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November 28th, 2017 at 8:27:32 PM permalink

Somebody thought using radioactive die would make for nice marked cards
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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November 28th, 2017 at 8:44:59 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Somebody thought using radioactive die would make for nice marked cards

You know you’ve let the genie out of the bottle, now Las Vegas will be radioactive to you know who.
I suppose that at least explains the skin lesion and there I was thinking it was the Berlin restaurant signature dish, counting chicken before it hatched, soup.
Did you scroll down to see tha Johannesburg ditty? More fuel , more fire.
Kind regards
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November 28th, 2017 at 8:53:46 PM permalink
Someone needs to find a Blackjack game using Made in South Africa cards stat.
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November 28th, 2017 at 9:29:36 PM permalink
Quote: billryan


Somebody thought using radioactive die would make for nice marked cards

Classic example of the advice I gave to ZK when he started up about cheating. The best way not to get cheated is to learn how to cheat. However you must not jeopardize being spotted for any amount of money. It is always better to steal a small amount and have no heat compared to shooting for the moon and getting jailed. Always live to fight another day... IMO that is.
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November 28th, 2017 at 10:05:31 PM permalink
Quote: pingpangpong

Classic example of the advice I gave to ZK when he started up about cheating. The best way not to get cheated is to learn how to cheat. However you must not jeopardize being spotted for any amount of money. It is always better to steal a small amount and have no heat compared to shooting for the moon and getting jailed. Always live to fight another day... IMO that is.

So your the guy who robs the 7-11 at gunpoint for $68.50 & a carton of cigarettes
vs. the bank with stacks of cash? : )
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November 28th, 2017 at 10:19:12 PM permalink
Quote: rainman

So your the guy who robs the 7-11 at gunpoint for $68.50 & a carton of cigarettes
vs. the bank with stacks of cash? : )

No... I don't have the brass balls for that. I'm the guy who begs for the job at the 7-11 and gets the graveyard shift working alone. I work harder than anyone has in the past and am very friendly to everyone. I'm the one who gains trust and everyone involved knows that I'm an honest square. However I'm the one slowly skimming from the till not ringing up orders on the register and just keeping the cash. I'm most likely the one using credit card numbers on certain pumps when a cash customer comes in I keep the cash and have them move to the open pump. Other ways to skim as well... I might even have someone rob me on that shift and cut up the proceeds. When I get bored I usually quit with no notice or trace onto the next two bit hustle. Always remember to have nothing in your life you cant walk away from in 30 seconds if you spot the heat coming around the corner. ;)
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November 28th, 2017 at 10:38:45 PM permalink
Quote: pingpangpong

No... I don't have the brass balls for that. I'm the guy who begs for the job at the 7-11 and gets the graveyard shift working alone. I work harder than anyone has in the past and am very friendly to everyone. I'm the one who gains trust and everyone involved knows that I'm an honest square. However I'm the one slowly skimming from the till not ringing up orders on the register and just keeping the cash. I'm most likely the one using credit card numbers on certain pumps when a cash customer comes in I keep the cash and have them move to the open pump. Other ways to skim as well... I might even have someone rob me on that shift and cut up the proceeds. When I get bored I usually quit with no notice or trace onto the next two bit hustle. Always remember to have nothing in your life you cant walk away from in 30 seconds if you spot the heat coming around the corner. ;)

I’m going to skip going on a rant about how reprehensible and sleezy all of that is, and just ask a honest question instead.

If you really do things like you describe, how the hell do you live with your conscience? If I did anything like that, I’m 100% positive I’d turn myself in a few days later due to lack of sleep.

I found a $20 bill on the ground while checking out at Walmart, and I have it to the cashier incase someone came looking for it. I’m not stupid, I know the cashier probably made $27.50 that hour, but I have absolutly zero interest in that $20 as it didn’t belong to me.

I’m not trying to put myself on some sort of moral high horse here. With the exception of competitive games or something like sports betting or other markets, anything I could possibly gain from someone else’s loss is in no way a gain in my mind. I’d want absolutely nothing to do with it.
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November 28th, 2017 at 11:20:01 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I’m going to skip going on a rant about how reprehensible and sleezy all of that is, and just ask a honest question instead.

If you really do things like you describe, how the hell do you live with your conscience? If I did anything like that, I’m 100% positive I’d turn myself in a few days later due to lack of sleep.

I found a $20 bill on the ground while checking out at Walmart, and I have it to the cashier incase someone came looking for it. I’m not stupid, I know the cashier probably made $27.50 that hour, but I have absolutly zero interest in that $20 as it didn’t belong to me.

I’m not trying to put myself on some sort of moral high horse here. With the exception of competitive games or something like sports betting or other markets, anything I could possibly gain from someone else’s loss is in no way a gain in my mind. I’d want absolutely nothing to do with it.

We can go round and round on this issue. One major thing I learned years and years ago is that even if I am not directly doing evil I am constantly indirectly doing evil. You say you go to Walmart and purchase items there. Let's just take coffee for instance. Let's say you pay 10 dollars for a bag of beans. How did you get this robust bag of beans to your table from another country and pay such a low price? Well, this is because many evil deeds have been done to get that coffee to your grinder to your French press. I don't have all day to explain this example of indirect sin against your fellow man but if you search on your computer and study you might learn about just this one product. You can look up gas for your car and motor oil as well. Why do we only pay pennies for a gallon of gas while the rest of the world pays much more to subsidize our easy going free lives. It's sorta like thinking about having an affair with your best friends wife. Is it worse if you actually have the affair compared to just fantasizing about it? So many examples and we can just go round and round and never agree. I think of "Tricky Dickey" ( Richard Nixon ) putting up the peace sign telling everyone I'm not a crook. I dunno my friend... you are probably on the path to righteousness and I wish the best for you!
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Thanked by
November 28th, 2017 at 11:23:13 PM permalink
Quote: pingpangpong

No... I don't have the brass balls for that. I'm the guy who begs for the job at the 7-11 and gets the graveyard shift working alone. I work harder than anyone has in the past and am very friendly to everyone. I'm the one who gains trust and everyone involved knows that I'm an honest square. However I'm the one slowly skimming from the till not ringing up orders on the register and just keeping the cash. I'm most likely the one using credit card numbers on certain pumps when a cash customer comes in I keep the cash and have them move to the open pump. Other ways to skim as well... I might even have someone rob me on that shift and cut up the proceeds. When I get bored I usually quit with no notice or trace onto the next two bit hustle. Always remember to have nothing in your life you cant walk away from in 30 seconds if you spot the heat coming around the corner. ;)

Be careful out there man if they get you boxed in and it comes down between
you and some poor bastard who's wife your gonna turn into a widow, brother
they will take you down!
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November 28th, 2017 at 11:31:38 PM permalink
Quote: rainman

Be careful out there man if they get you boxed in and it comes down between
you and some poor bastard who's wife your gonna turn into a widow, brother
they will take you down!

There is a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down? Cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. We've been face to face, yeah. But I will not hesitate. Not for a second. (Slick)

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
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November 29th, 2017 at 5:45:42 AM permalink
Quote: pingpangpong

There is a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down? Cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. We've been face to face, yeah. But I will not hesitate. Not for a second. (Slick)

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Sweet dreams sunshine oh look I think I hear your mama calling , you best wash up now as you be sitting at the big table tonight. Right next to big daddy and might be best to hush that mouth, as you know daddy don’t like sass at the table, and we all know you still smarting from that last whopping. Go on run along now.
LOL. What’s with you Big tough people are you really as stupid as some of the posts posted. Surely the posts are jokes or do you really believe what you write or do you think everyone else is just as idiotic? Ha ha ha Get a life.
At least go buy another tub of yogurt and lock yourself in a dark room.
Some men just want to watch the world burn
Is that with popcorn? Sitting on the back porch?I hope you at least open a cool beer. Sure is thirsty work watching the world burn.
Ha ha ha I really mean ha ha ha.
Go watch some more movies on tv so you don’t have leave you room
This last post of yours Kinda puts your other posts in the incredulous basket, snug as a bug in a rug.
Sweet dreams are made of this..
Kind ha ha ha lol 😂 regards
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November 29th, 2017 at 8:15:06 AM permalink
What did this thread turn into.... haha...

Marked cards are amateur hour. Real card cheats use manipulation. That way there's no physical evidence.
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November 29th, 2017 at 1:24:21 PM permalink
Quote: beachmonkey

Sweet dreams...

I think you misunderstood... while I was being completely serious about skimming or two bit hustling the other comments were lines from the movie Heat and lol Batman of all things. I suppose the point is that I have always lived on the fringes of Society or in the sub culture. Statistically speaking most people are actually criminals and the most popular crime is employee theft which entails stealing things like pens, paper, money, food, drinks, and pretty much anything not nailed down. I believe the proper terminology is shrinkage. I know your in Australia but here in the States we're kinda big on movies and quoting lines in every day life. We're also obsessed with blue jeans and cheeseburgers as well.
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November 29th, 2017 at 2:14:53 PM permalink
Yes you’re correct I had misinterpreted your post as non humour, my apologies ! By the way I think you’ll find employee thieft is global and I do believe it’s a particular mind set and unfortunately in some cases due to sub pay standards. Australia was founded for convicts sent from England, sweet dreams is a line from a song
Kind apologetic regards
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November 29th, 2017 at 5:35:44 PM permalink
Quote: beachmonkey

By the way I think you’ll find employee thieft is global and I do believe it’s a particular mind set and unfortunately in some cases due to sub pay standards.

I had an employee arrested yesterday.
You can't know everything, but you can know anything.
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November 29th, 2017 at 5:53:25 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

I had an employee arrested yesterday.

Shoot, does that mean you’re sending that person to Australia 🇦🇺, I think we can do without any more convicts, thank you very much.
mind you the Green Party here needs something new to campaign for .
Kind regards.
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November 29th, 2017 at 6:09:39 PM permalink
I am a nuclear engineer and used to manage people who produced, packaged and shipped radioactive isotopes of iodine. Sometimes, small amounts are shipped by FEDEX or UPS.

I-131 could not be used as a marker to identify the top card on a deck, because the radiation from I-131 (approx, 30 keV x-rays) is penetrating enough so as to be detectable through an entire deck of cards.

I imagine the intention was to use a battery-operated NaI detector, probably under a sleeve in a table game like blackjack, in which the dealer has facedown cards that are physically separated from the rest of the deck/shoe. I imagine it would be possible to move your arm (with the detector under the sleeve) over the table in the direction of the face down cards and discern whether any of them were radioactive.

However, after putting a tiny amount of radiation on a card as a marker, I think it would be impossible to prevent the radiation from spreading to other cards in the deck during the shuffle process, thereby contaminating many other cards and rendering the whole "radioactive marker idea" completely useless.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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November 29th, 2017 at 9:56:54 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

I am a nuclear engineer and used to manage people who produced, packaged and shipped radioactive isotopes of iodine. Sometimes, small amounts are shipped by FEDEX or UPS.

I-131 could not be used as a marker to identify the top card on a deck, because the radiation from I-131 (approx, 30 keV x-rays) is penetrating enough so as to be detectable through an entire deck of cards.

I imagine the intention was to use a battery-operated NaI detector, probably under a sleeve in a table game like blackjack, in which the dealer has facedown cards that are physically separated from the rest of the deck/shoe. I imagine it would be possible to move your arm (with the detector under the sleeve) over the table in the direction of the face down cards and discern whether any of them were radioactive.

However, after putting a tiny amount of radiation on a card as a marker, I think it would be impossible to prevent the radiation from spreading to other cards in the deck during the shuffle process, thereby contaminating many other cards and rendering the whole "radioactive marker idea" completely useless.

Thanks for that , not only have they lost the bank roll, but they have potentially passed on a nasty legacy to their families.
I suppose we need something to cull the herd.
Kind regards
P. s don’t have the soup at that restaurant, it’s always warm.
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