5Dimes’ Tony missing in Costa Rica in rumored kidnapping.
This hits me hard because I was friends with Tony. I last visited him December 2016 and enjoyed his legendary employee Christmas party. The previous visit was about two years before that. Both times, Tony was extremely friendly and generous. He sometimes gave me rides in what I'm pretty sure is the black Porsche mentioned in the story. Otherwise, we stay in contact via Skype. Our last communication was on September 8.
This is still very much an open case. My thoughts and hopes are for Tony's safe return to his family.
Payment by e-currency is also an unusual twist. Traceability? (even with VPNs?)
I certainly wish the best for Tony and his family.
I suspect the random was paid in Bitcoin, but I'm just guessing. Isn't that supposed to be untraceable?
I wish I could help.
Quote: WizardMy impression of CR is that it is a fairly lawless country. I was strongly advised to not walk around San Jose at night.
I suspect the random was paid in Bitcoin, but I'm just guessing. Isn't that supposed to be untraceable?
I wish I could help.
The silver lining, if there is one, is he's worth nothing to them dead, so I would think he's still alive. My sympathies to you as his friend, and his family. I hope they get him back.
Rigondeaux mentioned this in the miscellaneous thread. I was going to mention that I thought it was worthy of its own thread(I just assumed he doesn't know how to make one (-;).Quote: MaxPenCould be a ploy to disappear with the money. I don't think I would want to have any significant amount on deposit with them right now.
They have been open for a long time, I have had a 5D account for what seems like at least 15 years now.
I was also concerned about the business side of 5D since our group uses that site and we have money and pending bets on there. With this news, there could be a run on cashouts, I imagine that would cause all kinds of problems for everyone.
It's been almost a month since he has been missing. That seems like a long time to be missing without thinking the worst. Let's hope that's not the case.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe silver lining, if there is one, is he's worth nothing to them dead, so I would think he's still alive.
Unfortunately, my understanding is just the opposite. Once a ransom has been paid, the experience is that the victim is usually killed by the kidnappers. It reduces the risk of eventually getting caught, and relieves them of the burden of keeping someone alive and secretly imprisoned.
Quote: MaxPenCould be a ploy to disappear with the money. I don't think I would want to have any significant amount on deposit with them right now.
You don't know Tony. He is a true family man. He also loved what he did and the jobs he created in the local economy. He was constantly doing something. Going into hiding on a pile of money would be totally out of character for him.
I've been back playing at 5Dimes for about 4 weeks after something like 9 years
All was sweet until I think it was Saturday when I found my bets were being reduced to win just $50
Tony i guess its no longer "sweet" for you
Hareeba without any prior notification/warning
I'm guessing that the fact that immediately prior to that I went on a winning streak of I think it was 10 bets?
Tony nothing to do with a "streak"
Hareeba oh, what then?
Tony because i can
that is why
Hareeba you can what?
Tony do what i just did
Hareeba sorry but I'm not following you ... what reason for the reduction in my bets?
Tony you've been given that answer.... "because i can"
so we're done here
Hareeba that's all?
Tony have a great morning
Hareeba it's worse than that
not only are the bets limited but there is something like a 45 second delay whilst bets are "processed"?
Tony that is just terrible
i truly hope your morning gets better
Hareeba I was told by Roderick that you would be able to answer my questions
looks like he was wrong yet again
Tony no one here has a clue
not even me
last time, hope your morning is a brighter one
Hareeba Is there nobody here who can give me a straight answer to anything?
Tony i'm the boss of everyone here
so if i can't help you, i guess your "unhelpable"
Hareeba this has to b a joke right?
it's not April Fools yet
Tony thank you, i'll be sure to mark that down
i sometimes get confused
Hareeba one of us has been drinking?
Tony please don't drink and drive
it can be dangerous
Hareeba so, I take it you no longer want my business?
I keep hearing what a great book 5Dimes is!
Tony don't let those rumors fool you
Hareeba clearly I have been fooled (or am being)
Tony jesus loves you, never forget that
Hareeba I'm a devout atheist
Tony jesus loves you either way
Hareeba I must have done something wrong for you to be treating me in this way?
Tony that question is above my pay grade
Hareeba If I were the owner that wouldn't be an issue any longer
Tony i don't know about that one, I wasn't aware that I was here for "IF" questions
Hareeba it wasn't a question
Cutting off customers is always a tacky thing for a sportsbook to do. But they always paid quickly and never stiffed anyone, which is unfortunately not common enough in the industry.
Any money in 5dimes should be about as secure as ever. Any business like that is in a position to continue as normal.
Wishing for the best the outcome best for Tony everyone who knows him.
Quote: RigondeauxIf you search for 5dimes Tony chat, you will find some entertaining exchanges. A lot of people got offended by his abrasive manner but ultimately he was usually quite fair. Especially considering he had 100% of the power.
I've been back playing at 5Dimes for about 4 weeks after something like 9 years
All was sweet until I think it was Saturday when I found my bets were being reduced to win just $50
Tony i guess its no longer "sweet" for you
Hareeba without any prior notification/warning
I'm guessing that the fact that immediately prior to that I went on a winning streak of I think it was 10 bets?
Tony nothing to do with a "streak"
Hareeba oh, what then?
Tony because i can
that is why
Hareeba you can what?
Tony do what i just did
Hareeba sorry but I'm not following you ... what reason for the reduction in my bets?
Tony you've been given that answer.... "because i can"
so we're done here
Hareeba that's all?
Tony have a great morning
Hareeba it's worse than that
not only are the bets limited but there is something like a 45 second delay whilst bets are "processed"?
Tony that is just terrible
i truly hope your morning gets better
Hareeba I was told by Roderick that you would be able to answer my questions
looks like he was wrong yet again
Tony no one here has a clue
not even me
last time, hope your morning is a brighter one
Hareeba Is there nobody here who can give me a straight answer to anything?
Tony i'm the boss of everyone here
so if i can't help you, i guess your "unhelpable"
Hareeba this has to b a joke right?
it's not April Fools yet
Tony thank you, i'll be sure to mark that down
i sometimes get confused
Hareeba one of us has been drinking?
Tony please don't drink and drive
it can be dangerous
Hareeba so, I take it you no longer want my business?
I keep hearing what a great book 5Dimes is!
Tony don't let those rumors fool you
Hareeba clearly I have been fooled (or am being)
Tony jesus loves you, never forget that
Hareeba I'm a devout atheist
Tony jesus loves you either way
Hareeba I must have done something wrong for you to be treating me in this way?
Tony that question is above my pay grade
Hareeba If I were the owner that wouldn't be an issue any longer
Tony i don't know about that one, I wasn't aware that I was here for "IF" questions
Hareeba it wasn't a question
Dude sounds like a dick. Not surprised he got kidnapped.
Quote: RSDude sounds like a dick. Not surprised he got kidnapped.
Karma sucks sometimes
Quote: RSDude sounds like a dick. Not surprised he got kidnapped.
My first thought was “he did have a lot of enemies.” But knowing CR it was almost certainly about money and nothing personal.
Quote: michael99000Karma sucks sometimes
You take 50k out of his site and he let's you keep playing at reduced rates, where a lot of books would just steal your money.
Actually, in this case he let the guy bet at his old limits again the next day.
During this process he busts your balls a little.
Obviously he deserves to be abducted and murdered.
Quote: RigondeauxYou take 50k out of his site and he let's you keep playing at reduced rates, where a lot of books would just steal your money.
Actually, in this case he let the guy bet at his old limits again the next day.
During this process he busts your balls a little.
Obviously he deserves to be abducted and murdered.
Take? Or win ?
If you don’t like people winning don’t run a book
Quote: michael99000If you don’t like people winning don’t run a book
Tony had no problem with people winning, if they got lucky. However, as I understand it, he was a professional sports bettor before he bought 5Dimes, so knew an advantage player when he saw one. I don't know of a single casino that will suffer known advantage players in any game.
The Vegas books do the same things as 5Dimes. I didn't go bitching and crying when WH or the Rampart limited me to one or two half point parlay cards -- that is part of the game.
He was just messing with the guy and got off a lot of funny lines.
He would punish players for exploiting errors, multiaccounting and so forth. He might limit you as well. But he certainly allowed winning players.
I worked for 5Dimes for about 3 years, auditing their Galewind software for the casino they ran, after Mike sold "Certified Fair Gambling" (CFG) to me. They were as honest as could be, giving me full vpn access so I could see everything they were doing, and fully answering every question and honoring every request.
From what I can tell, they are still a client of CFG, https://certifiedfairgambling.com/clients/
damn homie you got knocked the f**k out

Quote: RSLooks like the link I posted above may very well be....

Quote: WizardMy impression of CR is that it is a fairly lawless country. I was strongly advised to not walk around San Jose at night.
I suspect the random was paid in Bitcoin, but I'm just guessing. Isn't that supposed to be untraceable?
I wish I could help.
I read an article not to long ago how easily bitcoin is traceable
Quote: djatcI already got my money from the site so:
damn homie you got knocked the f**k out
I’m confused. Are you happy that you think a human being might have been murdered?
Quote: WizardTony had no problem with people winning, if they got lucky. However, as I understand it, he was a professional sports bettor before he bought 5Dimes, so knew an advantage player when he saw one. I don't know of a single casino that will suffer known advantage players in any game.
The Vegas books do the same things as 5Dimes. I didn't go bitching and crying when WH or the Rampart limited me to one or two half point parlay cards -- that is part of the game.
Why not have someone make the bet for you? Does Nevada have a law against it?
Quote: RSLooks like the link I posted above may very well be....
What makes you say that?
All I've seen is a couple batty theories on twitter.
Quote: troopscottI read an article not to long ago how easily bitcoin is traceable
Sort of.
You can easily trace individual transactions to bitcoin addresses.
But an address is a random 26-36 character alphanumeric string.
You only use an address for one single transaction, and they are not tied to your identity in any way.
Addresses are not wallets nor accounts, and do not carry balances. They only receive funds, and you do not send "from" an address at any time.
Quote: FinsRuleI’m confused. Are you happy that you think a human being might have been murdered?
Issa joke
I said I got my money, so IDGAF about somebody's life. Althought based on what I've been reading about screwing around with people's money, not really shedding tears
Quote: troopscottWhy not have someone make the bet for you? Does Nevada have a law against it?
Nah it's fine. The problem is it's tough to get someone to put in the bets. Unless they'll do it for super cheap AND are competent, it's just not feasible.
Quote: RigondeauxQuote: RSLooks like the link I posted above may very well be....
What makes you say that?
All I've seen is a couple batty theories on twitter.
Druff posted some twitter stuff. I don't know though for sure. Just sayin' it may have been #FakeNews. I am an honest reporter, after all.
Quote: FinsRuleI’m confused. Are you happy that you think a human being might have been murdered?
While it will be a minority opinion on here, I have ZERO doubt “Tony” knew it was a potential risk of his business choices in life.
We can debate it and the propriety of the world Fins live in all day. But the bottom line is there is not one of us doesn’t understand there are risks when you cross others. Or in common words, f with the liveyhood of another.
In a just world Wiz would have never lost his ass in Greece, but then again most of us don’t deal in Greek currency.
Dance with the devil by the pale moon light, but don’t ever complain when the music stops.
Then you are either the musics bitch, or stupid. And very few people here are stupid.
Well now.Quote: RSI saw a sign at the sportsbook the other day that read something like, "If you're placing a wager or cashing a ticket on someone else's behalf, tell ticket writer before transaction"
Exactly where is this sign you "saw" that said "something like" committing a felony for which some people are doing prison time right now? What casino book did you see this at "the other day" and exactly where in that book is it located? I'd like to go there right away to get a pic of it, and I really do mean that I will go and do that right f*ing now, because it won't be there very long at all, owning to the fact that any such book is advertising an extremely serious gaming violation for which they could lose their license if they knowingly allow the transaction.
So please tell us now: Where is this sign? It surely can't be some kind of a magic secret sign that you "saw the other day" so please, where? Don't change the subject or "answer" the question with a question. Where is it? Exactly. This public sign which is "at the sporfsbook." Where?
Quote: BozWhile it will be a minority opinion on here, I have ZERO doubt “Tony” knew it was a potential risk of his business choices in life.
We can debate it and the propriety of the world Fins live in all day. But the bottom line is there is not one of us doesn’t understand there are risks when you cross others. Or in common words, f with the liveyhood of another.
In a just world Wiz would have never lost his ass in Greece, but then again most of us don’t deal in Greek currency.
Dance with the devil by the pale moon light, but don’t ever complain when the music stops.
Then you are either the musics bitch, or stupid. And very few people here are stupid.
I’m fine with not caring if someone is murdered. And he totally knew there was a risk of it. I just see a distinction of being happy about it and not caring. I’d rather him not be murdered than be murdered. I don’t think that’s too controversial.
Quote: BozWhile it will be a minority opinion on here, I have ZERO doubt “Tony” knew it was a potential risk of his business choices in life.
I don't think anybody would dispute that. However, that doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for him or his family. He provided hundreds of jobs for people in a poor country and lived the good life at the same time.
Quote:We can debate it and the propriety of the world Fins live in all day. But the bottom line is there is not one of us doesn’t understand there are risks when you cross others. Or in common words, f with the liveyhood of another.
As far as I know, Tony always honored a legitimate winning bet and had no enemies other than crybaby cheaters and advantage players.
Quote:In a just world Wiz would have never lost his ass in Greece, but then again most of us don’t deal in Greek currency.
The direct blame lays with Laiki Bank in Cyprus, but they lost my money investing in Greece. When the Greece house of cards fell, so did the Cyprus banks. I'll also take some blame for not paying proper attention.
Quote: BozWhile it will be a minority opinion on here, I have ZERO doubt “Tony” knew it was a potential risk of his business choices in life.
We can debate it and the propriety of the world Fins live in all day. But the bottom line is there is not one of us doesn’t understand there are risks when you cross others. Or in common words, f with the liveyhood of another.
In a just world Wiz would have never lost his ass in Greece, but then again most of us don’t deal in Greek currency.
Dance with the devil by the pale moon light, but don’t ever complain when the music stops.
Then you are either the musics bitch, or stupid. And very few people here are stupid.
You take a risk driving a car taking a shower or eating Chipotle. So everyone is supposed to live in a bubble?
Afaik working for or running an offshore book is not especially dangerous.
Obviously if you eat Chipotle you deserve to die, but that's beside the point.
Is there any reason to suggest that the fact of his death & discovery of his body, and the transfer of a substantial amount of money to somewhere out in the crypto-verse taking place before his remains were discovered & reported, is in doubt? I didn't think so, from what I've read. Just questions speculating about exactly how and who may or may not have been behind it.Quote: ontariodealerany word if the news story was a hoax???
As usual, I've no real idea about whatever I'm talking about, but of what possible use is an IP address or a bitcoin account number in a country wherein there is no lawful infrastructure? Accounts in Cuba are highly unlikely to be accessible at all and the Cuban police are receptive to Cuban authorities only. Add in things like police bribery and banking bribery and I'm sure its an impenetrable wall.
In Cost Rica, you go to the police and you must give your name to the receptionist. The receptionist gives it to the police officer on duty provided you pay her a Transcription Fee. When you finally get to see a police officer, you must start off with the Documents you are presenting to him. And if you are too dumb to know what the word Documents mean, don't travel to South or Central America.
Civil courts in Costa Rica are a joke: the loser simply appeals endlessly. Judgeships are profitable there.
Quote: FleaStiffAbout BitCoin and identity.
As usual, I've no real idea about whatever I'm talking about, but of what possible use is an IP address or a bitcoin account number in a country wherein there is no lawful infrastructure?
The bitcoin network does not expose IP addresses, and there’s no such thing as a bitcoin account.
Quote: gamerfreakThe bitcoin network does not expose IP addresses, and there’s no such thing as a bitcoin account.
Here is the article or one similar to what I saw a few weeks ago
Quote: DrawingDead
And if so, it would surely be a damn shame not to immediately take advantage this great opportunity to show DrawingDead to be a complete fool & general ignoramus as well as a totally gratuitous nasty meannie ashhole guy by saying exactly where, right away.
I wonder if RS has seen any of your queries yet. It could be he missed the other seventeen times you asked for this information. Or, more likely, he doesn't want to tell you. Maybe try PMing him. I don't know if he's putting in a bunch of +EV cards, or something, but if that's what he's doing, I certainly wouldn't tell everyone in the Universe who is taking my cards.
Quote: unJonThe News of his body being found is being more widely reported now, so I’m assuming it’s true.
Sad news. It sounds like he was quite a guy.
Quote: troopscotthttps://www.technologyreview.com/s/608763/criminals-thought-bitcoin-was-the-perfect-hiding-place-they-thought-wrong/
Here is the article or one similar to what I saw a few weeks ago
Of course they can still get caught through old fashioned police work.
From the article:
Quote:In most cases, says Levin, investigators turn to Chainalysis when they already have some kind of lead, like a Bitcoin address they found among a suspect’s possessions.
The blockchain technology itself is entirely anonymous.