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I had a Dejavu winning line back to back with all cherries/Coyotes. I pressed spin, and all Cherries/ Coyotes showed up. The very next spin, all Cherries/Coyotes showed up again. I don't think I have ever had the SAME Dejavu winning spins back EVER until last night. :)
I have also hit Bonus and finished the Bonus, and the very next spin was a Bonus. It's extremely rare for me, so I was very elated. :)
I have won all Coyote Moons exactly 2 times in my whole slot experience. The CM are the highest symbol, so I was extremely elated. :)
What about you guys? What rare things have happened to you on slots? :)
I always wanted to hit a Royal while I was waiting to be paid for a Royal but that hasn't happened... I did witness a guy on half dollars hit a royal and hit another on the machine beside it while waiting to get paid. I was a little jealous.
I've had many goofy things happen... I seen a lady hit 7 Royals all on single line on a few machines in one night !!
Recently I had 4 Royals in 4 Sessions on the Same Machine at the 5 dollar level each within 45 mins of starting the session. I ended up winning about 87k from those 4 sessions in a row.
Quote: monet0412I did witness a guy on half dollars hit a royal and hit another on the machine beside it while waiting to get paid.
Not as rare, but a friend and I were playing the two $5, 40/10/6 DDB machines here once. He hit quad aces for the $4000. While waiting to be paid, I one upped him with AWAK for $10,000. Sadly, these machines were downgraded. ☹
Quote: IbeatyouracesNot as rare, but a friend and I were playing the two $5, 40/10/6 DDB machines here once. He hit quad aces for the $4000. While waiting to be paid, I one upped him with AWAK for $10,000. Sadly, these machines were downgraded. ☹
aces and aces kicker... pretty sweet!
Oh I forgot on a quarter progressive I was delt a Left to Right Royal in Spades... 10 thru A if you don't know that is left to right. The progressive was a little over 1500 which was nice but that night I wanted to play the 50 cent Sequential Progressive which was over 40k but they were remodeling and that machine was shut down. When they reopened the machines someone ended up hitting it.
I guess that is a 78 mil to 1 shot or a 39 mil to 1 shot depending on how you look at it but it doesn't matter cause it paid the same as scrambled.
I have made many sequential royals but never when I was playing on a sequential progressive but maybe one day.
Quote: NathanBump.
For future reference, bumping threads is a violation of Rule 9 unless you have something substantive to add, or at least make a joke:
Quote:No thumbtacking. Don't post one or two words just to keep a thread in the top of the list. If that is your motive, at least add something substantive to say about the topic, or at least a joke.
Please avoid bumping threads in the future unless you are going to add something. Thank you.
I have a couple Royals on complete throwaways, but they're all on multi-hand games.
I was vulturing UX once and ended up losing on all of the plays and had $0.75 left on the ticket. I said, "Hell with it," and decided to play one hand on nickels without the feature, caught a Royal on one of the hands!
I don't play Craps often, but I once hit the six point Fire Bet on a bet that someone else made for me because I went on a tear the previous hand and he made a ton after I had encouraged him to just play if he was going to play (he was pacing back and forth near the table).
I guess this is supposed to be about slots. Nothing great I can think of. I hit 8QH twice before on Quick Hits, but that's going to happen. I guess that's 1 in 87,000 something. You could knock me over with a feather if I have 174,000+ plays on QHP, that'd be about 220 hours at 800 spins/hour, so there's no way I don't think. I guess I'm technically running well on that.
Oh, I ended up with a total of over 600 Free Games (counting re-triggers) on one of those stupid Asian-themed must-hits once. That totally sucked. Granted, I made $300-something, but you can't slam stop those, so I had to sit there for every agonizing, mind-numbing and tedious spin worth (value) maybe $0.20 each, possibly less.
Other than that, I don't have any. You would think I would have more stories AP'ing slots and everything, but the times I have run way under EV on a good play are the ones I tend to remember.
I hit a maxi progressive jackpot for $6k. it was one that could randomly retrigger. it did. 5 more times (at the reset value of $1k/ea). This is the most rare thing that has ever happened directly to me.

Know three other people who've hit a $10K progressive on the 1st bet.
One time I was playing a game I didn't know for fun.
Bet $2.50, dropped the 2nd progressive of the 3 ($200-300?), read the instructions, and realized I would not have gotten the progressive betting less than max.
$15K+ on my 1st bet on a video poker machine. Dealt two pair on 5-play. Held the pair of As, and got 4 As on one hand. Kicker would have been nice... And it was on Free Play...
$5K progressive on the 2nd bet.
Not slots: Blackjack. One day I played 31 hands: lost 30, pushed 1. I was playing a strategy where I left the table if I lost my 1st 3 hands in a row. Played 10 tables that day. Lost 3 hands on 9 tables. One push on the 8th or 9th table. Luckily I was NOT playing a Martingale system. I was playing "don't raise the bet if you lose a hand", so all 31 bets were minimum.
...I wish I had a 20-hand winning streak, but never been able to get past 15-16 hands...
Because I've hit a lot of bonus rounds, good hands, progressives on my 1st bet,
often I play max on the first bet (unless it's $200-1,000+), and then lower the bet.
Quote: NathanWhat about you guys? What rare things have happened to you on slots? :)
I was playing one time when a woman I knew from outside the casino came up to me, started talking and soon invited me to her room.
No, not a hooker: a former client.
I passed, obviously.
"Lucky" for me.
I found it at $494.xx with a $0.01/$4 meter move and planned to bet, it was either $0.30 or $0.40/spin, one of those really stupid boring games. I looked at my fiance (then girlfriend) and said, "I'm going to be here for awhile."
Nailed it on the first spin, looked at her and said, "It has been awhile."
Cashed out, checked around, nothing else. $494-something profit, twenty minutes. Best hourly I've ever had other than two occasions vulturing UX.
Quote: monet0412I always wanted a back to back Royal but never had one.
I always wanted to hit a Royal while I was waiting to be paid for a Royal but that hasn't happened... I did witness a guy on half dollars hit a royal and hit another on the machine beside it while waiting to get paid. I was a little jealous.
I've had many goofy things happen... I seen a lady hit 7 Royals all on single line on a few machines in one night !!
Recently I had 4 Royals in 4 Sessions on the Same Machine at the 5 dollar level each within 45 mins of starting the session. I ended up winning about 87k from those 4 sessions in a row.
saw a lady hit back to back Royals.
after being paid for the 1st Royal (and machine unlocked), she hit it again on the very next spin.
saw a guy hit a VP progressive then after being paid, walk over to another progressive bank and hit it.
this was all within 5 min.
as for me for slots, I was vulturing my first $50 'must hit' machine.
i got 80 bonus games while doing it. normally, the bonus game is only like 10 free games.
but i got a 4th row full of bonus symbols.
+$250 plus the $50 must hit :)
Dropped it on the first spin.
Lady left my friend a $499.88 must-hit.
He bet max, got a $400 bonus & dropped the progressive.
Guy found a $9,982 must-hit.
Dropped it at $9,987. Wish it were me...
Quote: Mission146For future reference, bumping threads is a violation of Rule 9 unless you have something substantive to add, or at least make a joke:
Please avoid bumping threads in the future unless you are going to add something. Thank you.
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know bumping was against the rules. I just found your warning a couple of minutes ago.