Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: ams288
As if we needed any more evidence that Fox is run by ignorant morons:
The “three Mexican countries” Fox is refering to are El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
You know, this makes Donald’s inability to get Mexico to pay for his dumb wall even worse. I didn’t even know there was more than one Mexico!
Wow. Dog whistles in stupid-land. The Idiocracy continues to grow.
Mexican Empire
Quote:The territory of the Mexican Empire corresponded to the borders of Viceroyalty of New Spain, excluding the Captaincies General of Cuba, Santo Domingo and the Philippines. The Central American lands of the former Captaincy General of Guatemala were annexed to the Empire shortly after its establishment, making the First Mexican Empire the largest country in North America with territory of approximately 5 million square km.
Under the First Empire, Mexico reached its greatest territorial extent, stretching from northern California to the provinces of Central America (excluding Panama, which was then part of Colombia), which had not initially approved becoming part of the Mexican Empire but joined the Empire shortly after their independence.
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: ams288
As if we needed any more evidence that Fox is run by ignorant morons:
The “three Mexican countries” Fox is refering to are El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
You know, this makes Donald’s inability to get Mexico to pay for his dumb wall even worse. I didn’t even know there was more than one Mexico!
Wow. Dog whistles in stupid-land. The Idiocracy continues to grow.
Mexican Empire
Millions of Frenchmen are suddenly American Citizens. News at 11. (Article orig pub 4/30/1803)
Quote: RonCI don't think someone making an editing mistake in real time on a crawl or caption is stating the official position of a network.
Millions of Fox viewers will, though. And it's at least implied and underneath everything Trump has said about it since the 2015 escalator ride.
Amusing error.
Quote: beachbumbabsMillions of Fox viewers will, though. And it's at least implied and underneath everything Trump has said about it since the 2015 escalator ride.
Amusing error.
We disagree.
Quote: ams288
As if we needed any more evidence that Fox is run by ignorant morons:
The daily genius of AOC:
"Actually, the jury is out on what exactly was going on in AOC’s head when she explained to her fawning adulators (pretty much the only ones who tuned in to this political theatre) why the 22nd Amendment came into being. “They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected,” she said.
Here’s the funny thing about that … the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution was approved by Congress in March of 1947 … and the process of ratification by the states was completed in February 1951. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) passed away much earlier, in April 1945."
Got the over/under on her correcting herself? Or are we out of "intelligent morons"?
There's gotta be a "MAGA" acronym we can make out of that. Make Avocados Global Again?
Quote: SanchoPanzaQuote: ams288
As if we needed any more evidence that Fox is run by ignorant morons:
The daily genius of AOC:
"Actually, the jury is out on what exactly was going on in AOC’s head when she explained to her fawning adulators (pretty much the only ones who tuned in to this political theatre) why the 22nd Amendment came into being. “They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected,” she said.
Here’s the funny thing about that … the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution was approved by Congress in March of 1947 … and the process of ratification by the states was completed in February 1951. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) passed away much earlier, in April 1945."
Got the over/under on her correcting herself? Or are we out of "intelligent morons"?
Are you going to argue that an amendment that was passed in 1947 (the next congressional term) was not directly resulting from a 4 term President who died in office in 1945?
She was talking about "another President Roosevelt" situation. She could have phrased it better, sure. But the 2 term tradition goes back to Washington, who declined a 3rd term, saying
“The line between Parties,” Washington said, had become “so clearly drawn” that politicians “regard neither truth nor decency; attacking every character, without respect to persons – Public or Private, – who happen to differ from themselves in Politics.”
Washington’s voluntary decision to decline a third term was also seen by many people as a safeguard against the type of tyrannical power yielded by the British crown during the Colonial era.
Roosevelt was not the first to run for a third term. But he was the first to win one, despite many supporters leaving the party over his continuance. He decided to stand for a 4th because the US was in the midst of WWII, and people elected him again. But the movement to codify term limits from tradition into law started in his third election, and the move was first proposed by his Republican candidate in 1944, before he was re-elected.
But talk about a presidential term-limits amendment started in 1944, when Republican candidate Thomas Dewey said a potential 16-year term for Roosevelt was a threat to democracy.
In March 1947, a Republican-controlled Congress approved a 22nd Amendment, with an exception that would exclude a president in office from term limits during the ratification process. It took until February 1951 to get enough states to ratify the amendment, and President Harry Truman decided to opt against running for a third term. Since then, some members of Congress have introduced efforts to repeal the 22nd Amendment, but they haven’t made it out of committee.
So, yes, since you're being pedantic, the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected. She was not incorrect in saying that.
Quotes from constitutioncenter.org.
Quote: ams288Just saw that if Donny closes the US-Mexican border like he keeps threatening, the U.S. would run out of avocados in three weeks.
There's gotta be a "MAGA" acronym we can make out of that. Make Avocados Global Again?
Close the Mexican border??????????????
What a moron
But you shouldn't be worried about not getting avocados, because they'll just sneak them in via tunnels, ladders, or visa overstays.
Quote: ams288Just saw that if Donny closes the US-Mexican border like he keeps threatening, the U.S. would run out of avocados in three weeks.
There's gotta be a "MAGA" acronym we can make out of that. Make Avocados Global Again?
Propaganda Ministry tying to scare all the millenial hipsters. "No more avocado toast, oh noes",,,,lol. Closing the border to people and commerce are two different things. Besides, California currently produces the best avocadoes in the world and are mostly shipped to China while a large majority of the US population gets to eat sub standard South American mush.
Quote: MaxPenPropaganda Ministry tying to scare all the millenial hipsters. "No more avocado toast, oh noes",,,,lol. Closing the border to people and commerce are two different things. Besides, California currently produces the best avocadoes in the world and are mostly shipped to China while a large majority of the US population gets to eat sub standard South American mush.
The United States is a net importer of avocados from Mexico. Mexico supplied most of the avocados imported into the United States in 2017. In 2017 the United States imported $2.6 billion in fresh avocados and exported approximately $28,500 in fresh avocados (ERS 2018)
Unless California’s entire avocado crop is valued at $100,000, I would stop blaming China for your mushy South American avocados, we exported a whopping $29,000.
FYI almost no one eats avocados in China, one they are insanely expensive like $8 each and two it’s a flavor profile most Chinese people do not like because there’s no taste like it in Chinese cooking.
Quote: MaxPenBesides, California currently produces the best avocadoes in the world and are mostly shipped to China while a large majority of the US population gets to eat sub standard South American mush.
For real, it is difficult to find an avocado worth purchasing in the US outside of the western time zone, struggle starts once you get out of CA.
Mexico is not sending us their best avocados, some I assume are still good. bad tradedeal!
Quote: beachbumbabs
So, yes, since you're being pedantic, the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected. She was not incorrect in saying that.
BBB – you made me do it, you know I couldn’t resist
you really had to know that I would respond.
I bet you have been feverishly waiting for my post. ;-)
AOC’s statement was and continues to be incorrect.
My longer response is below. If you could care less about reading my diatribe, don’t click on the button and move on to the next post.
If President Trump has made the exact same statement, I have no doubt that you and those on the left would become apoplectic and spend 5 days and 200 posts here calling President Trump an idiot, because that is what we do here.
You and others here appear to support and defend your side no matter what and vice versa for people who support opposing views.
In order to support your position concerning AOC’s statement, you made the following statement: “So, yes, since you're being pedantic, the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected”. Followed by: “She was not incorrect in saying that.” (by “she” you were referring to AOC).
But that is not what she said. AOC said: “They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected”. Which is wrong no matter how you try to spin it. AOC said no such thing about the 22nd amendment being initiated, you bringing this concept of “initiated by his Republican opponent” into the discussion is deflection and also irrelevant.
Since you are being pedantic, let me address your argument in supporting AOC. In your post you quoted the following from (constitutioncenter.org): “But talk about a presidential term-limits amendment started in 1944, when Republican candidate Thomas Dewey said a potential 16-year term for Roosevelt was a threat to democracy.” And you stated: “…the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected”.
Yes, TALK about supporting an amendment to limit terms was started in 1944 during the campaign, but to “initiate” something, actual concrete actions must be taken. The Republican candidate in 1944 did not perform any actions to start any legislation or amendment. Actual actions to prepare the amendment were not commenced until after the 80th Congress convened in Jan 1947 when Republicans took control of both the House and the Senate.
Since no actual actions were taken (the amendment was not initiated in 1944) during the campaign to prevent Roosevelt from being re-elected to a 4th term, there was only talk, your argument is support of AOC’s statement is not accurate and AOC’s statement continues to be wrong.
Here is a question for you: Since, talk of term limits for U.S. presidents took hold during the presidencies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, can you also say that term limit legislation or amendment was initiated in the 1700’s to prevent Roosevelt being elected to a 4th term?
And yes, AOC could have/should have been clearer in her statement or maybe she actually believed what she said.
And yes, a reasonable person could possibly “read between the lines” and infer that AOC was talking about “another President Roosevelt situation” but her actual statement did not say that.
But unfortunately we seem to have given up being reasonable people. Almost everyone here is “locked and loaded” and ready to pounce on every misstatement, every flub, every mis-characterization, every slip of the tongue, etc.
Quote: FleaswatterBBB – you made me do it, you know I couldn’t resist
you really had to know that I would respond.
I bet you have been feverishly waiting for my post. ;-)
AOC’s statement was and continues to be incorrect.
My longer response is below. If you could care less about reading my diatribe, don’t click on the button and move on to the next post.Wow, quick to come to the defense of AOC.
If President Trump has made the exact same statement, I have no doubt that you and those on the left would become apoplectic and spend 5 days and 200 posts here calling President Trump an idiot, because that is what we do here.
You and others here appear to support and defend your side no matter what and vice versa for people who support opposing views.
In order to support your position concerning AOC’s statement, you made the following statement: “So, yes, since you're being pedantic, the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected”. Followed by: “She was not incorrect in saying that.” (by “she” you were referring to AOC).
But that is not what she said. AOC said: “They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected”. Which is wrong no matter how you try to spin it. AOC said no such thing about the 22nd amendment being initiated, you bringing this concept of “initiated by his Republican opponent” into the discussion is deflection and also irrelevant.
Since you are being pedantic, let me address your argument in supporting AOC. In your post you quoted the following from (constitutioncenter.org): “But talk about a presidential term-limits amendment started in 1944, when Republican candidate Thomas Dewey said a potential 16-year term for Roosevelt was a threat to democracy.” And you stated: “…the 22nd Amendment was specifically initiated by his Republican opponent in 1944 to keep him from being re-elected”.
Yes, TALK about supporting an amendment to limit terms was started in 1944 during the campaign, but to “initiate” something, actual concrete actions must be taken. The Republican candidate in 1944 did not perform any actions to start any legislation or amendment. Actual actions to prepare the amendment were not commenced until after the 80th Congress convened in Jan 1947 when Republicans took control of both the House and the Senate.
Since no actual actions were taken (the amendment was not initiated in 1944) during the campaign to prevent Roosevelt from being re-elected to a 4th term, there was only talk, your argument is support of AOC’s statement is not accurate and AOC’s statement continues to be wrong.
Here is a question for you: Since, talk of term limits for U.S. presidents took hold during the presidencies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, can you also say that term limit legislation or amendment was initiated in the 1700’s to prevent Roosevelt being elected to a 4th term?
And yes, AOC could have/should have been clearer in her statement or maybe she actually believed what she said.
And yes, a reasonable person could possibly “read between the lines” and infer that AOC was talking about “another President Roosevelt situation” but her actual statement did not say that.
But unfortunately we seem to have given up being reasonable people. Almost everyone here is “locked and loaded” and ready to pounce on every misstatement, every flub, every mis-characterization, every slip of the tongue, etc.
Dude, I'm just now checking back in here. I have a life. Lol.
I'm not particularly defending AOC. I said she could have phrased it better. But I also dislike you claiming hypothetical (actually, anyone) arguments "if it had been TRUMP, WELL..." as if the source makes a difference in fact - checking.
I think, certainly these days, someone is going to call out any misstatement, no matter how slight, and that's a shame. But it went on long before Trump's term. He just has raised the level of lies and misinformation to unseen and insane levels. Closing in on 9,500 verifiable lies in only 800 days in office.
I think it's perhaps an historical understanding that gradually became less of an issue as those who fought in the Rev war and were raised by those combatants died off. The Founders abhorred monarchy, though not all Colonists felt that way. They wanted nothing resembling a king/dictator/emperor.
It was still an issue in the early 20th century. TR wanted a 3rd term - the party didn't want him to have it. So he ran Bull/Moose. And lost. There were others before FDR. And it was an issue in both his 3rd and 4th elections. But the accounts I read said it raised to the level of an Amendment during the 1944 election, and them was passed once the Republicans retook Congress in 1946.
So, I think you and I are both splitting hairs.
Thanks in advance.
Everyone wins.
Dementia or just another lie?
Quote: ams288Trump just said "my father is German, was German. Born in a very wonderful place in Germany."
Fred Trump was born in New York City in 1905.
Dementia or just another lie?
Trump admitting he is an anchor baby.
Quote: ams288Can our resident righties who desperately fact check every word out of AOC’s mouth please do the same for this garbage from the orange idiot?
Thanks in advance.
PR has not received anything close to 91B in aid. Only about 11B so far. In contrast, Louisiana has received 120B post-Katrina. Yes, 11x more.
Maria killed 2,975 people. 9/11 killed 2,977 (plus 19 turds). By this period (20 months later), NYC had gotten 19.8B in disaster relief. Pentagon billions more.
That's not even included in the $4.7 trillion cost of Iraq/Afghanistan war which directly resulted. And that's repairing and replacing 3 buildings, not an entire island that lost everything including the power grid, water and sewer, the year's agriculture, and hundreds of thousands of buildings.
The worst lie, however, Is all the language denying PR is part of the US.
Seriously, what’s up with him today? He’s losing it.
Quote: ams288"Someone's going to leak this whole damn speech to the media," Trump tells NRCC in a speech that is being broadcast live by C-SPAN.
Seriously, what’s up with him today? He’s losing it.
Lots more than that. He's all over the map on policy claims, losing his words, wrong about where his dad was born, claiming he's normal in that speech even though nobody asked.
He says he has a great health care plan. There is no health care plan. He's threatening to shut the border with Mexico. That would cost 1.7B/day in trade and threaten the food supply. This is all just today.
As you say, he's losing it.
In order to assist you in case you do not receive your talking points, I have provided some for you:
-Barr is Trump’s lackey
-Barr redacted all the information proving Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice
-Barr is covering up for Trump
-Barr acts like the Attorney General of Donald Trump not the Attorney General of the United States
-I don’t trust Barr’s release of Mueller’s report
-Barr’s report is hiding the truth, we need the entire report released.
-Of course there was collusion, Adam Schiff has the proof
-Trump selected Barr for AG because he knew Barr would exonerate him
-Just because Trump was not charged or indicted does not prove he was not guilty of collusion or obstruction.
Quote: FleaswatterOk all you lefties and Trump haters, AG Barr’s release of the redacted Mueller report is expected to occur tomorrow. Before you make comments about the report, make sure that you receive your "talking points” from Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, Washington Compost, NY Slimes, CNN and MSNBC. You wouldn’t want to stray from the left’s narrative.
This is so absurd and dumb
The members on the left here form our own opinions
Who cares what the above people say
So weird, I could care less what the above people say.
Quote: FleaswatterOk all you lefties and Trump haters, AG Barr’s release of the redacted Mueller report is expected to occur tomorrow. Before you make comments about the report, make sure that you receive your "talking points” from Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, Washington Compost, NY Slimes, CNN and MSNBC. You wouldn’t want to stray from the left’s narrative.
In order to assist you in case you do not receive your talking points, I have provided some for you:
-Barr is Trump’s lackey
-Barr redacted all the information proving Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice
-Barr is covering up for Trump
-Barr acts like the Attorney General of Donald Trump not the Attorney General of the United States
-I don’t trust Barr’s release of Mueller’s report
-Barr’s report is hiding the truth, we need the entire report released.
-Of course there was collusion, Adam Schiff has the proof
-Trump selected Barr for AG because he knew Barr would exonerate him
-Just because Trump was not charged or indicted does not prove he was not guilty of collusion or obstruction.
Good work! Haha.... stupid leftists. And in case anyone needs help with the right's narrative:
- Buttery males
- Pizzagate
- Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
- Hey, 'member that time Obama ate some mustard?
- I don't care that Trump is a lying, egotistical, hypocritical bigot, he's getting results! Just don't ask me specifically what those results are....
- If you like Bernie so much, why don't you move to Venezuela! Checkmate, atheists!
- Pff... it's not socialism when big corporations get handouts...
- How dare you try to take down my Civil War participation trophies! Muh heritage! But I'm totally not racist. Civil War was all about State's rights to own slaves
Quote: FleaswatterOk all you lefties....
Serious question
Are you an adult?
Quote: FleaswatterOk all you lefties and Trump haters, AG Barr’s release of the redacted Mueller report is expected to occur tomorrow. Before you make comments about the report, make sure that you receive your "talking points” from Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, Washington Compost, NY Slimes, CNN and MSNBC. You wouldn’t want to stray from the left’s narrative.
In order to assist you in case you do not receive your talking points, I have provided some for you:
-Barr is Trump’s lackey
-Barr redacted all the information proving Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice
-Barr is covering up for Trump
-Barr acts like the Attorney General of Donald Trump not the Attorney General of the United States
-I don’t trust Barr’s release of Mueller’s report
-Barr’s report is hiding the truth, we need the entire report released.
-Of course there was collusion, Adam Schiff has the proof
-Trump selected Barr for AG because he knew Barr would exonerate him
-Just because Trump was not charged or indicted does not prove he was not guilty of collusion or obstruction.
-Mueller is a Russian asset.
Quote: RS-Mueller is a Russian asset.
Mueller is an honorable man, unlike Donald Trump, who says or does something stupid every day.
Like when he offered advice on using lmao water tankers to put out the Notre Dame Cathedral. Firefighters basically told him he's an idiot and to stfu and let them do their job.
Maybe if California would just rake their leaves in forests like Finland does? Maybe if Puerto Rico just had more paper towels?
lol, so embarrassing to have this man as our president
Quote: TigerWu
This is so hilarious. Remember when every
TV network, ABC, CBS, NBC, MS, CNN,
Al Jazeera, all the Latino networks, had
Barry's butt cheeks spread wide and their
noses shoved up his butt crack as far
as possible because they loved the heavenly
aroma? And remember how constantly
irritated Barry was that Fox News was the
only holdout?
Now it's the exact opposite, 18 TV networks
have TDS, and the one holdout is despised.
So both Trump and Obama single out Fox,
but for totally opposite reasons. What do you
think this does for Fox's ratings. They're
the #1 news channel in both admin's.. lol
Quote: Steverinoslol, so embarrassing to have this man as our president
I agree
Wind turbine noise causes cancer according to the orange moron
Whats more funny
Some Trump supporters on this site totally defend that idiotic Trump statement
Quote: terapinedWind turbine noise causes cancer according to the orange moron
You got a real source for that, or are you going to post the spin-version of it?
Yawn :)
Quote: RSYou got a real source for that, or are you going to post the spin-version of it?
Quote: terapinedQuote: RSYou got a real source for that, or are you going to post the spin-version of it?
You could have just written “no” and gotten the same message across. Yawn. Try again. Yawn.
Quote: RSQuote: terapinedQuote: RSYou got a real source for that, or are you going to post the spin-version of it?
You could have just written “no” and gotten the same message across. Yawn. Try again. Yawn.
His own mouth isn't good enough? That's not "real" enough? (It wasn't the first time we talked about this either) Maybe the problem isn't with the source but rather your receptors are a little out of whack.
Quote: Steverinos
His own mouth isn't good enough? That's not "real" enough? (It wasn't the first time we talked about this either) Maybe the problem isn't with the source but rather your receptors are a little out of whack.
I'll give RS the benefit of the doubt. Maybe like most of us he doesn't consider Trump much of a source for facts.
And he’s holding a press conference at 9:30 am tomorrow that Robert Mueller isn’t attending. Shouldn’t Mueller be the one to answer questions about his own report?! Nah, it’ll be Barr who will take questions from reporters who haven’t been given a chance to read it yet.
Seems legit. /sarcasm
Time to start some investigations into Barr’s handling of all this. Seems very shady.
Quote: rxwineI'll give RS the benefit of the doubt. Maybe like most of us he doesn't consider Trump much of a source for facts.
I'm thinking Cult of personality. Makes sense considering RS's comment. Some conservatives, you don't question Trump, he's perfect.
From Wikipedia
"A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. "
Quote: petroglyph
Pretty wild video
Do you , Petroglyph, believe there is any chance the noise you hear in this video will cause cancer like Trump claims?
Quote: ams288Barr IS Trump’s lackey. He’s been briefing the WH on what’s in the report so they can get their talking points out there before anyone else has a chance to, you know, actually read it.
And he’s holding a press conference at 9:30 am tomorrow that Robert Mueller isn’t attending. Shouldn’t Mueller be the one to answer questions about his own report?! Nah, it’ll be Barr who will take questions from reporters who haven’t been given a chance to read it yet.
Seems legit. /sarcasm
Time to start some investigations into Barr’s handling of all this. Seems very shady.
Seems shady that you forgot to mention that Barr will be holding a joint press conference with Rod Rosenstein (the person who appointed Mueller and was knowledgeable about every step of the investigation from its' beginning).
Quote: FleaswatterSeems shady that you forgot to mention that Barr will be holding a joint press conference with Rod Rosenstein (the person who appointed Mueller and was knowledgeable about every step of the investigation from its' beginning).
I really doubt Rosenstein was knowledgeable about every step in the investigation
Mueller certainly is the most knowledgeable. Seems shady that you prefer Rosenstein over Mueller, lol
Quote: terapinedI really doubt Rosenstein was knowledgeable about every step in the investigation
Mueller certainly is the most knowledgeable. Seems shady that you prefer Rosenstein over Mueller, lol
Do you ever actually read either the posts you make or the posts you reply to?
Please point to where I said that I prefer Rosenstein over Mueller?
Or are you just doing your usual "jumping to conclusions" without and basis or facts.
Quote: FleaswatterSeems shady that you forgot to mention that Barr will be holding a joint press conference with Rod Rosenstein (the person who appointed Mueller and was knowledgeable about every step of the investigation from its' beginning).
What WOULD be shady is if they hold the presser before they release the report, denying the reporters the chance to read the full report and form their questions based on its contents. Since it is scheduled for 9:30 EST, even if they release at 8am, that's not a whole lot of time to absorb 400 pages.
I watched almost all of that MSNBC video you posted. More evidence to me of why I don't watch msm. It rather sickened me. They obviously had an agenda.Quote: terapinedPretty wild video
Do you , Petroglyph, believe there is any chance the noise you hear in this video will cause cancer like Trump claims?
I'm not sure if he was serious? But no, I don't think sound directly causes cancer or I would have died from rock and roll years ago. I do however believe stress contributes mightily to it, and an unwanted windmill in my yard would contribute to stress, imo. I here the constant noise and vibrations are awful. My psyche friend who studied the correlation for decades says he believes that in each case he encountered of life threatening cancer, there had been a large stress event in that persons life, in the not to distant past.
Hard to say all I believe here, about the causes of cancer, being a cancer survivor myself and having tried to cure it with alternative medicine, without making some statement that unintentionally, supports the Trump video.
No, I don't think the statement Trump made, is literally accurate about sound waves directly causing cancer. I do support the next statement in the video of Trump, about those windmills being awful bird killers.
He also, [as did BHO] signed an exemption for wind generators and solar plants, absolving them from penalty's from raptor strikes. Those things kill thousands of raptors every year and it irritates me, having worked for several power company's, the paperwork that must be filled out for each raptor that is electrocuted is daunting, and has cost them millions of dollars in silly protection methods. But under the guise of "windmills good, coal bad", the propeller guys skate free.
I actually just returned from my alternative health practitioners office. Cancer is a huge topic, and I can't say what all I believe about the causes, without sounding like I am defending Trump. I am wondering about 5G though?