Quote: Mission146More Numbers = More Ways to Win!!!
Come on, Quintuple-Zero, one time!
The real fun is when I deal a party and explain 0 is not an even number.
Perhaps, you mean that zero is not even a number.Quote: AZDuffmanThe real fun is when I deal a party and explain 0 is not an even number.
Quote: billryanPaul Ryan tweeting about a secretary and what she might do with the extra $1.50 a week you is getting.
Actually, he deleted the tweet.
Cant imagine why...
I wonder if Boz feels like explaining why liberals are evil for mocking a $1.50 per week raise...
Quote: IbeatyouracesPro card counters get giddy over an extra $1.50 a week with their superior counts!
I've seen unions go on strike over $1/day.
Quote: billryanPaul Ryan tweeting about a secretary and what she might do with the extra $1.50 a week you is getting.
I am now a hospital employee, so the nurses, aides, techs, schedulers,etc.. that I work with in the OR are not my employees, but rather co-workers. The anesthesiologists get together and we decide to give something akin to 'Christmas bonuses' to a large number of our co-workers. I go to the mall and buy American Express gifts cards and the total we spend nears $10,000 in total. Depending on how involved the employee is with us the gifts range between $50 and $250. I just received a beautiful and kind thank you note from a scheduler who we gave $50 to. She does not see it as $1 a week, but rather, $50 that she didn't expect to have that she now does. My employer is not allowed to give me a "Christmas bonus" per se, but they do give us a trinket (T shirt, jacket, hoodie, $15 free turkey gift card are examples). I never once disparage the gift, nor would I disparage an extra $75 a year if someone chose to give it to me.
Quote: AZDuffmanI've seen unions go on strike over $1/day.
Yeah, they get that extra $1 a day only to see their union dues go up $1.25 a day. Hahaha!
Quote: SOOPOOI am now a hospital employee, so the nurses, aides, techs, schedulers,etc.. that I work with in the OR are not my employees, but rather co-workers. The anesthesiologists get together and we decide to give something akin to 'Christmas bonuses' to a large number of our co-workers. I go to the mall and buy American Express gifts cards and the total we spend nears $10,000 in total. Depending on how involved the employee is with us the gifts range between $50 and $250. I just received a beautiful and kind thank you note from a scheduler who we gave $50 to. She does not see it as $1 a week, but rather, $50 that she didn't expect to have that she now does. My employer is not allowed to give me a "Christmas bonus" per se, but they do give us a trinket (T shirt, jacket, hoodie, $15 free turkey gift card are examples). I never once disparage the gift, nor would I disparage an extra $75 a year if someone chose to give it to me.
One person gets a $25,000 a week raise, the other gets $1.50. Why would anyone possibly complain? They both got raises, no?
Quote: billryanOne person gets a $25,000 a week raise, the other gets $1.50. Why would anyone possibly complain? They both got raises, no?
In my world, people get raises because they earn them. You want to get a $25,000 a week raise (well really not that much of course), go to college and get A's. Then go to Medical school. Then do another 4 years in a residency. Then you will have EARNED your raise. Just wait for the government to give you a handout and it may only be $1.50. So sure, complain on how little you are getting. It's the liberal Democrat way....
Quote: SOOPOOIn my world, people get raises because they earn them. You want to get a $25,000 a week raise (well really not that much of course), go to college and get A's. Then go to Medical school. Then do another 4 years in a residency. Then you will have EARNED your raise. Just wait for the government to give you a handout and it may only be $1.50. So sure, complain on how little you are getting. It's the liberal Democrat way....
So u admit the hard working penn school teacher basically received nothing but a $1.50 handout from the gop tax bill.
Quote: SOOPOOIn my world, people get raises because they earn them. You want to get a $25,000 a week raise (well really not that much of course), go to college and get A's. Then go to Medical school. Then do another 4 years in a residency. Then you will have EARNED your raise. Just wait for the government to give you a handout and it may only be $1.50. So sure, complain on how little you are getting. It's the liberal Democrat way....
How little I am getting? Really? As I don't draw a paycheck, my next check will be just what the last one I didn't get was.
Went to college. Got As( mostly). Did four years more.. Opened my own business and did just fine. In spite of government rules and regulations, I generally succeeded to the point of taking a pretty early retirement.
My tax guy tells me the new tax rules will work out well for me, even though I'm outside of the 1% the law was clearly tilted towards.
Quote: darkozSo u admit the hard working penn school teacher basically received nothing but a $1.50 handout from the gop tax bill.
I do not know what if any cut she received. I have no idea how many children she has, if she is married, does she pay mortgage interest, does she donate to charity, does she have capital gains, does she have any other source of income, etc. The only thing I know for sure is that my taxes are going up substantially, as a high earner in a high tax state.
My point is the government each year decides how much in taxes people pay. I'm paying more. She is paying less. NOT a handout. She is just paying a dribble less.
Quote: billryanHow little I am getting? Really? As I don't draw a paycheck, my next check will be just what the last one I didn't get was.
Went to college. Got As( mostly). Did four years more.. Opened my own business and did just fine. In spite of government rules and regulations, I generally succeeded to the point of taking a pretty early retirement.
My tax guy tells me the new tax rules will work out well for me, even though I'm outside of the 1% the law was clearly tilted towards.
Congratulations! I applaud a small business owner who succeeded despite the handcuffs of government regulations. I hope to take an early retirement but I better do it soon....
Quote: Mission146Who? I consider myself a, "Strong Liberal," in terms of my leanings on everything with exception to Criminal Law. I don't hate sharing the planet with anyone, nor do I categorically hate any person. I don't even particularly have a problem with Conservatives, provided the individual beliefs of a specific Conservative at least lend themselves to an overall consistent and non-hypocritical worldview.
Like they told me growing up, if it doesn't apply to you, then don't let it bother you. I am saying when you listen to the rhetoric and see the behavior of say a Tea Party rally vs. a Feminist rally, the tone is clearly different.
Quote:To your last point in that paragraph, what the hell are you talking about? There are demonstrative extremists on both sides of the political spectrum and protests and the like have historically been violent, on occasion, on both sides. If you're talking frequency, since it's your point, I would like to see some specific numbers.
I am talking about nationwide how when conservatives visit colleges they are so often demonstrated against or shouted down by liberals who demand they not be allowed to speak. Ann Coulter at Berkeley
being a recent example. At other universities, conservatives have had everything from pies to glitter thrown at them. You may not follow the same news subjects that I do, but trust me, it is a growing problem.
Quote:It's tough to work with nothing, which is what some people have.
You seem unaware of the role of the United States, among others, in helping to rebuild Japan.
It is tough, but you have to get out and start. That is the important thing. Nobody ever got anywhere by moaning that someone else had it better. As to Japan, I am totally aware. I have also heard the tales of guys who in the 1940s would look for smoke at the factory to see if they should report to work because that meant they got to buy some coal. The Japanese did not just wait for Uncle Sam to build things up, they had to make it happen.
Quote:I do think some people could be accused of looking at menial jobs as, "Beneath them," and agree that such people could shoulder the bulk of the blame if they are unemployed. I'm not going to stipulate that the actual act of getting an education is to blame, because that's ridiculous.
The point is, what kind of education, and are they hiding on campus to avoid the real world. Every now and then I will watch YT videos about people who can't pay their loans or/and can't find a job. They are not all identical, but it usually boils down to they took a stupid major, they stayed in school too long, or they don't want to move to where the jobs are.
Excepting for medical, really, once you get your Bachelors you need to get out into the real world. I see videos of 30sish women, crying about being $150K in student loan debt, and saying, "I'm going for my PhD!" They cry that they are broke, but never went to work! When I briefly considered going for my MBA any decent school wanted business experience to admit you. We had one kid who had his MBA he got right after college, he never got his branch assignment because HE REFUSED TO MOVE! Funny story about him, and I even tried to convince him. He just wouldn't go. Probably would have failed anyhow, though.
But I digress. There is over-education and there is bad education.
Quote: SOOPOOIn my world, people get raises because they earn them. You want to get a $25,000 a week raise (well really not that much of course), go to college and get A's. Then go to Medical school. Then do another 4 years in a residency. Then you will have EARNED your raise. Just wait for the government to give you a handout and it may only be $1.50. So sure, complain on how little you are getting. It's the liberal Democrat way....
How many Costco memberships does that buy.
We have this dream that if you work hard, you will just advance and be rich. The fact is that luck also plays a significant part: luck that you don't have life blockages in your way in the way of sickness, having to take care of relatives, having financial means, having a support system and so on and so forth. We have people who start their careers in menial jobs with not much of a chance of advancement. We have people who are just incapable of being smart or are born into such disadvantageous conditions that their chances of being productive is much lower. Not everyone can become a lawyer or a doctor. Some people can't do nursing or Information technology, yet we breed these people.
So, we have a choice, to give them all of the opportunity possible to become productive in societies by offering them ways to self-improve and give them the motivation to do so. This small investment in after-school programs, job-training, sports, food programs, health care, and education can advance even the most disadvantaged people into working and great members of society.
The other choice is to continue to have people fend for themselves and build walls and barriers between the ultra-rich and the poor/middle class. The GOP tax plan just exacerbated that. A $1.50 / week raise is a pittance.
Let's take a look at Comcast. They are going to save 2.123 billion on corporate taxes based on 2016 income. There are 4.63 billion shares outstanding. If Comcast took that money and decided to pay dividends on that tax savings, they would be paying .45 cents a share / year or a return of 1.11% based on a share price of $41.11/share at close Friday.
Another way that Comcast could use its 2.1 billion would be to lower its cable/internet fees for its 25 million subscribers by $80/year. Competition, right? But they wouldn't do that.
That $1.50 / week extra that the secretary takes home represents a return of 0.25% (Based on 40hrs/week @ $15/hour).
So do you see now how the tax plan is far more advantageous to the rich? Those shareholders simply get a return by owning shares and doing nothing. To own those shares though you have to get over the barrier of having disposable cash.
I am the 'top few %' of bad Americans who do well financially. I probably pay the same in federal income taxes as 20 or so "average American families". If my taxes went down (They actually went up, but that is another story) and now I'm paying the same as 19 families, I don't like this being portrayed as some huge giveaway by the government to me.
As far as Comcast and their prices..... They SHOULD charge as MUCH as they can to maximize their revenue! And that is counterbalanced by charging as LITTLE as they can to still retain customers. Just like what the pizza store owner does. Just like what the new game math analyst does. Just like what a massage therapist does. Heck, just like what a prostitute does......
Quote: AZDuffman
Like they told me growing up, if it doesn't apply to you, then don't let it bother you.
That seems like the Republican motto, really. Unless, of course, the question is abortion, gay marriage, gay adoption, transgender rights...the list goes on.
Quote:I am saying when you listen to the rhetoric and see the behavior of say a Tea Party rally vs. a Feminist rally, the tone is clearly different.
I hear some people shout death threats outside of Planned Parenthood locations from time to time. I wonder what we could ever need feminists for?
Quote:I am talking about nationwide how when conservatives visit colleges they are so often demonstrated against or shouted down by liberals who demand they not be allowed to speak. Ann Coulter at Berkeley
being a recent example. At other universities, conservatives have had everything from pies to glitter thrown at them. You may not follow the same news subjects that I do, but trust me, it is a growing problem.
Glitter? What about the dude that ran a car into a bunch of counter-protestors at a white supremacist rally? I just want to know if there are any overall statistics. We could go example for example all day long.
Quote:It is tough, but you have to get out and start. That is the important thing. Nobody ever got anywhere by moaning that someone else had it better. As to Japan, I am totally aware. I have also heard the tales of guys who in the 1940s would look for smoke at the factory to see if they should report to work because that meant they got to buy some coal. The Japanese did not just wait for Uncle Sam to build things up, they had to make it happen.
No, but people have got somewhere when someone else who had it better made it easier for them.
Quote:The point is, what kind of education, and are they hiding on campus to avoid the real world. Every now and then I will watch YT videos about people who can't pay their loans or/and can't find a job. They are not all identical, but it usually boils down to they took a stupid major, they stayed in school too long, or they don't want to move to where the jobs are.
I would also agree that there should be limits placed on both free tuitions (if ever implemented) as well as Federal loans to ensure that we don't have any, "Career students." I believe that they should either be pursuing one line of degree (in terms of Major) or paying for college with their own money. I met a guy that has NINE Associate's Degrees!!! NINE!!! Zero Bachelor Degrees, though. That's obviously abuse of the system.
Sometimes you don't even have the money to, "Move where the jobs are." If you have no money, no assets, no vehicle, little to no income, no rich family and no rich friends, then how do you expect that person to get, "Where the jobs are?"
As far as a, "Stupid Major," is concerned, I don't know so much about that. What I do know is that you need to take a job if one is out there for you and you've already gone to college and obtained a degree. I also know that having a job would be a requirement for such people in my system, so if you didn't have one, the state would find one for you. I can also assure you, with the jobs I have in mind, a person would much rather find his own, if possible.
Quote:Excepting for medical, really, once you get your Bachelors you need to get out into the real world. I see videos of 30sish women, crying about being $150K in student loan debt, and saying, "I'm going for my PhD!" They cry that they are broke, but never went to work! When I briefly considered going for my MBA any decent school wanted business experience to admit you. We had one kid who had his MBA he got right after college, he never got his branch assignment because HE REFUSED TO MOVE! Funny story about him, and I even tried to convince him. He just wouldn't go. Probably would have failed anyhow, though.
But I digress. There is over-education and there is bad education.
I'm with you on that. Like I have said before, I would have it such that there could be free tuition up to and including maybe a Master's Degree. Any further than that, and someone is going to have to find a way with scholarships, cash or loans. I don't think a person should find themselves 150k in debt having gone to a state college for a Master's Degree if they've done everything right, such as passing all classes, never switching majors, not taking any years/semesters off. I'm saying the people that I am describing deserve a chance.
I am talking about nationwide how when conservatives visit colleges they are so often demonstrated against or shouted down by liberals who demand they not be allowed to speak. Ann Coulter at Berkeley
being a recent example. At other universities, conservatives have had everything from pies to glitter thrown at them. You may not follow the same news subjects that I do, but trust me, it is a growing problem.
Ann Coulter's views are right of right. We call them "conservatives" but they foster a racially charged agenda. Peaceful protest is fine, but they cater to extreme views on both sides when this crap happens. The cancellation serves Coulter's agenda and it serves the left's as well.
Quote:It is tough, but you have to get out and start. That is the important thing. Nobody ever got anywhere by moaning that someone else had it better. As to Japan, I am totally aware. I have also heard the tales of guys who in the 1940s would look for smoke at the factory to see if they should report to work because that meant they got to buy some coal. The Japanese did not just wait for Uncle Sam to build things up, they had to make it happen.
The United States poured 18 billion (today's dollars) into Japan during the reconstruction effort when US military forces, under McArthur, occupied Japan. The US certainly assisted in "making it happen".
Quote: AZThe point is, what kind of education, and are they hiding on campus to avoid the real world. Every now and then I will watch YT videos about people who can't pay their loans or/and can't find a job. They are not all identical, but it usually boils down to they took a stupid major, they stayed in school too long, or they don't want to move to where the jobs are.
A lot of people (I would say most) go to college to figure out what they want to do with their life, and there's nothing wrong with that, provided they can afford it. Parents who allow their children to accumulated 6 figure debts to "figure out life" are foolish. And there's nothing wrong with a path of continuing education for advanced degrees. Some people become professional educators, and there is nothing wrong that.
My point is that guidance counsellors, parents and children need to be realistic. Mandatory training in careers (a full course spanning all of junior year, before SATs and College Admissions are filed) with realistic outcomes would be a good investment in the lives of children and would fulfill future job growth by encouraging people to enroll in programs where there are needs and matching people up with their aptitudes and desire. And parents don't help. They want to see their kids succeed but don't understand that my college education doesn't mean the same as this generation's college education.
That said, millennials are more about doing what they want rather than doing what is needed. They are selfish - their parents taught them self-importance and self-determination. The internet gives one a global market and niche and plenty of strange ways to make a living.
Quote: SOOPOOI hate quoting lengthy posts.... I've said this before, I'll say it again (answering Boymimbo's post)....
I am the 'top few %' of bad Americans who do well financially. I probably pay the same in federal income taxes as 20 or so "average American families". If my taxes went down (They actually went up, but that is another story) and now I'm paying the same as 19 families, I don't like this being portrayed as some huge giveaway by the government to me.
As far as Comcast and their prices..... They SHOULD charge as MUCH as they can to maximize their revenue! And that is counterbalanced by charging as LITTLE as they can to still retain customers. Just like what the pizza store owner does. Just like what the new game math analyst does. Just like what a massage therapist does. Heck, just like what a prostitute does......
Like health care, Comcast is not operating in a perfect market where prices are set via supply and demand. Competition is very limited (usually to one other company, and in the case of healthcare, no competition in many places). This is why I used Comcast as an example. And even in cases where competition exists, there are untold agreements between companies to limit supply, fix prices, to ensure egregious amounts of profits in the name of shareholders. Airlines do this all of the time. My direct flight from SMF to LAS next month is going to cost me $320. My friend, who is flying from Toronto, is paying $340. Why? There is only one company that offers the direct route from SMF to LAS, while there are three that offer that same flight from Toronto.
Quote: boymimbo
Ann Coulter's views are right of right. We call them "conservatives" but they foster a racially charged agenda. Peaceful protest is fine, but they cater to extreme views on both sides when this crap happens. The cancellation serves Coulter's agenda and it serves the left's as well.
The point is that a conservative group was denied their speaker of choice because of the violence of liberal groups. This is the problem.
Quote:The United States poured 18 billion (today's dollars) into Japan during the reconstruction effort when US military forces, under McArthur, occupied Japan. The US certainly assisted in "making it happen".
A whopping $250 per person in today's dollars. I do not deny that the USA helped, but Japan dug itself out. The USA did not show them how to make better steel or cars. Much tech was provided, but the Japanese had to do something with it. But this is off subject to the point that if you have a bad situation it is still up to you to dig yourself out.
Quote:A lot of people (I would say most) go to college to figure out what they want to do with their life, and there's nothing wrong with that, provided they can afford it. Parents who allow their children to accumulated 6 figure debts to "figure out life" are foolish. And there's nothing wrong with a path of continuing education for advanced degrees. Some people become professional educators, and there is nothing wrong that.
My point is that guidance counsellors, parents and children need to be realistic. Mandatory training in careers (a full course spanning all of junior year, before SATs and College Admissions are filed) with realistic outcomes would be a good investment in the lives of children and would fulfill future job growth by encouraging people to enroll in programs where there are needs and matching people up with their aptitudes and desire. And parents don't help. They want to see their kids succeed but don't understand that my college education doesn't mean the same as this generation's college education.
That said, millennials are more about doing what they want rather than doing what is needed. They are selfish - their parents taught them self-importance and self-determination. The internet gives one a global market and niche and plenty of strange ways to make a living.
I am of the view that if you "don't know what you want to do" then you do NOT belong in college. You are taking in effect a fantasy vacation. College has become the default for high school students. Guidance counslars get to say, "I GOT X% OFF TO COLLEGE!" Barely half ever graduate, but they "did their job." Meanwhile, trade jobs go unfilled.
Quote: boymimboLike health care, Comcast is not operating in a perfect market where prices are set via supply and demand. Competition is very limited (usually to one other company, and in the case of healthcare, no competition in many places). This is why I used Comcast as an example. And even in cases where competition exists, there are untold agreements between companies to limit supply, fix prices, to ensure egregious amounts of profits in the name of shareholders. Airlines do this all of the time. My direct flight from SMF to LAS next month is going to cost me $320. My friend, who is flying from Toronto, is paying $340. Why? There is only one company that offers the direct route from SMF to LAS, while there are three that offer that same flight from Toronto.
If there is a greater public good reason for a monopoly, and the government has granted Comcast a monopoly, then I agree with you. In my neck of the woods Spectrum competes with Dish and Verizon, as well as a myriad of internet options. Are you saying I can't start SOOPOO cable company to compete with Comcast?
As far as the airlines, I will disagree with you there too. When I moved to Buffalo it was the worst city in the US of its size for airfares. USAir dominated the market. Two airlines, JetBlue and Southwest saw an OPPORTUNITY, moved in, and now fares are amongst the lowest for air travel. So, unless there is some governmental rule/law/policy that is preventing another airline to offer service from Sacramento, then the price is right. If it was high enough that a low cost carrier could enter the market, then a low cost carrier would enter the market!
Quote: Mission146That seems like the Republican motto, really. Unless, of course, the question is abortion, gay marriage, gay adoption, transgender rights...the list goes on.
You replied out of context. Clearly I meant "if you are not a radical liberal......"
Quote:I hear some people shout death threats outside of Planned Parenthood locations from time to time. I wonder what we could ever need feminists for?
The PP by me has an exclusion zone painted on the sidewalk. I do not defend death threats, in fact the cops should be called if that is the case. As to feminists, they have really ruined life for most women. I rarely see a feminist who is not angry and miserable. The world would probably be amazed at how many women would prefer to stay home and keep the house and kids. I saw it happen at the office once, two women going off about how they hated working. I wish I could have filmed it.
Quote:Glitter? What about the dude that ran a car into a bunch of counter-protestors at a white supremacist rally? I just want to know if there are any overall statistics. We could go example for example all day long.
That would be the dude that got stuck in a riot the leftists caused. It makes the example of liberals not allowing someone they disagree with to speak. A permitted group was having a peaceful rally. Liberals rioted to stop it, same as in my Coulter example. The group was there to speak out against monuments being removed. How many pro-removal groups had a riot against them?
Quote:I would also agree that there should be limits placed on both free tuitions (if ever implemented) as well as Federal loans to ensure that we don't have any, "Career students." I believe that they should either be pursuing one line of degree (in terms of Major) or paying for college with their own money. I met a guy that has NINE Associate's Degrees!!! NINE!!! Zero Bachelor Degrees, though. That's obviously abuse of the system.
I hope there is never, ever free tuition. We give 12 years of free education. I have seen how students treat education when someone else pays. If tuition goes "free" you will see a disaster of disasters.
Quote:Sometimes you don't even have the money to, "Move where the jobs are." If you have no money, no assets, no vehicle, little to no income, no rich family and no rich friends, then how do you expect that person to get, "Where the jobs are?"
It isn't hard. I had a job waiting, but had a $400 per month room within a week when I moved (2005.) If you save as little as $5,000 you can do it fairly comfortably. With the internet it should be even easier. You just need to find your city, not hard just research it. Pack what bags you need. If you have a car you fill it, if not you pack 2 bags and go Greyhound.
Rooms abound on craigslist, or there are cheaper hotels down to the YMCA. Soon as you hit town, take any job, preferably at night, while you look for the real job.
Men have done this in the USA since before there was a USA. Relocating does not mean you need a fancy apartment full of furniture soon as you hit town. In the first place in AZ, one dude and I slept on air mattresses for 2 months. In my current house I slept on one for more than that. Over time I bought some things and took some other used. If you work with people and are friendly over time this kind of stuff is often available.
When I moved to AZ I moved to a state and even time zone I had never set foot in. There were 3 kinds of people. One wished me luck and generally thought it was a cool idea. A second group thought I was out of my mind. The third wished, one even said it, they had the guts to do what I was doing. It was not easy, but was not hard. Maybe I need to make a blog on it to inspire people. If I knew how to monetize it, I would.
Quote: AZDuffmanYou replied out of context. Clearly I meant "if you are not a radical liberal......"
You have to be a, "Radical Liberal," to be pro-choice? I guess more people must be radical liberals than...I don't know...all other political descriptors combined. I guess the majority of those Catholics and Protestants who support gay marriage are also just as, "Liberally Radical." I guess more people than not are again, "Liberally Radical," when we look at support for gay marriage.
If you're going to use, "Radical," to describe someone, and you want to be taken seriously, might I recommend using it to describe people who don't hold a majority or plurality view. Which is to say, no offense, think about using the word correctly.
Quote:The PP by me has an exclusion zone painted on the sidewalk. I do not defend death threats, in fact the cops should be called if that is the case. As to feminists, they have really ruined life for most women. I rarely see a feminist who is not angry and miserable. The world would probably be amazed at how many women would prefer to stay home and keep the house and kids. I saw it happen at the office once, two women going off about how they hated working. I wish I could have filmed it.
Feminism is about equality and choice. The majority of feminists you are going to see in the books, magazines, TV and whatever political websites you choose to frequent that may describe majority-held views as, "Radical," probably paint feminists in an extremist light. There are examples of feminists, certainly, who would maintain that keeping a home and children is the antithesis of feminism, but I would assert that the more moderate feminists are perfectly fine with that if the woman is doing it by choice. They're equally fine with it if a guy wants to do it by choice, as well.
Quote:That would be the dude that got stuck in a riot the leftists caused. It makes the example of liberals not allowing someone they disagree with to speak. A permitted group was having a peaceful rally. Liberals rioted to stop it, same as in my Coulter example. The group was there to speak out against monuments being removed. How many pro-removal groups had a riot against them?
I agree with you that many Liberals are hypocritical when it comes to stifling the freedom of speech that all people should enjoy. That's one of the main reasons I'll never identify as a Democrat, because so many of them are hypocrites. I don't know what riot you're referring to, and if you don't have a white nationalist rally in the first place, then you don't have a riot.
Quote:I hope there is never, ever free tuition. We give 12 years of free education. I have seen how students treat education when someone else pays. If tuition goes "free" you will see a disaster of disasters.
It would only be for people who are going to do the right thing with it. As I have said, several times, my idea is that all students enjoying free tuition at state colleges/universities would have to maintain at least a B average, or take loans for it until the average gets back up. They may not skip any semesters and they also must have a full-time course load at all times except Summer break. In other words, no slackers. It's not going to be the, "We must take anyone," like K-12 public school is, you'd still have to get in and stay in on your merits.
Quote:It isn't hard. I had a job waiting, but had a $400 per month room within a week when I moved (2005.) If you save as little as $5,000 you can do it fairly comfortably. With the internet it should be even easier. You just need to find your city, not hard just research it. Pack what bags you need. If you have a car you fill it, if not you pack 2 bags and go Greyhound.
"If you save as little as $5,000..." Okay, that is officially not a response to what I said, which I must suggest that you either didn't read or didn't understand.
Quote:Rooms abound on craigslist, or there are cheaper hotels down to the YMCA. Soon as you hit town, take any job, preferably at night, while you look for the real job.
Craigslist is known for always being safe. There aren't YMCA's in every town. Many towns have homeless shelters that are full, often because Republicans can't stand the thought of, you know, funding them.
Quote:Men have done this in the USA since before there was a USA. Relocating does not mean you need a fancy apartment full of furniture soon as you hit town. In the first place in AZ, one dude and I slept on air mattresses for 2 months. In my current house I slept on one for more than that. Over time I bought some things and took some other used. If you work with people and are friendly over time this kind of stuff is often available.
Who said anything about a fancy apartment? Do you think I'm suggesting these people should be given free mansions?
Quote:When I moved to AZ I moved to a state and even time zone I had never set foot in. There were 3 kinds of people. One wished me luck and generally thought it was a cool idea. A second group thought I was out of my mind. The third wished, one even said it, they had the guts to do what I was doing. It was not easy, but was not hard. Maybe I need to make a blog on it to inspire people. If I knew how to monetize it, I would.
Yes, every single person who ever does it is virtually guaranteed to have your exact experience. I moved 800 miles away and did just fine, myself. Went to school and worked full-time. The ONLY reason I could do that, though, was because I only needed minimal study time to pull an A average. I could pull a B without even trying. Do I have a Master's Degree? No. I have a Bachelor's.
What's my point? My point is I'm an underachiever. There are people out there who work so much harder just to achieve what came easily to me, and others still willing to work harder than I did, but who will never get the opportunity.
Quote: gamerfreakMy Mom won a contest on Ann Coulter’s show and they never sent her the prize.
There is no prize. The prize is a lie. That's the prize.
Quote: gamerfreakMy Mom won a contest on Ann Coulter’s show and they never sent her the prize.
You're white and your mom won a contest on Ann Coulter's show? How many swastikas and lightning bolts do you have tatted?
Quote: Mission146There is no prize. The prize is a lie. That's the prize.
And if you know Ann like I do, she exclusively dates Arabic men. And if you don’t believe me and are willing to bet on it let me know. I consider Ann a friend and without a doubt she is one of the most level headed people I have ever met. And I know she is fine with me saying this.
PS, it’s not an act. She believes everything she promotes.
Quote: BozAnd if you know Ann like I do, she exclusively dates Arabic men. And if you don’t believe me and are willing to bet on it let me know. I consider Ann a friend and without a doubt she is one of the most level headed people I have ever met. And I know she is fine with me saying this.
PS, it’s not an act. She believes everything she promotes.
Good? Maybe find out about Gamerfreak's mother's prize?
I don't care who Ann Coulter dates or doesn't date and I never accused her of putting on whatever her political opinions are as an act. My little joke there was a few different things, but it wasn't that. My joke didn't really specifically pertain to Ann Coulter, per se.
I really don't know much about Ann Coulter except for the whole Delta Airlines thing. She seems lovely. Just make sure she's not, "On the clock," when you're talking to her, apparently roughly fifteen-thirty minutes is worth $10,000. I'm sure that was just a bad look for her, honestly.
But, still. If the amount of time she spent on that is worth $10,000 to her, then couldn't she just hire someone to do that stuff for her? Isn't that how trickle-down Economics is supposed to work?
Quote: AZDuffmanYou replied out of context. Clearly I meant "if you are not a radical liberal......"
The PP by me has an exclusion zone painted on the sidewalk. I do not defend death threats, in fact the cops should be called if that is the case. As to feminists, they have really ruined life for most women. I rarely see a feminist who is not angry and miserable. The world would probably be amazed at how many women would prefer to stay home and keep the house and kids. I saw it happen at the office once, two women going off about how they hated working. I wish I could have filmed it.
That would be the dude that got stuck in a riot the leftists caused. It makes the example of liberals not allowing someone they disagree with to speak. A permitted group was having a peaceful rally. Liberals rioted to stop it, same as in my Coulter example. The group was there to speak out against monuments being removed. How many pro-removal groups had a riot against them?
I hope there is never, ever free tuition. We give 12 years of free education. I have seen how students treat education when someone else pays. If tuition goes "free" you will see a disaster of disasters.
It isn't hard. I had a job waiting, but had a $400 per month room within a week when I moved (2005.) If you save as little as $5,000 you can do it fairly comfortably. With the internet it should be even easier. You just need to find your city, not hard just research it. Pack what bags you need. If you have a car you fill it, if not you pack 2 bags and go Greyhound.
Rooms abound on craigslist, or there are cheaper hotels down to the YMCA. Soon as you hit town, take any job, preferably at night, while you look for the real job.
Men have done this in the USA since before there was a USA. Relocating does not mean you need a fancy apartment full of furniture soon as you hit town. In the first place in AZ, one dude and I slept on air mattresses for 2 months. In my current house I slept on one for more than that. Over time I bought some things and took some other used. If you work with people and are friendly over time this kind of stuff is often available.
When I moved to AZ I moved to a state and even time zone I had never set foot in. There were 3 kinds of people. One wished me luck and generally thought it was a cool idea. A second group thought I was out of my mind. The third wished, one even said it, they had the guts to do what I was doing. It was not easy, but was not hard. Maybe I need to make a blog on it to inspire people. If I knew how to monetize it, I would.
Aren't you the guy who just bragged this week about making boatloads of money on ebay, and how I couldn't possibly do it better than you.
Which is it? Were you making oodles of money or sleeping on an air mattress? Something doesn't seem to add up.
Quote: Mission146You have to be a, "Radical Liberal," to be pro-choice? I guess more people must be radical liberals than...I don't know...all other political descriptors combined.
There is a difference between people who are casually pro-choice and those that get out and demonstrate for it. The later are really more pro-abortion. When you brag about having had an abortion or how many abortions have been performed, there is something wrong. A society proud of this is a society in decline.
Quote:Feminism is about equality and choice. The majority of feminists you are going to see in the books, magazines, TV and whatever political websites you choose to frequent that may describe majority-held views as, "Radical," probably paint feminists in an extremist light. There are examples of feminists, certainly, who would maintain that keeping a home and children is the antithesis of feminism, but I would assert that the more moderate feminists are perfectly fine with that if the woman is doing it by choice. They're equally fine with it if a guy wants to do it by choice, as well.
You are describing First-Wave feminism. It has changed since then. We have equality and choice now. Today we have Third-Wave feminism and even Fourth Wave feminism. Today, feminists want to remove any differences between the sexes. It is resulting in women who think they can act like men and girlie men who cannot man-up. It has resulted in demonizing any guy who acts manly.
It is why we have so many problems with male/female interaction today. It is the reason for the MGTOW movement of men deciding the hell with it all and leading bachelor lives by choice. Count me in there, but it drains the pool of men available for the women who have not bought into it all. I will say it again, I have yet to meet a feminist who does not spend most of her life angry at the world and miserable.
Quote:It would only be for people who are going to do the right thing with it. As I have said, several times, my idea is that all students enjoying free tuition at state colleges/universities would have to maintain at least a B average, or take loans for it until the average gets back up. They may not skip any semesters and they also must have a full-time course load at all times except Summer break. In other words, no slackers. It's not going to be the, "We must take anyone," like K-12 public school is, you'd still have to get in and stay in on your merits.
Soon as you put in that kind of requirement, you will have grade inflation even worse than what we have now. Colleges will see the free money and just give the B. Besides, how will we get all those professors, administrators, and other employees to work for free?
Quote:"If you save as little as $5,000..." Okay, that is officially not a response to what I said, which I must suggest that you either didn't read or didn't understand.
Craigslist is known for always being safe. There aren't YMCA's in every town. Many towns have homeless shelters that are full, often because Republicans can't stand the thought of, you know, funding them.
Who said anything about a fancy apartment? Do you think I'm suggesting these people should be given free mansions?
Yes, every single person who ever does it is virtually guaranteed to have your exact experience. I moved 800 miles away and did just fine, myself. Went to school and worked full-time. The ONLY reason I could do that, though, was because I only needed minimal study time to pull an A average. I could pull a B without even trying. Do I have a Master's Degree? No. I have a Bachelor's.
What's my point? My point is I'm an underachiever. There are people out there who work so much harder just to achieve what came easily to me, and others still willing to work harder than I did, but who will never get the opportunity.
I read your point just fine, I think you did not read mine. My point is simple. A person can make any excuse why they cannot move. "Easier said than done" is what they will say. WHAT ISN'T? I showed a way that most anyone can move cross country for a fairly small amount. I am not sure what homeless shelters have to do with it, or Republicans for that matter. If you want to move your life, you can do it. Most will find reasons not to, ranging from money to "But I won't know anyone there!" Those are the ones who also will not commute from Wheeling to Washington, PA because, "That is just so far away!"
I am an underachiever as well. If it is interesting to me, I will learn it. If not, I barely pass the class. I listened to the camp that gave me 100 reasons not to do something until my 30s. I make an effort to teach the nieces and nephews to look beyond finding the "job with benefits" and go learn how to earn. How to hustle. Just by hustling, making a move the way I stated, you get around other people with can-do attitudes. Then it feeds on itself.
Quote: azduffmanBesides, how will we get all those professors, administrators, and other employees to work for free?
To be fair, I believe the idea would be something like the government pays the school and then the school pays the professor.
On the other hand, calling it "free ________" is a misnomer, since there'd be EXTRA taxes to pay for "free" college....so, it's really not free. It's more like "the rich are paying for my education" or "I'm paying for someone else's education" or "I'm paying for something I won't use", depending on which group you fall into.
Quote: AZDuffmanThe point is that a conservative group was denied their speaker of choice because of the violence of liberal groups. This is the problem.
A whopping $250 per person in today's dollars. I do not deny that the USA helped, but Japan dug itself out. The USA did not show them how to make better steel or cars. Much tech was provided, but the Japanese had to do something with it. But this is off subject to the point that if you have a bad situation it is still up to you to dig yourself out.
I am of the view that if you "don't know what you want to do" then you do NOT belong in college. You are taking in effect a fantasy vacation. College has become the default for high school students. Guidance counslars get to say, "I GOT X% OFF TO COLLEGE!" Barely half ever graduate, but they "did their job." Meanwhile, trade jobs go unfilled.
Thats not the view entry level colleges take
Thata why philosophy and anthropology and learning about cumulus clouds and calculus and a whole bunch of college requirements are forced on people. So people without interest might find a niche
(Or if your pessissimistic to pay anthropologists and philophers and mathematicians who would otherwise have no employment)
Quote: AZDuffmanThere is a difference between people who are casually pro-choice and those that get out and demonstrate for it. The later are really more pro-abortion. When you brag about having had an abortion or how many abortions have been performed, there is something wrong. A society proud of this is a society in decline.
That's a backpedal. You said, "If it doesn't apply to you, then don't let it bother you," to which I countered that Republicans seem fond of that approach aside from (examples). You then said those examples apply only to, "Radical Liberals," but all I pointed out was those issues, not how vehemently a person upholds them.
I don't know if there's some Youtube video somewhere where one really bizarre person has bragged about having an abortion, but I've never in my life heard a person brag about it. In fact, I think I've only ever known two people who have ever mentioned having an abortion, and neither of them seemed proud of it. I also don't know that there is any, "Bragging," about how many abortions have been performed.
What I do know is that many Republicans are strictly pro-life, but also want to cut out some of the social safety nets that they believe the country has gone too far with. I've said this before, they want them born, but they don't care what happens to them after that.
What Republicans really should realize is that abortion can be a responsible choice, (though the sex may or may not have been) if someone realizes that she/they cannot support a child financially. You can say adoption, but that doesn't always pan out. Besides that, after carrying a baby to term, it's understandable that the mother may then want to keep it.
Abortion is no muss, no fuss and significantly fewer of Republicans' precious tax dollars as compared to a child who may well be on various Government benefits for 18+ years. It's the most Economically sound of all available options, unless there are zero children in the adoption or foster system...which is literally never the case.
And then we talk about some Republicans being anti gay adoption because...reasons...I guess. Okay, so some don't want these mothers having abortions, some want to cut down on social safety nets and some are not satisfied with any willing adoptive family.
My question: How the hell is any of that consistent with itself? It makes no sense at all. Some Republicans want the kids born, not to be on the, "Government teat," but also to only be adopted by heterosexual couples though there may be more kids than qualified couples at a given time.
It makes ZERO sense.
Quote:You are describing First-Wave feminism. It has changed since then. We have equality and choice now. Today we have Third-Wave feminism and even Fourth Wave feminism. Today, feminists want to remove any differences between the sexes. It is resulting in women who think they can act like men and girlie men who cannot man-up. It has resulted in demonizing any guy who acts manly.
Equal pay for equal work with equal job time and equal positions? No sexual harassment in the workplace? It hasn't changed, some people wish to take it to more of an extreme than others, but society has still not achieved what the, "First wave," of feminists initially wanted.
I mean, if we could build a time machine and send some Republicans back 100 years, they would likely be against the women's suffrage movement and somehow try to stop that from happening. Again, pro-choice v. pro-life. Men cannot naturally become pregnant, (if at all) so anyone who allegedly advocates for, "Live and let live," and is male, pretty much automatically shouldn't have a problem with abortion.
I don't know or care what the differences between the waves are, per se, but I just looked and I see that it is mainly about changing the societal attitude largely with a focus on eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace. Okay, why shouldn't we do that? It's not an equal workplace if you have a gender being sexually harassed and equality is essentially the goal of feminism.
I'm going to isolate part of this:
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is resulting in women who think they can act like men and girlie men who cannot man-up. It has resulted in demonizing any guy who acts manly.
Not long ago you said, "If it doesn't apply to you, then don't let it bother you."
Pick one.
Since you are not a woman, you are incapable of being a woman who, "Thinks she can act like a man," so with that being the case, the statement cannot possibly apply to you. According to your own mantra, you should not let such women bother you, yet here we are.
So what if a woman wants to, "Act like a man," whatever that means. A man or woman can act like a cactus for all I care. She can paint herself green, wear a spiky suit, put a sign by her that says, "I am a cactus," and put sponges on her feet to absorb any water that gets poured around her. Because, like you said, it doesn't apply to me. I'm not the one who wants to be a cactus.
I don't know what you mean about demonizing any guy who, "Acts manly," because I don't know what that may mean to you vs. what it may mean to me. You've seen me, I'm a pretty manly guy and I do and say pretty manly things. I've never felt demonized except for once in my entire life.
The only time I felt demonized is when I got into a discussion with some girl during which time I defended John McEnroe's comments about Serena being somewhere in the hundreds in ranking if she played with the men. I pointed out historical matches of this nature and the fact that the male professional has won almost all of them. She went on to bring up King v. Riggs to which I quickly pointed out (which she denied) that Riggs had been retired as a professional player for over twenty years at that time. I also pointed out the match between Connors v. Navratilova, a match in which Connors (who only got one serve, essentially playing such that a fault would be point Navratilova) trounced her. Essentially, most of the matches that have happened amongst professionals have involved changing the rules to balance the handicap, and even then, the guy still usually wins.
I also stipulated that I have no way of knowing whether or not a woman will ever rise to the top of men's ranks in tennis, I only stated that Serena Williams isn't going to be the one to do it.
Anyway, that girl was...displeased. She pretty much let me have it. Whatever. Her arguments were not even close to meritorious.
But, that's one conversation in my entire life, so that's not going to lead me to the assumption that most feminists deny physical reality. That one person just happens to.
Quote:It is why we have so many problems with male/female interaction today. It is the reason for the MGTOW movement of men deciding the hell with it all and leading bachelor lives by choice. Count me in there, but it drains the pool of men available for the women who have not bought into it all. I will say it again, I have yet to meet a feminist who does not spend most of her life angry at the world and miserable.
I don't know what feminists you've been talking to, unless you're referring exclusively to the (I assume) very few extreme feminists that you have met. I would say that anyone who supports equal rights for women is a feminist, even if he/she doesn't call himself/herself that. Such being the case, at least according to my definition, most feminists are really quite moderate about the whole thing.
I don't know what an MGTOW is. I guess mileage varies, but I've never had a problem with, "Female/Male interaction." I'm just guarded and respectful until I feel like I don't have to be guarded anymore, while still remaining respectful, of course. Not to brag, but I don't think I've ever went more than six months without being in a relationship with a female since the first female with whom I was ever in a relationship. Most have been Liberals, if not all. Many have been feminists. Mileage varies, I guess.
Why can't such guys who are having this problem and who despise feminists just run on down to the Baptist Church, find some demure little Baptist lady, court her for three or four years and then finally get married? It should be quite easy.
Quote:Soon as you put in that kind of requirement, you will have grade inflation even worse than what we have now. Colleges will see the free money and just give the B. Besides, how will we get all those professors, administrators, and other employees to work for free?
Grade inflation. You're coming at me with grade inflation. There would be audits. The staff would still be paid. Next paragraph.
Quote:I read your point just fine, I think you did not read mine. My point is simple. A person can make any excuse why they cannot move. "Easier said than done" is what they will say. WHAT ISN'T? I showed a way that most anyone can move cross country for a fairly small amount. I am not sure what homeless shelters have to do with it, or Republicans for that matter. If you want to move your life, you can do it. Most will find reasons not to, ranging from money to "But I won't know anyone there!" Those are the ones who also will not commute from Wheeling to Washington, PA because, "That is just so far away!"
Look, I'm glad that you can describe $5,000 as a, "Fairly small amount." I'm glad I can describe $5,000 as, "A relatively small, but still meaningful, sum of money." There are people who have never seen $5,000 and for whom that is a not-insignificant percentage of what they make in a year. Hell, unless I ever make my way into the six figures, I would call $5,000 a significant percentage of what I make in a year.
I don't know anyone who has ever refused to commute forty miles for work, provided they had transportation with which to do so. Of course, I usually don't go around taking informal polls of how far people are willing to drive for work.
Quote:I am an underachiever as well. If it is interesting to me, I will learn it. If not, I barely pass the class. I listened to the camp that gave me 100 reasons not to do something until my 30s. I make an effort to teach the nieces and nephews to look beyond finding the "job with benefits" and go learn how to earn. How to hustle. Just by hustling, making a move the way I stated, you get around other people with can-do attitudes. Then it feeds on itself.
It sounds like you're a good mentor in that respect. That's good. Not everyone has such people in their lives...which is just one small part of my greater point.
Quote: RSTo be fair, I believe the idea would be something like the government pays the school and then the school pays the professor.
On the other hand, calling it "free ________" is a misnomer, since there'd be EXTRA taxes to pay for "free" college....so, it's really not free. It's more like "the rich are paying for my education" or "I'm paying for someone else's education" or "I'm paying for something I won't use", depending on which group you fall into.
Why would there necessarily be extra taxes? I'm not saying there wouldn't, but is it not possible that tax dollars could be diverted from something else into providing for a free education for reasonably promising students? There are a number of different things funded by tax dollars that are, in my opinion, both nonsensical and a complete waste.
If you're the Government, you have to look at all tax dollars as an investment, really, and education is one of the better investments they could make.
Quote: Mission146
I don't know if there's some Youtube video somewhere where one really bizarre person has bragged about having an abortion, but I've never in my life heard a person brag about it.
They are all over'

Quote:What I do know is that many Republicans are strictly pro-life, but also want to cut out some of the social safety nets that they believe the country has gone too far with. I've said this before, they want them born, but they don't care what happens to them after that.
No, we want people to be responsible parents. What is the illegitimacy rate now? It is 40%, with only whites and pacific islanders (a small group) being less than 50%. This is disaster happening right before your eyes. It is not poverty or "racism" that has more blacks locked up in prisons. It is no father in the picture. And this is after you consider blacks have a far higher abortion rate.
Quote:Equal pay for equal work with equal job time and equal positions? No sexual harassment in the workplace? It hasn't changed, some people wish to take it to more of an extreme than others, but society has still not achieved what the, "First wave," of feminists initially wanted.
We have equal pay for equal work. That is not what modern feminism is about. Modern feminism is about equal pay for all, regardless of the job done. It is about a ton of other crazy things, which is why when you have a modern women's march they look nuts. Simply put, women work less and choose jobs that pay less then men do. Someone put it right when they said: "Feminists only want equality for the fun stuff."
Quote:I mean, if we could build a time machine and send some Republicans back 100 years, they would likely be against the women's suffrage movement and somehow try to stop that from happening.
I doubt that.
Quote:I don't know what you mean about demonizing any guy who, "Acts manly," because I don't know what that may mean to you vs. what it may mean to me. You've seen me, I'm a pretty manly guy and I do and say pretty manly things. I've never felt demonized except for once in my entire life.
Society has been feminizing for around 50 years now. Look all over. The man who does blue collar work is made out to be a fool from TV shows to politicians looking down on them. Men are made out to be violent and crazy. Look at how Trump is treated. He looks out for the USA like a many leader should and he is called everything from a war monger to a racist. It is hard to quantify, but once you start seeing it you see a pattern of it.
Quote:The only time I felt demonized is when I got into a discussion with some girl during which time I defended John McEnroe's comments about Serena being somewhere in the hundreds in ranking if she played with the men. I pointed out historical matches of this nature and the fact that the male professional has won almost all of them. She went on to bring up King v. Riggs to which I quickly pointed out (which she denied) that Riggs had been retired as a professional player for over twenty years at that time. I also pointed out the match between Connors v. Navratilova, a match in which Connors (who only got one serve, essentially playing such that a fault would be point Navratilova) trounced her. Essentially, most of the matches that have happened amongst professionals have involved changing the rules to balance the handicap, and even then, the guy still usually wins.
I also stipulated that I have no way of knowing whether or not a woman will ever rise to the top of men's ranks in tennis, I only stated that Serena Williams isn't going to be the one to do it.
Anyway, that girl was...displeased. She pretty much let me have it. Whatever. Her arguments were not even close to meritorious.
You could also mention that the Riggs/King match was sort of a professional wrestling tennis match. In a sport like Curling, women could beat men. But not where speed, strength, and agility matter. This is where feminists go nuts. Could A woman beat A man in one of these pro sports? Yeah, some outlier could make it happen. But rule for rule, it ain't happening. This drives the feminists crazier. I noticed it real good the last Winter Olympics, in what was once called the "Hot Dog" skiing event. Somehow I saw the men then the women a day later. Same course. The men just jumped further and did more.
FWIW I once had a similar conversation with a woman at work who was upset there were no female NFL head coaches. I said, "There are no qualified women for the job." Of course she is near losing it, then I say, "How many female assistant coaches? How many female Division I coaches? How many female players?" BOOM-BOOM-BOOM, like pounding a stake in the ground.
Quote:Grade inflation. You're coming at me with grade inflation. There would be audits. The staff would still be paid. Next paragraph.
Nice thought. Won't happen. What will happen is we get diploma mills putting out even more unemployable students than we do today.
Quote:Look, I'm glad that you can describe $5,000 as a, "Fairly small amount." I'm glad I can describe $5,000 as, "A relatively small, but still meaningful, sum of money." There are people who have never seen $5,000 and for whom that is a not-insignificant percentage of what they make in a year. Hell, unless I ever make my way into the six figures, I would call $5,000 a significant percentage of what I make in a year.
I don't know anyone who has ever refused to commute forty miles for work, provided they had transportation with which to do so. Of course, I usually don't go around taking informal polls of how far people are willing to drive for work.
Tell me you don't like my idea. Tell me you don't like my necktie. Tell me I'm an idiot. But don't tell me you cannot save $5,000 over 12-18 months if you put your mind to it. You work nights, you take a weekend job, you do whatever it takes. Look at how many people start with nothing then save, save, and save to start a business. Of course, it means no cable TV, no eating out, living as I say as half-a-monk.
As to 40 mile commute, there are many who will not. You would be surprised. Recruiters always ask me and are usually amazed at how far I may drive.
Speaking of commutes, I must now make one.
Quote: darkozThats not the view entry level colleges take
Thata why philosophy and anthropology and learning about cumulus clouds and calculus and a whole bunch of college requirements are forced on people. So people without interest might find a niche
(Or if your pessissimistic to pay anthropologists and philophers and mathematicians who would otherwise have no employment)
I'll take the pessimistic side. I do realize the idea of college was once to create "a well-rounded individual." That time has changed.
Quote: RSTo be fair, I believe the idea would be something like the government pays the school and then the school pays the professor.
On the other hand, calling it "free ________" is a misnomer, since there'd be EXTRA taxes to pay for "free" college....so, it's really not free. It's more like "the rich are paying for my education" or "I'm paying for someone else's education" or "I'm paying for something I won't use", depending on which group you fall into.
If a politician says "FREE" watch your wallet!
Quote: AZDuffmanThey are all over.
Classy. Not enough for me to go pro-life as opposed to pro-choice, obviously, but classy.
Quote:No, we want people to be responsible parents. What is the illegitimacy rate now? It is 40%, with only whites and pacific islanders (a small group) being less than 50%. This is disaster happening right before your eyes. It is not poverty or "racism" that has more blacks locked up in prisons. It is no father in the picture. And this is after you consider blacks have a far higher abortion rate.
Responsible parents? With what? Strictly limited (if any) social safety nets, limited access to education without loans, abstinence only education, whatever job a person may have access to with a H.S. Diploma, unaffordable child care costs and many employers who are completely unwilling to make basic schedule accommodations for people?
I would think that Liberals & Conservatives would agree that we want parents to be responsible, the difference lies in how wiling we are to afford them the means to do so. I don't know anything about abortion rates by race. I don't know or care about the illegitimacy rate, which I also don't know how you are defining. Are you saying unmarried or not knowing who the father is?
Quote:We have equal pay for equal work. That is not what modern feminism is about. Modern feminism is about equal pay for all, regardless of the job done. It is about a ton of other crazy things, which is why when you have a modern women's march they look nuts. Simply put, women work less and choose jobs that pay less then men do. Someone put it right when they said: "Feminists only want equality for the fun stuff."
WE don't have equal pay for equal work everywhere. Furthermore, they are about equality in the workplace, in general. If you have one gender getting sexually harassed considerably more often than another, then you do not have workplace equality. It's not entirely about wages.
I don't think women are suggesting that a female fry and burger cook at McDonald's should make as much as the CEO of McDonald's, which seems to be the complete and utter nonsense that you are implying they believe.
Quote:I doubt that.
Please. Then why did it take until 1920 for that to happen? Were all the men like, "Hey, we really want you ladies active in the political process and voting," and the women were like, "No thanks. That's just soooo much responsibility for a nice little lady like me with this big garden that I have to keep and the church bake sale that I need to make cookies for."
Quote:Society has been feminizing for around 50 years now. Look all over. The man who does blue collar work is made out to be a fool from TV shows to politicians looking down on them. Men are made out to be violent and crazy. Look at how Trump is treated. He looks out for the USA like a many leader should and he is called everything from a war monger to a racist. It is hard to quantify, but once you start seeing it you see a pattern of it.
Why are you taking TV shows seriously? It's a caricature. Some TV shows make fun of women that they see as naggy and demanding. TV shows and movies make fun of people. Honestly, if I didn't see a little of the beer-guzzling football enthusiast that such shows make fun of in myself, and laugh at it, I would seriously reevaluate how seriously I take myself.
As far as violence...there are domestic violence numbers that would point to it being majority male.
Trump is called a racist because he has said things that could be interpreted as racist. Maybe he's a racist, maybe he isn't, but it's not hard to refrain from saying things that could be interpreted that way.
Quote:You could also mention that the Riggs/King match was sort of a professional wrestling tennis match. In a sport like Curling, women could beat men. But not where speed, strength, and agility matter. This is where feminists go nuts. Could A woman beat A man in one of these pro sports? Yeah, some outlier could make it happen. But rule for rule, it ain't happening. This drives the feminists crazier. I noticed it real good the last Winter Olympics, in what was once called the "Hot Dog" skiing event. Somehow I saw the men then the women a day later. Same course. The men just jumped further and did more.
Some women may well be up there with men at some point. In addition to the natural attributes that occur more commonly (but not exclusively) in men, women are also not trained in the contact sports, generally, from a young age. But, yes, generally top level men in a sport relying on those things will beat top-level women and anyone who argues that as not being true, as a general rule, is delusional.
Quote:FWIW I once had a similar conversation with a woman at work who was upset there were no female NFL head coaches. I said, "There are no qualified women for the job." Of course she is near losing it, then I say, "How many female assistant coaches? How many female Division I coaches? How many female players?" BOOM-BOOM-BOOM, like pounding a stake in the ground.
I don't know why a woman couldn't coach football at a high level. Men seem disproportionately interested in football. There are also the natural attributes you mentioned that would lead a male to play football which, in turn, will give him some of the experience that can be useful in coaching football. There have been quite a few female high school kickers and maybe even a handful of collegiate kickers, so that's pretty cool. I don't know if any of them have been Division I.
I don't think there is any inherent gender-prejudice in sports, though. If I am an NFL team and there is a woman out there somewhere who can nail Field Goals with the average distance and accuracy combo as a male NFL kicker, why the hell wouldn't I sign her? You get all of the kicker and a ton of sweet, sweet publicity ($$$$$$$) on the side.
Quote:Nice thought. Won't happen. What will happen is we get diploma mills putting out even more unemployable students than we do today.
So, your assumption is that the average person is worthless and cannot succeed on his/her own merits, but should succeed and be a responsible parent because anyone can do it?
Pick one.
Quote:Tell me you don't like my idea. Tell me you don't like my necktie. Tell me I'm an idiot. But don't tell me you cannot save $5,000 over 12-18 months if you put your mind to it. You work nights, you take a weekend job, you do whatever it takes. Look at how many people start with nothing then save, save, and save to start a business. Of course, it means no cable TV, no eating out, living as I say as half-a-monk.
Not everyone can save $5,000 over 12-18 months just by putting their mind to it. I don't like ties, in general, stupid concept. There has to be a weekend job to take, many jobs at low-level actually already inherently have a person working weekends.
Most importantly, and you should know this, many employers are completely unwilling to work around the schedule of another employer. Some employers want you to be available on days off if they need to call you in, and while the reason why will not be spoken, will terminate you and replace you with someone having around-the-clock availability if you refuse to come in on a day off...which you may be refusing because, you guessed it, you have to go to your other job, where you actually were scheduled.
Quote:As to 40 mile commute, there are many who will not. You would be surprised. Recruiters always ask me and are usually amazed at how far I may drive.
Speaking of commutes, I must now make one.
Maybe. Like I said, I've never taken a poll.
What did Donald do to piss Wall St. off so bad???
EDIT: 10 mins later and it's down 1000.
Quote: ams288Dow is down 700 points again today.
What did Donald do to piss Wall St. off so bad???If he wants the credit, he's gotta take the blame too.
EDIT: 10 mins later and it's down 1000.
I keep updating Google search on Dow Jones. Keeps plummeting!
Wow... THANKS "commander" and cheap. He's RUINING our stock market!Quote: ams288Dow is down 700 points again today.
What did Donald do to piss Wall St. off so bad???If he wants the credit, he's gotta take the blame too.
EDIT: 10 mins later and it's down 1000.
Quote: IbeatyouracesQuote: ams288Dow is down 700 points again today.
What did Donald do to piss Wall St. off so bad???If he wants the credit, he's gotta take the blame too.
EDIT: 10 mins later and it's down 1000.
I keep updating Google search on Dow Jones. Keeps plummeting!
Quote: ams288If he wants the credit, he's gotta take the blame too.
Donald is like the ploppie blackjack player. They're the best when they win and blame others when they lose.
What's going on? Did Trump's criminal history get leaked? Is there a picture of him in a bed with Putin?
Quote: rxwine1500
What's going on? Did Trump's criminal history get leaked? Is there a picture of him in a bed with Putin?
Did the pee tape leak?
Yeah, did some of the scenes drizzle out to the public, or was it a steady stream of the tape?Quote: ams288Did the pee tape leak?