Quote: TigerWuBecause half of Trump's schtick is just badmouthing Obama. He doesn't want to lose that edge.
The Trump administration on Tuesday announced up to $12 billion in emergency relief for farmers hurt by the president’s trade war, moving to insulate food producers from looming financial losses that would be a direct result of President Trump’s policies.
Sounds like the government picking winners and losers. Thought that was a no-no. #MAGA
This current version of the GOP is the epitome of hypocrisy.
Quote: TigerWuBecause half of Trump's schtick is just badmouthing Obama. He doesn't want to lose that edge.
The Trump administration on Tuesday announced up to $12 billion in emergency relief for farmers hurt by the president’s trade war, moving to insulate food producers from looming financial losses that would be a direct result of President Trump’s policies.
It would be bad optics having farmers riding their tractors into Washington during the midterms.
Quote: rxwineQuote: TigerWuBecause half of Trump's schtick is just badmouthing Obama. He doesn't want to lose that edge.
The Trump administration on Tuesday announced up to $12 billion in emergency relief for farmers hurt by the president’s trade war, moving to insulate food producers from looming financial losses that would be a direct result of President Trump’s policies.
It's would be bad optics having farmers riding their tractors into Washington during the midterms.
Who says that won't happen anyway. They've done it before. Their crops have already been rotting for months in some parts of the country, with no farm laborers available to harvest. Now their crops are too expensive to sell to the markets they're trading with.
And the government isn't just standing there with cash. There is no mechanism in place to get the money (which doesn't exist anyway) to the farmers in a way commensurate with the losses they're sustaining.
So we pay twice. We pay with the loss of business to cheaper food markets in other countries, then we pay the farmers the government screwed out of their business deals with nonexistent taxpayer dollars in exchange for...what? Food nobody will get to eat?
The more I think about this, the more certain I am we will see tractors in the DC streets.
Source, may I ask ?
Quote: dogqckTheir crops have already been rotting for months in some parts of the country, with no farm laborers available to harvest.
Source, may I ask ?
Source? It probably was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Quote: FleaswatterSource? It probably was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Lately righties have been diagnosing us lefties with TDS.
Is it too early for us to start diagnosing some with AO-CDS?
only 10 YEARS and 6 months until the next TRUMP becomes YOUR PRESIDENT!
Quote: Maverick17Just a friendly reminder...
only 10 YEARS and 6 months until the next TRUMP becomes YOUR PRESIDENT!
Melania is Constitutionally ineligible. The rest will be in prison.
Quote: ams288Lately righties have been diagnosing us lefties with TDS.
Is it too early for us to start diagnosing some with AO-CDS?
That would be bad.... they haven't even gotten over HDS yet.
“Pay with cash” is something that you always want to do when everything is aboveboard.
EDIT: actually, he might’ve said “don’t pay with cash.” It’s kind of fuzzy.
Either way, he clearly knew about the proposed payment he claimed to know nothing about.
Quote: ams288EDIT: actually, he might’ve said “don’t pay with cash.” It’s kind of fuzzy.
Don't be too hard on Donny.... he has trouble with how "n't" works.
Quote: ams288CNN has obtained the Trump-Michael Cohen tape.
I absolutely love Trump's recent quote that fits perfectly with this:
"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
I look forward to his hearing his apologists telling us why that is a legitimate directive a president should give to his country.
That easily surpasses "I will build a Great Wall and Mexico will pay for that Wall," as my favorite political quote of all time.
Quote: TomGI absolutely love Trump's recent quote that fits perfectly with this:
"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
I look forward to his hearing his apologists telling us why that is a legitimate directive a president should give to his country.
That easily surpasses "I will build a Great Wall and Mexico will pay for that Wall," as my favorite political quote of all time.
It's already become trite to say, "Who ya gonna believe; me or your lying eyes?".
So I won't say it.
Oops. Too late.
Quote: dogqckOoops Now I know Alexandria is the people's savior. June Primary 250K registered democrats and she got 15,000 votes WOW!!!!
Cant talk about trump can ya
Even you know hes screwing you the farmers the government everyone
Yea lets criticize a person who isnt even eligible to be president for at least 6 to 10 years
Quote: dogqckTheir crops have already been rotting for months in some parts of the country, with no farm laborers available to harvest.
Source, may I ask ?
Hyperbole for sure, but there is a large labor shortage in agriculture.
farmers tracking labor shortage

Quote: NathanI predict in the near future, Society will rule out the "Must be American born Citizen," requirement," of the requirements to be U.S. President ruling that that requirement is Discriminatory considering how Culturally and ethically Inclusive U.S is. Look at U.S really well. We have Asians(Koreas, Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Philippines, Vietnam, etc) Haitians, Central Americans, South Americans, Latins, Hispanics, Jewish, Africans, African Americans, Whites, Native Americans, United Kingdoms, Australians, Canadians, French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, Arab, Islam, Muslim, Indians, etc. So many Cultures and ethnicities live in The U.S and they can't become President just because they weren't born here. Sad. I don't see this rule lasting for very long.
It is in the Constitution. It would take an amendment to the Constitution to change it. Since I never hear that mentioned by any mainstream politicians as even a goal, I think the likelihood of that rule changing in the foreseeable future is close to zero. Never can be sure, but I think an easy majority of American citizens are ok with that rule as it exists.
Quote: SOOPOOIt is in the Constitution. It would take an amendment to the Constitution to change it. Since I never hear that mentioned by any mainstream politicians as even a goal, I think the likelihood of that rule changing in the foreseeable future is close to zero. Never can be sure, but I think an easy majority of American citizens are ok with that rule as it exists.
Even if it's the not the majority, no way 3/4ths of states would approve the change. Too bad for Arnold Schwarzenegger, et. al.
Quote: boymimboHyperbole for sure, but there is a large labor shortage in agriculture.
farmers tracking labor shortage
Thats a far stretch to crops rotting for months!
Quote: dogqckOoops Now I know Alexandria is the people's savior. June Primary 250K registered democrats and she got 15,000 votes WOW!!!!
If she would just make up lies about the voting results she would earn your support
"I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally"
"The biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan"
Quote: MaxPenThe explanation of modern liberal outrage.
We have a disgraceful human being representing and leading our country. We ALL should be outraged.
Quote: Steverinos
We have a disgraceful human being representing and leading our country. We ALL should be outraged.
Meh. When was the last time we had someone we had a leader who nobody would call disgraceful?
Do you know what bias is?
I’ll tell you:
Bias is when you have a woman who gets paid to have sex all the time become a national icon because she screwed some old, rich married dude (probably paid), then got bought off to sign an NDA, which she then said was a void contract, anyway.
Like, aside from spreading her legs, what did Stormy Daniels do that’s worthy of anybody’s respect?
Don’t get me wrong, I personally don’t care what people do with their personal lives, I’m just confused about how screwing a married Donald Trump and then coming out with it years after the fact (and, more importantly, after the election) makes the woman a national hero.
Many on the left love and adore her, though.
Meantime, Trump can (allegedly, but by his own claim) sexually assault women, come onto married women, have sex with pr0n stars, pay women to keep quiet about screwing him (how does that not make it prostitution?) and put himself in a position to see underage girls naked...and all that’s fine with the White Evangelical Christians who were none too happy with that sinner Bill Clinton.
Point is, there are hypocrites on both sides and both sides are going to find something wrong with the leader.
Trump: Everything.
Obama: Communist, “Not born here.”
Bush: Warmonger, in pocket of big business.
Clinton: Serial adulterer.
Bush: Warmonger, In pocket of big business.
I’m too young to really remember if Reagan was hated by the far left for anything? I know he left office with 63% approval, but Clinton left with 66%...and some people still hated him.
Quote: Mission146Meh. When was the last time we had someone we had a leader who nobody would call disgraceful?
Now. Me. I disagreed with most of Obama's policies. I would not say he was disgraceful. I agree with many of Trump's policies. I would say he is often disgraceful.
I think HRC messed up big time with the email server thing. Also with the 'deplorable' comment. But overall not 'disgraceful.
Younger Bush.... many faux pas.... not disgraceful.
WJC.... I guess 'disgraceful' in his personal life, but NOT disgraceful in his job as President.
Older Bush Not disgraceful.
Reagan... even though clearly senile towards the end of his Presidency, I'll say not disgraceful.
I think the word 'disgraceful' is thrown around a bit much. Kind of like 'racist'.
Quote: Mission146Meh. When was the last time we had someone we had a leader who nobody would call disgraceful?
Barack Obama exemplified grace, and class, and decency.
Quote: Mission146Do you know what bias is?
Yes, I think I do.
Quote: SOOPOONow. Me. I disagreed with most of Obama's policies. I would not say he was disgraceful. I agree with many of Trump's policies. I would say he is often disgraceful.
No, I like Obama. I’m saying a leader nobody from either side would call disgraceful. I’d vote for Obama again. If she runs, I’d consider voting for Michelle.
Quote:I think HRC messed up big time with the email server thing. Also with the 'deplorable' comment. But overall not 'disgraceful.
Deplorable disenfranchised her from the economically downtrodden white males of limited education who are struggling financially. Those are your fence voters, at least the ones who were paying attention, that could have gone either way. Until then, because she said that (and they were considering Trump, but may not have been locked in) and that was it. She pushed those guys solidly into the Trump camp. Probably cost her the Rust Belt, which cost her the election.
Anyway, you’re right, the word does get thrown around too much, usually by extremists on one side or the other.
I don’t know if I’d even call Trump disgraceful, though. He obviously had to pay the women off, because he’s running for President and he can’t have it known that he’s running around banging porn stars all the time...who, I have to assume, he paid for the sex. I mean, come on!
Now, him being a philanderer in the first place. I don’t know. I’ve never cheated on my fiancé and I never cheated on my ex-wife, but maybe I don’t have the sex drive that Trump does. I don’t think I’d cheat even if I had that kind of sex drive, but if I liked women as much as I do alcohol, I’ll admit it might be possible. I don’t know if I could pick just one alcohol and never drink any others again.
As far as the Miss Teen, I guess that’s technically not been proven. Based on everything I know about Trump, by his own admissions, I’m leaning 100% true that he’s walking in on 15-16 year old girls naked, but I guess I don’t know for sure. I’d call that morally unforgivable.
As far as the racist stuff, I’m not even convinced Trump is a racist. I just know he had to court the racists to get through the primaries.
Quote: SteverinosHuh?
Barack Obama exemplified grace, and class, and decency.
Yes, I think I do.
Yeah, but some racists thought he was disgraceful. They also thought it disgraceful he should be President pursuant to their opinion that he wasn’t born here.
That’s my point: There are nutballs, hypocrites and extremists on both sides.
Quote: billryanPlenty of good people, on both sides, as well.
The problem with both sides is that certain among them try to pigeonhole all on the other side into some labeled group that does not apply to the vast majority of the group.
For whatever reason, conversation has given way to confrontation and way too much stuff ends up broken down into "us" versus "them" based on point of view. While it has gotten worse during President Trump's term, it was already headed down that path before he emerged. I see people that are nasty to each other on social media, and even in person, for having different stances on issues. Hyperbole rules the day.
Think of your own example; if I give one, I fear it will just devolve into pointless posturing.
Quote: RonCFor whatever reason
The reason is some of us live in a fact-free world with no attachment to the truth. And yes, this was a problem before Donald Trump emerged. He has only exacerbated this because he also has no attachment to the truth...or reality.
We can't begin to have reasonable debates about the issues of our day if we can't at least agree to the things that are not up for debate...THE FACTS! When the facts don't fall in line with the narrative, reasonable discussion gives way to confrontation.
Round and round we go!
A candidate for Mayor in Chicago handed out $300,000 total to 2,000 on Sunday at church.
It was through his foundation and apparently he has been quite generous in the past, so this is not out of character. He apparently has said that a portion of the money--$100,000, came from the Republican governor of Illinois...who has said he was not aware that the case would be distributed during the event.
This is an interesting story....I guess my first thought is that giving the money away to potential voters while you are in the middle of campaign may be ill-advised.
Quote: RonCOkay...so here is a fact...
A candidate for Mayor in Chicago handed out $300,000 total to 2,000 on Sunday at church.
It was through his foundation and apparently he has been quite generous in the past, so this is not out of character. He apparently has said that a portion of the money--$100,000, came from the Republican governor of Illinois...who has said he was not aware that the case would be distributed during the event.
This is an interesting story....I guess my first thought is that giving the money away to potential voters while you are in the middle of campaign may be ill-advised.
This is unbelievable! If it stands, I can see Trump paying out a few hundred million in carefully selected swing states September 2020 through a new 'charitable foundation' he will set up to help 'the poor'!
Quote: RonCThe problem with both sides is that certain among them try to pigeonhole all on the other side into some labeled group that does not apply to the vast majority of the group.
I don't think it was a tough call because of who organized the march. If I marched with Planned Parenthood, but I'm only pro-life, it's fair to smear me. I won't march with ANTIFA either, unless I want to endorse their ideas even if I'm the biggest peace proponent in the world.
So Trump was either stupid or not smart with his call.
(and yes that last part was intentional)
Quote: RonCThis is an interesting story....I guess my first thought is that giving the money away to potential voters while you are in the middle of campaign may be ill-advised.
Such action certainly had created a very bad optic. But handing out $300,000 to 2,000 people in a very limited geographical area is nothing when compare to distributing $12 billion to hundred of thousands of farmers in order to will influence the house and senate races in this upcoming mid-term election.
The racist, sexist, rapist, liars, con-artist, incompetent Trump will spend $12 billion tax payer money to buy votes for the Nov mid-term election:
Quote: RonCThis is an interesting story....I guess my first thought is that giving the money away to potential voters while you are in the middle of campaign may be ill-advised.
Sounds like this isn't out of character for him. A different site reporting on the same story indicated he ran in 2015 as well. It appears he's been doing this for some time. I'd be interested in hearing if this was an issue in the previous campaign.
Quote: RonC
This is an interesting story....I guess my first thought is that giving the money away to potential voters while you are in the middle of campaign may be ill-advised.
I respectfully disagree. I would say for it to be, “Vote Buying,” would at least require some agreement that you’re getting their vote.
Could you not donate to a charity whilst running for office? If you would consider this vote buying, then can it not be said you’re trying to buy the votes of everyone who uses or works for that charity?
I just don't think votes in smaller scales such as the senate, congress, etc, etc, etc where those votes represent much larger numbers it should be legal to "lobby" aka buy their votes. Every single person in our government that has accepted anything from a lobbyist and voted in their direction (so aka everyone) should all be in jail. It's a direct contravention to our democratic system.
Criminals are once again ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!
So let it be written, so let it be done.
YOUR PRESIDENT truly is a great man.
Quote: Romes
I just don't think votes in smaller scales such as the senate, congress, etc, etc, etc where those votes represent much larger numbers it should be legal to "lobby" aka buy their votes. Every single person in our government that has accepted anything from a lobbyist and voted in their direction (so aka everyone) should all be in jail. It's a direct contravention to our democratic system.
They'll never do it, though, because it's too much money to lose.
I like Gary Johnson's idea for this, actually, I LOVE it. Unlimited campaign contributions, but ALL campaign transactions (including contributions) must be a matter of public record. So, Chase can donate $20,000,000 to your campaign, but the public is going to know Chase did that and wonder, in turn, what is Chase wanting you to do for them?
You could see which businesses are supporting which candidates, or which people, and that would tell you a lot about a particular candidate's likely agenda.
Quote: Maverick17Criminals are once again ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!
This made me lol. It makes more sense when you reverse it, but this is "Trump's America".
MY PRESIDENT is repugnant.
In a single day YOUR PRESIDENT brings the whole of America together with social victory this morning and just in case we needed a little more WINNING for dessert, some economic gold for all of us this evening.
Quote: Maverick17Criminals are once again ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Don’t be so harsh on Melania...
Quote: Maverick17YOUR PRESIDENT has demanded TRUMP's America call 'em like we all see 'em -
Criminals are once again ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!
So let it be written, so let it be done.
YOUR PRESIDENT truly is a great man.
Was Obama also YOUR PRESIDENT?
sets up a path to impeach rosenstein.
YOUR PRESIDENT works in grand ways, does he not?
One idea (that’s probably no good) might be to limit how much people can spend on a campaign and/or limit the amount someone can contribute to someone running.