![]() | 17 votes (44.73%) | ||
![]() | 21 votes (55.26%) |
38 members have voted
Quote: billryanAll this so two idiots can confirm what we already knew was true.
God bless America. Where the dumbest amongst us are free to express their thoughts.
I was so impressed that you guys were having a really important conversation without insulting each other....
....3 days. Personal insult.
And it is a really important conversation. Just reading how hard it is for some of you to talk about it makes that clear.
Quote: FaceEasy. I prefer sharp, strong features, a square jaw, what some refer to as "man face".

Quote: AZDuffmanAnother fact is we have like 45% of the USA population worried they will appear "racist" if they order a vanilla milkshake instead of chocolate. They think by looking for racism everywhere and anywhere they are somehow more pure than everyone else. Same people also think that it is impossible for minorities to be racist. It is just strange.
What? I only drink vanilla milkshakes in the rare event I drink a milkshake. It's also my second favorite flavor of ice cream. (Mint Chocolate Chip)
Of course minorities can be racist.
Quote: FaceI can see with logic that, say, Pichana Yoosuk is legit beautiful. But i wouldn't date her.
(Quote Heavily Clipped)
I can say that the first sentence there makes racism not the case, in my opinion. If you can admit that someone of that race can be beautiful, then it's not a racism thing.
Quote: FaceI can see with logic that, say, Pichana Yoosuk is legit beautiful. But i wouldn't date her.
She's repulsive!! That being said - I'd still eat a helping of mushy peas from her navel.
Talk about it hell, I still haven't voted.Quote: beachbumbabsIAnd it is a really important conversation. Just reading how hard it is for some of you to talk about it makes that clear.
Quote: Mission146What? I only drink vanilla milkshakes in the rare event I drink a milkshake. It's also my second favorite flavor of ice cream. (Mint Chocolate Chip)
How can you just exclude every other flavor of milkshake? Could there not be a malt shop somewhere that makes a great chocolate shake?
Quote:Of course minorities can be racist.
Don't tell me, tell the SJW class. Some are the most racist people out there. Saw a half Black half White girl on the borderline of being in tears over her treatment by racist Blacks at an NAACP meeting of all places!
What were you doing at a meeting?Quote: AZDuffmanDon't tell me, tell the SJW class. Some are the most racist people out there. Saw a half Black half White girl on the borderline of being in tears over her treatment by racist Blacks at an NAACP meeting of all places!
Quote: petroglyphWhat were you doing at a meeting?
He was there to pick up Rachel Dolezal for a post-meeting date?
Quote: beachbumbabsJust reading how hard it is for some of you to talk about it makes that clear.
Not hard for me, never has been. Don't
care who's a racist and who's not. I
absolutely believe we all are about
certain things, it's human nature.
I was raised in a time when racism
was taken for granted and nobody
hid it. Now everybody is still racist
but it's hidden away and they're in
denial about it. It's like getting
an F Off tattoo on you upper arm
when you're 18 and it was cool,
but now that you're 45 you have
keep it hidden.
When I see certain friends I've had
since the 60's, in private they're just
as racist as they ever were. In public
or with their families they are PC to
the hilt. The snowflake conversations
about racism crack me up, there's
more of it now than ever, it's just the
people being discriminated against
have changed.
Quote: EvenBobNot hard for me, never has been. Don't
care who's a racist and who's not. I
absolutely believe we all are about
certain things, it's human nature.
Everybody is hard wired to be tribal. Racism is just a modern buzzword for protecting your clan. People used to realize the value in it, and it was expected.
People here are willing to beat other posters out of a slot prize, what would they do if it was their family's lives over someone they don't know.
Quote: petroglyphEverybody is hard wired to be tribal. Racism is just a modern buzzword for protecting your clan. People used to realize the value in it, and it was expected.
If it were universally hard wired mixed racial families wouldn't exist. If it were hard wired you wouldn't have reformed skinheads.
Quote:According to the Pew Research Center, the number of mixed-race Americans is growing three times faster than the U.S. population as a whole. The U.S. Census projects the multiracial population will triple by 2060. In the 1970s, 1 percent of children were of mixed race. That number has grown to 10 percent.
Especially since there's a very good chance she would say no. (-;Quote: FacePichana Yoosuk is legit beautiful. But i wouldn't date her.
Quote: petroglyphWhat were you doing at a meeting?
I was working banquet service when I desperately needed money and chased any side hustle I could.
Here's the story. The girl was a dual-rate type. If it was a small thing and the managers were busy, she would supervise. If it was a bigger thing, she was just a waitstaff, maybe a straw-boss wait staff. Management clearly hated them as a client as they were rude, arrogant, and demanding far more than any other customer. We were warned to be extra nice as they would make a beef about any slight no matter how small.
So we are in the kitchen waiting for whatever was next to come out and the girl is visibly shaken. I forget how she brought it up but she said she hated going out to serve them because the previous year one of them called her a zebra.
This is not the first time i had heard of this kind of thing happening. College buddies said they saw some Black girl scream at a Black guy that he was a "half-breed" out of nowhere. Guy just walking to where he had to go MYOB, and she out of nowhere starts. Of course maybe she knew him, but who knows. Anyone who remembers "The Jeffersons" remembers how George treated his daughter in law in the beginning.
The old saying is true, Blacks complain how Whites treat them, but it is nothing compared to how they treat each other. And you can insert any minority group there, as it always works.
Quote: AZDuffman
The old saying is true, Blacks complain how Whites treat them, but it is nothing compared to how they treat each other. And you can insert any minority group there, as it always works.
(Quote heavily clipped)
That's it, you're right. You got me once and for all. I don't remember any white person treating me badly. Ever. Not once. Has absolutely never happened. I have literally not had one negative experience with a fellow white person in my entire life.
In fact, I met a new fellow white person just the other day. He was driving my favorite car, a two-toned 1988 Mercury Grand Marquis, I asked, "Is that an '88 Grand Marquis?"
He replied, "It sure is, how do you like it?"
I exclaimed, "It looks new!"
"Garage-kept," came the reply, "Only 17,000 miles, here, you can have it!"
He tossed me the keys, and as I made the catch, this smoking hot woman came walking by. Think a taller and more well-endowed Lily Allen except with blue eyes, instead. She was the kind of hot that made me forget all about the fact that I just got a virtually new cream and red '88 Grand Marquis. "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmmm," I said.
Wait, I forgot that I'm white for a second. I'm sorry. I didn't say, "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmm," I actually said, "I find that woman visually stimulating."
Anyway, the guy looks at me and says, "That's my wife, she's pretty sexually open, would you like her to (deleted) (censored) (omitted) (edited) for you? It really isn't a big deal."
Well, that seemed like it was going a little too far, so I refused. I mean, the guy had already just given me a car for no reason.
And, that's the thing, everytime I meet a new white person they're always giving me cars, jobs, money and offering me other stuff. I was walking down the street just the other day and this grandmotherly type offered me to come in for dinner with her family, she had a twenty item spread going!
I've never had a white boss I didn't like. I've never received bad customer service from a white person.
I've never even seen a white person drive discourteously. Even the drunk one who rear-ended me was really nice about it when she got out of her car, cigarette butt dangling between her lips, screaming at me for not hitting the gas faster when the light turned green. That was right before she had a complete emotional breakdown because she thought she was going to get arrested. She did all of these things in a very courteous way, though.
In short, I've never had a bad experience with any white person ever. They are courteous in every possible way that you can think of. They're also so clean and well-kempt. Especially the ones at Wal-Mart in the rare event I go there. They all smell so good, they've got that, "Just ran a marathon fragrance," going for them. Very yeasty and delicious.
Quote: Mission146(Quote heavily clipped)
That's it, you're right. You got me once and for all. I don't remember any white person treating me badly. Ever. Not once. Has absolutely never happened. I have literally not had one negative experience with a fellow white person in my entire life.
In fact, I met a new fellow white person just the other day. He was driving my favorite car, a two-toned 1988 Mercury Grand Marquis, I asked, "Is that an '88 Grand Marquis?"
He replied, "It sure is, how do you like it?"
I exclaimed, "It looks new!"
"Garage-kept," came the reply, "Only 17,000 miles, here, you can have it!"
He tossed me the keys, and as I made the catch, this smoking hot woman came walking by. Think a taller and more well-endowed Lily Allen except with blue eyes, instead. She was the kind of hot that made me forget all about the fact that I just got a virtually new cream and red '88 Grand Marquis. "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmmm," I said.
Wait, I forgot that I'm white for a second. I'm sorry. I didn't say, "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmm," I actually said, "I find that woman visually stimulating."
Anyway, the guy looks at me and says, "That's my wife, she's pretty sexually open, would you like her to (deleted) (censored) (omitted) (edited) for you? It really isn't a big deal."
Well, that seemed like it was going a little too far, so I refused. I mean, the guy had already just given me a car for no reason.
And, that's the thing, everytime I meet a new white person they're always giving me cars, jobs, money and offering me other stuff. I was walking down the street just the other day and this grandmotherly type offered me to come in for dinner with her family, she had a twenty item spread going!
I've never had a white boss I didn't like. I've never received bad customer service from a white person.
I've never even seen a white person drive discourteously. Even the drunk one who rear-ended me was really nice about it when she got out of her car, cigarette butt dangling between her lips, screaming at me for not hitting the gas faster when the light turned green. That was right before she had a complete emotional breakdown because she thought she was going to get arrested. She did all of these things in a very courteous way, though.
In short, I've never had a bad experience with any white person ever. They are courteous in every possible way that you can think of. They're also so clean and well-kempt. Especially the ones at Wal-Mart in the rare event I go there. They all smell so good, they've got that, "Just ran a marathon fragrance," going for them. Very yeasty and delicious.
Can I call Misson an a**hole, meaning it as a compliment without a ban? Because this was truly beautiful a**holism. I applaud you sir.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkCan I call Misson an a**hole, meaning it as a compliment without a ban? Because this was truly beautiful a**holism. I applaud you sir.
I take @$$h0le as a compliment in this case, thank you. (Pretty much always take it as a compliment, to be honest.)
Quote: Mission146(Quote heavily clipped)
That's it, you're right. You got me once and for all. I don't remember any white person treating me badly. Ever. Not once. Has absolutely never happened. I have literally not had one negative experience with a fellow white person in my entire life.
In fact, I met a new fellow white person just the other day. He was driving my favorite car, a two-toned 1988 Mercury Grand Marquis, I asked, "Is that an '88 Grand Marquis?"
He replied, "It sure is, how do you like it?"
I exclaimed, "It looks new!"
"Garage-kept," came the reply, "Only 17,000 miles, here, you can have it!"
He tossed me the keys, and as I made the catch, this smoking hot woman came walking by. Think a taller and more well-endowed Lily Allen except with blue eyes, instead. She was the kind of hot that made me forget all about the fact that I just got a virtually new cream and red '88 Grand Marquis. "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmmm," I said.
Wait, I forgot that I'm white for a second. I'm sorry. I didn't say, "Daaaayyyyuuuuummmm," I actually said, "I find that woman visually stimulating."
Anyway, the guy looks at me and says, "That's my wife, she's pretty sexually open, would you like her to (deleted) (censored) (omitted) (edited) for you? It really isn't a big deal."
Well, that seemed like it was going a little too far, so I refused. I mean, the guy had already just given me a car for no reason.
And, that's the thing, everytime I meet a new white person they're always giving me cars, jobs, money and offering me other stuff. I was walking down the street just the other day and this grandmotherly type offered me to come in for dinner with her family, she had a twenty item spread going!
I've never had a white boss I didn't like. I've never received bad customer service from a white person.
I've never even seen a white person drive discourteously. Even the drunk one who rear-ended me was really nice about it when she got out of her car, cigarette butt dangling between her lips, screaming at me for not hitting the gas faster when the light turned green. That was right before she had a complete emotional breakdown because she thought she was going to get arrested. She did all of these things in a very courteous way, though.
In short, I've never had a bad experience with any white person ever. They are courteous in every possible way that you can think of. They're also so clean and well-kempt. Especially the ones at Wal-Mart in the rare event I go there. They all smell so good, they've got that, "Just ran a marathon fragrance," going for them. Very yeasty and delicious.
Is there a point to this?
Quote: AZDuffmanIs there a point to this?
No, there isn't.
I guess the answer depends on the reasons why you won't date someone from a particular race.
Either way, I'm fairly certain for many people, not dating someone from a particular race is the least racist thing about them.
Quote: AxelWolfWith a few exceptions, I dont find black women attractive.
I guess the answer depends on the reasons why you won't date someone from a particular race.
Either way, I'm fairly certain for many people, not dating someone from a particular race is the least racist thing about them.
I have a feeling it would be safe to assume that those few exceptions would be ones that are dancing on poles...
My mind focuses on race if the man is black, but not if he is white.
Does this mean I am racist in that regard?
Quote: MrVI am bothered by the fact that when I see a black man I think "there's a black man;" when I see a white man I think "there's a man."
My mind focuses on race if the man is black, but not if he is white.
Does this mean I am racist in that regard?
It means you were carefully taught. As was I. (Reference South Pacific) I also think the awareness of it is a counter to it.
Quote: MrV
My mind focuses on race if the man is black, but not if he is white.
Does this mean I am racist in that regard?
I don't think. If I didn't see (literal) colors, I wouldn't know when it was safe to wipe off the stovetop.
Quote: MrVI am bothered by the fact that when I see a black man I think "there's a black man;" when I see a white man I think "there's a man."
My mind focuses on race if the man is black, but not if he is white.
Does this mean I am racist in that regard?
Just imagine if you were in a shopping mall in China, surround by a thousand Chinese people, and a white man walked in the door.
No matter what your race, you'd probably think, "There's a white man."
The only way your brain would not work that way is if you saw equal amounts of every "race" of person, every day, no matter where you went. Your brain has to filter out insignificant details, because otherwise it would be overloaded with information. Seeing a hundred white people in an hour greatly diminishes the "importance" of a person being white, so you don't think of "white man" or "white woman," you just think "man" or "woman." Being the sole person of a race in a specific environment automatically registers as an important detail to your brain, so naturally you make note of it.
Quote: MrVI am bothered by the fact that when I see a black man I think "there's a black man;" when I see a white man I think "there's a man."
My mind focuses on race if the man is black, but not if he is white.
Does this mean I am racist in that regard?
Brains organize information by shapes, colors, numbers, material, size in all sorts of ways? That's the way we start forming complex thoughts.
Although generalizations are the building blocks of complex thought, as total knowledge they are incomplete.
You can sort people by general color, but that only gives you a partial picture.
If Axelwolf and Evenbob are both white, we can just assume they are the same.
Quote: MrVI am bothered by the fact that when I see a black man I think "there's a black man;" when I see a white man I think "there's a man."
Even Jessie Jackson has said he gets
nervous when he's walking on the
sidewalk and 3 young black men
are behind him. If I said that they
would scream RACIST! Jesse says
it and people say, yeah, I totally
get it. Everybody is racist about
something, we just have to pretend
we aren't.
Quote: rxwineBrains organize information by shapes, colors, numbers, material, size in all sorts of ways? That's the way we start forming complex thoughts.
It's called pattern recognition. We are
hard wired for it, that's how we advance
and survive. We look for patterns in
everything so we can figure out how
things work. Animals do not. I can show
my cat a thousand times how to do
something and he'll never connect the
It's a survival skill to recognize threats instinctively. That is why scarecrows or fake owls work to keep pesky birds away.Quote: EvenBobIt's called pattern recognition. We are
hard wired for it, that's how we advance
and survive. We look for patterns in
everything so we can figure out how
things work. Animals do not.
The thing is with cats, is they probably figure it out the first time you show them, they just don't care.Quote:I can show
my cat a thousand times how to do
something and he'll never connect the
Dont be silly, I only go to the Ivory club.Quote: WatchMeWinI have a feeling it would be safe to assume that those few exceptions would be ones that are dancing on poles...
What percentage of family's were mixed race before slavery?Quote: rxwineIf it were universally hard wired mixed racial families wouldn't exist.
And yet they say, "you can't fix stupid".Quote:If it were hard wired you wouldn't have reformed skinheads.......
Quote: EvenBobIt's called pattern recognition. We are
hard wired for it, that's how we advance
and survive. We look for patterns in
everything so we can figure out how
things work.
And when you are overly dependent on it without enough critical thinking, you form more wrong conclusions than usual.
Funny, because in my opinion you've been doing that since day one on all sorts of things.
Quote: rxwinein my opinion you've I've been doing that since day one on all sorts of things.
I fixed that for you, an error you made..