Turns out to be even crazier. Go figure.
For a person that gambles at your stakes on negative expectation games, you seem to be the most practical and level headed person that I have run across.
May the good luck continue for you.

Quote: NathanVegas is slowly becoming less and less of a place to gamble as more States have their own Casinos and more of a place to really go out and have different types of fun that you wouldn't most likely have in your own State.
Good observation Nathan.
What types of entertainment to you envision bringing in more tourists?
Quote: gamerfreakGood observation Nathan.
What types of entertainment to you envision bringing in more tourists?
Nightclubs are steadily becoming more popular than Casinos in Vegas. Many people now want to party in Vegas rather than sit up in a Casino Gambling money. Strip clubs are also becoming more and more popular too.
Quote: gamerfreakGood observation Nathan.
What types of entertainment to you envision bringing in more tourists?
Lines seem very popular. This younger generation evidently grew up waiting on lines at Disney and now associates fun with how long the wait to get into a place is. Last night was a perfect example. Get to the House of Blues and there are about thirty people standing on line ,waiting for security to wand them and search their bags. Ten feet away are two guards with wands. I stroll up to them and they do their thing and we get in. No one else from the line followed.
I'd open a club, call it The Egress and set up an extensive labyrinth of velvet ropes. Hire a few hot chicks to seed the lines and Sheeple will flock to it.