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December 16th, 2017 at 10:24:39 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

What happened to the expressions of righteous indignation by the left?

Where is the hue and cry from antifa and other disaffected citizens against Trump and his dark lord minions?

Nation of sheep.

They were gonna hue and cry but then they got high.
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December 16th, 2017 at 11:00:39 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

Where is the hue and cry from antifa and other disaffected citizens against Trump and his dark lord minions?

With regards to what, specifically? People are still complaining about Trump pretty loudly.
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December 16th, 2017 at 11:09:41 AM permalink
With regards to large protests / demonstrations / antifa shenanigans.

Things have quieted down on the streets and campuses while the country slides further and further toward "non-greatness."

Where's the beef?
"What, me worry?"
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December 16th, 2017 at 11:20:59 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

With regards to large protests / demonstrations / antifa shenanigans.

Things have quieted down on the streets and campuses while the country slides further and further toward "non-greatness."

Where's the beef?

Oh, okay.

I don't know about antifa... maybe they got distracted by something else shiny. Or they're studying for their semester finals.

I do know there are already protests planned if Trump tries to fire Meuller. And there were some protests about Net Neutrality.
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December 16th, 2017 at 11:52:32 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Look, people will identify me as a leftist, but I am Christian and fit in quite well with my Church which identifies itself as Evangelical.

You confused me when rightfully defining abortion as murder and then almost in the next sentence identifying on the Left. The two views are generally like oil and water, although I know there are exceptions.

I've had a lifetime of being involved in gambling of one sort or another and I have often wondered why so many people involved in gambling lean Left. I've personally always been an exception. Take this forum, for instance, I'm guessing over 95% identify Left. Certainly many intelligent people here but somehow there is a disconnect from reality. Maybe growing up in a Soviet gulag would have brought many closer to the Truth. (and there are no two sides to the truth, by the way) I have my own theory as to why, but it is only a theory. I'm no Freud, but I think that most gamblers share a deeply ingrained desire of wanting "something for nothing". Even to the point of working very hard for that. It's the "dead-beat" syndrome, if you will, and thus the natural attraction to gambling. I seriously doubt if you'll find many hard-working farmers or factory or foundry owners who spend their free time playing $4-$8 Hold'em with a kill. That's because they work their butts off and don't have free time. Which means they also don't have time for Marxist garbage. I dunno, it's only my theory. So shoot me.
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December 16th, 2017 at 12:47:04 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

I've had a lifetime of being involved in gambling of one sort or another and I have often wondered why so many people involved in gambling lean Left.

I've never noticed that before... Are you basing this conclusion on Las Vegas centered gambling? Because if that's the case, I would imagine that with California being a liberal state and Nevada being kind of "purple," there would naturally be more liberals/leftists/Democrats doing the gambling by virtue of geography. Where I live, in Oklahoma, there are going to be a heckuva lot more Republicans and conservatives in the casinos.


It's the "dead-beat" syndrome, if you will, and thus the natural attraction to gambling. I seriously doubt if you'll find many hard-working farmers or factory or foundry owners who spend their free time playing $4-$8 Hold'em with a kill.

So where are these dead-beats who want something for nothing getting their money to play hold'em for days on end? If anything, I would think it's the hard-working farmers and factory workers who have that disposable income to let off some steam in the casinos.


Take this forum, for instance, I'm guessing over 95% identify Left.

Is that because liberals are more inclined to gamble, or simply more inclined to use the internet to talk about it?

Gambling in certain Asian countries is simply a matter of culture. In the U.S., I think it's more a matter of class rather than politics. Poor people obviously play the lottery in higher numbers, and I don't think politics has anything to do with that. Education levels are probably more of a component as well, rather than politics.

I'm not trying to argue... it is an interesting discussion.
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December 16th, 2017 at 1:30:33 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

So where are these dead-beats who want something for nothing getting their money to play hold'em for days on end? If anything, I would think it's the hard-working farmers and factory workers who have that disposable income to let off some steam in the casinos.

Just to be clear, I meant farm owners, factory and foundry owners, not workers. Owners work harder than workers.

And I know you said a lot of stuff in your reply. I must address one at least, I think you made a very valid point about more liberals being inclined to use the internet to discuss gambling.

Anyway, I'm not ready to abandon my "BobBartop's Deadbeat-Theory" yet. I could actually leave the gambling factor out of the equation completely, though, and just say that the Left attracts "dead-beats" in the first place. "To each according to his needs", was the mantra of the Father of Deadbeatism. It's intrinsic.
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December 17th, 2017 at 2:32:15 AM permalink

Another example of how Trump and America is “winning”. This time from a Never Trumper at the NYT.

If one is willing to put bias away, it’s easy to see a lot of good things happening out here. And the vast majority of us are going to be getting a tax cut soon. Of course liberal jealousy is against that one with the fear someone is getting more than them.
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December 17th, 2017 at 7:49:54 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Another example of how Trump and America is “winning”. This time from a Never Trumper at the NYT.

If one is willing to put bias away, it’s easy to see a lot of good things happening out here. And the vast majority of us are going to be getting a tax cut soon. Of course liberal jealousy is against that one with the fear someone is getting more than them.

Ummm, what, Boz? (your comment, not the article) The tax cuts

1. Expire in a few years, so it's a marketing ploy, not a cut.
2. Aren't paid for even with cuts. They're just writing checks without the funds in the budget to pay for them. What part of more than 1 TRILLION in added deficit is hard for the Right to grasp?
3. Come at the expense of a hundred things most Left care about. Public broadcasting, arts endowment, meals on wheels, etc. all get eliminated even while the military and the rich get richer by a huge amount (which is where you mischaracterize their envy).
4. Will be on the necks and backs of the young, the poor and middle class to pay for in 5-10 years and beyond. COMPLETELY irresponsible give-backs just to service donors to the Republican party.
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December 17th, 2017 at 8:00:29 AM permalink
Babs, you and I both know neither party will let the cuts expire on the middle class. Even Obama didn’t let the Bush cuts expire so that liberal talking point is nonsense.

And it really comes down to how you view the current tax system, either fair or unfair. I feel having anyone pay a higher percentage of their legitimately earned income is unfair. Why should one person pay 15% and another 35%? Under no logical system does that make sense but it will never change.

This plan may not be perfect and it far from it, but it appears to help 90% of middle class working families keep more of their money, how is that a bad thing?

The other goal should be and we will see how it turns out is to put Liberty Tax and H &R Block almost out of business. I could rant about that for hours but they use prey upon lower income workers to file simple returns and then charge high rates to “advance “ them their own money. Maybe this will help in that regard.
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December 17th, 2017 at 8:25:44 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

This plan may not be perfect and it far from it, but it appears to help 90% of middle class working families keep more of their money, how is that a bad thing?

If this bill was created for the middle class, why cut corporate taxes by 15%, and cut middle class wage taxes by 1%? Why make those corporate cuts permanent and the wage tax cuts temporary?

Make no mistake, this bill is for big corporations who have already been abusing the tax system with shell corporations and offshore accounts for decades. The tiny morsel of a temporary bone they threw to the middle class was only to sell it to the general public.

I'm sure it will all trickle down though /s
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December 17th, 2017 at 8:48:22 AM permalink

In today’s environment it looks like it’s over for Mr. Tingle in the leg. As it should be assuming this is true.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Maybe he can send a commentary, instead of recipe along with his apology.
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December 17th, 2017 at 9:01:47 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

If this bill was created for the middle class, why cut corporate taxes by 15%, and cut middle class wage taxes by 1%? Why make those corporate cuts permanent and the wage tax cuts temporary?

Make no mistake, this bill is for big corporations who have already been abusing the tax system with shell corporations and offshore accounts for decades. The tiny morsel of a temporary bone they threw to the middle class was only to sell it to the general public.

I'm sure it will all trickle down though /s

Why is it always about someone getting “more” than someone else. Life isn’t fair. No reason to go into how high our corporate tax rate already is.

Unless you are mentally or physically disabled, you get out of life what you put into it. I will always believe that and American success stories are being created every minute of everyday. No better to place to succeed with hard work than America today. All it takes is hard work, common sense and the ability to make the hard choices instead of the easy ones. The person responsible for how your life turns out looks you in the mirror everyday.
Climbing off soapbox.
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December 17th, 2017 at 9:13:52 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Why is it always about someone getting “more” than someone else. Life isn’t fair. No reason to go into how high our corporate tax rate already is.

Unless you are mentally or physically disabled, you get out of life what you put into it. I will always believe that and American success stories are being created every minute of everyday. No better to place to succeed with hard work than America today. All it takes is hard work, common sense and the ability to make the hard choices instead of the easy ones. The person responsible for how your life turns out looks you in the mirror everyday.
Climbing off soapbox.

It's not a matter of someone getting more than another. It's a matter of politicians putting the interests of big corporate donors and lobbiests over their constituents, and then trying to sell it to voters as something they did for the middle class.

I agree with your second paragraph though, I own a business full time that serves other small/medium businesses. I think America is a terrific place for that. But I fear that is becoming less and less true when those with the deepest pockets have the strongest voice. That's not how our government is supposed to work.
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December 17th, 2017 at 10:21:45 AM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Take this forum, for instance, I'm guessing over 95% identify Left.

If this were true, this thread would have never made 300 pages. Unless everyone that lurks here is liberal, but I doubt that. When people generally agree, cyclical arguments like this thread tend to stop on their own.

I really wonder how different this forum would be if all political discussion was banned like the forum I moderate. I think political rhetoric here has helped driven dozens of great posters off.
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December 17th, 2017 at 11:29:55 AM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

You confused me when rightfully defining abortion as murder and then almost in the next sentence identifying on the Left. The two views are generally like oil and water, although I know there are exceptions.

I've had a lifetime of being involved in gambling of one sort or another and I have often wondered why so many people involved in gambling lean Left. I've personally always been an exception. Take this forum, for instance, I'm guessing over 95% identify Left. Certainly many intelligent people here but somehow there is a disconnect from reality. Maybe growing up in a Soviet gulag would have brought many closer to the Truth. (and there are no two sides to the truth, by the way) I have my own theory as to why, but it is only a theory. I'm no Freud, but I think that most gamblers share a deeply ingrained desire of wanting "something for nothing". Even to the point of working very hard for that. It's the "dead-beat" syndrome, if you will, and thus the natural attraction to gambling. I seriously doubt if you'll find many hard-working farmers or factory or foundry owners who spend their free time playing $4-$8 Hold'em with a kill. That's because they work their butts off and don't have free time. Which means they also don't have time for Marxist garbage. I dunno, it's only my theory. So shoot me.

I identify with many qualities of Jesus: charity, fairness, forgiveness. His words said that what was in your heart (not the strict Jewish) laws was what mattered. I strongly disagree with Christians who judge others and hold negative opinions of sinners. That is why evangelical white people could vote for Moore while the same black people could not (because Moore was still spewing racism in his current campaign).

Disagree that most people on here are left. Most I think are some degree of libertarian. Advantage Players understand that all games are rigged but understand how games are beatable. Their exploitation of loopholes, be it Aping via Ultimate, Edge-sorting, hole-carding, generous promotions, counting, jackpot-detecting are outside ways of making a living that is fraught with risk (no health insurance, disappearing opportunities, poor health conditions (smoke), temptations to addictions due to free food, alcohol, and gambling addiction itself. These people, to survive, have to have a very strong character (me, I couldn't do it) and tend I think to be very independent.

And no, you'll likely not find farmers or foundry workers on this forum. It's a forum dedicated to all things Vegas and the keepers of the Forum allow some political discussions to go on which a few of us frequent to. I think this allow it because it allows for free thought away from gambling, drives a lot of ancillary site traffic, and is entertaining to some.

But you know, there are farmers, and foundry workers (lots of them, unionized ones anyway) who will vote blue. Unions which these days equate to socialism and Gulags were the way to the foundation of the great middle class.

One reason I could never vote Republican is because they deny basic truths, like climate change. They support the ultra-rich by giving them tax breaks and taking away health care from those who need it. And no, Obama wasn't a ton better.
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December 17th, 2017 at 11:32:44 AM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

If this were true, this thread would have never made 300 pages. Unless everyone that lurks here is liberal, but I doubt that. When people generally agree, cyclical arguments like this thread tend to stop on their own.

I really wonder how different this forum would be if all political discussion was banned like the forum I moderate. I think political rhetoric here has helped driven dozens of great posters off.

It has gotten great posters banned, but you know, there is an "ignore thread" feature where this political discussion goes away. I don't see how this thread is any different than gambling system threads... pages and pages of spew about a gambling 'system' that you know right away cannot be successful. For those threads, I will take a peek, and then ignore.
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December 17th, 2017 at 11:47:20 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

If this bill was created for the middle class, why cut corporate taxes by 15%, and cut middle class wage taxes by 1%? Why make those corporate cuts permanent and the wage tax cuts temporary?

Make no mistake, this bill is for big corporations who have already been abusing the tax system with shell corporations and offshore accounts for decades. The tiny morsel of a temporary bone they threw to the middle class was only to sell it to the general public.

I'm sure it will all trickle down though /s

Well, one of the things it might do is bring money home to be taxed. Most Large Corporations create revenue centers offshore in order to lower their overall tax rate. By lowering the corporate tax rate it will bring this tax money into federal coffers. I also think it will spur small business growth as the corporate tax rate is lower than the personal rate, which will increase hiring.

But none of this will trickle down from the corporate to the employee level. At best, with the economy humming and corporate revenue growing it will enable the GOP to claim some victory as deficit number come in better than expected. With the GOP majorities in both houses likely disappearing, the GOP will need to work with Democrats to bring in something more fair. To me however, managing the debt is very important.

But jobs is not an issue in the United States. The US is virtually at full employment and anyone with a positive attitude and a good work ethic can find work. It's wages that is the issue.
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December 17th, 2017 at 12:39:18 PM permalink

There's no disputing that nobody enjoys paying taxes. Still, tax collectors in many other countries enjoy more respect than Internal Revenue Service employees receive in the US.

"They have blazers, they have baseball caps, they have bands, they have mascots," Reid says. "People are proud to work for the tax agency. In the US, the IRS recommends that its employees not tell people where they work."

I can't link the 5 minute interview, but the recording file is at the top of this page which you can play in a browser. The book author traveled around the globe looking at other tax systems.
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December 17th, 2017 at 1:15:41 PM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

If this were true, this thread would have never made 300 pages. Unless everyone that lurks here is liberal, but I doubt that. When people generally agree, cyclical arguments like this thread tend to stop on their own.

I really wonder how different this forum would be if all political discussion was banned like the forum I moderate. I think political rhetoric here has helped driven dozens of great posters off.

Ok, you're probably right. Make that 85%.

What forum do you moderate? Is it gambling related? I think I've seen your name elsewhere. Hard to forget a name like THAT.

And I think you're right about political discussion being detrimental to the overall welfare of a group like this, and then I read something and get sucked in by my own not being able to keep my big mouth shut. If it's any consolation, I feel bad sometimes when I've made a mess on the floor. Like a dog I used to have, it loved me, but once in awhile it would bite me. Oh, it would suddenly look very sorry and apologetic that it bit me, but I still had a wound. We still loved each other.

By nature, those who identify Left are basically level-one thinkers. The beginning poker player only looks at and identifies what his own cards are and gives no thought to what his opponent's cards are. That's Level-One. The average leftist thinks the cause is to divide the wealth, when it is actually a plan to consolidate the wealth, under the guise of dividing the wealth. There is no "Left" as they imagine it. It's a fake spectrum. And they carry the ball for someone else and don't even realize it.
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December 17th, 2017 at 1:52:07 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Ummm, what, Boz? (your comment, not the article) The tax cuts

1. Expire in a few years, so it's a marketing ploy, not a cut.
2. Aren't paid for even with cuts. They're just writing checks without the funds in the budget to pay for them. What part of more than 1 TRILLION in added deficit is hard for the Right to grasp?
3. Come at the expense of a hundred things most Left care about. Public broadcasting, arts endowment, meals on wheels, etc. all get eliminated even while the military and the rich get richer by a huge amount (which is where you mischaracterize their envy).
4. Will be on the necks and backs of the young, the poor and middle class to pay for in 5-10 years and beyond. COMPLETELY irresponsible give-backs just to service donors to the Republican party.

5. Might well start to expire and bite the economy and the salaries of the victims way into the tenure of a new (Democrat?) president and possibly Democrat congress or senate, such that the GOP will tell the voters that it's all the Dems fault that taxes have 'gone back up': A clever ploy, really. Slow acting economic poison.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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December 17th, 2017 at 2:02:20 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

By nature, those who identify Left are basically level-one thinkers. The beginning poker player only looks at and identifies what his own cards are and gives no thought to what his opponent's cards are. That's Level-One. The average leftist thinks the cause is to divide the wealth, when it is actually a plan to consolidate the wealth, under the guise of dividing the wealth. There is no "Left" as they imagine it. It's a fake spectrum. And they carry the ball for someone else and don't even realize it.

I'd rather define people by how they arrange their values.

Where does social justice rank with individual prosperity? Usually rightwing clearly puts individual prosperity ahead of social justice. I don't happen to agree with that order. Other values like security vs safety are more fuzzy. Both sides are concerned with each, but assign different things. The rightwing will go on and on about border security and immigrants, and I could go all day on how many times consumers aren't protected just by freedom to not do business with someone because they simply are lied to or not told about product defects until it reaches the critical point where everyone can't fail to notice Thus the idea that we need something to reveal that defective air bags have been injuring or killing people long before the company decides to do it (if ever) or critical mass of death injury is simply finally noticed.

And so on. Too many things to list here - but same idea. Even if you've never written it down, you have priorities of values. That's how I define you and whether I think you're more right or more wrong.
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December 17th, 2017 at 2:46:11 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Ok, you're probably right. Make that 85%.

What forum do you moderate? Is it gambling related? I think I've seen your name elsewhere. Hard to forget a name like THAT.

Yeah I'm a moderator at Vegas Message Board. As a whole, it just seems a lot smoother with a "no politics rule". Now I admit, I do read this thread ~weekly and do enjoy reading the arguments. I just tend to stay out of it unless I note something that I can argue without a lot of effort. I suck at debate slash I'm not a big fan of doing it. Lol
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December 17th, 2017 at 5:53:35 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I'd rather define people by how they arrange their values.

Where does social justice rank with individual prosperity? Usually rightwing clearly puts individual prosperity ahead of social justice.

"Social justice" is Newspeak for communism. The phrase has been around for a very long time. Like I said earlier, the oft-promoted "left-right" spectrum is fake. Communism and capitalism are not opposing terms. Communists are capitalists. Capital is the means of production.

Reagan once said something very illuminating. "The West won't contain communism, it will transcend communism. It won't bother to dismiss or denounce it, it will dismiss it as some bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages are even now being written." A seemingly weird thing for Reagan to say, unless you understood Reagan and the NWO.

Well what does "transcend" mean? What did he mean "transcend"? He meant world government, the New World Order, that's what he meant. It will be synthesized out of the fake left-right opposition. It won't be called communism anymore.

What the dupes of present day Antifa think they are fighting against is really a force that is using them for its own purpose, from the very top. It created "Antifa", as controlled-opposition. Again, the fake left-right paradigm. And like a beginning hold'em player, the Left only think about their own cards. Level-one thinking.
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December 17th, 2017 at 6:40:36 PM permalink
Quote: OnceDear

5. Might well start to expire and bite the economy and the salaries of the victims way into the tenure of a new (Democrat?) president and possibly Democrat congress or senate, such that the GOP will tell the voters that it's all the Dems fault that taxes have 'gone back up': A clever ploy, really. Slow acting economic poison.

I think the general consensus on the left is that eventually this horrid tax bill will end up being a giant gift for Dems (both politically and policy-wise).

Politically: it's only polling at ~30% favorability. People hate this thing. They know it's just a giant giveaway to corporations and the 1%. Dems will treat this thing like the GOP has treated Obamacare for the past 8 years.

Policy-wise: If the Dems ever regain control of congress and the WH, they can just repeal the tax cuts for the rich and keep the middle class cuts in place. In turn, that will give them ~$1 trillion of "new" revenue to spend on the social program of their choosing.

The GOP will never again be able to pretend they care about the deficit after this thing...
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December 17th, 2017 at 7:34:57 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

" Like I said earlier, the oft-promoted "left-right" spectrum is fake.

And NWO isn't?

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December 17th, 2017 at 7:47:44 PM permalink
The biggest argument against NWO is human nature. Hard as people have tried even with a high degree of similar interest all such interests fracture, often over a lifetime. Sometimes it doesn't completely dissolve but squabbles destroy the unity needed. Individuals spoil things with power grabs. People die and new people have slightly different ideas.

The best laid plans...etc.,
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December 17th, 2017 at 11:44:21 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

And NWO isn't?


No. It isn't.

And a spectrum that has communism on the left and fascism on the right is fake. They're not opposite each other, they're essentially the same thing.
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December 17th, 2017 at 11:46:08 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

The GOP will never again be able to pretend they care about the deficit after this thing...

Five bucks says they try.
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December 18th, 2017 at 2:09:41 AM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

No. It isn't.

And a spectrum that has communism on the left and fascism on the right is fake. They're not opposite each other, they're essentially the same thing.

I'm not really surprised some people believe in NWO. There is definitely evidence that individuals and groups engage in manipulation and deceit for control of others.

But they make a giant leap of logic that because that is true, an organization can continually exist and successfully manipulate people over centuries. That defies human nature itself, which is incapable of this kind of continual systematic cooperation even when the unified goals can be almost identical.

All systems become fractured over time. Some take longer than others. Even the most stable ones like religion morph into divisions and compete with each other.

The world is always on the verge of falling apart, because it actually is much of the time.

That doesn't mean the world is not at risk from several things. Nuclear war, global disasters like dinosaur ending epics, or some future technology.
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December 18th, 2017 at 2:11:27 AM permalink
Anyway, Trump should release his tax returns and anything else we need to know -- lack of transparency is a sure sign of NWO.
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December 18th, 2017 at 8:32:13 AM permalink
The "New World Order" is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories ever. There was a new world order after the fall of the USSR. There was one after WWI, WWII, and every other major war in history. There's a New World Order every few decades. And then there's the whole related "conspiracy" of Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg meetings and all that secret meeting nonsense... "Oh! All the world's leaders are meeting in this one special place to discuss how to run things!" You mean... doing exactly what we elect them to do? The horror!
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December 18th, 2017 at 9:30:06 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

The "New World Order" is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories ever. There was a new world order after the fall of the USSR. There was one after WWI, WWII, and every other major war in history. There's a New World Order every few decades.

Whether you have been told that, or made it up yourself, either way you have completely misinterpreted the meaning of the term. NWO is a euphemism for world government. So since we have never had world government, your above statements are misguided.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 10:48:58 AM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Whether you have been told that, or made it up yourself, either way you have completely misinterpreted the meaning of the term. NWO is a euphemism for world government. So since we have never had world government, your above statements are misguided.

Oh, okay. Well, that's stupid...haha... "New World Order" and "World Government" are two completely different concepts, because, as I stated above, "new world orders" are an actual political concept that demonstrably happen every few years. Why are conspiracy theorists using that to describe a global government?

P.S., that isn't my interpretation of "new world order." I know the term has been used in speeches by Presidents, world leaders, and plenty of other people to describe a reorganization of power structures on a global scale.
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December 18th, 2017 at 11:49:06 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Oh, okay. Well, that's stupid...haha... "New World Order" and "World Government" are two completely different concepts, because, as I stated above, "new world orders" are an actual political concept that demonstrably happen every few years. Why are conspiracy theorists using that to describe a global government?

P.S., that isn't my interpretation of "new world order." I know the term has been used in speeches by Presidents, world leaders, and plenty of other people to describe a reorganization of power structures on a global scale.

This is what happens sometimes when people figure things out for themselves without doing the requisite homework. You've re-invented your own wheel and made it square, when there was already a handy instruction manual you could have referred to and saved yourself the confusion.

Back to the Bilderberg meetings, btw, I'm quite sure you have not attended one. So you don't really know WHAT they talk about. No more so than I do.

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." -- James Paul Warburg, Feb. 17, 1950
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 12:03:30 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." -- James Paul Warburg, Feb. 17, 1950

As long as I mentioned James Paul Warburg, I might as well mention that his father, Paul Warburg, voluntarily quit his job at Kuhn Loeb in 1914 at a salary of $500,000, to take a position at the newly created Federal Reserve Board, for a salary of $14,000.

In other words, he got a promotion.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 12:22:45 PM permalink
EDIT: Oh nevermind. Who cares, lol.
Last edited by: Steverinos on Dec 18, 2017
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December 18th, 2017 at 1:32:36 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

This is what happens sometimes when people figure things out for themselves without doing the requisite homework. You've re-invented your own wheel and made it square, when there was already a handy instruction manual you could have referred to and saved yourself the confusion.


I'm not "re-inventing" anything, or "trying to figure anything out for myself." "New world order" is a socio-political concept that means something very specific, and has for decades; it's not a term I invented or am confused about. Conspiracy theorists are the ones who have co-opted the term and started using it for their stupid fanfiction.


Back to the Bilderberg meetings, btw, I'm quite sure you have not attended one. So you don't really know WHAT they talk about. No more so than I do.

No, I don't know what they talk about there, but that isn't the point. My point is that conspiracy theorists are freaking out about Bilderberg meetings being used for world leaders to discuss global policy, when that is exactly what world leaders are supposed to do.
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December 18th, 2017 at 1:36:17 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

As long as I mentioned James Paul Warburg, I might as well mention that his father, Paul Warburg, voluntarily quit his job at Kuhn Loeb in 1914 at a salary of $500,000, to take a position at the newly created Federal Reserve Board, for a salary of $14,000.

Must have been a heluva bonus!
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December 18th, 2017 at 2:30:20 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

No, I don't know what they talk about there, but that isn't the point. My point is that conspiracy theorists are freaking out about Bilderberg meetings being used for world leaders to discuss global policy, when that is exactly what world leaders are supposed to do.

Discussing how best to lead us sheep to the slaughter.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 3:05:08 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu


I'm not "re-inventing" anything, or "trying to figure anything out for myself." "New world order" is a socio-political concept that means something very specific, and has for decades; it's not a term I invented or am confused about.

When someone like Henry Kissinger uses the term 'NWO' in public, what is he SUPPOSED to say?

"Yes, we super elites are planning to corral the rest of you peons into a socialist-style, and final, world government where there will be 'liquidations' in numbers that would make Stalin blush to make it 'manageable', and so I can drive on the freeway by myself without the rest of you annoying me."

"Your papers, PLEASE!"
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 3:22:18 PM permalink
When the petrodollar fails, and USDs are devalued into oblivion, will anyone besides the very rich be able to afford a fine motorcoach ride down their local freeway?
100% risk of ruin
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December 18th, 2017 at 4:16:34 PM permalink
Quote: RogerKint

When the petrodollar fails, and USDs are devalued into oblivion, will anyone besides the very rich be able to afford a fine motorcoach ride down their local freeway?

You make a good point, and the very realistic scenario you describe will certainly have to happen before they raise the NWO flag. Either way, we're giving up our freedom of movement sooner or later, that which we have taken for granted all these years.

There are probably not many posters on this group who personally experienced living in East Germany. And the younger ones, they haven't even read about it. It's not on Facebook.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 4:30:33 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

When someone like Henry Kissinger uses the term 'NWO' in public, what is he SUPPOSED to say?

And while I'm on a roll, and before I go to the casino to get my fix, I want to say that I chose Henry Kissinger to mention above for a reason. No man off the top of my head signifies the NWO more than this monster. And his is a fascinatingly mysterious rise to power, as he is identified by reliable sources as once being ONLY a mediocre KGB agent. Not even a really important KGB agent, just a run-of-the-mill mediocre one. His code name was BOR. Look it UP!

Maybe you've seen the youtube video where he meets the Pope. And the Pope bows and kisses HIS hand!
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 4:49:24 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Maybe you've seen the youtube video where he meets the Pope. And the Pope bows and kisses HIS hand!

I searched google and youtube but haven't been able to find that video you're talking about.... The only one that keeps popping up is this one where he's bowing to and kissing Holocaust survivors at a memorial. But no Kissinger.
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December 18th, 2017 at 4:55:01 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

No, I don't know what they talk about there, but that isn't the point. My point is that conspiracy theorists are freaking out about Bilderberg meetings being used for world leaders to discuss global policy,

David Rockefeller's speech, thanking the Press, at 1991 Bilderberg:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 18th, 2017 at 5:03:30 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

I searched google and youtube but haven't been able to find that video you're talking about.... The only one that keeps popping up is this one where he's bowing to and kissing Holocaust survivors at a memorial. But no Kissinger.

I'm watching it now. Maybe I'm the only one who can see it.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 19th, 2017 at 8:33:43 AM permalink
As rich and powerful as these "global elitists" are, they sure are taking their sweet time instituting this world government... I mean, they've been at it, what, like centuries now? And we still have almost 200 sovereign nations in the world constantly fighting with each other? What are they waiting for? If there's a tiny cabal of financial elitists trying to rule the world, they should probably stick to their day jobs.
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December 19th, 2017 at 11:41:07 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

As rich and powerful as these "global elitists" are, they sure are taking their sweet time instituting this world government... I mean, they've been at it, what, like centuries now?

Yes, you are correct. I'm not exactly sure when the first "secret society" was founded but the ball really got rolling in May of 1776. So one could say the movement almost parallels our own country's growth. In my opinion, the independence of the United States and the implementing of our Constitution was the biggest obstacle to world government plans. In other words, if there had never been a United States, we'd all be speaking Esperanto now, probably a long long time ago.

They move slow, and gradual, because timing is everything. Sometimes plans don't work out because reality surprises them with an obstacle, and as any good poker player knows, you need to leave yourself some "outs". In 7-stud, it's nice to start with a pair of Kings. It's even nicer when two of the cards are suited. Plan-B, backdoor flush.

I imagine that the power behind the throne was not too happy about Brexit. Nor were they happy about Trump cancelling the TPP. Don't take that as my endorsement of Trump, because I really don't have him figured out at all. One thing I've mentioned here before is that his appointment for Sec. of Treasury was Steve Mnuchin, who was at least once a member of Skull & Bones. And I don't think members leave Skull & Bones, except maybe in a box.

Did you find the Kissinger video you were looking for yesterday?
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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December 19th, 2017 at 12:55:49 PM permalink
Quote: bobbartop

Did you find the Kissinger video you were looking for yesterday?

No I did not. A modicum of further research indicates it may be an urban legend/hoax.
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