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March 8th, 2018 at 1:01:37 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

What happened as far as troops went was, that is when America switched to private contractors from regular forces. Remember Blackwater? What happens now in Iraq, stays in Iraq. Private contractors and mercenarys are immune to foia requests. Now Iran and the Shia control Bagdad. But I think this will be lost on you.

??? You seem bizarrely and irrationally angry with me for some reason. Are you confusing me with someone else?

You made some interesting points in your Obama post, and I decided to go off on a little google search and do some research, since I was admittedly ignorant about what Obama's campaign promises were, and how effective he was in fulfilling them (I didn't vote for him during either of his two terms). I found that website about his Iraq promises, and simply posted a link to it because I though some might find it interesting. I said nothing about his success or failure in Iraq.


That whole link is just stupid kool aid drinking drivel, and I'm not going to waste my time defeating point by point. You are obviously a lib fan, and your mind is made up.

My mind is made up? About what? Afghanistan? How on Earth do you even come to that conclusion? Again, I said absolutely nothing about Obama's policies about Afghanistan, or how successful he was in implementing anything with regards to it. All I did was post a link to what his campaign promises were regarding the war there, because, again, I thought some people might find it interesting. It even says in that very link his promise to end the war there was a failure, so that actually SUPPORTS your argument, but for some reason you think it's made up kool aid?


So wtf? christ on a crutch with you people. Obama also resigned the NDAA,

You mean the NDAA that allowed Guantanamo to remain open? I know... I JUST pointed that out....


and bombed wedding parties and American citizens abroad for no reason what so ever. He probably stopped and helped some old woman across the street sometime to.

Okay? I'm not disputing that. Seriously, are you conflating me with someone else and some things they may have said? I'm not an Obama fan, I never said I was, and I think I've said multiple times on this forum that at best he was a mediocre President.


You should, but you won't, look into how many votes were bought with immense pork, to buy votes to pass O care, another bill passed that no one read, but took the moola for their vote. It's double speak writ large. Can't you see there isn't a nickels worth of difference between the two parties?

Yeah, both parties are corrupt and Obamacare is a mess. Did I ever say otherwise?


Is that how you usually groc spiraling? Really?

No? But the world economy is obviously not spiraling DOWN, as per the links I just posted, which is why I was confused at your choice of words. Do you dispute the information contained in those articles?

Once again, I'm not sure if you've confused me with someone else, but most of your responses are either irrationally angry or just plain irrelevant to what I said.
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March 8th, 2018 at 1:11:05 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Ridiculous. There is a WORLD of difference between the two parties.

Which party hasn't ran on taxes, jobs, crime, health care, education, social security, and sucking up to wall street while lying to main street? It's the same looting of the tax donkeys.
Both party's have for a long time voted themselves automatic raises in perpetuity, so the topic doesn't come up in front of the people.

Both party's voted that it is legal for them to personally do "insider trading" and enrich themselves while our pensions are looted. Both party's agreed to loot the SS lockbox. Both party's continue the revolving door jobs program for politicians leaving office, so their lobbyists reward them with 8 figure salary's after passing bills, which they wrote at our expense.

They violate every constitutional right we have. What big difference to you see Not one banker has went to jail for the looting of the world economy in 07. How is that? HSBC bank launders 500 billion dollars of drug money in front of your eyes, and pays a tiny fine. Fast and furious, right in front of our eyes.

There were no WMD's, and yet we are still bombing Iraq and Afg, Syria etc. Without Congress declaring war, as they are required to do. Two sides of the same nickel. What changes from admin to admin, except the rhetoric?
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March 8th, 2018 at 1:22:24 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

There were no WMD's, and yet we are still bombing Iraq and Afg, Syria etc. Without Congress declaring war, as they are required to do. Two sides of the same nickel. What changes from admin to admin, except the rhetoric?

Yeah, man, you might be right, but sometimes you just have to take a step back from the big picture and only worry about what you can fix in your own life, one day at a time. That's how I get through life. Does me no good to be angry at Senators and Presidents all the time when I don't even exist to them.

Everyone ignores this, but local elections are way more important than federal. If we want to fix things, it starts with our cities and counties, and hopefully it will have a ripple effect up to the national level.

If you've got some good ideas, petroglyph, you should run for some local office.
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March 8th, 2018 at 1:59:36 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Yeah, man, you might be right, but sometimes you just have to take a step back from the big picture and only worry about what you can fix in your own life, one day at a time. That's how I get through life. Does me no good to be angry at Senators and Presidents all the time when I don't even exist to them.

Good advice. Thanks. I'm not angry, I'm passionate. lol


Everyone ignores this, but local elections are way more important than federal. If we want to fix things, it starts with our cities and counties, and hopefully it will have a ripple effect up to the national level.

I agree, there is only now. I don't like what's happening in the DRC, but "a man's got to know his limitations" Clint E.


If you've got some good ideas, petroglyph, you should run for some local office.

I suggested my kids run, they looked at me like they usually do, with a big wut. Locally is where it's at, and truly all that really matters.
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March 8th, 2018 at 2:17:37 PM permalink
Quote: Romes

Really not all that surprising that no one answered my question... really not. Thanks for letting me know all I need to know =)

I did. But in writing, it kinda showed me why it was pointless to post it. I'll shoot it now for teh lulz, I suppose.

I guess simply put is that you don't believe any of that stuff is possible and therefore aren't worried / don't care, whereas I have seen it all throughout both our and the world's history and perceive it a threat. Seems both sides positions can mostly be fit in that tidy package. All the rest is just arguing for the side.

But yeah. Are the 1800's too "ancient history" to count? How about 1943? Is that too prehistoric to not apply to today? When's the last time you heard of a trial coming from Gitmo? Or maybe just look around. Isn't there a mega thread in this forum about asset forfeiture? Police militarization? Are you unaware of the police who are out shooting from the hip at any running man or barking dog?

Paranoid? Maybe, but I don't feel like I am. I'm not peeking through my curtains or surveying local LEO's. I don't always eye 5-0 with suspicion, and when I do, 100% of the time it's because they're a bunch of extorting bastards exploiting that horrible stop sign positioning on 249 to pad their coffers. Certainly nothing revolution worthy (but almost =p).

But I'm hill folk. We have critters to worry about. Last time I called 5-0 it took 40min for a response, and only because I went into town and hunted them down. With a preponderance of low income, low class folks of rural whiteness and rez life, you're a fool to go unprepared. I had a home invasion not but a few years ago. And with enough TBI's to retard a bull moose, hand to hand ain't an option.

I could go on, likely in perpetuity. But do you wanna? You shoulda stopped at the second paragraph.
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March 8th, 2018 at 2:42:50 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Which party hasn't ran on taxes, jobs, crime, health care, education, social security, and sucking up to wall street while lying to main street? It's the same looting of the tax donkeys.
Both party's have for a long time voted themselves automatic raises in perpetuity, so the topic doesn't come up in front of the people.

Both party's voted that it is legal for them to personally do "insider trading" and enrich themselves while our pensions are looted. Both party's agreed to loot the SS lockbox. Both party's continue the revolving door jobs program for politicians leaving office, so their lobbyists reward them with 8 figure salary's after passing bills, which they wrote at our expense.

They violate every constitutional right we have. What big difference to you see Not one banker has went to jail for the looting of the world economy in 07. How is that? HSBC bank launders 500 billion dollars of drug money in front of your eyes, and pays a tiny fine. Fast and furious, right in front of our eyes.

There were no WMD's, and yet we are still bombing Iraq and Afg, Syria etc. Without Congress declaring war, as they are required to do. Two sides of the same nickel. What changes from admin to admin, except the rhetoric?

For the record, I agree on most of the points above.
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March 8th, 2018 at 3:17:32 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

??? You seem bizarrely and irrationally angry with me for some reason. Are you confusing me with someone else?

IDK, maybe?


I said nothing about his success or failure in Iraq.

When you responded to my post about O and MENA, with a link, about O and Iraq, as that was the entirety of your response, I assumed that was your position as well?


All I did was post a link to what his campaign promises were regarding the war there, because, again, I thought some people might find it interesting.

Yes, but directly following quoting me. It seems an unlikely place to put a psa?

for some reason you think it's made up kool aid?

Sounds like I mis understood your intent?


Okay? I'm not disputing that. Seriously, are you conflating me with someone else and some things they may have said?

Thanks for pointing that out, my apology's.


But the world economy is obviously not spiraling DOWN, as per the links I just posted, which is why I was confused at your choice of words. Do you dispute the information contained in those articles?

I looked at 3 of the 4, can't see one of them. I probably look at the world economy different than most. The articles seem to agree that everybody is winning. That's not possible. Not everyone can win at a poker game. Somebody has to lose. I am either wrong about that, or the articles are selling page hits? I absolutely want a "chicken in the pot" for everyone, but somewhere there has to be destruction for that to happen.

" the only wealth created, comes from the top 6 inches of soil" something like that. All this growth comes from IMO, printing. The wealth, is being conjured on a keyboard using Ctrl P. This new wealth everyone is enjoying, is being borrowed from the future. Anyway, that's kind of what I think.

I can see why the admins hate political threads.
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March 8th, 2018 at 3:25:16 PM permalink
Quote: Face

Are you unaware of the police who are out shooting from the hip at any running man or barking dog?

I know, right? Why do they always have to shoot the dog? Can't they taze him or something?

I really dislike the swat raids to the wrong address,,,,,and they always shoot the family dog. What happens if you shoot a K-9 unit? Bet you get in a heap of trouble, and fido gets a 21 gun salute.
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March 8th, 2018 at 3:37:12 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

I looked at 3 of the 4, can't see one of them. I probably look at the world economy different than most. The articles seem to agree that everybody is winning. That's not possible. Not everyone can win at a poker game. Somebody has to lose.

Yeah, but economies are not a zero sum game. Everybody can "win," everybody can "lose," or it can be a mixture.

Like how everyone complains about the rich getting richer, well, I say, so what? Just because Bill Gates got an extra 30 billion dollars this year doesn't mean 30 billion dollars was taken out of the pockets of poor people. It's all abstract numbers, and, like you said, printing up more money. Global poverty is dropping in huge numbers and has been for years.
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March 8th, 2018 at 5:06:28 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

What changes from admin to admin, except the rhetoric?

Not accurate in several areas though. For instance, how many people were detained on Obama's watch without trial even after Obama signed the NDAA. compared to Bush? Obama had other reasons for signing it, it wasn't a one issue bill.. He also outlined his objection to that part of it.

Do you think Trump is imposing the overwhelming congress approved sanctions on Russia just because he signed the bill? Does his signing it proved he's really doing it? He's not.

Sanctuary cities aren't being run by Republicans.

Furthermore, you really think Democrats and Republicans act equally when it comes to abortion, guns, equal rights, welfare, etc, education, church and state., Hardly.

You can have your points that Democrat and Republicans are two sides of the same coin, but frankly your point is more inaccurate than true. Because it is only true on certain issues.
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March 25th, 2018 at 8:59:44 PM permalink
While engaging in sex with porn movie star Stormy Daniels, in which he did not use condom; the racist, sexist, rapist, incompetent, con-artist/scam artist Trump told Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter, Ivanka.

Also, here is tweet from Brent Musburger:

Lads: We can never second guess the @realDonaldTrump for his taste in women. But bedding a porn movie star without a condom ? C'mon, Man !!
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March 25th, 2018 at 9:23:08 PM permalink
Not to defend the Trump, but porn stars get checked for STDs every other week (back then it was once a month), and it's likely that Stormy had to worry more about Trump than the other way around.

As for Stormy's affair with Trump, meh. If the story about the guy threatening her is true, that likely fell on Trump's lawyer at the time. Nonetheless it was consensual.
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:08:02 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Not to defend the Trump, but porn stars get checked for STDs every other week (back then it was once a month), and it's likely that Stormy had to worry more about Trump than the other way around.

As for Stormy's affair with Trump, meh. If the story about the guy threatening her is true, that likely fell on Trump's lawyer at the time. Nonetheless it was consensual.

The issue is not about consensual sex or not but infidelity, bribery and coverup

Apparently conservatives are quite the left leaning liberals these days lol where porn stars and cheating on wives is concerned
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March 26th, 2018 at 2:30:56 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

The issue is not about consensual sex or not but infidelity, bribery and coverup

Apparently conservatives are quite the left leaning liberals these days lol where porn stars and cheating on wives is concerned

It is just about sex. Why do liberals have such a hangup about consensual sex? Get over it and move on!
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:16:24 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It is just about sex. Why do liberals have such a hangup about consensual sex? Get over it and move on!

Bill Clinton lost his law license, and was impeached for it.

We owe Trump that much if it comes to that. Maybe we can take his real estate mogul license, or what the hell it is.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:32:21 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Bill Clinton lost his law license, and was impeached for it.

We owe Trump that much if it comes to that. Maybe we can take his real estate mogul license, or what the hell it is.

I thought Bill Clinton was disbarred for perjury. Can you please show a link where he lost it over sex?

As to Donald, it is his private life. Not even over sexual harassment, as Bill Clinton was guilty of with Monica.
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March 26th, 2018 at 5:51:39 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I thought Bill Clinton was disbarred for perjury. Can you please show a link where he lost it over sex?

As to Donald, it is his private life. Not even over sexual harassment, as Bill Clinton was guilty of with Monica.

Perjury about having sex with Monica duh!

The women trump has harrassed sexually have come forward
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:22:40 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It is just about sex. Why do liberals have such a hangup about consensual sex? Get over it and move on!

Which side is hung up on the allusions of incest and which side is able to get over it?
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March 26th, 2018 at 8:02:18 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It is just about sex. Why do liberals have such a hangup about consensual sex? Get over it and move on!

No, it's about understanding if laws were broken. Why do conservatives have such a hangup about covering up illegal activities?
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March 26th, 2018 at 9:34:03 AM permalink
Quote: rsactuary

No, it's about understanding if laws were broken. Why do conservatives have such a hangup about covering up illegal activities?

What "laws" were broken for their one-night stand?
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:05:37 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

What "laws" were broken for their one-night stand?

This is a valiant, but failed attempt at gaslighting by Sancho.

No one is claiming their affair (not a one-night stand, BTW) broke any laws. The potential lawbreaking occurred roughly 10 days before the election when Donald's people paid for Stormy's silence. Anyone who watched 60 Minutes last night knows John Edwards went down for way less...
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:11:25 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

This is a valiant, but failed attempt at gaslighting by Sancho.

No one is claiming their affair (not a one-night stand, BTW) broke any laws. The potential lawbreaking occurred roughly 10 days before the election when Donald's people paid for Stormy's silence. Anyone who watched 60 Minutes last night knows John Edwards went down for way less...

Didn't Stormy allege they only had sex once? To me that qualifies as a one night stand, not an affair. The second time they have sex it becomes an affair!
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:22:13 AM permalink
Paying someone to keep quiet, settling out of court like Michael Jackson did, pleading the fifth...all of these are admissions of guilt!
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:22:48 AM permalink

Didn't Stormy allege they only had sex once? To me that qualifies as a one night stand, not an affair. The second time they have sex it becomes an affair!

When a married man has sex with a porn star even one time, he's cheating on his wife. I'd say that qualifies as an affair. Even if they had sex only once, weren't they together multiple times? After their first banging, didn't Donald try to screw her in the hotel and she turned him down?

And let's not even get into the spanking incident...................
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:32:49 AM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Paying someone to keep quiet, settling out of court like Michael Jackson did, pleading the fifth...all of these are admissions of guilt!

You are correct except...... YOU ARE WRONG! None of them are "admissions" of guilt. What they are are facts that lead you to believe someone is guilty as opposed to innocent. So not an "ADMISSION".
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:35:59 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

When a married man has sex with a porn star even one time, he's cheating on his wife. I'd say that qualifies as an affair. Even if they had sex only once, weren't they together multiple times? After their first banging, didn't Donald try to screw her in the hotel and she turned him down?

And let's not even get into the spanking incident...................

Semantics..... Donald probably had sex with many women once during his marriage, and I don't think I would categorize them as multiple affairs. I think I would say he was unfaithful with numerous women, or something like that. I think many of the women didn't want a second bite of the apple......
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:50:22 AM permalink

Semantics..... Donald probably had sex with many women once during his marriage, and I don't think I would categorize them as multiple affairs. I think I would say he was unfaithful with numerous women, or something like that. I think many of the women didn't want a second bite of the apple......

Exactly. Semantics.

None of this was the point of my post, anyways. The point was that no one claims he broke any laws with his one-night stand/affair/hookup/whatever you want to call it. It's the payment for her silence that is the potential sticking point.
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March 26th, 2018 at 11:13:47 AM permalink
Possibly illegal campaign contributions, failure to disclose the "loan" from his lawyer. In NY, I believe it is illegal for an attorney to make a loan to a client. Possible witness intimidation.
Lots of things for Mueller to look into, as well as DAs in several states.
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March 26th, 2018 at 11:44:38 AM permalink
Go to and enter Stormy
Daniels and you can see Skanky's
best work. What was wrong with
her pupils in the interview, they were
bigger than dinner plates. The others
there had normal pupils. Could The Skank
have been higher than a kite? Ya
think? lol

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March 26th, 2018 at 12:00:36 PM permalink
Bring him to Canada. I'll take him over our Prime minister anytime.

Read up on what Trudeau is doing here in Canada, and you may look at trump in a much better way.
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:06:11 PM permalink

Didn't Stormy allege they only had sex once? To me that qualifies as a one night stand, not an affair. The second time they have sex it becomes an affair!

Tell that to your wife!

To me, this is no issue. Trump paid out hush money to keep the night private. This stuff happens all of the time. The fact that it's the president doesn't make a difference.

The only issue I see is the threat made to her many years ago, but that likely had nothing to do with Trump himself.

We knew that Trump was a sexual scoundrel. But he was elected anyway. They probably would have elected Clinton too for a third term if it were allowed.
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:07:16 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Go to and enter Stormy
Daniels and you can see Skanky's
best work. What was wrong with
her pupils in the interview, they were
bigger than dinner plates. The others
there had normal pupils. Could The Skank
have been higher than a kite? Ya
think? lol

Im so glad you admit that trump had an affair and paid hush money

Never fails but when republicans are caught in a lie they label the accuser as a possible drug user and unreliable
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:31:06 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Never fails but when republicans are caught in a lie they label the accuser as a possible drug user and unreliable

Just like liberals when caught in a lie or shown a fact they contiune to deny, deflect and name call.

Funniest thing about your post is you make it seem like there is a slim to no chance that she isn't a drug user. Hey... I got a bridge to sell you.
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March 26th, 2018 at 12:34:32 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

And let's not even get into the spanking incident...................

In the spirit of one of Trump's favorite supporters, National Enquirer.


The 39-year-old also claimed that, after she spanked him with a magazine bearing his face,

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March 26th, 2018 at 12:47:38 PM permalink
Quote: Homelessnyc

Just like liberals when caught in a lie or shown a fact they contiune to deny, deflect and name call.

Funniest thing about your post is you make it seem like there is a slim to no chance that she isn't a drug user. Hey... I got a bridge to sell you.

I feel sorry for you being scammed

Your bridge is worthless
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:15:42 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Quote: EvenBob

Go to and enter Stormy
Daniels and you can see Skanky's
best work. What was wrong with
her pupils in the interview, they were
bigger than dinner plates. The others
there had normal pupils. Could The Skank
have been higher than a kite? Ya
think? lol

Im so glad you admit that trump had an affair and paid hush money

Never fails but when republicans are caught in a lie they label the accuser as a possible drug user and unreliable

If you had sex with Donald Trump you'd need drugs every day for the rest of your life as well...
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:21:20 PM permalink
Are there any righties who actually DO NOT think Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels had sex?

Or are they just attacking her character for s***s and giggles?
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:22:24 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Go to and enter Stormy
Daniels and you can see Skanky's
best work. What was wrong with
her pupils in the interview, they were
bigger than dinner plates. The others
there had normal pupils. Could The Skank
have been higher than a kite? Ya
think? lol

At least she looks like a woman and isn't a Bruce Jenner look-a-like.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:29:23 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

Are there any righties who actually DO NOT think Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels had sex?

Or are they just attacking her character for s***s and giggles?

It is unlikely there will ever be definitive proof, or an admission by DJT, but as an oddsmaker I'd put the yes at 90% and the no at 10%. It is not inconceivable that she was alone with him and decided it was her payday. Not likely but possible.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:32:28 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

a possible drug user and unreliable

Possible? Really? You think dilated
pupils in a bright room are natural?
I saw this as a bar tender all the time,
it was usually a narcotic that made
their eyes like this. You notice it
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:34:25 PM permalink
Most of these porn chicks are on some sort of drugs. You can see the track marks on a lot of them.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:38:03 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Most of these porn chicks are on some sort of drugs.

So now you're making my point for
me? Good grief.

She was on a narcotic of some kind,
ask Soopoo.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:40:04 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

So now you're making my point for
me? Good grief.

She was on a narcotic of some kind,
ask Soopoo.

There are a host of drugs, many legally prescribed, many illegal, that cause the pupils to dilate. There is no way to tell which drug is causing that, but that won't stop many from guessing.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:41:09 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

She was on a narcotic of some kind

So are people who think they can beat roulette...
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:42:44 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

Are there any righties who actually DO NOT think Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels had sex?

Or are they just attacking her character for s***s and giggles?

This solidify's what the phrase Sinatra coined, " you don't pay a prostitute for sex, what your paying her for is to leave when you are done". these whores aren't keeping up their end of the bargain. They were paid, but refuse to leave. This amounts to them trying to get alimony for a one night stand that they were already paid in full for. Maybe already paid twice or more? This amounts to extortion on their part.

Does someone think the reason these women want to go public with their stories is for the public's benefit?

You monogamous are ya?
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:43:43 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

So are people who think they can beat roulette...

Good one
You definitely got to be on drugs if you think you can beat roulette
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:48:19 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

This solidify's what the phrase Sinatra coined, " you don't pay a prostitute for sex, what your paying her for is to leave when you are done". these whores aren't keeping up their end of the bargain. They were paid, but refuse to leave. This amounts to them trying to get alimony for a one night stand that they were already paid in full for. Maybe already paid twice or more? This amounts to extortion on their part.

Does someone think the reason these women want to go public with their stories is for the public's benefit?

You monogamous are ya?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Stormy is doing all of this for financial gain.

I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page first: They had sex. And the White House is lying when they say they didn't.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:48:30 PM permalink

There are a host of drugs, many legally prescribed, many illegal, that cause the pupils to dilate. There is no way to tell which drug is causing that, but that won't stop many from guessing.

There are also non-drug related causes


Slight differences in pupil sizes are found in up to 1 in 5 healthy people. Most often, the diameter difference is less than 0.5 mm, but it can be up to 1 mm (0.05 inch).

Edited to say:

Nevermind, looks like the discussion is about the size of her pupils, not the unevenness.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:51:01 PM permalink
Quote: Dalex64

There are also non-drug related causes

I am one of the causes of single sided pupil dilation. Certain nerve blocks used for pain relief have that as a side effect, and can last almost a day. I always tell the patient not to freak out if he looks in the mirror.
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March 26th, 2018 at 2:11:02 PM permalink

I am one of the causes of single sided pupil dilation. Certain nerve blocks used for pain relief have that as a side effect, and can last almost a day. I always tell the patient not to freak out if he looks in the mirror.

Now tell that to your wife!!!

But seriously, who cares what drugs Stormy was on during the interview? It could have been as innocent as an antihistamine or a decongestant or as serious as crack.

It doesn't take away from the very likely fact that DJT had sex with a porn star while married. So what? If I could have sex with my favorite sex symbol and be able to get away with it via a NDA, I would at least think about it for a minute. Or maybe 10.
----- You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!
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