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January 19th, 2018 at 5:44:01 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

It might take out some players if there is anything to it. That's about it.

It won't.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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January 19th, 2018 at 6:23:40 PM permalink
Couldn't resist posting this one:

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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January 19th, 2018 at 6:33:35 PM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

Yep, have to polish the ban hammers in order to stomp out all the truths that are getting ready to come out into the light.

It was I who brought this up, not Babs. And you are free to express the truth. You can even express lies. Opinions. Conjecture. Supposition. There's no restrictions in that regard. You just have to do so with respect.

Quote: beachbumbabs

Your thoughts are welcome.

I dunno. Didn't really have a plan lol.

Firstly, because it's the most recent, is I'd like action on sexuality. There are certainly times when sexuality is the topic. Gay marriage, gay rights re: bakeries, trans bathroom legislation, et al., and I suppose it is beyond fair to allow discussion regarding stances among the representatives, including criticism of their actions, both legislative and personal. But I am at a loss of not only how so many people believe in this weird, "everyone I don't like is trans" thing we got with the former first lady, but what in the bloody hell it has to do with anything regardless of veracity. Is see no possible way to view this as anything but an insult to any and every person who is trans, or has family / friends / loved ones who fall in an "other than binary" line of sexuality. I fully accept the possibility that there is a reason that I'm not seeing, and I'll state openly that I am ready to hear it and have that debate. But barring some sort of revelation, I see no reason for that activity to continue.

IMO, the other glaring issue is the blurred line between labels. There are times I cannot tell if a comment using "Liberal" or "Conservative" as a slur is an attack on a rep, the party, the ideology, or the member. Others seem to be a pretty obvious dig that crosses the line. The last time I recall a situation like this, I simply asked the members to try a little harder, and make the effort to express yourself without the emotion driven digs. It wasn't a panacea, but I do remember seeing that effort, and I mark the forum improved because of it.

It's not black and white. There will be mistakes both ways. But all must agree that the base principles of the rules; be courteous, act as gentlemen, attack the writing not the writer, are in serious need of maintenance, and it is on all of us to make that effort.
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January 19th, 2018 at 6:41:24 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Today's lie of the day (this one by me):
Chain Migration does not exist.

I agree. You lied.

The waiting times may be long, but Chain Migration does exist.

"About two-thirds of green cards go to family members of U.S. citizens and legal residents."-WAPO


"Today the United States issues more than 1 million green cards each year, and only about 8 percent go to European nationals." Washington Post

Here's the list (see Table 3): Homeland Security

Haiti gets more green cards than many European nations combined.

The UK is the only European nation in the top twenty.

Between 2009 and 2013, the U.S. issued 270,000 green cards to European Migrants and 680,000 to Muslim immigrants. WorkPermit
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January 19th, 2018 at 8:31:53 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Today's lie of the day (this one by me):

Chain Migration does not exist.

When you come in and are granted a green card, you also are allowed to bring over your wife and unmarried children under the age of 21. You cannot bring any other relatives until you are granted citizenship. Once you are granted citizenship, you are allowed to apply for other relatives, but these petitions take a very long time to do. Your application is considered based on the priority date:

Here is the Family Based Visa waitlist chart (the priority date):


Family-class All except INDIA MEXICO PHILIPPINES
F1 15MAR11 15MAR11 01MAY96 01JAN05 Unmarried sons and daughters of US citizens.
F2A 01FEB16 01FEB16 01JAN16 01FEB16 Spouses + Unmarried sons and daughters of LPRs (Green Card Holders)
F2B 01DEC10 01DEC10 15AUG96 01JUL06 Unmarried Sons and Daughters over 21 of LPRs
F3 08OCT05 08OCT05 15JUN95 15MAR95 Married Sons and Daughters + spouses and unmarried children of US Citizens
F4 22JUN04 15DEC03 01NOV97 01SEP94 Brothers and Sisters of US Citizens.

See those wait times: It is almost 7 years for sons and daughters, 12 years for Married Sons and Daughters, and 13 years for brothers and sisters. All of those applicants are subject to criminal background checks, job checks, interviews and a multitude of vetting that ensures their worthiness to come over.
And once you hit your priority date, then USCIS will look at the application. The vetting process then takes between 1 year (F1) to 3 years (F4).

The shortest timeframe is Spouses and unmarried sons/daughters of LPRS at 2 years + the 1 year waiting time = 3 years. That applies to me; if I want to bring my 21 year old daughter over as an LPR, the wait time will be at least 9 years.

Chain migration is not happening per Trump's claim. Fake news.

None of that explains the chained migration of the latest terrorist to attack New York City:
"Akayed Ullah, 27, a green card holder from Bangladesh who is accused of detonating a bomb in a subway tunnel on Monday, came to the United States on what is known as an F43 visa, available to the nieces and nephews of U.S. citizens.." ny times
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January 19th, 2018 at 9:04:07 PM permalink
Quote: Tanko

"Today the United States issues more than 1 million green cards each year, and only about 8 percent go to European nationals." Washington Post

Why you might as well complain that we don't get enough people from Norway. Somewhat misleading if the same numbers of people aren't applying each year from each country.
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January 20th, 2018 at 4:40:02 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Why you might as well complain that we don't get enough people from Norway. Somewhat misleading if the same numbers of people aren't applying each year from each country.

Instead of a merit based system, that brings in people who will contribute their considerable talents and knowledge for the advancement of our economy, and our ability to compete globally, we are setting aside up to 480,000 family sponsored family visas every year.

Annual Limits

Only 140,000 green cards are set aside for employment based applicants each year.

Less than that are actually approved. CRS

The average wait time for advanced degree Indians to get a green card is 82.5 years. Article

We need more PhD’s, engineers and M.D.’s, not more Uber drivers.
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January 20th, 2018 at 4:52:01 AM permalink
Quote: Tanko

We need more PhD’s, engineers and M.D.’s, not more Uber drivers.

Whats wrong with making a living through uber as a person works toward getting their degree?
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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January 20th, 2018 at 8:21:37 AM permalink
I hope nobody here has a government job.

Sounds like you might be getting ready to file for unemployment!
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January 20th, 2018 at 8:23:07 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

I hope nobody here has a government job.

Sounds like you might be getting ready to file for unemployment!

Actually if history holds, it’s a free vacation. Congress has always voted to back pay the employees.
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January 20th, 2018 at 9:09:34 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

I hope nobody here has a government job.

Sounds like you might be getting ready to file for unemployment!


/checks Constitution

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January 20th, 2018 at 9:59:04 AM permalink
"Well, if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top... I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.....when they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time.....They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington....So I really think the pressure is on the president..." -- Donald Trump on Fox and Friends, 2013

Well, at least we know that Trump is going to take full responsibility for this shutdown, right guys? Guys? Right?
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January 20th, 2018 at 10:33:38 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I know if i didn't sleep with a woman i wouldn't need her to sign a document stating that. The fact they made her sign it makes it look like he was bribing her to keep silent

Even if she was threatening him with something that didnt happen it makes no sense.
Woman:"im going to lie and tell everyone we had an affair
Trump:"okay do you mind signing something saying you didnt. I will even pay you for it"

Powerful men like Trump should have over a 100 women accusing them of having an affair/sexual harrassment.

The reason is because such women use their bodies and sexuality as a weapon and tools to advance their careers, to get what they want, and to gain power.
Women around trump flirt, make inuendos, dress provactive, and often make sexual advances. If Trump ignores them, they may claim sexual harrassment. If he acts on the advances, they may keep quiet, until they feel it's more advantageous to disclose the event for attention or more money later on.

So when people on the left say that there's more than 10 or 11 women out there that claim harrassment, my thoughts are why are there so few?
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January 20th, 2018 at 10:38:21 AM permalink
A disagreement over how to handle unwilling accomplices of criminals shuts down the government.

Never thought this is what hill the Dems would make their stand on. So many more valid issues out there.

Strange days indeed.
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January 20th, 2018 at 10:51:12 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

None of that explains the chained migration of the latest terrorist to attack New York City:
"Akayed Ullah, 27, a green card holder from Bangladesh who is accused of detonating a bomb in a subway tunnel on Monday, came to the United States on what is known as an F43 visa, available to the nieces and nephews of U.S. citizens.." ny times

It's not much of a chain, folks.

In 2011 (When Ullah emigrated), the Priority Date (the date that Visas are being processed) was (source: 2011 December Visa bulletin -- 15 July 2000, under the F4 category. And there is a three year processing time for these visas, meaning that the application date for Ullah was 1997, when he was 7 years old. And he was appropriately vetted.

This is fact. Under your theory, there was a 20 year plan, starting in 1997 (when Al Queda and ISIS didn't exist, and the USA was funding Osama Bin Laden to fight the war against Russia), to radicalize this person so he could come over, hide all of his actions from the US government, all so he could drive a pipe bomb in Manhattan that killed no one?

Sounds preposterous to me. Like one is grasping at straws.

And this is the bull we absorb every day. You hear "chain migration!" and you think an immigrant is bringing over an immigrant is bringing over an immigrant, when the fact besides your immediate family (your wife and minor unmarried children under 21), which is a 3 year wait at this point, with vetting, to bring over any other relative takes 15 years. That is not a chain that resulted directly in the terrorist attacks on anyone. In both cases, the terrorism was homegrown. And do you stop a program benefiting millions of people when there are two bad apples?

Which brings me to today's Donald Trump Fake News of the day:

Quote: Donald Trump, various, on Uzbekistan-born Sayfullo Saipov killed eight people and injured a dozen others by driving a pickup truck down a bicycle path near the World Trade Center in New York

"“This man that came in, or whatever you want to call him, brought in, with him, other people. And he was a point – he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for — and this is preliminary — 23 people that came in or potentially came in with him. And that is not acceptable. So we want to get rid of chain migration.”
— President Trump, remarks at a Cabinet meeting, Nov. 1

“Twenty-two to twenty-four people came in through him. He’s a killer. He’s a guy who ran over eight — many people — eight died; 10 to 12 are really badly injured. So I really think that a lot of people are going to agree with us now on that subject.”
— Trump, remarks at a bipartisan meeting on immigration, Jan. 9

“So the lottery has to end, chain migration — he brought in, they say, 22 people through the chain. So we have 22 of his relatives; why?” Trump, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Jan. 11

The total number of people he could have sponsored, under US law, is zero. His wife and children were already in the USA when he emigrated so he could sponsor no one. Fake News.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:07:36 AM permalink
Quote: Tanko

Instead of a merit based system, that brings in people who will contribute their considerable talents and knowledge for the advancement of our economy, and our ability to compete globally, we are setting aside up to 480,000 family sponsored family visas every year.

Annual Limits

Only 140,000 green cards are set aside for employment based applicants each year.

Less than that are actually approved. CRS

The average wait time for advanced degree Indians to get a green card is 82.5 years. Article

We need more PhD’s, engineers and M.D.’s, not more Uber drivers.

What, someone quoted a factual remark here to defend a view? Put away the koolade and break out the Jack Daniels!

Somewhat true. I am here under an L1 employment Visa which has no cap but is only available to workers of multinationals where they have an office in your home country. You are talking about the EB program, and in particular for Indian professionals, the EB-2 or EB-3 program which has serious caps.

To be completely honest, I would support more people coming on Employment based Visas (EB, H, L) since the unemployment rate is so low an there are 2.5 million job postings at the end of July 2017. I also would not be terribly against the ending of migration for non-immediate family members, but since the rate is so low and the wait times so long, I don't think it's a problem.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:12:31 AM permalink
Donnie has just given most of the Federal Workforce an unscheduled paid vacation. Damn generous of him.
Meanwhile Mitch and Paul want to play kick the can once more.
Walt Kelly was right.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:19:56 AM permalink
Why are the Democrats pinning so much on DACA?

Pretty stupid, low priority issue in my opinion.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:23:55 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

Why are the Democrats pinning so much on DACA?

Pretty stupid, low priority issue in my opinion.

Yeah, who needs 800,000 educated, tax paying young people? Congress should stick to its job, soaking taxpayers and lowering taxes for the wealthiest among us.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:28:14 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

Why are the Democrats pinning so much on DACA?

Pretty stupid, low priority issue in my opinion.

Trump and the GOP don't seem to think so.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:28:52 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Actually if history holds, it’s a free vacation. Congress has always voted to back pay the employees.

There were national parks that were asked to stay open but employees shuttered anyway because they were not going to get paid. This time no back pay should be given. Any employee upset they didn't get a free vacation can find another job. There will be 10 people waiting in line for every cushy vacancy.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:33:28 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

Why are the Democrats pinning so much on DACA?

Pretty stupid, low priority issue in my opinion.

91% of DACA recipients are employed. So if DACA is not renewed, that is about 630,000 jobs lost over two years (employers cannot legally employ these people, and it would be illegal for employers to allow employees to work past their Visa ending date).

If Trump is thinking green, like his son says, those jobs, even if held by immigrants, is an important contributing factor to the US economy. Mind you, Trump claimed that the unemployment rate back in 2015 was close to 40%, so I guess there are plenty of people to replace them, right.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:35:27 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

The total number of people he could have sponsored, under US law, is zero. His wife and children were already in the USA when he emigrated so he could sponsor no one. Fake News.

That does not appear to be accurate:
"According to DHS, Ullah—who authorities say set off a bomb in Times Square in what reportedly was an attack inspired by the Islamic State—obtained the F43 visa to come to the United States by being the son of an F41 visa recipient sponsored by a U.S. citizen sibling.

DHS did not disclose whether Ullah's mother or father received the F41 visa or what U.S. citizen in the family sponsored them to migrate.

Family-based immigration policies, or "chain migration," have been the bedrock of U.S. immigration policy for decades. They incentivize families to migrate as a unit in the hopes of facilitating quick assimilation to American culture and norms.

By design, these policies give a preference to immigrants with family already in the U.S. Of the nearly one million foreign nationals admitted to the United States in 2013 as lawful permanent residents, two-thirds were admitted "on the basis of family ties," according to a 2016 report by the Congressional Research Service.newsweek
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:40:43 AM permalink
I'd prefer the focus be on more important issues such as terrorism, health card, balancing the budget: not amnesty for illegals.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:52:19 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

That does not appear to be accurate:

The quote you quoted refers to the other New York terrorist who killed people.

Quote: Sancho, via Newsweek

According to DHS, Ullah—who authorities say set off a bomb in Times Square in what reportedly was an attack inspired by the Islamic State—obtained the F43 visa to come to the United States by being the son of an F41 visa recipient sponsored by a U.S. citizen sibling.

If it is an F43 Visa, then he came in as a nephew of a US Citizen (brother or sister, the F41's son). his uncle or aunt his sister/brother and their son. According to the Visa bulletin of 2011 (when he came), they were processing applicants as of the year 2000. Add three years wait time to that for processing, and you are looking at an application that was applied for in 1997.

There are no special rules that allowed Ullah's parents to get their green card sooner. Therefore I stand by my statement unless there is other evidence to prove me wrong. I don't consider a 14 year wait a chain.
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:59:23 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

I'd prefer the focus be on more important issues such as terrorism, health card, balancing the budget: not amnesty for illegals.

Health Care is on the agenda via the CHIP extension (that the GOP proposed as a bargaining chip). Terrorism is on the agenda too (the democrats sticking point), wrongly placed, IMO (the wall, ending chain migration, ending the Visa lottery). And the stand on balancing budget was taken with the tax bill last month -- no one seems to care.

And ending DACA means the displacement of 600,000+ jobs over the next two years.

Quote: Time

Research from both the right-leaning Cato Institute and left-leaning Center for American Progress suggests Trump’s economic and immigration goals may be diametrically opposed. Their research indicates that ending DACA — and deporting the workers who will no longer enjoy legal status — could reduce the size of the U.S. economy by anywhere from $280 billion to $430 billion over the next decade.

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January 20th, 2018 at 1:10:03 PM permalink
What a bunch of immature children.

We need a constitutional amendment that says if there's a government shutdown, everyone in Congress immediately loses their jobs and are ineligible to ever hold a government job for the rest of their lives.
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January 20th, 2018 at 1:44:13 PM permalink
Yes, that would be the mature way to handle things, right?
The GOP knew all along they needed 60 votes, but did nothing to gain them. The Children's Heath Plan passed the House months ago, but wasn't bought to a vote in the Senate.
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January 20th, 2018 at 1:44:24 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

What a bunch of immature children.

We need a constitutional amendment that says if there's a government shutdown, everyone in Congress immediately loses their jobs and are ineligible to ever hold a government job for the rest of their lives.

You need to go deeper.

These ass bags are free to legislate country wide policies that they will never be subject to, as well as receiving benefits the likes of which a vast majority could never imagine. The reason they are allowed to operate outside of citizenship? They are deemed "too important" to be affected by their own policies, and it cannot be risked that they'd be unavailable to conduct their jobs.

Unless, of course, they need to pitch a bitch fit for their team. Then it's A-OK, apparently.
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January 20th, 2018 at 2:11:40 PM permalink
“Right now, in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong. It has to change.”
The Donald.
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January 20th, 2018 at 8:27:09 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

If it is an F43 Visa, then he came in as a nephew of a US Citizen (brother or sister, the F41's son). his uncle or aunt his sister/brother and their son.

Thank you for clarifying that the chain extends well beyond the immediate family.

There are no special rules that allowed Ullah's parents to get their green card sooner. Therefore I stand by my statement unless there is other evidence to prove me wrong. I don't consider a 14 year wait a chain.

How can they establish residency without a green card?
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January 20th, 2018 at 11:25:45 PM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Thank you for clarifying that the chain extends well beyond the immediate family.
How can they establish residency without a green card?

Yes, a chain exists. You can sponsor your brother or sister and their family. The process takes at least 14 years. It's not a particularly effective chain if you wanted to emigrate terrorist groups.

I have residency. I don't have a green card. I hold an employment based Visa which expires in March. I will be extending it for a year in March and then getting my LPR via marriage to a US citizen.

They cannot establish residency without a green card.
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January 23rd, 2018 at 8:15:15 PM permalink
I saw a message today on Twitter from Sen. Rand Paul. He was talking, of course, about the shutdown. First, he explained that last year's deficit was about $800 billion, and this year's looks to surpass a trillion. The entire debt, as everyone should know, is over $20 trillion. Anyway, he explained that when we have these shutdowns that they follow them up with a funding bill that lumps everything together. He wants to introduce a bill that would punish Congress for doing this. It would require that if there is shutdown, the new law would mandate a 1% reduction in spending. As always, the problem is spending. But he thinks a mandatory spending reduction required would prevent Congress from continuously taking us through the shutdown mess.

I am anxious to hear the debate when and if this bill goes to the floor. Anxious to see who would oppose it, and why.
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January 24th, 2018 at 9:14:11 AM permalink

I’m so sick of the rich getting all the benefits of these tax cuts. Another conservative company doing something for their workers. Obviously run by Trump supporters looking for favors.

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January 24th, 2018 at 9:36:52 AM permalink
Once again, I complement any company that increases compensation to its worker and linking it to tax breaks or whatever you want to believe. For SBUX, the tax breaks accelerated a plan that was already in place. And it's very very nice that companies are exercising corporate welfare and not keeping every cent for its shareholders.

As for the deficit, the problem of course is not spending, it's a lack of revenue. CBO estimated that the Trump tax plan is going to cost about 2 trillion over 10 years.

Timing of course helps. With the economy humming along (thank you Obama, too, clap clap clap) unemployment is at an all time low, and the story mentions that competition for even the lowest paying jobs is pushing up wages.

You see, as a lefty, I can be positive too. When will you righties admit that your President isn't perfect either?
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January 24th, 2018 at 10:11:34 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Once again, I complement any company that increases compensation to its worker and linking it to tax breaks or whatever you want to believe. For SBUX, the tax breaks accelerated a plan that was already in place. And it's very very nice that companies are exercising corporate welfare and not keeping every cent for its shareholders.

As for the deficit, the problem of course is not spending, it's a lack of revenue. CBO estimated that the Trump tax plan is going to cost about 2 trillion over 10 years.

Timing of course helps. With the economy humming along (thank you Obama, too, clap clap clap) unemployment is at an all time low, and the story mentions that competition for even the lowest paying jobs is pushing up wages.

You see, as a lefty, I can be positive too. When will you righties admit that your President isn't perfect either?

IOW: Obama is to thank for this, not Trump. Is that what you're saying?

And that Trump is not your president but our (not inclusive) president?
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January 24th, 2018 at 10:17:50 AM permalink
Save those bonuses, guys... you'll need the money for when they raise taxes on goods imported from Mexico to pay for that wall.
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January 24th, 2018 at 12:53:50 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

Another conservative company ...

Conservative? lol

Are there two Starbucks? One on the other side of the Sun that we never get to see?
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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January 24th, 2018 at 12:54:38 PM permalink
Interesting read. Trump and the republicans, after spreading rumors of its damaging contents, have a DUTY to release the memo along with ALL the accompanying evidence that proves its assertions. Failure to do so will speak volumes about their motives.
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January 24th, 2018 at 1:00:41 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Conservative? lol

Are there two Starbucks? One on the other side of the Sun that we never get to see?

That post wasn't being sarcastic at all, oh no, it sure wasn't. Nope nope nope! No sarcasm there.
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January 24th, 2018 at 1:04:55 PM permalink
Quote: Boz


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January 24th, 2018 at 1:12:57 PM permalink
Trickledown -- if something is not fixed in law, it's just a whim. Especially when it concerns money.

Remove all the obligations of employee rights,, and they will play up how they will not need anyone checking up on them-- for awhile.. But all you have to do is wait. It won't last.
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January 24th, 2018 at 1:56:26 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Interesting read. Trump and the republicans, after spreading rumors of its damaging contents, have a DUTY to release the memo along with ALL the accompanying evidence that proves its assertions. Failure to do so will speak volumes about their motives.

Yeah, remember last week when that memo was a "bigger scandal than Watergate," and now nobody cares about it anymore? Was that just a pre-emptive distraction in case the shutdown was way worse than it actually was?
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January 24th, 2018 at 1:58:37 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Yeah, remember last week when that memo was a "bigger scandal than Watergate," and now nobody cares about it anymore? Was that just a pre-emptive distraction in case the shutdown was way worse than it actually was?

Ohhhh don't be so sure about this. The tin-foil hat crowd on Twitter (plus a bunch of Russian bots) are still convinced this memo will bring down the Clinton Presidency.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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January 24th, 2018 at 2:42:41 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

Ohhhh don't be so sure about this. The tin-foil hat crowd on Twitter (plus a bunch of Russian bots) are still convinced this memo will bring down the Clinton Presidency.

I really hope they bring down Obama, you know, the guy who was a massive failure as a president and got nothing done in eight years, yet somehow all that nothing completely destroyed the country.
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January 24th, 2018 at 3:24:16 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Yeah, remember last week when that memo was a "bigger scandal than Watergate," and now nobody cares about it anymore? Was that just a pre-emptive distraction in case the shutdown was way worse than it actually was?

It's dispicable to tantalize the public with news that will change how Americans view their government. Make all manner of behind closed door deals and pretend somebody, anybody is representing us. The public has to put up a FOIA request to just find out the daily business of our government.

Trump absolutely is complicit if this memo is revealed. So are the dems.
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January 24th, 2018 at 4:42:11 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos


I have always assumed you are actually Bernie Sanders, which is why I have never insulted him. But if you are actually Elizabeth Warren, I apologize for laughing at your views, And if you are one of their 283 followers who are not members here, Thanks for the laugh.

And while you may not get the bonus, many quality American companies on both sides of the political spectrum are hiring. I hope you take advantage of the opportunities my friend.
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January 24th, 2018 at 4:43:48 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

Ohhhh don't be so sure about this. The tin-foil hat crowd on Twitter (plus a bunch of Russian bots) are still convinced this memo will bring down the Clinton Presidency.

Love Bill like you do.
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January 24th, 2018 at 4:50:24 PM permalink
Citing one-time bonuses from minimum wage jobs as proof that the tax bill leads to long term economic growth is laughable.

Now if you ever want to have a legitimate debate about supply side economics and its long term effects vs an economy driven by middle class consumers, please let me know. I'd be glad to participate.
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January 24th, 2018 at 5:04:10 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Citing one-time bonuses from minimum wage jobs as proof that the tax bill leads to long term economic growth is laughable.

Now if you ever want to have a legitimate debate about supply side economics and its long term effects vs an economy driven by middle class consumers, please let me know. I'd be glad to participate.

Thank you Mr. Economic Liberal. You are the party that has always argued these “poor” people need to be paid more. Hell your short sighted voters you depend on push for $15 an hour for jobs that are vanishing yearly.

You’re debate about supply side is a joke about a system of people like you who never made a dollar in real world, but learned about it in a class from a dope smoking professor who never would have survived in the real world. Yet you followed their teachings like gospel until the end
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